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var AEGIS = function(m)
/* Base Manager
* Handles lower level economic stuffs.
* Some tasks:
-tasking workers: gathering/hunting/building/repairing?/scouting/plans.
-giving feedback/estimates on GR
-achieving building stuff plans (scouting/getting ressource/building) or other long-staying plans, if I ever get any.
-getting good spots for dropsites
-managing dropsite use in the base
> warning HQ if we'll need more space
-updating whatever needs updating, keeping track of stuffs (rebuilding needs)
m.BaseManager = function(Config) {
this.Config = Config;
this.farmingFields = false;
this.ID = m.playerGlobals[PlayerID].uniqueIDBases++;
// anchor building: seen as the main building of the base. Needs to have territorial influence
this.anchor = undefined;
// list of IDs of buildings in our base that have a "territory pusher" function.
this.territoryBuildings = [];
// will tell if we should be considered as a source of X.
this.willGather = { "food": 0, "wood": 0, "stone":0, "metal": 0 };
this.isFarming = false;
this.isHunting = true;
this.constructing = false;
// vector for iterating, to check one use the HQ map.
this.territoryIndices = [];
m.BaseManager.prototype.init = function(gameState, events, unconstructed){
this.constructing = unconstructed;
// entitycollections
this.units = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(API3.Filters.and(API3.Filters.byClass("Unit"),API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "base", this.ID)));
this.buildings = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(API3.Filters.and(API3.Filters.byClass("Structure"),API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "base", this.ID)));
this.workers = this.units.filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID,"role","worker"));
// array of entity IDs, with each being
// { "food" : [close entities, semi-close entities, faraway entities, closeAmount, medianAmount, assignedWorkers collection ] … } (one per resource)
// note that "median amount" also counts the closeAmount.
this.dropsites = { };
// TODO: difficulty levels for this?
// smallRadius is the distance necessary to mark a resource as linked to a dropsite.
this.smallRadius = { 'food':40*40,'wood':45*45,'stone':40*40,'metal':40*40 };
// medRadius is the maximal distance for a link, albeit one that would still make us want to build a new dropsite.
this.medRadius = { 'food':70*70,'wood':70*70,'stone':80*80,'metal':80*80 };
// bigRadius is the distance for a weak link, mainly for optimizing search for resources when a DP is depleted.
this.bigRadius = { 'food':70*70,'wood':200*200,'stone':200*200,'metal':200*200 };
m.BaseManager.prototype.assignEntity = function(unit){
unit.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", this.ID);
// TODO: immediately assign it some task?
if (unit.hasClass("Structure") && unit.hasTerritoryInfluence() && this.territoryBuildings.indexOf(unit.id()) === -1)
m.BaseManager.prototype.setAnchor = function(anchorEntity) {
if (!anchorEntity.hasClass("Structure") || !anchorEntity.hasTerritoryInfluence())
warn("Error: Aegis' base " + this.ID + " has been assigned an anchor building that has no territorial influence. Please report this on the forum.")
return false;
this.anchor = anchorEntity;
this.anchor.setMetadata(PlayerID, "base", this.ID);
this.anchor.setMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor", true);
if (this.territoryBuildings.indexOf(this.anchor.id()) === -1)
return true;
// affects the HQ map.
m.BaseManager.prototype.initTerritory = function(HQ, gameState) {
if (!this.anchor)
warn ("Error: Aegis tried to initialize the territory of base " + this.ID + " without assigning it an anchor building first");
var radius = Math.round((this.anchor.territoryInfluenceRadius() / 4.0) * 1.25);
var LandSize = gameState.sharedScript.accessibility.getRegionSize(this.anchor.position());
this.accessIndex = gameState.sharedScript.accessibility.getAccessValue(this.anchor.position());
if (LandSize < 6500)
// We're on a small land, we'll assign all territories in the vicinity.
// there's a slight chance we're on an elongated weird stuff, we'll just pump up a little the radius
radius = Math.round(radius*1.2);
var x = Math.round(this.anchor.position()[0]/gameState.cellSize);
var y = Math.round(this.anchor.position()[1]/gameState.cellSize);
this.territoryIndices = [];
var width = gameState.getMap().width;
for (var xi = -radius; xi <= radius; ++xi)
for (var yi = -radius; yi <= radius; ++yi)
if (xi*xi+yi*yi < radius*radius && HQ.basesMap.map[(x+xi) + (y+yi)*width] === 0)
if (this.accessIndex == gameState.sharedScript.accessibility.landPassMap[x+xi + width*(y+yi)])
this.territoryIndices.push((x+xi) + (y+yi)*width);
HQ.basesMap.map[(x+xi) + (y+yi)*width] = this.ID;
m.BaseManager.prototype.initGatheringFunctions = function(HQ, gameState, specTypes) {
// init our gathering functions.
var types = ["food","wood","stone","metal"];
if (specTypes !== undefined)
type = specTypes;
var self = this;
var count = 0;
for (var i in types)
var type = types[i];
// TODO: set us as "X" gatherer
this.buildings.filter(API3.Filters.isDropsite(type)).forEach(function(ent) { self.initializeDropsite(gameState, ent,type) });
if (this.getResourceLevel(gameState, type, "all") > 1000)
this.willGather[type] = 1;
if (this.willGather["food"] === 0)
var needFarm = true;
// Let's check again for food
for (var base in HQ.baseManagers)
if (HQ.baseManagers[base].willGather["food"] === 1)
needFarm = false;
if (needFarm)
this.willGather["food"] = 1;
m.debug ("food" + this.willGather["food"]);
m.debug (this.willGather["wood"]);
m.debug (this.willGather["stone"]);
m.debug (this.willGather["metal"]);
m.BaseManager.prototype.checkEvents = function (gameState, events, queues) {
for (var i in events)
if (events[i].type == "Destroy")
// let's check we haven't lost an important building here.
var evt = events[i];
if (evt.msg != undefined && !evt.msg.SuccessfulFoundation && evt.msg.entityObj != undefined && evt.msg.metadata !== undefined && evt.msg.metadata[PlayerID] &&
evt.msg.metadata[PlayerID]["base"] !== undefined && evt.msg.metadata[PlayerID]["base"] == this.ID)
var ent = evt.msg.entityObj;
if (ent.hasTerritoryInfluence())
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
this.scrapDropsite(gameState, ent);
if (evt.msg.metadata[PlayerID]["baseAnchor"] && evt.msg.metadata[PlayerID]["baseAnchor"] == true)
// sounds like we lost our anchor. Let's try rebuilding it.
// TODO: currently the HQ manager sets us as initgathering, we probably ouht to do it
this.anchor = undefined;
this.constructing = true; // let's switch mode.
this.workers.forEach( function (worker) {
if (ent.hasClass("CivCentre"))
// TODO: might want to tell the queue manager to pause other stuffs if we are the only base.
queues.civilCentre.addItem(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre", { "base" : this.ID, "baseAnchor" : true }, 0 , -1,ent.position()));
} else {
queues.civilCentre.addItem(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_civil_centre", { "base" : this.ID, "baseAnchor" : true },0,-1,ent.position()));
for (var i in events)
if (events[i].type == "ConstructionFinished")
// let's check we haven't lost an important building here.
var evt = events[i];
if (evt.msg && evt.msg.newentity)
// TODO: we ought to add new resources or do something.
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.msg.newentity);
if (ent === undefined)
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID,"base") == this.ID)
if (ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
for (var ress in ent.resourceDropsiteTypes())
this.initializeDropsite(gameState, ent, ent.resourceDropsiteTypes()[ress]);
if (ent.resourceSupplyAmount() && ent.resourceSupplyType()["specific"] == "grain")
} else if (events[i].type == "Create")
// Checking for resources.
var evt = events[i];
if (evt.msg && evt.msg.entity)
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(evt.msg.entity);
if (ent === undefined)
if (ent.resourceSupplyAmount() && ent.owner() == 0)
// If no specific dropsite, it'll assign to the closest
m.BaseManager.prototype.assignResourceToDP = function (gameState, supply, specificDP) {
var type = supply.resourceSupplyType()["generic"];
if (type == "treasure")
type = supply.resourceSupplyType()["specific"];
if (!specificDP)
var closest = -1;
var dist = Math.min();
for (var i in this.dropsites)
var dp = gameState.getEntityById(i);
var distance = API3.SquareVectorDistance(supply.position(), dp.position());
if (distance < dist && distance < this.bigRadius[type])
closest = dp.id();
dist = distance;
if (closest !== -1)
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-close", (dist < this.smallRadius[type]) );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-nearby", (dist < this.medRadius[type]) );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite", closest );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-dist", +dist);
// TODO: ought to recount immediatly.
m.BaseManager.prototype.initializeDropsite = function (gameState, ent, type) {
var count = 0, farCount = 0;
var self = this;
var resources = gameState.getResourceSupplies(type);
// TODO: if we're initing, we should probably remove them anyway.
if (self.dropsites[ent.id()] === undefined || self.dropsites[ent.id()][type] === undefined) {
resources.filter( function (supply) { //}){
if (!supply.position() || !ent.position())
var distance = API3.SquareVectorDistance(supply.position(), ent.position());
if (supply.getMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite") == undefined || supply.getMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-dist") > distance) {
if (distance < self.bigRadius[type]) {
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-close", (distance < self.smallRadius[type]) );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-nearby", (distance < self.medRadius[type]) );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite", ent.id() );
supply.setMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-dist", +distance);
if(distance < self.smallRadius[type])
count += supply.resourceSupplyAmount();
if (distance < self.medRadius[type])
farCount += supply.resourceSupplyAmount();
// This one is both for the nearby and the linked
var filter = API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite", ent.id());
var collection = resources.filter(filter);
filter = API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-close",true);
var collection2 = collection.filter(filter);
filter = API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-dropsite-nearby",true);
var collection3 = collection.filter(filter);
filter = API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "linked-to-dropsite", ent.id());
var WkCollection = this.workers.filter(filter);
if (!self.dropsites[ent.id()])
self.dropsites[ent.id()] = {};
self.dropsites[ent.id()][type] = [collection2,collection3, collection, count, farCount, WkCollection];
// TODO: flag us on the SharedScript "type" map.
// TODO: get workers on those resources and do something with them.
if (m.DebugEnabled())
// Make resources glow wildly
if (type == "food") {
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0.5,0,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [2,0,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [10,0,0]});
if (type == "wood") {
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,0.5,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,2,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,10,0]});
if (type == "stone") {
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0.5,0.5,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [2,2,0]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [10,10,0]});
if (type == "metal") {
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,0.5,0.5]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,2,2]});
Engine.PostCommand(PlayerID,{"type": "set-shading-color", "entities": [ent.id()], "rgb": [0,10,10]});
// completely and "safely" remove a dropsite from our list.
// this also removes any linked resource and so on.
// TODO: should re-add the resources to another dropsite.
m.BaseManager.prototype.scrapDropsite = function (gameState, ent) {
if (this.dropsites[ent.id()] === undefined)
return true;
for (var i in this.dropsites[ent.id()])
var type = i;
var dp = this.dropsites[ent.id()][i];
dp[2].forEach(function (supply) { //}){
dp[5].forEach(function (worker) {
// TODO: should probably stop the worker or something.
dp = [undefined, undefined, undefined, 0, 0, undefined];
delete this.dropsites[ent.id()][i];
this.dropsites[ent.id()] = undefined;
delete this.dropsites[ent.id()];
return true;
// Returns the position of the best place to build a new dropsite for the specified resource
m.BaseManager.prototype.findBestDropsiteLocation = function(gameState, resource){
var storeHousePlate = gameState.getTemplate(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_storehouse"));
// This builds a map. The procedure is fairly simple. It adds the resource maps
// (which are dynamically updated and are made so that they will facilitate DP placement)
// Then checks for a good spot in the territory. If none, and town/city phase, checks outside
// The AI will currently not build a CC if it wouldn't connect with an existing CC.
var territory = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState);
var obstructions = m.createObstructionMap(gameState,this.accessIndex,storeHousePlate);
// copy the resource map as initialization.
var friendlyTiles = new API3.Map(gameState.sharedScript, gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps[resource].map, true);
var DPFoundations = gameState.getOwnFoundations().filter(API3.Filters.byType(gameState.applyCiv("foundation|structures/{civ}_storehouse")));
// TODO: might be better to check dropsites someplace else.
// loop over this in this.terrytoryindices. It's usually a little too much, but it's always enough.
for (var p = 0; p < this.territoryIndices.length; ++p)
var j = this.territoryIndices[p];
friendlyTiles.map[j] *= 1.5;
// only add where the map is currently not null, ie in our territory and some "Resource" would be close.
// This makes the placement go from "OK" to "human-like".
for (var i in gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps)
if (friendlyTiles.map[j] !== 0 && i !== "food")
friendlyTiles.map[j] += gameState.sharedScript.resourceMaps[i].map[j];
for (var i in this.dropsites)
var pos = [j%friendlyTiles.width, Math.floor(j/friendlyTiles.width)];
var dpPos = gameState.getEntityById(i).position();
if (dpPos && API3.SquareVectorDistance(friendlyTiles.gamePosToMapPos(dpPos), pos) < 250)
friendlyTiles.map[j] = 0;
} else if (dpPos && API3.SquareVectorDistance(friendlyTiles.gamePosToMapPos(dpPos), pos) < 450)
friendlyTiles.map[j] /= 2;
for (var i in DPFoundations._entities)
var pos = [j%friendlyTiles.width, Math.floor(j/friendlyTiles.width)];
var dpPos = gameState.getEntityById(i).position();
if (dpPos && API3.SquareVectorDistance(friendlyTiles.gamePosToMapPos(dpPos), pos) < 250)
friendlyTiles.map[j] = 0;
else if (dpPos && API3.SquareVectorDistance(friendlyTiles.gamePosToMapPos(dpPos), pos) < 450)
friendlyTiles.map[j] /= 2;
if (m.DebugEnabled())
friendlyTiles.dumpIm("DP_" + resource + "_" + gameState.getTimeElapsed() + ".png");
var best = friendlyTiles.findBestTile(2, obstructions); // try to find a spot to place a DP.
var bestIdx = best[0];
// tell the dropsite builder we haven't found anything satisfactory.
if (best[1] < 60)
return false;
var x = ((bestIdx % friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * gameState.cellSize;
var z = (Math.floor(bestIdx / friendlyTiles.width) + 0.5) * gameState.cellSize;
return [x,z];
// update the resource level of a dropsite.
m.BaseManager.prototype.updateDropsite = function (gameState, ent, type) {
if (this.dropsites[ent.id()] === undefined || this.dropsites[ent.id()][type] === undefined)
return undefined; // should initialize it first.
var count = 0, farCount = 0;
var resources = gameState.getResourceSupplies(type);
this.dropsites[ent.id()][type][1].forEach( function (supply) { //}){
farCount += supply.resourceSupplyAmount();
this.dropsites[ent.id()][type][0].forEach( function (supply) { //}){
count += supply.resourceSupplyAmount();
this.dropsites[ent.id()][type][3] = count;
this.dropsites[ent.id()][type][4] = farCount;
return true;
// Updates dropsites.
m.BaseManager.prototype.updateDropsites = function (gameState) {
// for each dropsite, recalculate
for (var i in this.dropsites)
for (var type in this.dropsites[i])
// TODO: ought to be cached or something probably
// Returns the number of slots available for workers here.
// we're assuming Max - 3 for metal/stone mines, and 20 for any dropsite that has wood.
// TODO: for wood might want to count the trees too.
// TODO: this returns "future" worker capacity, might want to have a current one.
m.BaseManager.prototype.getWorkerCapacity = function (gameState, type) {
var count = 0;
if (type == "food")
return 1000000; // TODO: perhaps return something sensible here.
if (type === "stone" || type === "metal")
for (var id in this.dropsites)
if (this.dropsites[id][type])
this.dropsites[id][type][1].forEach(function (ent) {// }){
if (ent.resourceSupplyAmount() > 500)
count += ent.maxGatherers() - 3;
} else if (type === "wood")
for (var id in this.dropsites)
if (this.dropsites[id][type] && (this.dropsites[id][type][4]) > 1000)
count += Math.min(15, this.dropsites[id][type][4] / 200);
return count;
// TODO: ought to be cached or something probably
// Returns the amount of resource left
m.BaseManager.prototype.getResourceLevel = function (gameState, type, searchType, threshold) {
var count = 0;
if (searchType == "all")
// return all resources in the base area.
gameState.getResourceSupplies(type).filter(API3.Filters.byTerritory(gameState.ai.HQ.basesMap, this.ID)).forEach( function (ent) { //}){
count += ent.resourceSupplyAmount();
return count;
if (searchType == "dropsites")
// for each dropsite, recalculate
for (var i in this.dropsites)
if (this.dropsites[i][type] !== undefined)
count += this.dropsites[i][type][4];
return count;
if (searchType == "dropsitesClose")
// for each dropsite, recalculate
for (var i in this.dropsites)
if (this.dropsites[i][type] !== undefined)
count += this.dropsites[i][type][3];
return count;
if (searchType == "dropsites-dpcount")
var seuil = 800;
if (threshold)
seuil = threshold;
// for each dropsite, recalculate
for (var i in this.dropsites)
if (this.dropsites[i][type] !== undefined)
if (this.dropsites[i][type][4] > seuil)
return count;
return 0;
// check our resource levels and react accordingly
m.BaseManager.prototype.checkResourceLevels = function (gameState,queues) {
for (var type in this.willGather)
if (this.willGather[type] === 0)
if (type !== "food" && gameState.playedTurn % 10 === 4 && this.getResourceLevel(gameState,type, "all") < 200)
this.willGather[type] = 0; // won't gather at all
if (this.willGather[type] === 2)
var count = this.getResourceLevel(gameState,type, "dropsites");
if (type == "food")
if (!this.isFarming && count < 1600 && queues.field.length === 0)
// tell the queue manager we'll be trying to build fields shortly.
for (var i = 0; i < this.Config.Economy.initialFields;++i)
var plan = new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_field", { "base" : this.ID });
plan.isGo = function() { return false; }; // don't start right away.
} else if (!this.isFarming && count < 650)
for (var i in queues.field.queue)
queues.field.queue[i].isGo = function() { return true; }; // start them
this.isFarming = true;
if (this.isFarming)
var numFarms = 0;
this.buildings.filter(API3.Filters.byClass("Field")).forEach(function (field) {
if (field.resourceSupplyAmount() > 400)
var numFd = gameState.countEntitiesByType(gameState.applyCiv("foundation|structures/{civ}_field"), true);
numFarms += numFd;
numFarms += queues.field.countQueuedUnits();
// let's see if we need to push new farms.
if (numFd < 2)
if (numFarms < Math.round(this.gatherersByType(gameState, "food").length / 4.6) || numFarms < Math.round(this.workers.length / 15.0))
queues.field.addItem(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_field", { "base" : this.ID }));
// TODO: refine count to only count my base.
} else if (queues.dropsites.length() === 0 && gameState.countFoundationsWithType(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_storehouse")) === 0) {
var wantedDPs = Math.ceil(this.gatherersByType(gameState, type).length / 12.0);
var need = wantedDPs - this.getResourceLevel(gameState,type, "dropsites-dpcount",2000);
if (need > 0)
var pos = this.findBestDropsiteLocation(gameState, type);
if (!pos)
m.debug ("Found no right position for a " + type + " dropsite, going into \"noSpot\" mode");
this.willGather[type] = 2; // won't build
// TODO: tell the HQ we'll be needing a new base for this resource, or tell it we've ran out of resource Z.
} else {
m.debug ("planning new dropsite for " + type);
queues.dropsites.addItem(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_storehouse",{ "base" : this.ID }, 0, -1, pos));
// let's return the estimated gather rates.
m.BaseManager.prototype.getGatherRates = function(gameState, currentRates) {
m.BaseManager.prototype.assignRolelessUnits = function(gameState) {
// TODO: make this cleverer.
var roleless = this.units.filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byHasMetadata(PlayerID, "role")));
var self = this;
roleless.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.hasClass("Worker") || ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier")) {
if (ent.hasClass("Cavalry") && !self.isHunting)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "role", "worker");
// If the numbers of workers on the resources is unbalanced then set some of workers to idle so
// they can be reassigned by reassignIdleWorkers.
// TODO: actually this probably should be in the HQ.
m.BaseManager.prototype.setWorkersIdleByPriority = function(gameState){
var self = this;
if (gameState.currentPhase() < 2 && gameState.getTimeElapsed() < 360000)
return; // not in the first phase or the first 6 minutes.
var types = gameState.ai.queueManager.getAvailableResources(gameState);
var bestType = "";
var avgOverdraft = 0;
for (var i in types.types)
avgOverdraft += types[types.types[i]];
avgOverdraft /= 4;
for (var i in types.types)
if (types[types.types[i]] > avgOverdraft + 200 || (types[types.types[i]] > avgOverdraft && avgOverdraft > 200))
if (this.gatherersByType(gameState,types.types[i]).length > 0)
// TODO: perhaps change this?
var nb = 2;
this.gatherersByType(gameState,types.types[i]).forEach( function (ent) { //}){
if (nb > 0)
//m.debug ("Moving " +ent.id() + " from " + types.types[i]);
// TODO: might want to direct assign.
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole","idle");
//m.debug (currentRates);
// TODO: work on this.
m.BaseManager.prototype.reassignIdleWorkers = function(gameState) {
var self = this;
// Search for idle workers, and tell them to gather resources based on demand
var filter = API3.Filters.or(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID,"subrole","idle"), API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byHasMetadata(PlayerID,"subrole")));
var idleWorkers = gameState.updatingCollection("idle-workers-base-" + this.ID, filter, this.workers);
if (idleWorkers.length) {
idleWorkers.forEach(function(ent) {
// Check that the worker isn't garrisoned
if (ent.position() === undefined){
if (ent.hasClass("Worker")) {
var types = gameState.ai.HQ.pickMostNeededResources(gameState);
//m.debug ("assigning " +ent.id() + " to " + types[0]);
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "gatherer");
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type", types[0]);
if (gameState.turnCache["gathererAssignementCache-" + types[0]])
gameState.turnCache["gathererAssignementCache-" + types[0]]++;
gameState.turnCache["gathererAssignementCache-" + types[0]] = 1;
// Okay let's now check we can actually remain here for that
if (self.willGather[types[0]] !== 1)
// TODO: if fail, we should probably pick the second most needed resource.
gameState.ai.HQ.switchWorkerBase(gameState, ent, types[0]);
} else {
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "hunter");
m.BaseManager.prototype.workersBySubrole = function(gameState, subrole) {
return gameState.updatingCollection("subrole-" + subrole +"-base-" + this.ID, API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", subrole), this.workers, true);
m.BaseManager.prototype.gatherersByType = function(gameState, type) {
return gameState.updatingCollection("workers-gathering-" + type +"-base-" + this.ID, API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type", type), this.workersBySubrole(gameState, "gatherer"));
// returns an entity collection of workers.
// They are idled immediatly and their subrole set to idle.
m.BaseManager.prototype.pickBuilders = function(gameState, number) {
var collec = new API3.EntityCollection(gameState.sharedScript);
// TODO: choose better.
var workers = this.workers.filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClass("Cavalry"))).toEntityArray();
workers.sort(function (a,b) {
var vala = 0, valb = 0;
if (a.getMetadata(PlayerID,"subrole") == "builder")
vala = 100;
if (b.getMetadata(PlayerID,"subrole") == "builder")
valb = 100;
if (a.getMetadata(PlayerID,"plan") != undefined)
vala = -100;
if (b.getMetadata(PlayerID,"plan") != undefined)
valb = -100;
return a < b
for (var i = 0; i < number; ++i)
workers[i].setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole","idle");
return collec;
m.BaseManager.prototype.assignToFoundations = function(gameState, noRepair) {
// If we have some foundations, and we don't have enough builder-workers,
// try reassigning some other workers who are nearby
// AI tries to use builders sensibly, not completely stopping its econ.
var self = this;
var foundations = this.buildings.filter(API3.Filters.and(API3.Filters.isFoundation(),API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClass("Field")))).toEntityArray();
var damagedBuildings = this.buildings.filter(function (ent) { if (ent.needsRepair() && ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "plan") == undefined) { return true; } return false; }).toEntityArray();
// Check if nothing to build
if (!foundations.length && !damagedBuildings.length){
var workers = this.workers.filter(API3.Filters.not(API3.Filters.byClass("Cavalry")));
var builderWorkers = this.workersBySubrole(gameState, "builder");
var idleBuilderWorkers = this.workersBySubrole(gameState, "builder").filter(API3.Filters.isIdle());
// if we're constructing and we have the foundations to our base anchor, only try building that.
if (this.constructing == true && this.buildings.filter(API3.Filters.and(API3.Filters.isFoundation(), API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor", true))).length !== 0)
foundations = this.buildings.filter(API3.Filters.byMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor", true)).toEntityArray();
var tID = foundations[0].id();
workers.forEach(function (ent) { //}){
var target = ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation");
if (target && target != tID)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", tID);
if (workers.length < 2)
var noobs = gameState.ai.HQ.bulkPickWorkers(gameState, this.ID, 2);
noobs.forEach(function (worker) { //}){
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID,"base", self.ID);
worker.setMetadata(PlayerID,"subrole", "builder");
var addedWorkers = 0;
var maxTotalBuilders = Math.ceil(workers.length * 0.15);
if (this.constructing == true && maxTotalBuilders < 15)
maxTotalBuilders = 15;
for (var i in foundations) {
var target = foundations[i];
// Removed: sometimes the AI would not notice it has empty unbuilt fields
//if (target._template.BuildRestrictions.Category === "Field")
// continue; // we do not build fields
var assigned = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("target-foundation", target.id()).length;
var targetNB = this.Config.Economy.targetNumBuilders; // TODO: dynamic that.
if (target.hasClass("CivCentre") || target.buildTime() > 150 || target.hasClass("House"))
targetNB *= 2;
if (target.getMetadata(PlayerID, "baseAnchor") == true)
targetNB = 15;
if (assigned < targetNB) {
if (builderWorkers.length - idleBuilderWorkers.length + addedWorkers < maxTotalBuilders) {
var addedToThis = 0;
idleBuilderWorkers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.position() && API3.SquareVectorDistance(ent.position(), target.position()) < 10000 && assigned + addedToThis < targetNB)
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", target.id());
if (assigned + addedToThis < targetNB)
var nonBuilderWorkers = workers.filter(function(ent) { return (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole") !== "builder" && ent.position() !== undefined); });
var nearestNonBuilders = nonBuilderWorkers.filterNearest(target.position(), targetNB - assigned - addedToThis);
nearestNonBuilders.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "builder");
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", target.id());
// don't repair if we're still under attack, unless it's like a vital (civcentre or wall) building that's getting destroyed.
for (var i in damagedBuildings) {
var target = damagedBuildings[i];
if (gameState.defcon() < 5) {
if (target.healthLevel() > 0.5 || !target.hasClass("CivCentre") || !target.hasClass("StoneWall")) {
} else if (noRepair && !target.hasClass("CivCentre"))
var territory = m.createTerritoryMap(gameState);
if (territory.getOwner(target.position()) !== PlayerID || territory.getOwner([target.position()[0] + 5, target.position()[1]]) !== PlayerID)
var assigned = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("target-foundation", target.id()).length;
if (assigned < this.targetNumBuilders/3) {
if (builderWorkers.length + addedWorkers < this.targetNumBuilders*2) {
var nonBuilderWorkers = workers.filter(function(ent) { return (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole") !== "builder" && ent.position() !== undefined); });
if (gameState.defcon() < 5)
nonBuilderWorkers = workers.filter(function(ent) { return (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole") !== "builder" && ent.hasClass("Female") && ent.position() !== undefined); });
var nearestNonBuilders = nonBuilderWorkers.filterNearest(target.position(), this.targetNumBuilders/3 - assigned);
nearestNonBuilders.forEach(function(ent) {
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "subrole", "builder");
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "target-foundation", target.id());
m.BaseManager.prototype.update = function(gameState, queues, events) {
Engine.ProfileStart("Base update - base " + this.ID);
var self = this;
this.checkResourceLevels(gameState, queues);
Engine.ProfileStart("Assign builders");
// if (!this.constructing)
// {
if (gameState.ai.playedTurn % 2 === 0)
/*Engine.ProfileStart("Swap Workers");
var gathererGroups = {};
gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker").forEach(function(ent){ }){
if (ent.hasClass("Cavalry"))
var key = uneval(ent.resourceGatherRates());
if (!gathererGroups[key]){
gathererGroups[key] = {"food": [], "wood": [], "metal": [], "stone": []};
if (ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type") in gathererGroups[key]){
gathererGroups[key][ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type")].push(ent);
for (var i in gathererGroups){
for (var j in gathererGroups){
var a = eval(i);
var b = eval(j);
if (a !== undefined && b !== undefined)
if (a["food.grain"]/b["food.grain"] > a["wood.tree"]/b["wood.tree"] && gathererGroups[i]["wood"].length > 0
&& gathererGroups[j]["food"].length > 0){
for (var k = 0; k < Math.min(gathererGroups[i]["wood"].length, gathererGroups[j]["food"].length); k++){
gathererGroups[i]["wood"][k].setMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type", "food");
gathererGroups[j]["food"][k].setMetadata(PlayerID, "gather-type", "wood");
// should probably be last to avoid reallocations of units that would have done stuffs otherwise.
Engine.ProfileStart("Assigning Workers");
// }
// TODO: do this incrementally a la defence.js
Engine.ProfileStart("Run Workers");
this.workers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (!ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "worker-object"))
ent.setMetadata(PlayerID, "worker-object", new m.Worker(ent));
ent.getMetadata(PlayerID, "worker-object").update(self, gameState);
return m;