forked from 0ad/0ad
2007-03-09 13:40:28 +00:00

340 lines
9.9 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CommonConvert.h"
#include "FCollada.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSceneNode.h"
#include "FCDocument/FCDSkinController.h"
#include "FUtils/FUDaeSyntax.h"
#include "FUtils/FUFileManager.h"
#include "FUtils/FUXmlParser.h"
#include <cassert>
void require_(int line, bool value, const char* type, const char* message)
if (value) return;
char linestr[16];
sprintf(linestr, "%d", line);
throw ColladaException(std::string(type) + " (line " + linestr + "): " + message);
/** Error handler for libxml2 */
void errorHandler(void* ctx, const char* msg, ...)
char buffer[1024];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), msg, ap);
buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1] = '\0';
*((std::string*)ctx) += buffer;
FColladaErrorHandler::FColladaErrorHandler(std::string& xmlErrors_)
: xmlErrors(xmlErrors_)
// Grab all the error output from libxml2, for useful error reporting
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(&xmlErrors, &errorHandler);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::DEBUG, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::WARNING, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::ERROR, new FUFunctor3<FColladaErrorHandler, FUError::Level, uint32, uint32, void>(this, &FColladaErrorHandler::OnError));
xmlSetGenericErrorFunc(NULL, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::DEBUG, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::WARNING, NULL);
FUError::SetErrorCallback(FUError::ERROR, NULL);
void FColladaErrorHandler::OnError(FUError::Level errorLevel, uint32 errorCode, uint32 UNUSED(lineNumber))
const char* errorString = FUError::GetErrorString((FUError::Code) errorCode);
if (! errorString)
errorString = "Unknown error code";
if (errorLevel == FUError::DEBUG)
Log(LOG_INFO, "FCollada message %d: %s", errorCode, errorString);
else if (errorLevel == FUError::WARNING)
Log(LOG_WARNING, "FCollada error %d: %s", errorCode, errorString);
throw ColladaException(errorString);
void FColladaDocument::LoadFromText(const char *text)
FUFileManager* fileManager = document->GetFileManager();
const char* basePath = "";
// Mostly copied from FCDocument::LoadFromText
bool status = true;
// Push the given path unto the file manager's stack
// Parse the document into a XML tree
xmlDoc* daeDocument = xmlParseDoc((const xmlChar*)text);
if (daeDocument != NULL)
xmlNode *rootNode = xmlDocGetRootElement(daeDocument);
// Read in the whole document from the root node
status &= (document->LoadDocumentFromXML(rootNode));
// HACK (sort of): read in <extra> from the root, because FCollada
// doesn't let us do that
// Free the XML document
status = false;
// Clean-up the XML reader
// Restore the original OS current folder
if (status)
void FColladaDocument::ReadExtras(xmlNode* colladaNode)
if (! IsEquivalent(colladaNode->name, DAE_COLLADA_ELEMENT))
extra.reset(new FCDExtra(document.get()));
xmlNodeList extraNodes;
FUXmlParser::FindChildrenByType(colladaNode, DAE_EXTRA_ELEMENT, extraNodes);
for (xmlNodeList::iterator it = extraNodes.begin(); it != extraNodes.end(); ++it)
xmlNode* extraNode = (*it);
// HACK: These don't get exported properly from FCollada (3.02, DLL), so define
// them here instead of fixing it correctly.
const FMVector3 FMVector3::XAxis(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
static float identity[] = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
FMMatrix44 FMMatrix44::Identity(identity);
struct FoundInstance
FCDEntityInstance* instance;
FMMatrix44 transform;
static bool IsVisible_XSI(FCDSceneNode* node, bool& visible)
// Look for <extra><technique profile="XSI"><SI_Visibility><xsi_param sid="visibility">
FCDExtra* extra = node->GetExtra();
if (! extra) return false;
FCDEType* type = extra->GetDefaultType();
if (! type) return false;
FCDETechnique* technique = type->FindTechnique("XSI");
if (! technique) return false;
FCDENode* visibility1 = technique->FindChildNode("SI_Visibility");
if (! visibility1) return false;
FCDENode* visibility2 = visibility1->FindChildNode("xsi_param");
if (! visibility2) return false;
if (IsEquivalent(visibility2->GetContent(), "TRUE"))
visible = true;
else if (IsEquivalent(visibility2->GetContent(), "FALSE"))
visible = false;
return true;
static bool IsVisible(FCDSceneNode* node)
bool visible;
// Try the XSI visibility property
if (IsVisible_XSI(node, visible))
return visible;
// Else fall back to the FCollada-specific setting
visible = (node->GetVisibility() != 0.0);
return visible;
* Recursively finds all entities under the current node. If onlyMarked is
* set, only matches entities where the user-defined property was set to
* "export" in the modelling program.
* @param node root of subtree to search
* @param instances output - appends matching entities
* @param transform transform matrix of current subtree
* @param onlyMarked only match entities with "export" property
static void FindInstances(FCDSceneNode* node, std::vector<FoundInstance>& instances, const FMMatrix44& transform, bool onlyMarked)
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetChildrenCount(); ++i)
FCDSceneNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
FindInstances(child, instances, transform * node->ToMatrix(), onlyMarked);
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->GetInstanceCount(); ++i)
if (onlyMarked)
if (node->GetNote() != "export")
// Only accept instances of appropriate types, and not e.g. lights
FCDEntity::Type type = node->GetInstance(i)->GetEntityType();
if (! (type == FCDEntity::GEOMETRY || type == FCDEntity::CONTROLLER))
// Ignore invisible objects, because presumably nobody wanted to export them
if (! IsVisible(node))
FoundInstance f;
f.transform = transform * node->ToMatrix();
f.instance = node->GetInstance(i);
Log(LOG_INFO, "Found convertible object '%s'", node->GetName().c_str());
bool FindSingleInstance(FCDSceneNode* node, FCDEntityInstance*& instance, FMMatrix44& transform)
std::vector<FoundInstance> instances;
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, true);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many export-marked objects");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
FindInstances(node, instances, FMMatrix44::Identity, false);
if (instances.size() > 1)
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Found too many possible objects to convert - try adding the 'export' property to disambiguate one");
return false;
if (instances.empty())
Log(LOG_ERROR, "Didn't find any objects in the scene");
return false;
assert(instances.size() == 1); // if we got this far
instance = instances[0].instance;
transform = instances[0].transform;
return true;
static bool ReverseSortWeight(const FCDJointWeightPair& a, const FCDJointWeightPair& b)
return (a.weight > b.weight);
void SkinReduceInfluences(FCDSkinController* skin, size_t maxInfluenceCount, float minimumWeight)
FCDWeightedMatches& weightedMatches = skin->GetWeightedMatches();
for (FCDWeightedMatches::iterator itM = weightedMatches.begin(); itM != weightedMatches.end(); ++itM)
FCDJointWeightPairList& weights = (*itM);
FCDJointWeightPairList newWeights;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itW = weights.begin(); itW != weights.end(); ++itW)
// If this joint already has an influence, just add the weight
// instead of adding a new influence
bool done = false;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
if (itW->jointIndex == itNW->jointIndex)
itNW->weight += itW->weight;
done = true;
if (done)
// Not had this joint before, so add it
// Put highest-weighted influences at the front of the list
sort(newWeights.begin(), newWeights.end(), ReverseSortWeight);
// Limit the maximum number of influences
if (newWeights.size() > maxInfluenceCount)
// Enforce the minimum weight per influence
while (!newWeights.empty() && newWeights.back().weight < minimumWeight)
// Renormalise, so sum(weights)=1
float totalWeight = 0;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
totalWeight += itNW->weight;
for (FCDJointWeightPairList::iterator itNW = newWeights.begin(); itNW != newWeights.end(); ++itNW)
itNW->weight /= totalWeight;
// Copy new weights into the skin
weights = newWeights;
void FixSkeletonRoots(FCDControllerInstance* controllerInstance)
// HACK: The XSI exporter doesn't do a <skeleton> and FCollada doesn't
// seem to know where else to look, so just guess that it's somewhere
// under Scene_Root
if (controllerInstance->GetSkeletonRoots().empty())
// HACK (evil): SetSkeletonRoot is declared but not defined, and there's
// no other proper way to modify the skeleton-roots list, so cheat horribly
FUUriList& uriList = const_cast<FUUriList&>(controllerInstance->GetSkeletonRoots());