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# include <stdlib.h>
/** \file sr_mem_control.h
* Functions and macros to control memory allocation.
* The idea of usage is similar to sr_trace.h: only inside
* files that testing memory allocation is required that the activation
* of macros should be defined. */
/*! This function saves in an internal buffer the given parameters
in order to keep track of allocated memory.
It may be used by replacing new/malloc calls to:
\code sr_mem_control_alloc("X",__FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(X),new X) \endcode
Then sr_memory_report() can be called to see all allocated data that was not
freed. It is better to use this function with the macros SR_NEW and SR_MALLOC. */
void* sr_mem_control_alloc ( const char* type, char* file, int line, int size, void* addr );
/*! This function erases from the internal buffer the given address
of memory, that was previously registered with sr_mem_control_alloc().
It is to be used replacing delete/free calls in the following way:
\code sr_mem_control_free(__FILE__,__LINE__,X); delete X; \endcode
It is better to use this function with the macros SR_DEL, SR_DELA and SR_FREE. */
bool sr_mem_control_free ( char* file, int line, void* addr );
/*! This function performs a call to realloc(addr,size), and returns the new
pointer. But it also updates the pointers saved in the internal buffer in
order to keep track of allocated memory.
It may be used replacing realloc calls in the following way:
\code pt=sr_mem_control_realloc(__FILE__,__LINE__,newsize,pt) \endcode
It is better to use this function with the macro SR_REALLOC. */
void* sr_mem_control_realloc ( char* file, int line, int size, void* addr );
/*! This function gives a report about all allocated data that was not freed
using sr_out. But to make it work, the user needs to change all
new/malloc/delete/free calls by calls to the macros SR_NEW, SR_MALLOC,
sr_mem_control_alloc/free/realloc. */
void sr_memory_report ();
/*! Returns the total of memory allocated. Only the memory allocated using
sr_mem_control_alloc/free/realloc, or the related macros are taken into account. */
unsigned sr_memory_allocated ();
class SrOutput;
/*! Changes the output used for the reports. */
void sr_memory_report_output ( SrOutput& o );
# define SR_DEL(X) if (sr_mem_control_free(__FILE__,__LINE__,X)) delete X;
# define SR_DELA(X) if (sr_mem_control_free(__FILE__,__LINE__,X)) delete[] X;
# define SR_FREE(p) if (sr_mem_control_free(__FILE__,__LINE__,p)) free(p);
# define SR_NEW(X) ((X*)sr_mem_control_alloc(#X,__FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(X),new X))
# define SR_NEW1(X,A) ((X*)sr_mem_control_alloc(#X,__FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(X),new X(A)))
# define SR_NEW2(X,A,B) ((X*)sr_mem_control_alloc(#X,__FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(X),new X(A,B)))
# define SR_NEWA(X,s) ((X*)sr_mem_control_alloc(#X,__FILE__,__LINE__,sizeof(X),new X[s]))
# define SR_MALLOC(s) sr_mem_control_alloc("malloc",__FILE__,__LINE__,s,malloc(s))
# define SR_REALLOC(p,s) sr_mem_control_realloc(__FILE__,__LINE__,s,p)
# else
# define SR_DEL(X) delete X
# define SR_DELA(X) delete[] X
# define SR_FREE(p) free(p)
# define SR_NEW(X) new X
# define SR_NEW1(X,A) new X(A)
# define SR_NEW2(X,A,B) new X(A,B)
# define SR_MALLOC(s) malloc(s)
# define SR_REALLOC(p,s) realloc(p,s)
# endif
/*! \def SR_DEL(X)
The user needs to use SR_DEL in place of delete, in order to be able to
use sr_memory_report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated
but not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just
directly call delete, with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: SR_DEL(X); instead of delete X; */
/*! \def SR_DELA(X)
The user needs to use SR_DELA in place of delete[], in order to be able to
use sr_memory_report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated
but not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just
directly call delete[], with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: SR_DELA(X); instead of delete[] X; */
/*! \def SR_FREE(p)
The user needs to use SR_FREE in place of free(), in order to be able to use
sr_memory report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated but
not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just directly
call free(), with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: SR_FREE(p); instead of free(p); */
/*! \def SR_NEW(X)
The user needs to use SR_NEW in place of new, in order to be able to use
sr_memory report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated but
not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just
directly call new, with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: pt=SR_NEW(X); instead of pt=new X; */
/*! \def SR_NEW1(X,A)
Equivalent to macro SR_NEW, but allows to set one initialisation parameter for
the constructor of class X.
Use: pt=SR_NEW(X,A); instead of pt=new X(A); */
/*! \def SR_NEW2(X,A,B)
Equivalent to macro SR_NEW, but allows to set two initialisation parameters for
the constructor of class X.
Use: pt=SR_NEW(X,A,B); instead of pt=new X(A,B); */
/*! \def SR_MALLOC(s)
The user needs to use SR_MALLOC in place of malloc(), in order to be able
to use sr_memory report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated
but not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just directly
call malloc(), with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: pt=SR_MALLOC(s); instead of pt=malloc(s); */
/*! \def SR_REALLOC(p,s)
The user needs to use SR_REALLOC in place of realloc(), in order to be able to
use sr_memory report() for obtaining a report of memory that was allocated but
not freed.
But to activate this define, the user must define SR_USE_MEM_CONTROL before
including the header sr_mem_control.h. Otherwise this define will just directly
call realloc(), with no overhead to the compiled code.
Use: pt=SR_REALLOC(p,s); instead of pt=realloc(p,s); */
//============================= end of file ==========================
# endif // SR_MEM_CONTROL_H