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Raw Normal View History

* =========================================================================
* File : tex.cpp
* Project : 0 A.D.
* Description : support routines for 2d texture access/writing.
* =========================================================================
// license: GPL; see lib/license.txt
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "tex.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib/timer.h"
#include "lib/bits.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/cpu.h"
#include "tex_codec.h"
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TEX_FMT_INVALID, "Invalid/unsupported texture format", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TEX_NOT_8BIT_PRECISION, "Not 8-bit channel precision", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TEX_INVALID_LAYOUT, "Unsupported texel layout, e.g. right-to-left", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TEX_COMPRESSED, "Unsupported texture compression", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(WARN::TEX_INVALID_DATA, "Warning: invalid texel data encountered", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(ERR::TEX_INVALID_SIZE, "Texture size is incorrect", -1);
ERROR_ASSOCIATE(INFO::TEX_CODEC_CANNOT_HANDLE, "Texture codec cannot handle the given format", -1);
// validation
// be careful not to use other tex_* APIs here because they call us.
LibError tex_validate(const Tex* t)
if(t->flags & TEX_UNDEFINED_FLAGS)
// pixel data (only check validity if the image is still in memory;
// ogl_tex frees the data after uploading to GL)
// file size smaller than header+pixels.
// possible causes: texture file header is invalid,
// or file wasn't loaded completely.
if(t->dataSize < t->ofs + t->w*t->h*t->bpp/8)
// bits per pixel
// (we don't bother checking all values; a sanity check is enough)
if(t->bpp % 4 || t->bpp > 32)
// flags
// .. DXT value
const size_t dxt = t->flags & TEX_DXT;
if(dxt != 0 && dxt != 1 && dxt != DXT1A && dxt != 3 && dxt != 5)
// .. orientation
const size_t orientation = t->flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
if(orientation == (TEX_BOTTOM_UP|TEX_TOP_DOWN))
return INFO::OK;
#define CHECK_TEX(t) RETURN_ERR(tex_validate(t))
// check if the given texture format is acceptable: 8bpp grey,
// 24bpp color or 32bpp color+alpha (BGR / upside down are permitted).
// basically, this is the "plain" format understood by all codecs and
// tex_codec_plain_transform.
LibError tex_validate_plain_format(size_t bpp, int flags)
const bool alpha = (flags & TEX_ALPHA ) != 0;
const bool grey = (flags & TEX_GREY ) != 0;
const bool dxt = (flags & TEX_DXT ) != 0;
const bool mipmaps = (flags & TEX_MIPMAPS) != 0;
if(dxt || mipmaps)
// grey must be 8bpp without alpha, or it's invalid.
if(bpp == 8 && !alpha)
return INFO::OK;
if(bpp == 24 && !alpha)
return INFO::OK;
if(bpp == 32 && alpha)
return INFO::OK;
// mipmaps
void tex_util_foreach_mipmap(size_t w, size_t h, size_t bpp, const u8* pixels, int levels_to_skip, size_t data_padding, MipmapCB cb, void* RESTRICT cbData)
debug_assert(levels_to_skip >= 0 || levels_to_skip == TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY);
size_t level_w = w, level_h = h;
const u8* level_data = pixels;
// we iterate through the loop (necessary to skip over image data),
// but do not actually call back until the requisite number of
// levels have been skipped (i.e. level == 0).
int level = (levels_to_skip == TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY)? 0 : -levels_to_skip;
// until at level 1x1:
// used to skip past this mip level in <data>
const size_t level_data_size = (size_t)(round_up(level_w, data_padding) * round_up(level_h, data_padding) * bpp/8);
if(level >= 0)
cb((size_t)level, level_w, level_h, level_data, level_data_size, cbData);
level_data += level_data_size;
// 1x1 reached - done
if(level_w == 1 && level_h == 1)
level_w /= 2;
level_h /= 2;
// if the texture is non-square, one of the dimensions will become
// 0 before the other. to satisfy OpenGL's expectations, change it
// back to 1.
if(level_w == 0) level_w = 1;
if(level_h == 0) level_h = 1;
// special case: no mipmaps, we were only supposed to call for
// the base level
if(levels_to_skip == TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY)
struct CreateLevelData
size_t num_components;
size_t prev_level_w;
size_t prev_level_h;
const u8* prev_level_data;
size_t prev_level_data_size;
// uses 2x2 box filter
static void create_level(size_t level, size_t level_w, size_t level_h, const u8* RESTRICT level_data, size_t level_data_size, void* RESTRICT cbData)
CreateLevelData* cld = (CreateLevelData*)cbData;
const size_t src_w = cld->prev_level_w;
const size_t src_h = cld->prev_level_h;
const u8* src = cld->prev_level_data;
u8* dst = (u8*)level_data;
// base level - must be copied over from source buffer
if(level == 0)
debug_assert(level_data_size == cld->prev_level_data_size);
cpu_memcpy(dst, src, level_data_size);
const size_t num_components = cld->num_components;
const size_t dx = num_components, dy = dx*src_w;
// special case: image is too small for 2x2 filter
if(cld->prev_level_w == 1 || cld->prev_level_h == 1)
// image is either a horizontal or vertical line.
// their memory layout is the same (packed pixels), so no special
// handling is needed; just pick max dimension.
for(size_t y = 0; y < std::max(src_w, src_h); y += 2)
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_components; i++)
*dst++ = (src[0]+src[dx]+1)/2;
src += 1;
src += dx; // skip to next pixel (since box is 2x2)
// normal
for(size_t y = 0; y < src_h; y += 2)
for(size_t x = 0; x < src_w; x += 2)
for(size_t i = 0; i < num_components; i++)
*dst++ = (src[0]+src[dx]+src[dy]+src[dx+dy]+2)/4;
src += 1;
src += dx; // skip to next pixel (since box is 2x2)
src += dy; // skip to next row (since box is 2x2)
debug_assert(dst == level_data + level_data_size);
debug_assert(src == cld->prev_level_data + cld->prev_level_data_size);
cld->prev_level_data = level_data;
cld->prev_level_data_size = level_data_size;
cld->prev_level_w = level_w;
cld->prev_level_h = level_h;
static LibError add_mipmaps(Tex* t, size_t w, size_t h, size_t bpp, void* newData, size_t data_size)
// this code assumes the image is of POT dimension; we don't
// go to the trouble of implementing image scaling because
// the only place this is used (ogl_tex_upload) requires POT anyway.
if(!is_pow2(w) || !is_pow2(h))
t->flags |= TEX_MIPMAPS; // must come before tex_img_size!
const size_t mipmap_size = tex_img_size(t);
shared_ptr<u8> mipmapData = io_Allocate(mipmap_size, 0);
CreateLevelData cld = { bpp/8, w, h, (const u8*)newData, data_size };
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(w, h, bpp, mipmapData.get(), 0, 1, create_level, &cld);
t->data = mipmapData;
t->dataSize = mipmap_size;
t->ofs = 0;
return INFO::OK;
// pixel format conversion (transformation)
// handles BGR and row flipping in "plain" format (see below).
// called by codecs after they get their format-specific transforms out of
// the way. note that this approach requires several passes over the image,
// but is much easier to maintain than providing all<->all conversion paths.
// somewhat optimized (loops are hoisted, cache associativity accounted for)
static LibError plain_transform(Tex* t, size_t transforms)
// (this is also called directly instead of through ogl_tex, so
// we need to validate)
// extract texture info
const size_t w = t->w, h = t->h, bpp = t->bpp;
const int flags = t->flags;
u8* const data = tex_get_data(t);
const size_t data_size = tex_img_size(t);
// sanity checks (not errors, we just can't handle these cases)
// .. unknown transform
// .. data is not in "plain" format
RETURN_ERR(tex_validate_plain_format(bpp, flags));
// .. nothing to do
return INFO::OK;
// allocate copy of the image data.
// rationale: L1 cache is typically A2 => swapping in-place with a
// line buffer leads to thrashing. we'll assume the whole texture*2
// fits in cache, allocate a copy, and transfer directly from there.
// this is necessary even when not flipping because the initial data
// is read-only.
shared_ptr<u8> newData = io_Allocate(data_size);
cpu_memcpy(newData.get(), data, data_size);
// setup row source/destination pointers (simplifies outer loop)
u8* dst = (u8*)newData.get();
const u8* src = (const u8*)newData.get();
const size_t pitch = w * bpp/8;
// .. avoid y*pitch multiply in row loop; instead, add row_ofs.
ssize_t row_ofs = (ssize_t)pitch;
// flipping rows (0,1,2 -> 2,1,0)
if(transforms & TEX_ORIENTATION)
src = (const u8*)data+data_size-pitch; // last row
row_ofs = -(ssize_t)pitch;
// no BGR convert necessary
if(!(transforms & TEX_BGR))
for(size_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
cpu_memcpy(dst, src, pitch);
dst += pitch;
src += row_ofs;
// RGB <-> BGR
else if(bpp == 24)
for(size_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(size_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
// need temporaries in case src == dst (i.e. not flipping)
const u8 b = src[0], g = src[1], r = src[2];
dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b;
dst += 3;
src += 3;
src += row_ofs - pitch; // flip? previous row : stay
// RGBA <-> BGRA
else if(bpp == 32)
for(size_t y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(size_t x = 0; x < w; x++)
// need temporaries in case src == dst (i.e. not flipping)
const u8 b = src[0], g = src[1], r = src[2], a = src[3];
dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b; dst[3] = a;
dst += 4;
src += 4;
src += row_ofs - pitch; // flip? previous row : stay
t->data = newData;
t->dataSize = data_size;
t->ofs = 0;
if(!(t->flags & TEX_MIPMAPS) && transforms & TEX_MIPMAPS)
RETURN_ERR(add_mipmaps(t, w, h, bpp, newData.get(), data_size));
return INFO::OK;
// change <t>'s pixel format by flipping the state of all TEX_* flags
// that are set in transforms.
LibError tex_transform(Tex* t, size_t transforms)
const size_t target_flags = t->flags ^ transforms;
size_t remaining_transforms;
remaining_transforms = target_flags ^ t->flags;
// we're finished (all required transforms have been done)
if(remaining_transforms == 0)
return INFO::OK;
LibError ret = tex_codec_transform(t, remaining_transforms);
if(ret != INFO::OK)
// last chance
RETURN_ERR(plain_transform(t, remaining_transforms));
return INFO::OK;
// change <t>'s pixel format to the new format specified by <new_flags>.
// (note: this is equivalent to tex_transform(t, t->flags^new_flags).
LibError tex_transform_to(Tex* t, size_t new_flags)
// tex_transform takes care of validating <t>
const size_t transforms = t->flags ^ new_flags;
return tex_transform(t, transforms);
// image orientation
// see "Default Orientation" in docs.
static int global_orientation = TEX_TOP_DOWN;
// set the orientation (either TEX_BOTTOM_UP or TEX_TOP_DOWN) to which
// all loaded images will automatically be converted
// (excepting file formats that don't specify their orientation, i.e. DDS).
void tex_set_global_orientation(int o)
debug_assert(o == TEX_TOP_DOWN || o == TEX_BOTTOM_UP);
global_orientation = o;
static void flip_to_global_orientation(Tex* t)
// (can't use normal CHECK_TEX due to void return)
size_t orientation = t->flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
// if codec knows which way around the image is (i.e. not DDS):
// flip image if necessary
size_t transforms = orientation ^ global_orientation;
WARN_ERR(plain_transform(t, transforms));
// indicate image is at global orientation. this is still done even
// if the codec doesn't know: the default orientation should be chosen
// to make that work correctly (see "Default Orientation" in docs).
t->flags = (t->flags & ~TEX_ORIENTATION) | global_orientation;
// (can't use normal CHECK_TEX due to void return)
// indicate if the orientation specified by <src_flags> matches
// dst_orientation (if the latter is 0, then the global_orientation).
// (we ask for src_flags instead of src_orientation so callers don't
// have to mask off TEX_ORIENTATION)
bool tex_orientations_match(size_t src_flags, size_t dst_orientation)
const size_t src_orientation = src_flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
if(dst_orientation == 0)
dst_orientation = global_orientation;
return (src_orientation == dst_orientation);
// misc. API
// indicate if <filename>'s extension is that of a texture format
// supported by tex_load. case-insensitive.
// rationale: tex_load complains if the given file is of an
// unsupported type. this API allows users to preempt that warning
// (by checking the filename themselves), and also provides for e.g.
// enumerating only images in a file picker.
// an alternative might be a flag to suppress warning about invalid files,
// but this is open to misuse.
bool tex_is_known_extension(const char* filename)
const TexCodecVTbl* dummy;
// found codec for it => known extension
const std::string extension = fs::extension(filename);
if(tex_codec_for_filename(extension, &dummy) == INFO::OK)
return true;
return false;
// store the given image data into a Tex object; this will be as if
// it had been loaded via tex_load.
// rationale: support for in-memory images is necessary for
// emulation of glCompressedTexImage2D and useful overall.
// however, we don't want to provide an alternate interface for each API;
// these would have to be changed whenever fields are added to Tex.
// instead, provide one entry point for specifying images.
// we need only add bookkeeping information and "wrap" it in
// our Tex struct, hence the name.
LibError tex_wrap(size_t w, size_t h, size_t bpp, int flags, shared_ptr<u8> data, size_t ofs, Tex* t)
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
t->data = data;
t->dataSize = ofs + w*h*bpp/8;
t->ofs = ofs;
return INFO::OK;
// free all resources associated with the image and make further
// use of it impossible.
void tex_free(Tex* t)
// do not validate <t> - this is called from tex_load if loading
// failed, so not all fields may be valid.
// do not zero out the fields! that could lead to trouble since
// ogl_tex_upload followed by ogl_tex_free is legit, but would
// cause OglTex_validate to fail (since its Tex.w is == 0).
// getters
// returns a pointer to the image data (pixels), taking into account any
// header(s) that may come before it.
u8* tex_get_data(const Tex* t)
// (can't use normal CHECK_TEX due to u8* return value)
u8* p = t->data.get();
return 0;
return p + t->ofs;
static void add_level_size(size_t UNUSED(level), size_t UNUSED(level_w), size_t UNUSED(level_h), const u8* RESTRICT UNUSED(level_data), size_t level_data_size, void* RESTRICT cbData)
size_t* ptotal_size = (size_t*)cbData;
*ptotal_size += level_data_size;
// return total byte size of the image pixels. (including mipmaps!)
// this is preferable to calculating manually because it's
// less error-prone (e.g. confusing bits_per_pixel with bytes).
size_t tex_img_size(const Tex* t)
// (can't use normal CHECK_TEX due to size_t return value)
const int levels_to_skip = (t->flags & TEX_MIPMAPS)? 0 : TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY;
const size_t data_padding = (t->flags & TEX_DXT)? 4 : 1;
size_t out_size = 0;
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(t->w, t->h, t->bpp, 0, levels_to_skip, data_padding, add_level_size, &out_size);
return out_size;
// return the minimum header size (i.e. offset to pixel data) of the
// file format indicated by <fn>'s extension (that is all it need contain:
// e.g. ".bmp"). returns 0 on error (i.e. no codec found).
// this can be used to optimize calls to tex_write: when allocating the
// buffer that will hold the image, allocate this much extra and
// pass the pointer as base+hdr_size. this allows writing the header
// directly into the output buffer and makes for zero-copy IO.
size_t tex_hdr_size(const VfsPath& filename)
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
const std::string extension = fs::extension(filename);
CHECK_ERR(tex_codec_for_filename(extension, &c));
return c->hdr_size(0);
// read/write from memory and disk
LibError tex_decode(shared_ptr<u8> data, size_t data_size, Tex* t)
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
RETURN_ERR(tex_codec_for_header(data.get(), data_size, &c));
// make sure the entire header is available
const size_t min_hdr_size = c->hdr_size(0);
if(data_size < min_hdr_size)
const size_t hdr_size = c->hdr_size(data.get());
if(data_size < hdr_size)
t->data = data;
t->dataSize = data_size;
t->ofs = hdr_size;
// for orthogonality, encode and decode both receive the memory as a
// DynArray. package data into one and free it again after decoding:
DynArray da;
RETURN_ERR(da_wrap_fixed(&da, data.get(), data_size));
RETURN_ERR(c->decode(&da, t));
// note: not reached if decode fails. that's not a problem;
// this call just zeroes <da> and could be left out.
// sanity checks
if(!t->w || !t->h || t->bpp > 32)
if(t->dataSize < t->ofs + tex_img_size(t))
return INFO::OK;
LibError tex_encode(Tex* t, const std::string& extension, DynArray* da)
CHECK_ERR(tex_validate_plain_format(t->bpp, t->flags));
// we could be clever here and avoid the extra alloc if our current
// memory block ensued from the same kind of texture file. this is
// most likely the case if in_img == tex_get_data() + c->hdr_size(0).
// this would make for zero-copy IO.
const size_t max_out_size = tex_img_size(t)*4 + 256*KiB;
RETURN_ERR(da_alloc(da, max_out_size));
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
CHECK_ERR(tex_codec_for_filename(extension, &c));
// encode into <da>
LibError err = c->encode(t, da);
if(err < 0)
return INFO::OK;