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/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "FunctionWrapper.h"
#include "ScriptContext.h"
#include "ScriptExtraHeaders.h"
#include "ScriptInterface.h"
#include "ScriptStats.h"
#include "lib/debug.h"
#include "lib/utf8.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "ps/Filesystem.h"
#include "ps/Profile.h"
#include "ps/utf16string.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/repeat.hpp>
#include <boost/random/linear_congruential.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/key_value.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/no_locking.hpp>
#include <boost/flyweight/no_tracking.hpp>
#include "valgrind.h"
* @file
* Abstractions of various SpiderMonkey features.
* Engine code should be using functions of these interfaces rather than
* directly accessing the underlying JS api.
struct ScriptInterface_impl
ScriptInterface_impl(const char* nativeScopeName, const shared_ptr<ScriptContext>& context);
// Take care to keep this declaration before heap rooted members. Destructors of heap rooted
// members have to be called before the context destructor.
shared_ptr<ScriptContext> m_context;
friend ScriptRequest;
JSContext* m_cx;
JS::PersistentRootedObject m_glob; // global scope object
boost::rand48* m_rng;
JS::PersistentRootedObject m_nativeScope; // native function scope object
ScriptRequest::ScriptRequest(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface) :
cx(scriptInterface.m->m_cx), nativeScope(scriptInterface.m->m_nativeScope)
m_formerRealm = JS::EnterRealm(cx, scriptInterface.m->m_glob);
glob = JS::CurrentGlobalOrNull(cx);
JS::Value ScriptRequest::globalValue() const
return JS::ObjectValue(*glob);
JS::LeaveRealm(cx, m_formerRealm);
JSClassOps global_classops = {
nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
JSClass global_class = {
"global", JSCLASS_GLOBAL_FLAGS, &global_classops
// Functions in the global namespace:
bool print(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
ScriptRequest rq(*ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface); \
for (uint i = 0; i < args.length(); ++i)
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, args[i], str))
return false;
debug_printf("%s", utf8_from_wstring(str).c_str());
return true;
bool logmsg(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return true;
ScriptRequest rq(*ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface); \
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, args[0], str))
return false;
LOGMESSAGE("%s", utf8_from_wstring(str));
return true;
bool warn(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return true;
ScriptRequest rq(*ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface); \
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, args[0], str))
return false;
LOGWARNING("%s", utf8_from_wstring(str));
return true;
bool error(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
if (args.length() < 1)
return true;
ScriptRequest rq(*ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface); \
std::wstring str;
if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal(rq, args[0], str))
return false;
LOGERROR("%s", utf8_from_wstring(str));
return true;
JS::Value deepcopy(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::HandleValue val)
if (val.isNullOrUndefined())
ScriptException::Raise(rq, "deepcopy requires one argument.");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
JS::RootedValue ret(rq.cx);
if (!JS_StructuredClone(rq.cx, val, &ret, NULL, NULL))
ScriptException::Raise(rq, "deepcopy StructureClone copy failed.");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
return ret;
JS::Value deepfreeze(const ScriptInterface& scriptInterface, JS::HandleValue val)
ScriptRequest rq(scriptInterface);
if (!val.isObject())
ScriptException::Raise(rq, "deepfreeze requires exactly one object as an argument.");
return JS::UndefinedValue();
scriptInterface.FreezeObject(val, true);
return val;
void ProfileStart(const std::string& regionName)
const char* name = "(ProfileStart)";
typedef boost::flyweight<
> StringFlyweight;
if (!regionName.empty())
name = StringFlyweight(regionName).get().c_str();
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && Threading::IsMainThread())
void ProfileStop()
if (CProfileManager::IsInitialised() && Threading::IsMainThread())
void ProfileAttribute(const std::string& attr)
const char* name = "(ProfileAttribute)";
typedef boost::flyweight<
> StringFlyweight;
if (!attr.empty())
name = StringFlyweight(attr).get().c_str();
g_Profiler2.RecordAttribute("%s", name);
// Math override functions:
// boost::uniform_real is apparently buggy in Boost pre-1.47 - for integer generators
// it returns [min,max], not [min,max). The bug was fixed in 1.47.
// We need consistent behaviour, so manually implement the correct version:
static double generate_uniform_real(boost::rand48& rng, double min, double max)
while (true)
double n = (double)(rng() - rng.min());
double d = (double)(rng.max() - rng.min()) + 1.0;
ENSURE(d > 0 && n >= 0 && n <= d);
double r = n / d * (max - min) + min;
if (r < max)
return r;
bool Math_random(JSContext* cx, uint argc, JS::Value* vp)
JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
double r;
if (!ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(cx)->pScriptInterface->MathRandom(r))
return false;
return true;
} // anonymous namespace
bool ScriptInterface::MathRandom(double& nbr)
if (m->m_rng == NULL)
return false;
nbr = generate_uniform_real(*(m->m_rng), 0.0, 1.0);
return true;
ScriptInterface_impl::ScriptInterface_impl(const char* nativeScopeName, const shared_ptr<ScriptContext>& context) :
m_context(context), m_cx(context->GetGeneralJSContext()), m_glob(context->GetGeneralJSContext()), m_nativeScope(context->GetGeneralJSContext())
JS::RealmCreationOptions creationOpt;
// Keep JIT code during non-shrinking GCs. This brings a quite big performance improvement.
// Enable uneval
JS::RealmOptions opt(creationOpt, JS::RealmBehaviors{});
m_glob = JS_NewGlobalObject(m_cx, &global_class, nullptr, JS::OnNewGlobalHookOption::FireOnNewGlobalHook, opt);
JSAutoRealm autoRealm(m_cx, m_glob);
JS_DefineProperty(m_cx, m_glob, "global", m_glob, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
// These first 4 actually use CallArgs & thus don't use ScriptFunction
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "print", ::print, 0, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "log", ::logmsg, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "warn", ::warn, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
JS_DefineFunction(m_cx, m_glob, "error", ::error, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
ScriptFunction::Register<deepcopy>(m_cx, m_glob, "clone");
ScriptFunction::Register<deepfreeze>(m_cx, m_glob, "deepfreeze");
m_nativeScope = JS_DefineObject(m_cx, m_glob, nativeScopeName, nullptr, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT);
ScriptFunction::Register<&ProfileStart>(m_cx, m_nativeScope, "ProfileStart");
ScriptFunction::Register<&ProfileStop>(m_cx, m_nativeScope, "ProfileStop");
ScriptFunction::Register<&ProfileAttribute>(m_cx, m_nativeScope, "ProfileAttribute");
ScriptInterface::ScriptInterface(const char* nativeScopeName, const char* debugName, const shared_ptr<ScriptContext>& context) :
m(std::make_unique<ScriptInterface_impl>(nativeScopeName, context))
// Profiler stats table isn't thread-safe, so only enable this on the main thread
if (Threading::IsMainThread())
if (g_ScriptStatsTable)
g_ScriptStatsTable->Add(this, debugName);
ScriptRequest rq(this);
m_CmptPrivate.pScriptInterface = this;
JS_SetCompartmentPrivate(js::GetObjectCompartment(rq.glob), (void*)&m_CmptPrivate);
if (Threading::IsMainThread())
if (g_ScriptStatsTable)
void ScriptInterface::SetCallbackData(void* pCBData)
m_CmptPrivate.pCBData = pCBData;
ScriptInterface::CmptPrivate* ScriptInterface::GetScriptInterfaceAndCBData(JSContext* cx)
CmptPrivate* pCmptPrivate = (CmptPrivate*)JS_GetCompartmentPrivate(js::GetContextCompartment(cx));
return pCmptPrivate;
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScripts()
// Ignore this failure in tests
if (!g_VFS)
return false;
// Load and execute *.js in the global scripts directory
VfsPaths pathnames;
vfs::GetPathnames(g_VFS, L"globalscripts/", L"*.js", pathnames);
for (const VfsPath& path : pathnames)
if (!LoadGlobalScriptFile(path))
LOGERROR("LoadGlobalScripts: Failed to load script %s", path.string8());
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::ReplaceNondeterministicRNG(boost::rand48& rng)
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedValue math(rq.cx);
JS::RootedObject global(rq.cx, rq.glob);
if (JS_GetProperty(rq.cx, global, "Math", &math) && math.isObject())
JS::RootedObject mathObj(rq.cx, &math.toObject());
JS::RootedFunction random(rq.cx, JS_DefineFunction(rq.cx, mathObj, "random", Math_random, 0,
if (random)
m->m_rng = &rng;
return true;
LOGERROR("ReplaceNondeterministicRNG: failed to replace Math.random");
return false;
JSContext* ScriptInterface::GetGeneralJSContext() const
return m->m_context->GetGeneralJSContext();
shared_ptr<ScriptContext> ScriptInterface::GetContext() const
return m->m_context;
void ScriptInterface::CallConstructor(JS::HandleValue ctor, JS::HandleValueArray argv, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!ctor.isObject())
LOGERROR("CallConstructor: ctor is not an object");
JS::RootedObject ctorObj(rq.cx, &ctor.toObject());
out.setObjectOrNull(JS_New(rq.cx, ctorObj, argv));
void ScriptInterface::DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uint minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs)
ScriptRequest rq(this);
std::string typeName = clasp->name;
if (m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName) != m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
// This type already exists
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_AlreadyExists();
JS::RootedObject global(rq.cx, rq.glob);
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx, JS_InitClass(rq.cx, global, nullptr,
constructor, minArgs, // Constructor, min args
ps, fs, // Properties, methods
static_ps, static_fs)); // Constructor properties, methods
if (obj == nullptr)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_CreationFailed();
CustomType& type = m_CustomObjectTypes[typeName];
type.m_Prototype.init(rq.cx, obj);
type.m_Class = clasp;
type.m_Constructor = constructor;
JSObject* ScriptInterface::CreateCustomObject(const std::string& typeName) const
std::map<std::string, CustomType>::const_iterator it = m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName);
if (it == m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
throw PSERROR_Scripting_TypeDoesNotExist();
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedObject prototype(rq.cx, it->second.m_Prototype.get());
return JS_NewObjectWithGivenProto(rq.cx, it->second.m_Class, prototype);
bool ScriptInterface::CallFunction_(JS::HandleValue val, const char* name, JS::HandleValueArray argv, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx);
if (!JS_ValueToObject(rq.cx, val, &obj) || !obj)
return false;
// Check that the named function actually exists, to avoid ugly JS error reports
// when calling an undefined value
bool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(rq.cx, obj, name, &found) || !found)
return false;
if (JS_CallFunctionName(rq.cx, obj, name, argv, ret))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::CreateObject_(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::MutableHandleObject object)
if (!object)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_CreateObjectFailed();
return true;
void ScriptInterface::CreateArray(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::MutableHandleValue objectValue, size_t length)
objectValue.setObjectOrNull(JS::NewArrayObject(rq.cx, length));
if (!objectValue.isObject())
throw PSERROR_Scripting_CreateObjectFailed();
bool ScriptInterface::SetGlobal_(const char* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool replace, bool constant, bool enumerate)
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedObject global(rq.cx, rq.glob);
bool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(rq.cx, global, name, &found))
return false;
if (found)
JS::Rooted<JS::PropertyDescriptor> desc(rq.cx);
if (!JS_GetOwnPropertyDescriptor(rq.cx, global, name, &desc))
return false;
if (!desc.writable())
if (!replace)
ScriptException::Raise(rq, "SetGlobal \"%s\" called multiple times", name);
return false;
// This is not supposed to happen, unless the user has called SetProperty with constant = true on the global object
// instead of using SetGlobal.
if (!desc.configurable())
ScriptException::Raise(rq, "The global \"%s\" is permanent and cannot be hotloaded", name);
return false;
LOGMESSAGE("Hotloading new value for global \"%s\".", name);
ENSURE(JS_DeleteProperty(rq.cx, global, name));
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
return JS_DefineProperty(rq.cx, global, name, value, attrs);
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
return JS_DefineProperty(rq.cx, object, name, value, attrs);
bool ScriptInterface::SetProperty_(JS::HandleValue obj, const wchar_t* name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
utf16string name16(name, name + wcslen(name));
return JS_DefineUCProperty(rq.cx, object, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(name16.c_str()), name16.length(), value, attrs);
bool ScriptInterface::SetPropertyInt_(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::HandleValue value, bool constant, bool enumerate) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
uint attrs = 0;
if (constant)
if (enumerate)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
JS::RootedId id(rq.cx, INT_TO_JSID(name));
return JS_DefinePropertyById(rq.cx, object, id, value, attrs);
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleObject out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
return GetProperty(rq, obj, name, out);
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleObject out)
JS::RootedValue val(rq.cx);
if (!GetProperty(rq, obj, name, &val))
return false;
if (!val.isObject())
LOGERROR("GetProperty failed: trying to get an object, but the property is not an object!");
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
return GetProperty(rq, obj, name, out);
bool ScriptInterface::GetProperty(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
return JS_GetProperty(rq.cx, object, name, out);
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
return GetPropertyInt(rq,obj, name, out);
bool ScriptInterface::GetPropertyInt(const ScriptRequest& rq, JS::HandleValue obj, int name, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
JS::RootedId nameId(rq.cx, INT_TO_JSID(name));
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
return JS_GetPropertyById(rq.cx, object, nameId, out);
bool ScriptInterface::HasProperty(JS::HandleValue obj, const char* name) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!obj.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject object(rq.cx, &obj.toObject());
bool found;
if (!JS_HasProperty(rq.cx, object, name, &found))
return false;
return found;
bool ScriptInterface::GetGlobalProperty(const ScriptRequest& rq, const std::string& name, JS::MutableHandleValue out)
// Try to get the object as a property of the global object.
JS::RootedObject global(rq.cx, rq.glob);
if (!JS_GetProperty(rq.cx, global, name.c_str(), out))
return false;
if (!out.isNullOrUndefined())
return true;
// Some objects, such as const definitions, or Class definitions, are hidden inside closures.
// We must fetch those from the correct lexical scope.
//JS::RootedValue glob(cx);
JS::RootedObject lexical_environment(rq.cx, JS_GlobalLexicalEnvironment(rq.glob));
if (!JS_GetProperty(rq.cx, lexical_environment, name.c_str(), out))
return false;
if (!out.isNullOrUndefined())
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::EnumeratePropertyNames(JS::HandleValue objVal, bool enumerableOnly, std::vector<std::string>& out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!objVal.isObjectOrNull())
LOGERROR("EnumeratePropertyNames expected object type!");
return false;
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx, &objVal.toObject());
JS::RootedIdVector props(rq.cx);
// This recurses up the prototype chain on its own.
if (!js::GetPropertyKeys(rq.cx, obj, enumerableOnly? 0 : JSITER_HIDDEN, &props))
return false;
out.reserve(out.size() + props.length());
for (size_t i = 0; i < props.length(); ++i)
JS::RootedId id(rq.cx, props[i]);
JS::RootedValue val(rq.cx);
if (!JS_IdToValue(rq.cx, id, &val))
return false;
// Ignore integer properties for now.
// TODO: is this actually a thing in ECMAScript 6?
if (!val.isString())
std::string propName;
if (!FromJSVal(rq, val, propName))
return false;
return true;
bool ScriptInterface::SetPrototype(JS::HandleValue objVal, JS::HandleValue protoVal)
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!objVal.isObject() || !protoVal.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx, &objVal.toObject());
JS::RootedObject proto(rq.cx, &protoVal.toObject());
return JS_SetPrototype(rq.cx, obj, proto);
bool ScriptInterface::FreezeObject(JS::HandleValue objVal, bool deep) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!objVal.isObject())
return false;
JS::RootedObject obj(rq.cx, &objVal.toObject());
if (deep)
return JS_DeepFreezeObject(rq.cx, obj);
return JS_FreezeObject(rq.cx, obj);
bool ScriptInterface::LoadScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedObject global(rq.cx, rq.glob);
// CompileOptions does not copy the contents of the filename string pointer.
// Passing a temporary string there will cause undefined behaviour, so we create a separate string to avoid the temporary.
std::string filenameStr = filename.string8();
JS::CompileOptions options(rq.cx);
// Set the line to 0 because CompileFunction silently adds a `(function() {` as the first line,
// and errors get misreported.
// TODO: it would probably be better to not implicitly introduce JS scopes.
options.setFileAndLine(filenameStr.c_str(), 0);
JS::SourceText<mozilla::Utf8Unit> src;
ENSURE(src.init(rq.cx, code.c_str(), code.length(), JS::SourceOwnership::Borrowed));
JS::RootedObjectVector emptyScopeChain(rq.cx);
JS::RootedFunction func(rq.cx, JS::CompileFunction(rq.cx, emptyScopeChain, options, NULL, 0, NULL, src));
if (func == nullptr)
return false;
JS::RootedValue rval(rq.cx);
if (JS_CallFunction(rq.cx, nullptr, func, JS::HandleValueArray::empty(), &rval))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScript(const VfsPath& filename, const std::string& code) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
// CompileOptions does not copy the contents of the filename string pointer.
// Passing a temporary string there will cause undefined behaviour, so we create a separate string to avoid the temporary.
std::string filenameStr = filename.string8();
JS::RootedValue rval(rq.cx);
JS::CompileOptions opts(rq.cx);
opts.setFileAndLine(filenameStr.c_str(), 1);
JS::SourceText<mozilla::Utf8Unit> src;
ENSURE(src.init(rq.cx, code.c_str(), code.length(), JS::SourceOwnership::Borrowed));
if (JS::Evaluate(rq.cx, opts, src, &rval))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::LoadGlobalScriptFile(const VfsPath& path) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (!VfsFileExists(path))
LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
return false;
CVFSFile file;
PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
return false;
CStr code = file.DecodeUTF8(); // assume it's UTF-8
uint lineNo = 1;
// CompileOptions does not copy the contents of the filename string pointer.
// Passing a temporary string there will cause undefined behaviour, so we create a separate string to avoid the temporary.
std::string filenameStr = path.string8();
JS::RootedValue rval(rq.cx);
JS::CompileOptions opts(rq.cx);
opts.setFileAndLine(filenameStr.c_str(), lineNo);
JS::SourceText<mozilla::Utf8Unit> src;
ENSURE(src.init(rq.cx, code.c_str(), code.length(), JS::SourceOwnership::Borrowed));
if (JS::Evaluate(rq.cx, opts, src, &rval))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const char* code) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedValue rval(rq.cx);
JS::CompileOptions opts(rq.cx);
opts.setFileAndLine("(eval)", 1);
JS::SourceText<mozilla::Utf8Unit> src;
ENSURE(src.init(rq.cx, code, strlen(code), JS::SourceOwnership::Borrowed));
if (JS::Evaluate(rq.cx, opts, src, &rval))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::Eval(const char* code, JS::MutableHandleValue rval) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::CompileOptions opts(rq.cx);
opts.setFileAndLine("(eval)", 1);
JS::SourceText<mozilla::Utf8Unit> src;
ENSURE(src.init(rq.cx, code, strlen(code), JS::SourceOwnership::Borrowed));
if (JS::Evaluate(rq.cx, opts, src, rval))
return true;
return false;
bool ScriptInterface::ParseJSON(const std::string& string_utf8, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
std::wstring attrsW = wstring_from_utf8(string_utf8);
utf16string string(attrsW.begin(), attrsW.end());
if (JS_ParseJSON(rq.cx, reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(string.c_str()), (u32)string.size(), out))
return true;
return false;
void ScriptInterface::ReadJSONFile(const VfsPath& path, JS::MutableHandleValue out) const
if (!VfsFileExists(path))
LOGERROR("File '%s' does not exist", path.string8());
CVFSFile file;
PSRETURN ret = file.Load(g_VFS, path);
if (ret != PSRETURN_OK)
LOGERROR("Failed to load file '%s': %s", path.string8(), GetErrorString(ret));
std::string content(file.DecodeUTF8()); // assume it's UTF-8
if (!ParseJSON(content, out))
LOGERROR("Failed to parse '%s'", path.string8());
struct Stringifier
static bool callback(const char16_t* buf, u32 len, void* data)
utf16string str(buf, buf+len);
std::wstring strw(str.begin(), str.end());
Status err; // ignore Unicode errors
static_cast<Stringifier*>(data)->stream << utf8_from_wstring(strw, &err);
return true;
std::stringstream stream;
// TODO: It's not quite clear why JS_Stringify needs JS::MutableHandleValue. |obj| should not get modified.
// It probably has historical reasons and could be changed by SpiderMonkey in the future.
std::string ScriptInterface::StringifyJSON(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool indent) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
Stringifier str;
JS::RootedValue indentVal(rq.cx, indent ? JS::Int32Value(2) : JS::UndefinedValue());
if (!JS_Stringify(rq.cx, obj, nullptr, indentVal, &Stringifier::callback, &str))
return std::string();
return str.stream.str();
std::string ScriptInterface::ToString(JS::MutableHandleValue obj, bool pretty) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
if (obj.isUndefined())
return "(void 0)";
// Try to stringify as JSON if possible
// (TODO: this is maybe a bad idea since it'll drop 'undefined' values silently)
if (pretty)
Stringifier str;
JS::RootedValue indentVal(rq.cx, JS::Int32Value(2));
if (JS_Stringify(rq.cx, obj, nullptr, indentVal, &Stringifier::callback, &str))
return str.stream.str();
// Drop exceptions raised by cyclic values before trying something else
// Caller didn't want pretty output, or JSON conversion failed (e.g. due to cycles),
// so fall back to obj.toSource()
std::wstring source = L"(error)";
CallFunction(obj, "toSource", source);
return utf8_from_wstring(source);
JS::Value ScriptInterface::CloneValueFromOtherCompartment(const ScriptInterface& otherCompartment, JS::HandleValue val) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::RootedValue out(rq.cx);
ScriptInterface::StructuredClone structuredClone = otherCompartment.WriteStructuredClone(val);
ReadStructuredClone(structuredClone, &out);
return out.get();
ScriptInterface::StructuredClone ScriptInterface::WriteStructuredClone(JS::HandleValue v) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
ScriptInterface::StructuredClone ret(new JSStructuredCloneData(JS::StructuredCloneScope::SameProcess));
JS::CloneDataPolicy policy;
if (!JS_WriteStructuredClone(rq.cx, v, ret.get(), JS::StructuredCloneScope::SameProcess, policy, nullptr, nullptr, JS::UndefinedHandleValue))
debug_warn(L"Writing a structured clone with JS_WriteStructuredClone failed!");
return ScriptInterface::StructuredClone();
return ret;
void ScriptInterface::ReadStructuredClone(const ScriptInterface::StructuredClone& ptr, JS::MutableHandleValue ret) const
ScriptRequest rq(this);
JS::CloneDataPolicy policy;
if (!JS_ReadStructuredClone(rq.cx, *ptr, JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION, ptr->scope(), ret, policy, nullptr, nullptr))