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2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
2012-04-15 07:02:12 +02:00
2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
"History":"The Athenians were famed for their philosophy, democracy, and artistic achievement. They were also good warriors, with a naval tradition, and an energetic populace.",
{"File":"hellenes_peace_1.ogg", "Type":"peace"},
{"File":"hellenic_battle_2.ogg", "Type":"battle"}
"Description":"A Hellenic people of the Ionian tribe.",
"Name":"Iphicratean Reforms",
"Description":"Athenian triremes can train Marines (Epibastes Athenaikos)."
"Name":"Long Walls",
2012-04-21 09:19:43 +02:00
"History":"The Long Walls of Athens were constructed under the auspices of the wily Themistokles and extended 6 km from the city to the port of Piraeus. This secured the city's sea supply routes and prevented an enemy from starving out the city during a siege.",
2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
"Description":"The Athenians can build their stone walls in neutral territory. Construction time is reduce by 50%."
"History":"The classical phalanx formation was developed about VIII century BC. It was eight men deep and up to eight hundred men wide. The men within overlapped their shields, presenting a formidable shield wall brimming with 8 foot spears.",
"Description":"The player gains the ability to order spear troops into Phalanx formation, providing +20% attack and +30% armor if attacked from the front."
2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
"History":"The general whom persuaded the Athenians to invest their income from silver mines in a war navy of 200 Triremes. A key figure during the Persian Wars, he commanded the victorious Athenian navy at the decisive battle of Salamis in 479 B.C. Later, he pursued an active policy against the Persians in the Aegean, thereby laying the foundations of future Athenian power. Ostracised by the Athenians, he was forced to flee to the protection of the Persians."
"History":"Pericles was the foremost Athenian politician of the 5th Century."
2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
"History":"Xenophon (c. 430-355 B.C.) was a Greek soldier and (later) historian who was born in Athens of an oligarch family and was a student of Socrates during his youth. In 401 B. C., Xenophon joined an army of Greek mercenaries lead by Clearchus and four other generals who were aiding Cyrus the Younger in his military campaign against his brother, King Artaxerxes II. After Persian treachery killed the leaders of the mercenary force, Xenophon was elected one of the 5 new generals to lead the army. After a trek of over 1,500 kilometers and 1 1/2 years, Xenophon finally helped lead his men home, fighting dozens of battles and skirmishes along the way."
"Name":"Delian League",
"History":"Tribute from Athens' allies contributed to the construction of vast fleets of warships numbering into the hundreds.",
"Description":"Warships construct 25% faster."
"History":"By means of their superior culture and evocative language, the Greeks were highly successful in Hellenising various foreigners. During the Hellenistic Age, Greek was the lingua franca of the Ancient World, spoken widely from Spain to India.",
2012-04-21 09:19:43 +02:00
"Description":"Constructing an expensive Theatron increases the territory expanse of all buildings by 20%."
2012-04-11 02:23:30 +02:00
"Name":"Silver Coinage",
"History":"The mines at Laureion in Attica provided Athens with a wealth of silver from which to mint her famous and highly prized coin, The Athenian Owl.",
"Description":"All metal mining technologies researched automatically for free upon each settlement phase completion."
"History":"Greek theatres were places where the immortal tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles and many other talented dramatists were staged to the delight of the populace. They were instrumental in enriching Hellenic culture.",
"Special":"The Hellenisation civ bonus. Building a Theatron increases the territory effect of all buildings by 20%."
"History":"The Gymnasion was a vital place in Hellenic cities, where physical exercises were performed and social contacts established.",
"Special":"Train champion units and research technologies pertaining to champion units."
"History":"The Prytaneion is the meeting place for the city elders to dine and to make swift decisions.",
"Special":"Train heroes and research technology pertaining to heroes."
"Template": "structures/athen_civil_centre"
"Template": "units/athen_support_female_citizen",
"Count": 4
"Template": "units/athen_infantry_spearman_b",
"Count": 4
"Template": "units/athen_cavalry_javelinist_b"