forked from 0ad/0ad
janwas 8d20cfefdb remove cout << "initialized"
This was SVN commit r1463.
2004-12-07 01:08:56 +00:00

392 lines
9.6 KiB
Executable File

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "ScriptingHost.h"
#include "ScriptGlue.h"
#include "CConsole.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef _WIN32
# include "float.h" // <- MT: Just for _finite(), converting certain strings was causing wierd bugs.
# define finite _finite
# define finite __finite // PT: Need to use _finite in MSVC, __finite in gcc
#ifdef NDEBUG
# pragma comment (lib, "js32.lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "js32d.lib")
extern CConsole* g_Console;
const int RUNTIME_MEMORY_ALLOWANCE = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
const int STACK_CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024;
JSClass GlobalClass =
"global", 0,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
JS_ConvertStub, JS_FinalizeStub
ScriptingHost::ScriptingHost() : m_RunTime(NULL), m_Context(NULL), m_GlobalObject(NULL)
if (m_RunTime == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_RuntimeCreationFailed();
m_Context = JS_NewContext(m_RunTime, STACK_CHUNK_SIZE);
if (m_Context == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ContextCreationFailed();
JS_SetErrorReporter(m_Context, ScriptingHost::ErrorReporter);
m_GlobalObject = JS_NewObject(m_Context, &GlobalClass, NULL, NULL);
if (m_GlobalObject == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_GlobalObjectCreationFailed();
if (JS_InitStandardClasses(m_Context, m_GlobalObject) == JSVAL_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_StandardClassSetupFailed();
if (JS_DefineFunctions(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, ScriptFunctionTable) == JS_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_NativeFunctionSetupFailed();
if( JS_DefineProperties( m_Context, m_GlobalObject, ScriptGlobalTable ) == JS_FALSE )
throw( std::string( "ScriptingHost: Failed to setup native objects" ) );
if (m_Context != NULL)
m_Context = NULL;
if (m_RunTime != NULL)
m_RunTime = NULL;
JSContext* ScriptingHost::getContext()
return( m_Context );
void ScriptingHost::LoadScriptFromDisk(const std::string & fileName)
std::string script;
std::string line;
std::ifstream scriptFile(fileName.c_str());
if (scriptFile.is_open() == false)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_LoadFile_OpenFailed();
while (scriptFile.eof() == false)
std::getline(scriptFile, line);
script += line;
script += '\n';
jsval rval;
JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateScript(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, script.c_str(), (unsigned int)script.length(), fileName.c_str(), 0, &rval);
if (ok == JS_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_LoadFile_EvalErrors();
jsval ScriptingHost::CallFunction(const std::string & functionName, jsval * params, int numParams)
jsval result;
JSBool ok = JS_CallFunctionName(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, functionName.c_str(), numParams, params, &result);
if (ok == JS_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_CallFunctionFailed();
return result;
jsval ScriptingHost::ExecuteScript(const CStrW& script, const CStrW& calledFrom, JSObject* contextObject )
jsval rval;
/* Unicode->ASCII conversion (mostly) for calledFrom */
size_t len = wcstombs( NULL, calledFrom, 0 );
assert( len != (size_t)-1 );
char* asciiName = new char[len + 1];
wcstombs( asciiName, calledFrom, len + 1 );
JSBool ok = JS_EvaluateUCScript(m_Context, contextObject ? contextObject : m_GlobalObject, script.utf16().c_str(), (int)script.Length(), asciiName, 0, &rval);
delete( asciiName );
if (!ok) return JSVAL_NULL;
return rval;
void ScriptingHost::RegisterFunction(const std::string & functionName, JSNative function, int numArgs)
JSFunction * func = JS_DefineFunction(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, functionName.c_str(), function, numArgs, 0);
if (func == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_RegisterFunctionFailed();
void ScriptingHost::DefineConstant(const std::string & name, int value)
// First remove this constant if it already exists
JS_DeleteProperty(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, name.c_str());
JSBool ok = JS_DefineProperty( m_Context, m_GlobalObject, name.c_str(), INT_TO_JSVAL(value),
if (ok == JS_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineConstantFailed();
void ScriptingHost::DefineConstant(const std::string & name, double value)
// First remove this constant if it already exists
JS_DeleteProperty(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, name.c_str());
struct JSConstDoubleSpec spec[2];
spec[0].name = name.c_str();
spec[0].dval = value;
spec[0].flags = JSPROP_READONLY;
spec[1].name = 0;
spec[1].dval = 0.0;
spec[1].flags = 0;
JSBool ok = JS_DefineConstDoubles(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, spec);
if (ok == JS_FALSE)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineConstantFailed();
void ScriptingHost::DefineCustomObjectType(JSClass *clasp, JSNative constructor, uintN minArgs, JSPropertySpec *ps, JSFunctionSpec *fs, JSPropertySpec *static_ps, JSFunctionSpec *static_fs)
std::string typeName = clasp->name;
if (m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName) != m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
// This type already exists
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_AlreadyExists();
JSObject * obj = JS_InitClass( m_Context, m_GlobalObject, 0,
constructor, minArgs, // Constructor, min args
ps, fs, // Properties, methods
static_ps, static_fs); // Constructor properties, methods
if (obj != NULL)
CustomType type;
type.m_Object = obj;
type.m_Class = clasp;
m_CustomObjectTypes[typeName] = type;
throw PSERROR_Scripting_DefineType_CreationFailed();
JSObject * ScriptingHost::CreateCustomObject(const std::string & typeName)
std::map < std::string, CustomType > ::iterator it = m_CustomObjectTypes.find(typeName);
if (it == m_CustomObjectTypes.end())
throw PSERROR_Scripting_TypeDoesNotExist();
return JS_ConstructObject(m_Context, (*it).second.m_Class, (*it).second.m_Object, NULL);
void ScriptingHost::SetObjectProperty(JSObject * object, const std::string & propertyName, jsval value)
JS_SetProperty(m_Context, object, propertyName.c_str(), &value);
jsval ScriptingHost::GetObjectProperty( JSObject* object, const std::string& propertyName )
jsval vp;
JS_GetProperty( m_Context, object, propertyName.c_str(), &vp );
return( vp );
void ScriptingHost::SetObjectProperty_Double(JSObject* object, const char* propertyName, double value)
jsdouble* d = JS_NewDouble(m_Context, value);
if (! d)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
jsval v = DOUBLE_TO_JSVAL(d);
if (! JS_SetProperty(m_Context, object, propertyName, &v))
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
double ScriptingHost::GetObjectProperty_Double(JSObject* object, const char* propertyName)
jsval v;
double d;
if (! JS_GetProperty(m_Context, object, propertyName, &v))
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
if (! JS_ValueToNumber(m_Context, v, &d))
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
return d;
void ScriptingHost::SetGlobal(const std::string &globalName, jsval value)
JS_SetProperty(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, globalName.c_str(), &value);
jsval ScriptingHost::GetGlobal(const std::string &globalName)
jsval vp;
JS_GetProperty(m_Context, m_GlobalObject, globalName.c_str(), &vp);
return vp;
int ScriptingHost::ValueToInt(const jsval value)
int32 i = 0;
JSBool ok = JS_ValueToInt32(m_Context, value, &i);
if (!ok)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
return i;
bool ScriptingHost::ValueToBool(const jsval value)
JSBool b;
JSBool ok = JS_ValueToBoolean(m_Context, value, &b);
if (!ok)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
return b == JS_TRUE;
std::string ScriptingHost::ValueToString(const jsval value)
JSString* string = JS_ValueToString(m_Context, value);
if (string == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
return std::string(JS_GetStringBytes(string), JS_GetStringLength(string));
CStrW ScriptingHost::ValueToUCString( const jsval value )
JSString* string = JS_ValueToString(m_Context, value);
if (string == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
jschar *strptr=JS_GetStringChars(string);
size_t length=JS_GetStringLength(string);
return CStrW(std::wstring(strptr, strptr+length));
utf16string ScriptingHost::ValueToUTF16( const jsval value )
JSString* string = JS_ValueToString(m_Context, value);
if (string == NULL)
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
jschar *strptr=JS_GetStringChars(string);
size_t length=JS_GetStringLength(string);
return utf16string(strptr, strptr+length);
jsval ScriptingHost::UCStringToValue(const utf16string &str)
return STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(m_Context, str.c_str()));
double ScriptingHost::ValueToDouble(const jsval value)
jsdouble d;
JSBool ok = JS_ValueToNumber(m_Context, value, &d);
if (ok == JS_FALSE || !finite( d ) )
throw PSERROR_Scripting_ConversionFailed();
return d;
void ScriptingHost::ErrorReporter(JSContext * context, const char * message, JSErrorReport * report)
debug_out("%s(%d) : %s\n", report->filename, report->lineno, message);
if (g_Console)
if (message)
g_Console->InsertMessage( L"JavaScript Error (%hs, line %d): %hs", report->filename, report->lineno, message );
g_Console->InsertMessage( L"JavaScript Error (%hs, line %d): No error message available", report->filename, report->lineno );
if (report->filename != NULL)
std::cout << report->filename << " (" << report->lineno << ") ";
if (message != NULL)
std::cout << message << std::endl;
std::cout << "No error message available" << std::endl;
void ScriptingHost::_CollectGarbage()