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2013-03-07 13:49:49 +00:00

152 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2013 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "third_party/mongoose/mongoose.h"
#include "ScriptInterface.h"
#include "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h"
class CBreakPoint;
class CThreadDebugger;
class CDebuggingServer
/** @brief Register a new ScriptInerface for debugging the scripts it executes
* @param name A name for the ScriptInterface (will be sent to the debugging client an probably displayed to the user)
* @param pScriptInterface A pointer to the ScriptInterface. This pointer must stay valid until UnRegisterScriptInterface ist called!
void RegisterScriptinterface(std::string name, ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface);
/** @brief Unregister a ScriptInerface that was previously registered using RegisterScriptinterface.
* @param pScriptInterface A pointer to the ScriptInterface
void UnRegisterScriptinterface(ScriptInterface* pScriptInterface);
// Mongoose callback when request comes from a client
void* MgDebuggingServerCallback(mg_event event, struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info *request_info);
/** @brief Aquire exclusive read and write access to the list of breakpoints.
* @param breakPoints A pointer to the list storing all breakpoints.
* @return A number you need to pass to ReleaseBreakPointAccess().
* Make sure to call ReleaseBreakPointAccess after you don't need access any longer.
* Using this function you get exclusive access and other threads won't be able to access the breakpoints until you call ReleaseBreakPointAccess!
double AquireBreakPointAccess(std::list<CBreakPoint>** breakPoints);
/** @brief See AquireBreakPointAccess(). You must not access the pointer returend by AquireBreakPointAccess() any longer after you call this function.
* @param breakPointsLockID The number you got when aquiring the access. It's used to make sure that this function never gets
* used by the wrong thread.
void ReleaseBreakPointAccess(double breakPointsLockID);
/// Called from multiple Mongoose threads and multiple ScriptInterface threads
bool GetBreakRequestedByThread();
bool GetBreakRequestedByUser();
// Should other threads be stopped as soon as possible after a breakpoint is triggered in a thread
bool GetSettingSimultaneousThreadBreak();
// Should the debugger break on any JS-Exception? If set to false, it will only break when the exceptions text is "Breakpoint".
bool GetSettingBreakOnException();
void SetBreakRequestedByThread(bool Enabled);
void SetBreakRequestedByUser(bool Enabled);
static const char* header400;
/// Webserver helper function (can be called by multiple mongooser threads)
bool GetWebArgs(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info* request_info, std::string argName, uint& arg);
bool GetWebArgs(struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_request_info* request_info, std::string argName, std::string& arg);
/// Functions that are made available via http (can be called by multiple mongoose threads)
void GetThreadDebuggerStatus(std::stringstream& response);
void ToggleBreakPoint(std::string filename, uint line);
void GetAllCallstacks(std::stringstream& response);
void GetStackFrameData(std::stringstream& response, uint nestingLevel, uint threadDebuggerID, STACK_INFO stackInfoKind);
bool SetNextDbgCmd(uint threadDebuggerID, DBGCMD dbgCmd);
void SetSettingSimultaneousThreadBreak(bool Enabled);
void SetSettingBreakOnException(bool Enabled);
/** @brief Returns a list of the full vfs paths to all files with the extension .js found in the vfs root
* @param response This will contain the list as JSON array.
void EnumVfsJSFiles(std::stringstream& response);
/** @brief Get the content of a .js file loaded into vfs
* @param filename A full vfs path (as returned by EnumVfsJSFiles).
* @param response This will contain the contents of the requested file.
void GetFile(std::string filename, std::stringstream& response);
/// Shared between multiple mongoose threads
bool m_SettingSimultaneousThreadBreak;
bool m_SettingBreakOnException;
/// Shared between multiple scriptinterface threads
uint m_LastThreadDebuggerID;
/// Shared between multiple scriptinerface threads and multiple mongoose threads
std::list<CThreadDebugger*> m_ThreadDebuggers;
// The CThreadDebuggers will check this value and break the thread if it's true.
// This only works for JS code, so C++ code will not break until it executes JS-code again.
bool m_BreakRequestedByThread;
bool m_BreakRequestedByUser;
// The breakpoint is uniquely identified using filename an line-number.
// Since the filename is the whole vfs path it should really be unique.
std::list<CBreakPoint> m_BreakPoints;
/// Used for controlling access to m_BreakPoints
SDL_sem* m_BreakPointsSem;
double m_BreakPointsLockID;
/// Mutexes used to ensure thread-safety. Currently we just use one Mutex (m_Mutex) and if we detect possible sources
/// of deadlocks, we use the second mutex for some members to avoid it.
CMutex m_Mutex;
CMutex m_Mutex1;
/// Not important for this class' thread-safety
void EnableHTTP();
mg_context* m_MgContext;
extern CDebuggingServer* g_DebuggingServer;