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function Defence(){
2012-01-02 22:46:09 +01:00
this.ACQUIRE_DIST = Config.defence.acquireDistance;
this.RELEASE_DIST = Config.defence.releaseDistance;
2012-01-02 22:46:09 +01:00
this.GROUP_RADIUS = Config.defence.groupRadius; // units will be added to a group if they are within this radius
this.GROUP_BREAK_RADIUS = Config.defence.groupBreakRadius; // units will leave a group if they are outside of this radius
this.GROUP_MERGE_RADIUS = Config.defence.groupMergeRadius; // Two groups with centres this far apart will be merged
2012-01-02 22:46:09 +01:00
this.DEFENCE_RATIO = Config.defence.defenderRatio; // How many defenders we want per attacker. Need to balance fewer losses vs. lost economy
// These are objects with the keys being entity ids and values being the entity objects
// NOTE: It is assumed that all attackers have a valid position, the attackers list must be kept up to date so this
// property is maintained
this.attackers = {}; // Enemy soldiers which are attacking our base
this.defenders = {}; // Our soldiers currently being used for defence
// A list of groups, enemy soldiers are clumped together in groups.
this.groups = [];
Defence.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, militaryManager){
Engine.ProfileStart("Defence Manager");
var enemyTroops = militaryManager.getEnemySoldiers();
this.updateAttackers(gameState, events, enemyTroops);
var unassignedDefenders = this.updateDefenders(gameState);
this.assignDefenders(gameState, militaryManager, unassignedDefenders);
Defence.prototype.assignDefenders = function(gameState, militaryManager, unassignedDefenders){
var numAttackers = Object.keys(this.attackers).length;
var numDefenders = Object.keys(this.defenders).length;
var numUnassignedDefenders = unassignedDefenders.length;
var numAssignedDefenders = numDefenders - numUnassignedDefenders;
// TODO: this is non optimal, we may have unevenly distributed defenders
// Unassign defenders which aren't needed
if (numAttackers * this.DEFENCE_RATIO <= numAssignedDefenders){
var CCs = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("CivCentre"));
for (var i in unassignedDefenders){
var pos = this.defenders[unassignedDefenders[i]].position();
// Move back to nearest CC
if (pos){
var nearestCCArray = CCs.filterNearest(pos, 1).toEntityArray();
if (nearestCCArray.length > 0){
var movePos = nearestCCArray[0].position();
this.defenders[unassignedDefenders[i]].move(movePos[0], movePos[1]);
delete this.defenders[unassignedDefenders[i]];
// Check to see if we need to recruit more defenders
if (numAttackers * this.DEFENCE_RATIO > numDefenders){
var numNeeded = Math.ceil(numAttackers * this.DEFENCE_RATIO - numDefenders);
var numIdleAvailable = militaryManager.countAvailableUnits(Filters.isIdle());
if (numIdleAvailable > numNeeded){
var newUnits = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(numNeeded, Filters.isIdle());
for (var i in newUnits){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(newUnits[i]);
unassignedDefenders = unassignedDefenders.concat(newUnits);
var newUnits = militaryManager.getAvailableUnits(numNeeded);
for (var i in newUnits){
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(newUnits[i]);
ent.setMetadata("initialPosition", ent.position());
unassignedDefenders = unassignedDefenders.concat(newUnits);
// Now distribute the unassigned defenders among the attacking groups.
for (var i in unassignedDefenders){
var id = unassignedDefenders[i];
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
if (!ent.position()){
debug("Defender with no position! (shouldn't happen)");
var minDist = Math.min();
var closestGroup = undefined;
for (var j in this.groups){
var dist = VectorDistance(this.groups[j].position, ent.position());
if (dist < minDist && this.groups[j].members.length * this.DEFENCE_RATIO > this.groups[j].defenders.length){
minDist = dist;
closestGroup = this.groups[j];
if (closestGroup !== undefined){
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*closestGroup.members.length);
this.defenders[id] = ent;
Defence.prototype.updateDefenders = function(gameState){
var newDefenders = {};
var unassignedDefenders = [];
for (var i in this.groups){
this.removeDestroyed(gameState, this.groups[i].defenders);
for (var j in this.groups[i].defenders){
var id = this.groups[i].defenders[j];
newDefenders[id] = this.defenders[id];
var ent = gameState.getEntityById(id);
// If the defender is idle then set it to attack another member of the group it is targetting
if (ent && ent.isIdle()){
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.groups[i].members.length);
for (var id in this.defenders){
if (!gameState.getEntityById(id)){
delete this.defenders[id];
} else if (!newDefenders[id]){
return unassignedDefenders;
// Returns an entity collection of key buildings which should be defended.
// Currently just returns civ centres
Defence.prototype.getKeyBuildings = function(gameState){
return gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("CivCentre"));
* This function puts all attacking enemy troops into this.attackers, the list from the turn before is put into
* this.oldAttackers, also any new attackers have their id's listed in this.newAttackers.
Defence.prototype.updateAttackers = function(gameState, events, enemyTroops){
var self = this;
var keyBuildings = this.getKeyBuildings(gameState);
this.newAttackers = [];
this.oldAttackers = this.attackers;
this.attackers = {};
if (ent.position()){
var minDist = Math.min();
if (building.position() && VectorDistance(ent.position(), building.position()) < minDist){
minDist = VectorDistance(ent.position(), building.position());
if (self.oldAttackers[ent.id()]){
if (minDist < self.RELEASE_DIST){
self.attackers[ent.id()] = ent;
2012-01-02 22:46:09 +01:00
if (minDist < self.ACQUIRE_DIST){
self.attackers[ent.id()] = ent;
Defence.prototype.removeDestroyed = function(gameState, entList){
for (var i = 0; i < entList.length; i++){
if (!gameState.getEntityById(entList[i])){
entList.splice(i, 1);
Defence.prototype.updateGroups = function(){
// clean up groups by removing members and removing empty groups
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++){
var group = this.groups[i];
// remove members which are no longer attackers
for (var j = 0; j < group.members.length; j++){
if (!this.attackers[group.members[j]]){
group.members.splice(j, 1);
// recalculate centre of group
group.sumPosition = [0,0];
for (var j = 0; j < group.members.length; j++){
group.sumPosition[0] += this.attackers[group.members[j]].position()[0];
group.sumPosition[1] += this.attackers[group.members[j]].position()[1];
group.position[0] = group.sumPosition[0]/group.members.length;
group.position[1] = group.sumPosition[1]/group.members.length;
// remove members that are too far away
for (var j = 0; j < group.members.length; j++){
if ( VectorDistance(this.attackers[group.members[j]].position(), group.position) > this.GROUP_BREAK_RADIUS){
group.sumPosition[0] -= this.attackers[group.members[j]].position()[0];
group.sumPosition[1] -= this.attackers[group.members[j]].position()[1];
group.members.splice(j, 1);
if (group.members.length === 0){
this.groups.splice(i, 1);
group.position[0] = group.sumPosition[0]/group.members.length;
group.position[1] = group.sumPosition[1]/group.members.length;
// add ungrouped attackers to groups
for (var j in this.newAttackers){
var ent = this.attackers[this.newAttackers[j]];
var foundGroup = false;
for (var i in this.groups){
if (VectorDistance(ent.position(), this.groups[i].position) <= this.GROUP_RADIUS){
this.groups[i].sumPosition[0] += ent.position()[0];
this.groups[i].sumPosition[1] += ent.position()[1];
this.groups[i].position[0] = this.groups[i].sumPosition[0]/this.groups[i].members.length;
this.groups[i].position[1] = this.groups[i].sumPosition[1]/this.groups[i].members.length;
foundGroup = true;
if (!foundGroup){
this.groups.push({"members": [ent.id()],
"position": [ent.position()[0], ent.position()[1]],
"sumPosition": [ent.position()[0], ent.position()[1]],
"defenders": []});
// merge groups which are close together
for (var i = 0; i < this.groups.length; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < this.groups.length; j++){
if (this.groups[i].members.length < this.groups[j].members.length){
if (VectorDistance(this.groups[i].position, this.groups[j].position) < this.GROUP_MERGE_RADIUS){
this.groups[j].members = this.groups[i].members.concat(this.groups[j].members);
this.groups[j].defenders = this.groups[i].defenders.concat(this.groups[j].defenders);
this.groups[j].sumPosition[0] += this.groups[i].sumPosition[0];
this.groups[j].sumPosition[1] += this.groups[i].sumPosition[1];
this.groups[j].position[0] = this.groups[j].sumPosition[0]/this.groups[j].members.length;
this.groups[j].position[1] = this.groups[j].sumPosition[1]/this.groups[j].members.length;
this.groups.splice(i, 1);