2014-06-17 18:45:40 +00:00

274 lines
7.5 KiB

namespace a = "http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0"
# NOTE: To modify this Relax NG grammar, edit the Relax NG Compact (.rnc) file
# and use a converter tool like trang to generate the Relax NG XML (.rng) file
start = object | objects | setup | sprites | styles
# Types #
# xsd:boolean could be used instead of this definition,
# though it considers "1" & "0" as valid values.
bool = "true" | "false"
align = "left" | "center" | "right"
valign = "top" | "center" | "bottom"
wrapmode = "repeat" | "mirrored_repeat" | "clamp_to_edge"
coord = xsd:string { pattern = "-?\d*\.?\d+(%([\+\-]\d*\.?\d+)?)?" }
clientarea = list { coord, coord, coord, coord }
# color can be a name or "R G B A" format string
rgba = list { xsd:integer { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "255" },
xsd:integer { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "255" },
xsd:integer { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "255" },
xsd:integer { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "255" }?}
ccolor = rgba | xsd:string { pattern = "[A-Za-z]+" }
size = list { xsd:decimal, xsd:decimal }
pos = list { xsd:decimal, xsd:decimal }
rect = list { xsd:decimal, xsd:decimal, xsd:decimal, xsd:decimal }
# Defines #
unique_settings =
attribute name { text }?,
[ a:defaultValue = "empty" ] attribute type { text }?,
attribute style { text }?
# This could probably be made more specific/strict
# with more information regarding the use/meaning
# of these attributes.
base_settings =
attribute absolute { bool }?&
attribute enable { bool }?&
attribute ghost { bool }?&
attribute hidden { bool }?&
attribute size { clientarea }?&
attribute z { xsd:decimal }?
# Defaults are not put in here, because it ruins the concept of styles.
ex_settings =
attribute anchor { valign }?&
attribute buffer_zone { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute buffer_width { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute button_width { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute checked { bool }?&
attribute clip { bool }?&
attribute dropdown_size { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute dropdown_buffer { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute enabled { bool }?&
attribute font { text }?&
attribute fov_wedge_color { ccolor }?&
attribute hotkey { text }?&
attribute cell_id { xsd:integer }?&
attribute independent { bool }?&
attribute input_initvalue_destroyed_at_focus { bool }?&
attribute mask { bool }?&
attribute mask_char { xsd:string { minLength = "1" maxLength = "1" } }?&
attribute max_length { xsd:nonNegativeInteger }?&
attribute maxwidth { xsd:decimal }? &
attribute multiline { bool }?&
attribute offset { pos }?&
attribute scrollbar { bool }?&
attribute scrollbar_style { text }?&
attribute scroll_bottom { bool }?&
attribute sound_closed { text }?&
attribute sound_disabled { text }?&
attribute sound_enter { text }?&
attribute sound_leave { text }?&
attribute sound_opened { text }?&
attribute sound_pressed { text }?&
attribute sound_selected { text }?&
attribute sprite { text }?&
attribute sprite2 { text }?&
attribute sprite_heading { text }?&
attribute sprite_bar { text }?&
attribute sprite_background { text }?&
attribute sprite_disabled { text }?&
attribute sprite_list { text }?&
attribute sprite2_disabled { text }?&
attribute sprite_over { text }?&
attribute sprite2_over { text }?&
attribute sprite_pressed { text }?&
attribute sprite2_pressed { text }?&
attribute sprite_selectarea { text }?&
attribute square_side { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute textcolor { ccolor }?&
attribute textcolor_disabled { ccolor }?&
attribute textcolor_over { ccolor }?&
attribute textcolor_pressed { ccolor }?&
attribute textcolor_selected { ccolor }?&
attribute text_align { align }?&
attribute text_valign { valign }?&
attribute tooltip { text }?&
attribute tooltip_style { text }?
# Objects #
objects = element objects { (script | object)* }
script =
element script {
text &
attribute file { text }? &
attribute directory { text }?
object =
element object {
| action
| \attribute
| def
| \include
| item
| repeat
| translatableAttribute)*
| text),
action =
element action {
attribute on { text },
attribute file { text }?
\attribute =
element attribute {
(keep | translate)*,
attribute id { text }
def =
element def {
attribute id { text }&
attribute color { ccolor }?&
attribute heading { text }?&
attribute width { text }?
\include =
element include {
attribute file { text }|
attribute directory { text }
item =
element item {
attribute enabled { bool }?
keep = element keep { text }
repeat =
element repeat {
attribute count { text }
translate = element translate { text }
translatableAttribute =
element translatableAttribute {
attribute id { text }&
attribute comment { text }?&
attribute context { text }?
# Styles #
styles = element styles { style* }
style =
element style {
attribute name { text },
# Setup #
setup = element setup { (icon | scrollbar | tooltip | color)* }
scrollbar =
element scrollbar {
attribute name { text }&
attribute width { xsd:decimal }&
attribute alwaysshown { bool }?&
attribute maximum_bar_size { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute minimum_bar_size { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute scroll_wheel { bool }?&
attribute show_edge_buttons { bool }?&
attribute sprite_button_top { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_top_pressed { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_top_disabled { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_top_over { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_bottom { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_bottom_pressed { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_bottom_disabled { text }?&
attribute sprite_button_bottom_over { text }?&
attribute sprite_bar_vertical { text }?&
attribute sprite_bar_vertical_over { text }?&
attribute sprite_bar_vertical_pressed { text }?&
attribute sprite_back_vertical { text }?
icon =
element icon {
attribute name { text }&
attribute size { size }&
attribute sprite { text }&
attribute cell_id { text }?
tooltip =
element tooltip {
attribute name { text }&
attribute sprite { text }?&
attribute anchor { valign }?&
attribute buffer_zone { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute font { text }?&
attribute maxwidth { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute offset { pos }?&
attribute textcolor { ccolor }?&
attribute delay { xsd:integer }?&
attribute use_object { text }?&
attribute hide_object { bool }?
color =
element color {
attribute name { text }
# Sprites #
sprites = element sprites { sprite* }
sprite =
element sprite {
(effect?, image+),
attribute name { text }
image =
element image {
attribute texture { text }?&
attribute size { clientarea }?&
attribute texture_size { clientarea }?&
attribute real_texture_placement { rect }?&
attribute cell_size { size }?&
attribute backcolor { ccolor }?&
attribute bordercolor { ccolor }?&
attribute border { bool }?&
attribute z_level { xsd:float }?&
attribute fixed_h_aspect_ratio { xsd:decimal }?&
attribute round_coordinates { bool }?&
attribute wrap_mode { wrapmode }?
effect =
element effect {
attribute add_color { ccolor }?,
attribute multiply_color { ccolor }?,
attribute grayscale { empty }?