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//DJD: definition of the SearchNode class {
#include "se_dcdt.h"
//class used to store a state in the search functions
class SearchNode
//the (minimum) distance travelled since the start node
float m_dMinDistance;
//the (admissible and consistent) estimate of the distance to the goal
float m_dHeuristic;
//the closest point in this triangle to the goal
SrPnt2 m_CClosestPoint;
//the triangle (face) associated with this node
SeDcdtFace *m_CTriangle;
//the parent search node of this one
SearchNode *m_CBack;
//the number of open children
int m_nOpenChildren;
//the direction taken from the last node to this one
int m_nDirection;
//constructor - initializes the member variables
SearchNode(float dMinDistance, float dHeuristic, SrPnt2 CClosestPoint, SeDcdtFace *CTriangle, SearchNode *CBack, int nDirection = INVALID)
m_dMinDistance = dMinDistance;
m_dHeuristic = dHeuristic;
m_CClosestPoint.x = CClosestPoint.x;
m_CClosestPoint.y = CClosestPoint.y;
m_CTriangle = CTriangle;
m_CBack = CBack;
m_nOpenChildren = 0;
m_nDirection = nDirection;
//returns the estimated minimum cost of a path from the start to the goal through this node
float f()
return (m_dMinDistance + m_dHeuristic);
//returns the estimated minimum cost of a path from the start to this node
float g()
return m_dMinDistance;
//returns the estimated minimum cost of a path from this node to the goal
float h()
return m_dHeuristic;
//returns (a copy of) the closest point in this triangle to the goal
SrPnt2 Point()
SrPnt2 temp;
temp.x = m_CClosestPoint.x;
temp.y = m_CClosestPoint.y;
return temp;
//returns the triangle associated with this node
SeDcdtFace *Triangle()
return m_CTriangle;
//returns the parent search node of this one
SearchNode *Back()
return m_CBack;
//returns the direction taken from the last node to this one
int Direction()
return m_nDirection;
//sets the number of open children
void OpenChild()
//closes a child
bool CloseChild()
return ((--m_nOpenChildren) <= 0);
//closes the current search node
//(deleting its parent if it has no other open children)
void Close()
if ((m_CBack != NULL) && m_CBack->CloseChild())
delete m_CBack;
m_CBack = NULL;
//returns the number of open children this node has
int OpenChildren()
return m_nOpenChildren;
//checks the ancestors of this node to see if a given triangle was already searched
bool Searched(SeDcdtFace *triangle)
SearchNode *current = m_CBack;
while (current != NULL)
if (current->Triangle() == triangle)
return true;
current = current->Back();
return false;
//definition of the SearchNode class }