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//DJD: Abstract space searching function definitions {
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "0ad_warning_disable.h"
#include "se_dcdt.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <queue>
//function for comparing SearchNodes
struct check : public std::binary_function <SearchNode *, SearchNode *, bool>
bool operator()(SearchNode *&sn1, SearchNode *&sn2) const
return ((sn1->f() > sn2->f()) || ((sn1->f() == sn2->f()) && (sn1->h() > sn2->h())));;
//gets the closest point on an unconstrained edge of the triangle to the point given
//(that is at least r from a vertex) . . . this function can be sped up
SrPnt2 SeDcdt::ClosestPointTo(SeDcdtFace *face, float x, float y, float r)
//if the point is in the triangle
if (InTriangle(face, x, y))
//the closest point is the point itself
SrPnt2 p;
p.set(x, y);
return p;
SrPnt2 closestPoint, point;
float closestDistance = INFINITY, distance;
//get the edges of the triangle and go through them
SeBase *s = face->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//gets the vertices of the triangle
float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
TriangleVertices(s, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
//doesn't consider blocked edges
if (Blocked(s))
s = s->nxt();
//checks if the angles along this edge and to the point are accute
bool accute1 = IsAccute(AngleBetween(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y));
bool accute2 = IsAccute(AngleBetween(x2, y2, x1, y1, x, y));
if (accute1 && accute2)
//if both are, get closest point on this line
distance = PointLineDistance(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2);
float theta = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
theta += (Orientation(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2) > 0.0f) ? PI / -2.0f : PI / 2.0f;
theta += (theta <= -PI) ? 2.0f * PI : (theta > PI) ? -2.0f * PI : 0.0f;
point.set(x + cos(theta) * distance, y + sin(theta) * distance);
//if it's < r from either end, move it out to distance r
if (Length(point.x, point.y, x1, y1) < r)
accute2 = false;
else if (Length(point.x, point.y, x2, y2) < r)
accute1 = false;
if (!accute1 && accute2)
//get point distance r from (x2, y2) in the direction of (x1, y1)
float theta = atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);
point.set(x2 + cos(theta) * r, y2 + sin(theta) * r);
else if (accute1 && !accute2)
//get point distance r from (x1, y1) in the direction of (x2, y2)
float theta = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
point.set(x1 + cos(theta) * r, y1 + sin(theta) * r);
//measure the distance between this point and the one given
distance = Length(point.x, point.y, x, y);
//if this point is closer than others,
if (distance < closestDistance)
//set it as the closest point
closestPoint.set(point.x, point.y);
closestDistance = distance;
//move to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//return the closest point found
return closestPoint;
//walks from the source triangle to the destination triangle
//provided the destination triangle is listed as adjacent in the source triangle
//direction is to remove ambiguity when both endpoints of a corridor are the same
bool SeDcdt::WalkBetween(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, SeDcdtFace *sourceFace, SeDcdtFace *destinationFace, float r, int direction)
SeDcdtFace *last = NULL;
//go through all faces between the source and destination faces
while (true)
//if we have reached the destination face,
if (sourceFace == destinationFace)
//add it to the path and exit successfully
path.push() = destinationFace->se();
return true;
//get the elements of the current triangle
SeBase *s = sourceFace->se();
//go through the edges of the triangle
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//if the destination face is across the current edge (or the direction tells us which way to start),
if ((i == direction) || ((direction == INVALID)
&& (sourceFace->link->Adjacent(i) == destinationFace) && (s->sym()->fac() != last)))
last = sourceFace;
direction = INVALID;
//make sure the path is wide enough
if (sourceFace->link->Choke(i) < 2.0f * r)
//if not, empty the path and return failure
return false;
//if so, add the current face to the path
path.push() = sourceFace->se();
//and move to the next one
sourceFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac();
//move to the next edge in the current triangle
s = s->nxt();
//checks if a unit of radius r can go through the second triangle between the first and the third
bool SeDcdt::CanCross(SeDcdtFace *middle, SeBase *end1, SeBase *end2, float r)
SeBase *s = middle->se();
//and goes through its edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//if it is neither the first nor the third
if ((s->sym()->fac() != end1->fac()) && (s->sym()->fac() != end2->fac()))
//return if the width between the first and the third is large enough for radius r
return (middle->link->Width((i + 1) % 3) >= 2.0f * r);
//move to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
sr_out.warning("ERROR: could not find desired face (should never happen)\n");
return false;
//checks if a unit of radius r can go through the second triangle between the first and the third
bool SeDcdt::CanCross(SeBase *first, SeBase *second, SeBase *third, float r)
//and goes through its edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//gets the face across the current edge
SeFace *current = second->sym()->fac();
//if it is neither the first nor the third
if ((current != first->fac()) && (current != third->fac()))
//return if the width between the first and the third is large enough for radius r
return (((SeDcdtFace *)second)->link->Width((i + 1) % 3) >= 2.0f * r);
//move to the next edge
second = second->nxt();
sr_out.warning("ERROR: could not find desired face (should never happen)\n");
return false;
//finds a path in the degree-1 tree with both the start and goal in it
#if defined EXPERIMENT
bool SeDcdt::Degree1Path(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, float x1, float y1, SeDcdtFace *startFace,
float x2, float y2, SeDcdtFace *goalFace, float r, int &nodes)
bool SeDcdt::Degree1Path(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, float x1, float y1, SeDcdtFace *startFace,
float x2, float y2, SeDcdtFace *goalFace, float r)
//starts marking the mesh
//create a priority queue for searching the tree
std::priority_queue<SearchNode *, std::vector<SearchNode *>, check> pq;
float x, y;
//each face is represented by its midpoint (since only one path must exist)
TriangleMidpoint(startFace, x, y);
SrPnt2 p;
p.set(x, y);
//creates the first search node
SearchNode *current = new SearchNode(Length(x, y, x1, y1), Length(x, y, x2, y2), p, startFace, NULL);
//put it in the queue to be searched
//continues until the tree has been exhausted or a path has been found
while (!pq.empty())
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//gets the first node to search
current = pq.top();
//checks if that node is the goal
if (InTriangle(current->Triangle(), x2, y2))
while (!pq.empty())
delete pq.top();
SearchNode *temp = current;
//if so, visits all the triangles between the start and the goal
while (current != NULL)
//and adds each to the path
path.push() = current->Triangle()->se();
//moves to the previous triangle
current = current->Back();
delete temp;
//since they were visited in reverse, flip the path around
//stops marking the mesh
//makes sure the channel is wide enough for the unit
if (ValidPath(path, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
return true;
//if not, empties the paths and returns failure
return false;
//gets the triangle associated with the current node
SeDcdtFace *currentFace = current->Triangle();
//marks it as visited
//get the elements of the triangle
SeBase *s = currentFace->se();
//go through the edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//gets the face on the opposite side of this edge
SeDcdtFace *tempFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac();
//only consider it if it's degree-1 and hasn't been visited before
if ((!_mesh->marked(tempFace)) && (tempFace->link->Degree() == 1) && (!Blocked(s)))
//get the new triangle's midpoint
TriangleMidpoint(tempFace, x, y);
p.set(x, y);
//create a search node corresponding to this triangle
SearchNode *temp = new SearchNode(current->g() + Length(current->Point().x, current->Point().y, x, y),
Length(x, y, x2, y2), p, tempFace, current);
//and add it to the search queue
//move to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//if no children were created, close and delete this node
if (current->OpenChildren() <= 0)
delete current;
//stop marking the mesh
//the tree was exhausted and a path not found - return failure
return false;
//follows a degree-2 ring from one node to another, making sure that each is wide enough for the given radius
bool SeDcdt::Degree2Path(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, SeDcdtFace *startFace, SeDcdtFace *nextFace,
SeDcdtFace *goalFace, float r)
//empties the path first
//and adds the first face to it
path.push() = startFace->se();
//goes until it has reached the goal triangle
while (nextFace != goalFace)
//gets the elements of the current triangle
SeBase *s = nextFace->se();
//goes through its edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when the face across the current edge is the last triangle,
if (s->sym()->fac() == startFace)
//check if the triangle across the next edge is the next triangle in the ring
if (nextFace->link->Angle((i + 1) % 3) == INFINITY)
//makes sure this triangle is wide enough for radius r
if (nextFace->link->Width(i) < 2.0f * r)
//if not, empties the path and returns failure
return false;
//otherwise, adds the current triangle to the path
path.push() = nextFace->se();
//and moves to the next triangle in the ring
startFace = nextFace;
nextFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->sym()->fac();
//similar to above, checks the width
if (nextFace->link->Width((i + 2) % 3) < 2.0f * r)
return false;
//and continues along the ring
path.push() = nextFace->se();
startFace = nextFace;
nextFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->nxt()->sym()->fac();
//process the next triangle in the ring
//move to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//return that a path was found successfully
return true;
//follows a degree-2 ring from one node to another, making sure that each is wide enough for the given radius
bool SeDcdt::FollowLoop(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, SeDcdtFace *startFace, SeDcdtFace *nextFace,
SeDcdtFace *goalFace, SeDcdtFace *degree3, float r)
//empties the path first
//and adds the first face to it
path.push() = startFace->se();
//goes until it has reached the goal triangle
while (nextFace != goalFace)
//gets the elements of the current triangle
SeBase *s = nextFace->se();
//goes through its edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when the face across the current edge is the last triangle,
if (s->sym()->fac() == startFace)
//check if the triangle across the next edge is the next triangle in the ring
if (nextFace->link->Adjacent((i + 1) % 3) == degree3)
//makes sure this triangle is wide enough for radius r
if (nextFace->link->Width(i) < 2.0f * r)
//if not, empties the path and returns failure
return false;
//otherwise, adds the current triangle to the path
path.push() = nextFace->se();
//and moves to the next triangle in the ring
startFace = nextFace;
nextFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->sym()->fac();
//similar to above, checks the width
if (nextFace->link->Width((i + 2) % 3) < 2.0f * r)
return false;
//and continues along the ring
path.push() = nextFace->se();
startFace = nextFace;
nextFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->nxt()->sym()->fac();
//process the next triangle in the ring
//move to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//return that a path was found successfully
return true;
//determines if the given endpoint has to be checked against the current triangle
bool SeDcdt::ValidEndpoint(SeBase *s, float x, float y, bool left)
//gets the vertices of the current triangle
float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4;
TriangleVertices(s, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
//checks if a base angle is obtuse
if ((abs(AngleBetween(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) >= PI / 2.0f)
|| (abs(AngleBetween(x1, y1, x3, y3, x2, y2)) >= PI / 2.0f))
//if so, we don't have to worry
return true;
//gets the angle of the opposite edge
float theta = atan2(y3 - y2, x3 - x2);
//turn 90 degrees clockwise
theta += (theta <= PI / -2.0f) ? 3.0f * PI / 2.0f : PI / -2.0f;
//create a point this angle from the "top" vertex
x4 = x1 + cos(theta);
y4 = y1 + sin(theta);
//returns whether the unit doesn't have to pass through the narrowest point in this triangle
return ((Orientation(x1, y1, x4, y4, x, y) > 0) == (left));
//checks whether there is a valid path from the start or goal through their corresponding triangles
bool SeDcdt::ValidEndpoint(SeDcdtFace *first, SeDcdtFace *second, float x, float y, float r)
//goes through the edges of the first triangle
SeBase *s = first->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when it finds the one between the first and second triangles,
if (s->sym()->fac() == second)
//if it has to cross the line extending from either end vertex, checks their width
return (((ValidEndpoint(s, x, y, false)) || (first->link->Width((i + 2) % 3) >= 2.0f * r))
&& ((ValidEndpoint(s->nxt(), x, y, true)) || (first->link->Width(i) >= 2.0f * r)));
//moves to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//if the second triangle was never found, return failure
return false;
//checks if the start and goal points can validly enter the path
bool SeDcdt::ValidEndpoints(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r)
//if the path is size 1, no problem, otherwise checks that it can go from the first to second triangle,
//and from the last to second-last triangle
return ((path.size() < 2) || ((ValidEndpoint((SeDcdtFace *)path[0]->fac(), (SeDcdtFace *)path[1]->fac(), x1, y1, r))
&& (ValidEndpoint((SeDcdtFace *)path[path.size() - 1]->fac(), (SeDcdtFace *)path[path.size() - 2]->fac(), x2, y2, r))));
//checks if a path is valid for a unit of radius r
bool SeDcdt::ValidPath(SrArray<SeBase *>& path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r)
//first checks if the endpoints are valid
if (!ValidEndpoints(path, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
return false;
//then goes through the interior points
for (int i = 1; i < path.size() - 1; i++)
//gets the elements of the current triangle in the path
SeBase *s = path[i]->fac()->se();
//goes through the edges in this triangle
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//find the edge across which is the next triangle in the path
if (s->sym()->fac() == path[i + 1]->fac())
//get the width through this triangle between the last one in the path and the next one
float width = ((SeDcdtFace *)s->fac())->link->Width(
(s->nxt()->sym()->fac() == path[i - 1]->fac()) ? j : ((j + 2) % 3));
//if it's less than the diameter of the unit, the path is invalid
if (width < 2.0f * r)
return false;
//moves to the next edge in the triangle
s = s->nxt();
//if no triangle in the path was invalid, the path is valid
return true;
//determines the triangles that make up the path between the start and goal,
//using the degree-3 nodes speficied in the goal node and it's back pointer chain
//direction is to remove ambiguity when a corridor's endpoints are the same
void SeDcdt::ConstructBasePath(SrArray<SeBase *> &path, SearchNode *goalNode, SeDcdtFace *start, SeDcdtFace *goal, int direction)
//construct the backwards portion of the path first
SrArray<SeBase *> backwardsPath;
SeDcdtFace *goal2;
//if the goal triangle is degree-1,
if (goal->link->Degree() == 1)
//go through its edges and find the one across which is the root of the tree
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (goal->link->Adjacent(i) != NULL)
//then walk to the root from here
WalkBetween(backwardsPath, goal, goal->link->Adjacent(i), 0.0f);
//get rid of the overlapping triangle
//record the new position in the path
goal2 = goal->link->Adjacent(i);
//otherwise, we start from a degree-2 or 3 node
goal2 = goal;
//if we are at a degree-2 node,
if (goal->link->Degree() < 3)
//walk from there to the last degree-3 node
WalkBetween(backwardsPath, goal2, goalNode->Triangle(), 0.0f, direction);
//get rid of the overlapping triangle
//follow the chain of back pointers to the start
while (goalNode->Back() != NULL)
//create the path between the search node triangles
SrArray<SeBase *> tempPath;
WalkBetween(tempPath, goalNode->Back()->Triangle(), goalNode->Triangle(), 0.0f, goalNode->Direction());
//insert it into the backwards path
while (!tempPath.empty())
backwardsPath.push() = tempPath.pop();
//get rid of the overlapping triangle
//move back in the chain
goalNode = goalNode->Back();
SeDcdtFace *start2;
//if the start triangle is degree-1,
if (start->link->Degree() == 1)
//find the edge across which is the root of the tree
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (start->link->Adjacent(i) != NULL)
//walk from the start triangle to the root
WalkBetween(path, start, start->link->Adjacent(i), 0.0f);
//get rif of the overlapping triangle
//now we work from the root of the tree
start2 = start->link->Adjacent(i);
//otherwise, the start triangle is degree-2 or 3
start2 = start;
//if we are at a degree-2 node,
if (start->link->Degree() < 3)
//add the path from there to the first degree-3 node
WalkBetween(path, start2, goalNode->Triangle(), 0.0f, goalNode->Direction());
//put the path created so far onto this path
while (!backwardsPath.empty())
path.push() = backwardsPath.pop();
//get rid of the extra triangle
//searches the abstract graph for a path between two points
#if defined EXPERIMENT
bool SeDcdt::SearchPathFast(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r, Data *data, int numData)//, float &length, float &time, int &nodes)
bool SeDcdt::SearchPathFast(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r)//, float &length, float &time, int &nodes)
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the search
Timer startTime;
//start counting the nodes searched
int nodes = 0;
//also time the total time constructing channel and running the modified funnel algorithm
float constructionTime = 0.0f;
//count the number of triangles visited on the low level
int triangles = 0;
//count the total number of paths found
int paths = 0;
//keep track of the current data point
int currentData = 0;
//set the start and goal points
startPoint.set(x1, y1);
goalPoint.set(x2, y2);
//initialize the path to empty
SeBase *start, *goal;
//find the triangle containing the start point
SeTriangulator::LocateResult startResult = LocatePoint(x1, y1, start);
//if it wasn't found, return a path could not be found
if (startResult == SeTriangulator::NotFound)
return false;
//find the triangle containing the goal point
SeTriangulator::LocateResult goalResult = LocatePoint(x2, y2, goal);
//if it couldn't, return a failure
if (goalResult == SeTriangulator::NotFound)
return false;
SeDcdtFace *startFace = (SeDcdtFace *)start->fac();
SeDcdtFace *goalFace = (SeDcdtFace *)goal->fac();
//if either triangle isn't abstracted, this search fails
//also if the triangles aren't in the same connected component, no path connecting them exists
if ((startFace->link == NULL) || (goalFace->link == NULL)
|| (startFace->link->Component() != goalFace->link->Component()))
return false;
//check that the start and goal points aren't within the radius of any constraints
if ((!ValidPosition(x1, y1, startFace, r)) || (!ValidPosition(x2, y2, goalFace, r)))
//if either are, return false
return false;
//if the start and goal are in the same triangle,
if (startFace == goalFace)
//the path is a straight line
currentPath.push().set(x1, y1);
currentPath.push().set(x2, y2);
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//stop timing
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//record the length of the path
data[0].Length = Length(x1, y1, x2, y2);
return true;
//if both start and goal faces are degree-1,
if ((startFace->link->Degree() == 1) && (goalFace->link->Degree() == 1))
//checks if the start (and thus the goal as well) is in a tree component
bool inTree = true;
//(true if there are no adjacent degree-2 nodes)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (startFace->link->Adjacent(i) != NULL)
inTree = false;
//if they are in a tree component,
if (inTree)
//perform search in it
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
if (Degree1Path(channel, x1, y1, startFace, x2, y2, goalFace, r, triangles))
if (Degree1Path(channel, x1, y1, startFace, x2, y2, goalFace, r))
//if the search was successful, calculate the shortest path
currentChannel = channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the funnel algorithm
Timer construction;
//run the funnel algorithm
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//record the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//and the number of triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and finally the total time of the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//run the modified funnel algorithm to get the shortest path in that channel
GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and return success
return true;
//otherwise return failure
return false;
//if the start face is degree-1, moves to the adjacent degree-2 node
SeDcdtFace *startFace2;
float startAngle;
float startChoke;
if (startFace->link->Degree() == 1)
//go through the edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//determines which one is in the direction of the root of the tree
SeDcdtFace *adjacent = startFace->link->Adjacent(i);
if (adjacent != NULL)
//and records the root and the angle and choke point on the way there
startFace2 = adjacent;
startAngle = startFace->link->Angle(i);
startChoke = startFace->link->Choke(i);
//if we are at a degree-2 or 3 node, don't change anything
startFace2 = startFace;
startAngle = 0.0f;
startChoke = INFINITY;
//if the goal face is degree-1, moves to the adjacent degree-2 node
SeDcdtFace *goalFace2;
float goalAngle;
float goalChoke;
if (goalFace->link->Degree() == 1)
//go through the edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//determines which one is in the direction of the root of the tree
SeDcdtFace *adjacent = goalFace->link->Adjacent(i);
if (adjacent != NULL)
//and records the root and the angle and choke point on the way there
goalFace2 = adjacent;
goalAngle = goalFace->link->Angle(i);
goalChoke = goalFace->link->Choke(i);
//if we are at a degree-2 or 3 node, don't change anything
goalFace2 = goalFace;
goalAngle = 0.0f;
goalChoke = INFINITY;
//if the start and goal faces are both degree-1 or 2,
if ((startFace->link->Degree() < 3) && (goalFace->link->Degree() < 3))
//checks if the start and goal have the same root,
if (startFace2 == goalFace2)
//if the start face is at the root of the tree that the goal face is in,
if (startFace2 == startFace)
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the channel construction and modified funnel algorithm
Timer construction;
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
//walk from the goal face to the start face and check that the endpoints are valid
if (WalkBetween(channel, goalFace, startFace, r)
&& ValidEndpoints(channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of triangles visited
triangles += channel.size();
//invert the path and get rid of the extra triangle
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the length of the path found
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//keep track of the current channel
currentChannel = channel;
//stop timing and record the construction
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//record the number of triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//record the total time of the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//run the modified funnel algorithm
GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and return success
return true;
//if the path was not wide enough, return failure
return false;
//if the goal face is at the root of the tree that the start face is in,
else if (goalFace2 == goalFace)
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing channel construction and the modified funnel algorithm
Timer construction;
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
//walk from the start face to the goal face and check that the endpoints are valid
if (WalkBetween(channel, startFace, goalFace, r)
&& ValidEndpoints(channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of triangles visited
triangles += channel.size();
//get rid of the extra triangle
//calculate the shortest path and return success
currentChannel = channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the length of the path
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//and the number of triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and finally the total time of the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//run the modified funnel algorithm on the channel constructed
GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and return success
return true;
//if the path was not wide enough, return failure
return false;
//if the start and goal are both in the same tree component,
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
//perform search in tree component and check that the endpoints are valid
#if defined EXPERIMENT
if (Degree1Path(channel, x1, y1, startFace, x2, y2, goalFace, r, triangles)
if (Degree1Path(channel, x1, y1, startFace, x2, y2, goalFace, r)
&& ValidEndpoints(channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
//record the current channel
currentChannel = channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the construction
Timer construction;
//if the search was successful, calculate the shortest path
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and record the time to find it
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//and the triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and the time of the whole algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//calculate the shortest path in the channel
GetShortestPath(currentPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//and return success
return true;
//otherwise, return failure
return false;
//if we can't get from the start or goal to the rest of the graph, no path exists
if ((startChoke < 2.0f * r) || (goalChoke < 2.0f * r))
return false;
//if both the start and goal are in degree-1 or 2 nodes, check if they're on a ring
if ((startFace2->link->Degree() == 2) && (goalFace2->link->Degree() == 2))
int i;
//go through the edges of the degree-2 node attached to the start face
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//if it's adjacent to a degree-3 node, it's not a ring
if (startFace2->link->Adjacent(i) != NULL)
//if it wasn't, the start and goal are both rooted on a degree-2 ring
if (i >= 3)
//create paths between the start and goal triangles and their respective roots,
//and paths for the left and right sides of the ring
SrArray<SeBase *> startPath, goalPath, leftPath, rightPath;
//if the start triangle is the root of its tree, there is no start path
if (startFace == startFace2)
startPath.push() = startFace->se();
//otherwise, walk from the start to the root of its tree
else if (!WalkBetween(startPath, startFace, startFace2, r))
//if the path wasn't wide enough, return failure
return false;
//if the goal triangle is the root of its tree, there is no goal path
if (goalFace == goalFace2)
goalPath.push() = goalFace->se();
//otherwise, walk from the goal to the root of its tree
else if (!WalkBetween(goalPath, goalFace, goalFace2, r))
//if the path wasn't wide enough, return failure
return false;
//invert the goal path since it was constructed backward
//go through the edges of the root of the start triangle
SeBase *s = startFace2->se();
bool leftValid, rightValid;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when we find the edge across which there is no degree-3 node,
if (startFace2->link->Angle(i) == INVALID)
//constructs the right and left side paths and determines if each is wide enough
rightValid = Degree2Path(rightPath, startFace2, (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->sym()->fac(), goalFace2, r);
leftValid = Degree2Path(leftPath, startFace2, (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->nxt()->sym()->fac(), goalFace2, r);
//go to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//if neither left or right paths are valid, return failure
if (!leftValid && !rightValid)
return false;
//creates two full paths
SrArray<SeBase *> fullLeftPath, fullRightPath;
//checks if the whole left path is valid, if so, constructs it
if (leftValid && ((startPath.size() < 1) || (leftPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(startFace2, startPath[startPath.size() - 1], (leftPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace2->se() : leftPath[1], r))
&& ((goalPath.size() < 2) || (leftPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(goalFace2, (goalPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace->se() : goalPath[1], leftPath[leftPath.size() - 1], r)))
//adds the start path
for (int i = 0; i < startPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = startPath[i];
//then the left side of the ring
for (int i = 0; i < leftPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = leftPath[i];
//and finally, the goal path
for (int i = 0; i < goalPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = goalPath[i];
//checks if the whole right path is valid, if so, constructs it
if (rightValid && ((startPath.size() < 1) || (rightPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(startFace2, startPath[startPath.size() - 1], (rightPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace2->se() : rightPath[1], r))
&& ((goalPath.size() < 1) || (rightPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(goalFace2, (goalPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace->se() : goalPath[1], rightPath[rightPath.size() - 1], r)))
//adds the start path
for (int i = 0; i < startPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = startPath[i];
//then the right side of the ring
for (int i = 0; i < rightPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = rightPath[i];
//and finally, the goal path
for (int i = 0; i < goalPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = goalPath[i];
//if neither path was valid, return failure
if ((fullLeftPath.size() == 0) && (fullRightPath.size() == 0))
return false;
//if both paths are valid,
else if ((fullLeftPath.size() > 0) && (fullRightPath.size() > 0))
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the construction
Timer construction;
//calculate the lengths of both
SrPolygon funnelLeft, funnelRight;
float leftLength = GetShortestPath(funnelLeft, fullLeftPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
float rightLength = GetShortestPath(funnelRight, fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//set the current path to the shorter of the two and return success
currentPath = (leftLength < rightLength) ? funnelLeft : funnelRight;
currentChannel = (leftLength < rightLength) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the length of the shorter path found
data[0].Length = (leftLength < rightLength) ? leftLength : rightLength;
//record the triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = startPath.size() + goalPath.size() + leftPath.size() + rightPath.size() + 2;
//stop timing the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//and return success
return true;
//if only one was valid,
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing construction
Timer construction;
//calculate the length of valid path
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//record the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//total up the triangles used in construction
data[0].ConstructionNodes = startPath.size() + goalPath.size() + leftPath.size() + rightPath.size() + 2;
//finish timing the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//calculate the valid path
GetShortestPath(currentPath, (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//record the current channel
currentChannel = (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath;
//and return success
return true;
//the end points of the edge the start triangle is on
SeDcdtFace *startTriangle1 = NULL, *startTriangle2 = NULL;
//a priority queue for searching the abstract space
std::priority_queue<SearchNode *, std::vector<SearchNode *>, check> q;
//if the start triangle is degree-3,
if (startFace2->link->Degree() == 3)
//enqueue a node corresponding to that triangle into the queue
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointTo(startFace2, x2, y2, r);
q.push(new SearchNode(0.0f, Length(x1, y1, x2, y2), p, startFace2, NULL));
//otherwise, go through the edges of the degree-2 node
SeBase *s = startFace2->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//get the adjacent triangle across that edge
SeDcdtFace *face = startFace2->link->Adjacent(i);
if (face == NULL)
s = s->nxt();
//if it's not null, assign it to one of the end points
((startTriangle1 == NULL) ? startTriangle1 : startTriangle2) = face;
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3;
SeBase *s1 = face->se();
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if ((face->link->Adjacent(j) == startFace2->link->Adjacent((i + 1) % 3))
|| (face->link->Adjacent(j) == startFace2->link->Adjacent((i + 2) % 3)))
TriangleVertices(s1, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
s1 = s1->nxt();
//get the closest point in this triangle to the start and goal,
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x2, y2, r);
SrPnt2 p2 = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x1, y1, r);
//and the closest point to the start from the degree-2 start triangle
SrPnt2 p3 = ClosestPointTo(startFace2, x1, y1, r);
//gets the longer of the shortest paths through the triangles from the start to its root
//and the distance between the start and the closest point in its root triangle
float distance1 = Maximum(startAngle * r, Length(x1, y1, p3.x, p3.y));
//gets the shortest path through the triangles between the root and this adjacent degree-3 node
float distance2 = startFace2->link->Angle(i) * r;
TriangleVertices(s, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
//gets the angle through the triangle between the adjacent degree-3 node and the tree
float theta = (startFace2->link->Adjacent((i + 1) % 3) == NULL) ?
abs(AngleBetween(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3)) : abs(AngleBetween(x_2, y_2, x_1, y_1, x_3, y_3));
//adds a search node corresponding to this adjacent degree-3 node to the priority queue
q.push(new SearchNode(Maximum(Length(p2.x, p2.y, x1, y1), distance1 + distance2 + theta * r),
Length(p.x, p.y, x2, y2), p, face, NULL, i));
//moves to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//creates an array of goal nodes
SrArray<SearchNode> goalNodes;
//if the goal is on a degree-3 node,
if (goalFace2->link->Degree() == 3)
//there is only one goal node to consider
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointTo(goalFace2, x1, y1, r);
goalNodes.push() = SearchNode(Length(p.x, p.y, x1, y1), 0.0f, p, goalFace2, NULL);
//otherwise, go through the edges of the triangle at the root of the goal node
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//get the degree-3 node adjacent across this edge
SeDcdtFace *face = goalFace2->link->Adjacent(i);
if (face == NULL)
//get the closest points in the triangle to the start and the goal
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointTo(face, x2, y2, r);
SrPnt2 p2 = ClosestPointTo(face, x1, y1, r);
//enqueue a search node corresponding with this adjacent degree-3 node
goalNodes.push(SearchNode(Length(p2.x, p2.y, x1, y1),
Length(p.x, p.y, x2, y2), p, face, NULL, i));
//start with no shortest path
float shortestPathLength = INFINITY;
SrPolygon shortestPath;
SrArray<SeBase *> shortestChannel;
//if both the start and goal are on degree-1 or 2 nodes, check if they have the same endpoints
if ((q.size() == 2) && (goalNodes.size() == 2) &&
(((startTriangle1 == goalNodes[0].Triangle()) && (startTriangle2 == goalNodes[1].Triangle())) ||
((startTriangle1 == goalNodes[1].Triangle()) && (startTriangle2 == goalNodes[0].Triangle()))))
if (startTriangle1 == startTriangle2)
//create paths between the start and goal triangles and their respective roots,
//and paths for the left and right sides of the ring
SrArray<SeBase *> startPath, goalPath, leftPath, rightPath;
//if the start triangle is the root of its tree, there is no start path
if (startFace == startFace2)
startPath.push() = startFace->se();
//otherwise, walk from the start to the root of its tree
else if (!WalkBetween(startPath, startFace, startFace2, r))
//if the path wasn't wide enough, return failure
return false;
//if the goal triangle is the root of its tree, there is no goal path
if (goalFace == goalFace2)
goalPath.push() = goalFace->se();
//otherwise, walk from the goal to the root of its tree
else if (!WalkBetween(goalPath, goalFace, goalFace2, r))
//if the path wasn't wide enough, return failure
return false;
//invert the goal path since it was constructed backward
//go through the edges of the root of the start triangle
SeBase *s = startFace2->se();
bool leftValid, rightValid;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when we find the edge across which there is no degree-3 node,
if (startFace2->link->Angle(i) == INVALID)
//constructs the right and left side paths and determines if each is wide enough
rightValid = FollowLoop(rightPath, startFace2, (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->sym()->fac(), goalFace2, startTriangle1, r);
leftValid = FollowLoop(leftPath, startFace2, (SeDcdtFace *)s->nxt()->nxt()->sym()->fac(), goalFace2, startTriangle1, r);
//go to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//if neither left or right paths are valid, return failure
if (!leftValid && !rightValid)
return false;
//creates two full paths
SrArray<SeBase *> fullLeftPath, fullRightPath;
//checks if the whole left path is valid, if so, constructs it
if (leftValid && ((startPath.size() < 1) || (leftPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(startFace2, startPath[startPath.size() - 1], (leftPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace2->se() : leftPath[1], r))
&& ((goalPath.size() < 2) || (leftPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(goalFace2, (goalPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace->se() : goalPath[1], leftPath[leftPath.size() - 1], r)))
//adds the start path
for (int i = 0; i < startPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = startPath[i];
//then the left side of the ring
for (int i = 0; i < leftPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = leftPath[i];
//and finally, the goal path
for (int i = 0; i < goalPath.size(); i++)
fullLeftPath.push() = goalPath[i];
//checks if the whole right path is valid, if so, constructs it
if (rightValid && ((startPath.size() < 1) || (rightPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(startFace2, startPath[startPath.size() - 1], (rightPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace2->se() : rightPath[1], r))
&& ((goalPath.size() < 1) || (rightPath.size() < 1) ||
CanCross(goalFace2, (goalPath.size() < 2) ? goalFace->se() : goalPath[1], rightPath[rightPath.size() - 1], r)))
//adds the start path
for (int i = 0; i < startPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = startPath[i];
//then the right side of the ring
for (int i = 0; i < rightPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = rightPath[i];
//and finally, the goal path
for (int i = 0; i < goalPath.size(); i++)
fullRightPath.push() = goalPath[i];
//if neither path was valid, return failure
if ((fullLeftPath.size() == 0) && (fullRightPath.size() == 0))
return false;
//if both paths are valid,
else if ((fullLeftPath.size() > 0) && (fullRightPath.size() > 0))
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing construction
Timer construction;
//calculate the lengths of both
SrPolygon funnelLeft, funnelRight;
float leftLength = GetShortestPath(funnelLeft, fullLeftPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
float rightLength = GetShortestPath(funnelRight, fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//set the current path and channel to the shorter of the two
currentPath = (leftLength < rightLength) ? funnelLeft : funnelRight;
currentChannel = (leftLength < rightLength) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the length of the chosen path
data[0].Length = (leftLength < rightLength) ? leftLength : rightLength;
//and the triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = startPath.size() + goalPath.size() + leftPath.size() + rightPath.size() + 2;
//and finish timing the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//and return success
return true;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing construction
Timer construction;
//if only one was valid, calculate the valid path
data[0].Length = GetShortestPath(currentPath, (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);\
//record the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//and the triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = startPath.size() + goalPath.size() + leftPath.size() + rightPath.size() + 2;
//and stop timing the algorithm
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//calculate the shortest path in the valid channel
GetShortestPath(currentPath, (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//record the current channel
currentChannel = (fullRightPath.size() == 0) ? fullLeftPath : fullRightPath;
//and return success
return true;
//get the root of the start triangle
SeDcdtFace *face = startFace2;
SeDcdtFace *destinationFace;
float destinationAngle;
//go through that triangle's edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//if the degree-3 node adjacent across that edge is the first goal node,
if (face->link->Adjacent(i) == goalNodes[0].Triangle())
//record the angle (distance) to that node
destinationAngle = face->link->Angle(i);
//next go through the edges of the triangle at the root of the goal
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when we find the edge across which the first goal node is adjacent,
if (goalFace2->link->Adjacent(i) == goalNodes[0].Triangle())
//we check whether this node or the other is closer to it,
//and set the destination face to be the degree-3 node adjacent to the degree-2
//start node such that we expect to cross the degree-2 goal node when moving to it
destinationFace = goalNodes[(goalFace2->link->Angle(i) < destinationAngle) ? 0 : 1].Triangle();
//go from the degree-2 start node to the destination face, building a channel as we go
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
//if we reach the destination face, the start and goal are on different edges with the same endpoints
while (face != destinationFace)
//if we reach the degree-2 goal face, they're on the same edge,
if (face == goalFace2)
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing construction
Timer construction;
//create the start path from the start face to its root
SrArray<SeBase *> startPath;
WalkBetween(startPath, startFace, startFace2, 0.0f);
//discard the overlapping triangle
//create the goal path from the goal face to its root
SrArray<SeBase *> goalPath;
WalkBetween(goalPath, goalFace, goalFace2, 0.0f);
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of triangles visited
triangles += startPath.size() + goalPath.size() + 1;
//invert the (backwards) goal path
//add the channel we built to the end of the start path
while (!channel.empty())
startPath.push() = channel.pop();
//then add the goal path
while (!goalPath.empty())
startPath.push() = goalPath.pop();
//discard the extra triangle at the end
//if the path is valid,
if (ValidPath(startPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
//calculates the shortest path in that channel and saves the length of it
shortestPathLength = GetShortestPath(shortestPath, startPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
shortestChannel = startPath;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keeps track of the number of paths found
//records the length
data[0].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and the construction time
data[0].ConstructionTime = construction.GetDuration();
//and the triangles visited
data[0].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and the time so far
data[0].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//move to the next data point
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//stop timing construction
constructionTime += construction.GetDuration();
//remove from the goal nodes the one that is closest to the start
goalNodes.remove((goalNodes[0].Triangle() == destinationFace) ? 1 : 0);
//and remove the other one from the queue
if (q.top()->Triangle() == destinationFace)
SearchNode *temp = q.top();
//stop building the channel
//go through the edges of the current triangle
SeBase *s = face->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//when we find the edge across which the destination node is adjacent,
if (face->link->Adjacent(i) == destinationFace)
//add this triangle to the channel
channel.push() = s;
//and move to the triangle across that edge
face = (SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac();
//go to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//record the Euclidean distance between the start and goal
float startGoalDistance = Length(x1, y1, x2, y2);
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//create a second queue if running to the first path
std::priority_queue<SearchNode *, std::vector<SearchNode *>, check> q2;
//and begin marking the triangle mesh
//actual abstract degree-3 node search finally begins!
//continue until all nodes have been exhausted
while (!q.empty())
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//if it is time to collect more data,
if ((currentData > 0) && (startTime.GetDuration() >= data[currentData].TotalTime * data[0].TotalTime))
//if this is the last data point,
if (currentData == numData - 1)
//empty the main queue of nodes
while (!q.empty())
//closing and deleting all nodes in there
delete q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//empty the secondary queue similarly
while (!q2.empty())
//closing and deleting all nodes in there
delete q2.top();
//and stop searching
//record the total time for the algorithm,
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//the construction time,
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//the number of nodes searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//the shortest path found,
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//the number of paths found,
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//and the number of triangles used in construction
data[currentData].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and move to the next data item
//get the most promising search node off of the queue
SearchNode *current = q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//if we want the first path fast and we don't have it yet but we have searched this triangle,
if ((shortestPathLength == INFINITY) && (_mesh->marked(current->Triangle())))
//put it on the secondary queue for now and move to the next node
//mark the current triangle as searched
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of nodes searched
//if the shortest path through the current node is longer than
//the best path found so far, we are done searching
if (current->f() >= shortestPathLength)
//empty the queue,
while (!q.empty())
//closing and deleting all nodes in there
delete q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
while (!q2.empty())
//closing and deleting all nodes in there
delete q2.top();
//and the current node
delete current;
//stop searching
//record if we found the goal
bool found = false;
//go through the goal nodes
for (int i = 0; i < goalNodes.size(); i++)
//if the current triangle is a goal node,
if (current->Triangle() == goalNodes[i].Triangle())
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing construction
Timer construction;
//construct the channel corresponding to the path so far
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
ConstructBasePath(channel, current, startFace, goalFace, goalNodes[i].Direction());
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of triangles visited
triangles += channel.size();
//only check the channel is it is wide enough
if (ValidEndpoints(channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//if we found the first path, put all the nodes in the secondary queue
while (!q2.empty())
//back in the main queue
//get the shortest path and its length
SrPolygon currentShortestPath;
float currentPathLength = GetShortestPath(currentShortestPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//if it's the best path found so far, record it
if (currentPathLength < shortestPathLength)
shortestPathLength = currentPathLength;
shortestPath = currentShortestPath;
shortestChannel = channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of paths found
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the construction time
constructionTime += construction.GetDuration();
//we have found a solution
found = true;
//if we found the goal, don't generate any children
if (found)
//close and delete the goal node
delete current;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//if this is the first path,
if (currentData < 1)
//if it's also the final data point, stop searching
if (currentData == numData - 1)
//record the total time so far
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//and the construction time
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//and the total number of nodes searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//and the shortest path found so far
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and the number of paths found so far
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//and the number of triangles visited
data[currentData].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//and move to the next data point
//get the next node from the queue
//go through the edges of this triangle
SeBase *s = current->Triangle()->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//make sure not to cross the starting edge back the way we came
if (((current->Triangle() == startTriangle1) && (current->Triangle()->link->Adjacent(i) == startTriangle2))
|| ((current->Triangle() == startTriangle2) && (current->Triangle()->link->Adjacent(i) == startTriangle1)))
//get the degree-3 node adjacent across that edge
SeDcdtFace *childFace = current->Triangle()->link->Adjacent(i);
//get the width through this triangle and through the corridor to the next triangle
float width = (current->Back() == NULL) ? INFINITY :
(current->Triangle()->link->Adjacent((i + 1) % 3) == current->Back()->Triangle()) ?
current->Triangle()->link->Width(i) : current->Triangle()->link->Width((i + 2) % 3);
width = Minimum(current->Triangle()->link->Choke(i), width);
//only consider this triangle if it's wide enough to get there and we haven't
//searched it before (and it's not the way we just came)
if ((!current->Searched(childFace)) && (width >= 2.0f * r)
&& ((current->Back() == NULL) || (childFace != current->Back()->Triangle())))
//get the angle we cross the current triangle to get to the child
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3;
SeBase *s1 = childFace->se();
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (childFace->link->Adjacent(j) == current->Triangle())
TriangleVertices(s1, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
s1 = s1->nxt();
//get the closest point on the entry edge to the goal
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x2, y2, r);
//and the start
SrPnt2 p2 = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x1, y1, r);
float x_4 = x_1;
float y_4 = y_1;
float x_5 = x_2;
float y_5 = y_2;
TriangleVertices(s, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
//get the angle through the last triangle to this one
float theta = (current->Back() == NULL) ? 0.0f : (current->Triangle()->link->Adjacent((i + 1) % 3) == current->Back()->Triangle()) ?
abs(AngleBetween(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3)) : abs(AngleBetween(x_3, y_3, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2));
//the heuristic is the closest (Euclidean) distance to the goal
float h = Length(p.x, p.y, x2, y2);
//the distance travelled so far is the distance for the parent plus the max of the total angle through
//the parent triangle and the corridor from it to this triangle times the object's radius, and the difference
//between the parent nodes heuristic and this node's
float minDistance = current->g() + Maximum((current->Triangle()->link->Angle(i) + theta) * r, current->h() - h);
//maxxed with the distance between the start and the closest point to it on the entry edge
minDistance = Maximum(Length(x1, y1, p2.x, p2.y), minDistance);
//maxxed with the Euclidean distance between the start and goal minus this node's heuristic
minDistance = Maximum(minDistance, startGoalDistance - h);
//maxxed with the parent's distance travelled plus the minimum distance between its entry edge and
//that of this node, plus the angle through the parent node times the unit's radius
minDistance = Maximum(minDistance, current->g() + SegmentDistance(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_5, y_5, x_4, y_4, r) + theta * r);
//if this child might yield a shorter path,
if ((minDistance + h) < shortestPathLength)
//push a node with these values onto the priority queue
q.push(new SearchNode(minDistance, h, p, childFace, current, i));
//tell the parent node it has another child
//move to the next edge of the parent node's triangle
s = s->nxt();
//if no children were opened,
if (current->OpenChildren() <= 0)
//we can close and delete the current node now
delete current;
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//stop marking searched triangles
//go through the secondary queue
while (!q2.empty())
//closing and deleting all nodes in there
delete q2.top();
//save the shortest path found and its channel
currentPath = shortestPath;
currentChannel = shortestChannel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//record the total time of the algorithm
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//and the construction time
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//and the number of nodes searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//and the length of the shortest path found
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and the total number of paths
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//and finally the number of triangles used for construction
data[currentData].ConstructionNodes = triangles;
//return whether or not one was found
return (shortestPathLength < INFINITY);
//searches the base graph for a path between two points
#if defined EXPERIMENT
bool SeDcdt::SearchPathBaseFast(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r, Data *data, int numData)//, float &length, float &time, int &nodes)
bool SeDcdt::SearchPathBaseFast(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r)//, float &length, float &time, int &nodes)
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//start timing the algorithm
Timer startTime;
//keep track of the total tome spent constructing paths
float constructionTime = 0.0f;
//and the current data point
int currentData = 0;
//and the number of triangles searched
int nodes = 0;
//and the number of paths found
int paths = 0;
//initialize the path to empty
SeBase *start;
//find the triangle containing the start point
SeTriangulator::LocateResult startResult = LocatePoint(x1, y1, start);
//if it wasn't found, return a path could not be found
if (startResult == SeTriangulator::NotFound)
return false;
//get the starting triangle
SeDcdtFace *startFace = (SeDcdtFace *)start->fac();
//create a priority queue for the search nodes
std::priority_queue<SearchNode *, std::vector<SearchNode *>, check> q;
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//if we are finding the first path quickly, initialize a secondary queue
std::priority_queue<SearchNode *, std::vector<SearchNode *>, check> q2;
//calculate the closest point to the goal in the first triangle
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointTo(startFace, x2, y2, r);
//use the distance between that and the goal as the heuristic in the first search node
q.push(new SearchNode(0.0f, Length(p.x, p.y, x2, y2), p, startFace, NULL));
//the shortest path so far and its length and channel
float shortestPathLength = INFINITY;
SrPolygon shortestPath;
SrArray<SeBase *> shortestChannel;
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//start marking which triangles have been explored
//we start with 1 unexplored triangle on the queue
// int unexplored = 1;
//calculate the Euclidean distance between the start and goal
float startGoalDistance = Length(x1, y1, x2, y2);
//continue until all nodes have been exhausted
while (!q.empty())
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//if it's time to record another data point,
if ((currentData > 0) && (startTime.GetDuration() >= data[currentData].TotalTime * data[0].TotalTime))
//if it's the last data point,
if (currentData == numData - 1)
//empty the primary queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q.empty())
delete q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//empty the secondary queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q2.empty())
delete q2.top();
//and stop searching
//get the total time spent so far
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//the time spent on construction
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//the number of nodes searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//the shortest path found
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and the number of paths found
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//and move to the next data point
//gets the best search node so far
SearchNode *current = q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//if we want the first path quickly and we haven't found one yet but have searched this triangle before,
if ((shortestPathLength == INFINITY) && (_mesh->marked(current->Triangle())))
//push it onto the secondary queue for now
//and get the next most promising node
//otherwise, mark this triangle as visited
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the number of nodes searched
//if the shortest path through this node is longer than the best path we have found so far,
//or if we have no unexplored nodes on the queue and we haven't found a path yet
if ((current->f() >= shortestPathLength))// || ((unexplored <= 0) && (shortestPathLength == INFINITY)))
//empty the primary queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q.empty())
delete q.top();
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//empty the secondary queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q2.empty())
delete q2.top();
//close and delete the current node
delete current;
//exit the loop
//if we haven't explored the current node yet
// if (!_mesh->marked(current->Triangle()))
// {
//mark it as explored now
// _mesh->mark(current->Triangle());
//we are taking an unexplored node off of the queue
// unexplored--;
// }
//if the goal is in the current triangle,
if (InTriangle(current->Triangle(), x2, y2))
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//time the construction
Timer construct;
//construct the channel formed by our search
SrArray<SeBase *> channel = ConstructBaseChannel(current);
//close and delete the current search node
delete current;
//check if the endpoints are valid
if (ValidEndpoints(channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r))
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//once we find a path put all the nodes from the secondary queue on to the primary one
while (!q2.empty())
//calculate the path and its length
SrPolygon currentShortestPath;
float currentPathLength = GetShortestPath(currentShortestPath, channel, x1, y1, x2, y2, r);
//if this is the best path so far,
if (currentPathLength < shortestPathLength)
//set this as the best path
shortestPathLength = currentPathLength;
shortestPath = currentShortestPath;
shortestChannel = channel;
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//keep track of the total time spent doing construction
constructionTime += construct.GetDuration();
//keep track of the number of paths found
//if we are on the first data point,
if (currentData < 1)
//also if we're on the last data point,
if (currentData == numData - 1)
//empty the primary queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q.empty())
delete q.top();
//and stop searching
//record the time spent so far on the algorithm
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//and the time spent on construction
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//and the number of triangles searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//and the length of the shortest path
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and the number of paths found
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//and move to the next data point
//move to the next triangle
//go through the edges of the current triangle
SeBase *s = current->Triangle()->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//only consider crossing edges that aren't blocked
if (!Blocked(s))
//get the triangle associated with the potential child node
SeDcdtFace *childFace = (SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac();
//calculate the width through this triangle between the last triangle and the next
float width = (current->Back() == NULL) ? INFINITY : (s->nxt()->sym()->fac() == current->Back()->Triangle()) ?
current->Triangle()->link->Width(i) : current->Triangle()->link->Width((i + 2) % 3);
//only generate the child node if we haven't explored it yet in this path, the width through
//the triangle is enough, and it's not the last face we explored
if ((!current->Searched(childFace)) && (width >= 2.0f * r)
&& ((current->Back() == NULL) || (childFace != current->Back()->Triangle())))
//get a component of the child face
SeBase *s1 = childFace->se();
float x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3;
//go through the edges to determine which is the entry edge
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//that is the edge across which is the parent triangle
if (s1->sym()->fac() == s->fac())
//and get the vertices starting from that edge
TriangleVertices(s1, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
//move to the next edge to check
s1 = s1->nxt();
//get the closest point on the entry edge to the goal
SrPnt2 p = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x2, y2, r);
//and the start
SrPnt2 p2 = ClosestPointOn(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x1, y1, r);
//get the parent triangle's vertices
TriangleVertices(s, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3);
//and calculate the angle through that triangle to this one
float theta = (current->Back() == NULL) ? 0.0f : (s->nxt()->sym()->fac() == current->Back()->Triangle()) ?
abs(AngleBetween(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3)) : abs(AngleBetween(x_3, y_3, x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2));
//the heuristic is the Euclidean distance between the goal and the closest point
//to it in this triangle's entry edge
float h = Length(p.x, p.y, x2, y2);
//the distance travelled is the maximum of that for the parent triangle
//plus the maximum of the angle through the parent triangle times the
//unit's radius, and the parent triangle's heuristic minus that of this one
float minDistance = current->g() + Maximum(theta * r, current->h() - h);
//maxxed with the minimum distance between this triangle's entry edge and the start
minDistance = Maximum(Length(x1, y1, p2.x, p2.y), minDistance);
//maxxed with the Euclidean distance between the start and goal minus this
//triangle's heuristic value
minDistance = Maximum(minDistance, startGoalDistance - h);
//if this child could yield a shorter path than the best found so far,
if ((minDistance + h) < shortestPathLength)
//put the child search node on the queue
q.push(new SearchNode(minDistance, h, p, childFace, current));
//tell the current node that it has an open child
//if we haven't explored this triangle before,
// if (!_mesh->marked(childFace))
// {
// //we are putting an unexplored node on the queue
// unexplored++;
// }
//move to the next edge of the parent triangle
s = s->nxt();
//if no children were opened, close the current node and delete it
if (current->OpenChildren() <= 0)
delete current;
#if defined FIRST_PATH_FAST
//empty the queue, close and delete all remaining nodes
while (!q2.empty())
delete q2.top();
//stop marking the triangle mesh
//set the current path and channel to the best one found
currentPath = shortestPath;
currentChannel = shortestChannel;
//set the start and goal points
startPoint.set(x1, y1);
goalPoint.set(x2, y2);
// _mesh->end_marking();
#if defined EXPERIMENT
//stop timing the algorithm and record the total time spent
data[currentData].TotalTime = startTime.GetDuration();
//record the total time spent on construction
data[currentData].ConstructionTime = constructionTime;
//record the number of nodes searched
data[currentData].SearchNodes = nodes;
//record the length of the shortest path
data[currentData].Length = shortestPathLength;
//and finally the total number of paths found
data[currentData].Paths = paths;
//return whether a path was found or not
return (shortestPathLength < INFINITY);
//construct the channel given the last SearchNode in the solution
SrArray<SeBase *> SeDcdt::ConstructBaseChannel(SearchNode *goal)
SrArray<SeBase *> channel;
//if there is only one node, return an empty path
if (goal->Back() == NULL)
return channel;
//otherwise, move back in the chain
SearchNode *current = goal->Back();
//until we are at the second-to-first node
while (current->Back() != NULL)
//go through the edges of the triangle associated with this node
SeBase *s = current->Triangle()->se();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//if the previous triangle is across this edge,
if (s->sym()->fac() == current->Back()->Triangle())
//add this edge/face to the channel
channel.push() = s;
//and move to the next node
//go to the next edge in the triangle
s = s->nxt();
//move to the previous node in the chain
current = current->Back();
//add the last triangle to the channel
channel.push() = current->Triangle()->se();
//the channel was constructed backward, so flip it, then return it
return channel;
//uses the modified funnel algorithm to get the shortest path for nonzero-radius units
//and return the length of this path
float SeDcdt::GetShortestPath(SrPolygon &path, SrArray<SeBase *> Channel, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float r)
//initializes the path
//if there are no edges in the channel, the path is a straight line
if (Channel.size() < 1)
path.push().set(x1, y1);
path.push().set(x2, y2);
return Length(x1, y1, x2, y2);
//otherwise, initialize a funnel deque
//with the starting point
FunnelDeque fd(x1, y1, r);
//get the first edge in the channel
SeBase *s = Channel[0];
//get the reference whose sym edge
//belongs to the next triangle in the channel
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (((Channel.size() > 1) && (s->sym()->fac() == Channel[1]->fac()))
|| (InTriangle((SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac(), x2, y2)))
s = s->nxt();
//get the point on the right side of that edge
SrPnt2 p;
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p);
//insert it into the deque
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::LeftTangent, path);
SeVertex *right = s->vtx();
//get the point on the left side of that edge
s = s->nxt();
SeVertex *left = s->vtx();
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p);
//insert it into the deque
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::RightTangent, path);
//go through the other edges in the channel
for (int i = 1; i < Channel.size() - 1; i++)
s = Channel[i];
//get the reference whose sym edge
//belongs to the next triangle in the channel
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (s->sym()->fac() == Channel[i + 1]->fac())
s = s->nxt();
//if that edge shares a vertex with the right side
//of the funnel, the opposite point should be
//added to the left side of the funnel
if (s->vtx() == right)
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p);
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::RightTangent, path);
left = s->nxt()->vtx();
//otherwise, add it to the right side of the funnel
else //(s->nxt()->vtx() == left)
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p);
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::LeftTangent, path);
right = s->vtx();
//go to the last edge in the channel
s = Channel[Channel.size() - 1];
//find the reference across which is
//the triangle with the goal in it
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if (InTriangle((SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac(), x2, y2))
s = s->nxt();
//like above, determines whether to add
//the point to the left or right side of the funnel
if (s->vtx() == right)
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p);
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::RightTangent, path);
else //(s->nxt()->vtx() == left)
p.set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p);
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::LeftTangent, path);
//finally, add the goal point to the funnel
p.set(x2, y2);
fd.Add(p, FunnelDeque::Point, path);
//calculate the length of the path sand return it
return fd.Length(path);
//returns a polygon with the boundary of the current channel
SrPolygon SeDcdt::GetChannelBoundary()
//start the boundary with the starting point, go clockwise
SrPolygon boundary;
//if there is no channel, return an empty boundary
if (currentChannel.size() == 0)
return boundary;
boundary.push().set(startPoint.x, startPoint.y);
SeBase *s;
//go through each of the triangles in the channel (except the last one)
for (int i = 0; i < currentChannel.size() - 1; i++)
//go through the edges of the current triangle
s = currentChannel[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//if this edge borders the next triangle,
if (s->sym()->fac() == currentChannel[i + 1]->fac())
//add the vertex on the other side of this edge to the boundary
boundary.push().set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p.x, ((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p.y);
//go to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//now deal with the last triangle in the channel
s = currentChannel[currentChannel.size() - 1];
//go through its edges
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
//find the edge shed with the triangle containing the goal point
if (InTriangle((SeDcdtFace *)s->sym()->fac(), goalPoint.x, goalPoint.y))
//add the vertex on the other end of this edge, the goal point,
//and the vertex at this end of the edge to the boundary
boundary.push().set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p.x, ((SeDcdtVertex *)s->nxt()->vtx())->p.y);
boundary.push().set(goalPoint.x, goalPoint.y);
boundary.push().set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p.x, ((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p.y);
//go to the next edge
s = s->nxt();
//now go backwards through the triangles in the channel (starting with the second-last one)
for (int i = currentChannel.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
//go through the edges of the current triangle
s = currentChannel[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
//if this edge borders the next triangle,
if (s->sym()->fac() == currentChannel[i + 1]->fac())
//add the vertex on this side of the edge to the boundary
boundary.push().set(((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p.x, ((SeDcdtVertex *)s->vtx())->p.y);
s = s->nxt();
//return the boundary
return boundary;
//returns the current path
SrPolygon &SeDcdt::GetPath()
return currentPath;
//Abstract space searching function definitions }