
203 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Max player slots for any map (TODO: should read from config)
const MAX_SLOTS = 8;
const MAX_TEAMS = 4;
// const for filtering long collective headings
// vertical size of player box
const PLAYER_BOX_Y_SIZE = 30;
// gap between players boxes
const PLAYER_BOX_GAP = 2;
// alpha for player box
const PLAYER_BOX_ALPHA = " 32";
// alpha for player color box
const PLAYER_COLOR_BOX_ALPHA = " 255";
// yStart value for spacing teams boxes (and noTeamsBox)
const TEAMS_BOX_Y_START = 65;
// colors used for units and buildings
const TRAINED_COLOR = '[color="201 255 200"]';
const LOST_COLOR = '[color="255 213 213"]';
const KILLED_COLOR = '[color="196 198 255"]';
const BUILDINGS_TYPES = [ "total", "House", "Economic", "Outpost", "Military", "Fortress", "CivCentre", "Wonder" ];
const UNITS_TYPES = [ "total", "Infantry", "Worker", "Cavalry", "Champion", "Hero", "Ship" ];
const RESOURCES_TYPES = [ "food", "wood", "stone", "metal" ];
// colors used for gathered and traded resources
const INCOME_COLOR = '[color="201 255 200"]';
const OUTCOME_COLOR = '[color="255 213 213"]';
const DEFAULT_DECIMAL = "0.00";
const INFINITE_SYMBOL = "\u221E";
// Load data
var g_CivData = loadCivData();
var g_Teams = [ ];
// TODO set g_MaxPlayers as playerCounters.length
var g_MaxPlayers = 0;
// Count players without team (or all if teams are not displayed)
var g_WithoutTeam = 0;
var g_GameData;
* Select active panel
* @param panelNumber Number of panel, which should get active state (integer)
function selectPanel(panelNumber)
var panelNames = [ 'scorePanel', 'buildingsPanel', 'unitsPanel', 'resourcesPanel', 'marketPanel', 'miscPanel'];
function adjustTabDividers(tabSize)
var leftSpacer = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tabDividerLeft");
var rightSpacer = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("tabDividerRight");
leftSpacer.size = "20 " + leftSpacer.size.top + " " + (tabSize.left + 2) + " " + leftSpacer.size.bottom;
rightSpacer.size = (tabSize.right - 2) + " " + rightSpacer.size.top + " 100%-20 " + rightSpacer.size.bottom;
for (var i = 0; i < panelNames.length; ++i)
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(panelNames[i] + 'Button').sprite = "BackgroundTab";
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(panelNames[panelNumber] + 'Button').sprite = "ForegroundTab";
adjustTabDividers(Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(panelNames[panelNumber] + 'Button').size);
function updatePanelData(panelInfo)
var rowPlayerObjectWidth = updateGeneralPanelCounter(panelInfo.counters);
var playerBoxesCounts = [ ];
for (var i = 0; i < g_MaxPlayers; ++i)
var playerState = g_GameData.playerStates[i+1];
if (!playerBoxesCounts[playerState.team+1])
playerBoxesCounts[playerState.team+1] = 1;
playerBoxesCounts[playerState.team+1] += 1;
var positionObject = playerBoxesCounts[playerState.team+1] - 1;
var rowPlayer = "playerBox[" + positionObject + "]";
var playerNameColumn = "playerName[" + positionObject + "]";
var playerColorBoxColumn = "playerColorBox[" + positionObject + "]";
var playerCivicBoxColumn = "civIcon[" + positionObject + "]";
var playerCounterValue = "valueData[" + positionObject + "]";
if (playerState.team != -1)
rowPlayer = "playerBoxt[" + playerState.team + "][" + positionObject + "]";
playerNameColumn = "playerNamet[" + playerState.team + "][" + positionObject + "]";
playerColorBoxColumn = "playerColorBoxt[" + playerState.team + "][" + positionObject + "]";
playerCivicBoxColumn = "civIcont[" + playerState.team + "][" + positionObject + "]";
playerCounterValue = "valueDataTeam[" + playerState.team + "][" + positionObject + "]";
var colorString = "color: "
+ Math.floor(playerState.color.r * 255) + " "
+ Math.floor(playerState.color.g * 255) + " "
+ Math.floor(playerState.color.b * 255);
var rowPlayerObject = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(rowPlayer);
rowPlayerObject.hidden = false;
rowPlayerObject.sprite = colorString + PLAYER_BOX_ALPHA;
var boxSize = rowPlayerObject.size;
boxSize.right = rowPlayerObjectWidth;
rowPlayerObject.size = boxSize;
var playerColorBox = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(playerColorBoxColumn);
playerColorBox.sprite = colorString + PLAYER_COLOR_BOX_ALPHA;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(playerNameColumn).caption = g_GameData.players[i+1].name;
var civIcon = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(playerCivicBoxColumn);
civIcon.sprite = "stretched:"+g_CivData[playerState.civ].Emblem;
civIcon.tooltip = g_CivData[playerState.civ].Name;
// update counters
updateCountersPlayer(playerState, panelInfo.counters, playerCounterValue);
// update team counters
var teamCounterFn = panelInfo.teamCounterFn
if (g_Teams && teamCounterFn)
function init(data)
g_GameData = data;
// Map
var mapDisplayType = translate("Scenario");
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("timeElapsed").caption = sprintf(translate("Time elapsed: %(time)s"), { time: timeToString(data.timeElapsed) });
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("summaryText").caption = data.gameResult;
// This is only defined for random maps
if (data.mapSettings.Size)
// load the map sizes from the JSON file
var mapSizes = initMapSizes();
// retrieve the index of the map size
2013-05-13 00:28:02 +02:00
for (var mapSizeIndex in mapSizes.tiles)
if (mapSizes.tiles[mapSizeIndex] == data.mapSettings.Size)
mapDisplayType = mapSizes.names[mapSizeIndex];
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("mapName").caption = sprintf(translate("%(mapName)s - %(mapType)s"), { mapName: translate(data.mapSettings.Name), mapType: mapDisplayType});
// Panels
g_MaxPlayers = data.playerStates.length - 1;
if (data.mapSettings.LockTeams) // teams ARE locked
// count teams
for(var t = 0; t < g_MaxPlayers; ++t)
if (!g_Teams[data.playerStates[t+1].team])
g_Teams[data.playerStates[t+1].team] = 1;
if (g_Teams.length == g_MaxPlayers)
g_Teams = false; // Each player has his own team. Displaying teams makes no sense.
else // teams are NOT locked
g_Teams = false;
// Erase teams data if teams are not displayed
if (!g_Teams)
for(var p = 0; p < g_MaxPlayers; ++p)
data.playerStates[p+1].team = -1;
g_WithoutTeam = g_MaxPlayers;
if (g_Teams)
// count players without team (or all if teams are not displayed)
for (var i = 0; i < g_Teams.length; ++i)
g_WithoutTeam -= g_Teams[i];