2006-07-09 23:12:37 +00:00

292 lines
8.2 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Collision.h"
#include "EntityManager.h"
#include <float.h>
CBoundingObject* getContainingObject( const CVector2D& point )
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( point.x, point.y, COLLISION_RANGE, entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds->contains( point ) )
CBoundingObject* bounds = (*it)->m_bounds;
return( bounds );
return( NULL );
CEntity* GetCollisionObject( float x, float y )
CVector2D point( x, y );
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( x, y, COLLISION_RANGE, entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds->contains( point ) )
CEntity* e = (*it);
return( e );
return( NULL );
CBoundingObject* getCollisionObject( CBoundingObject* bounds, CPlayer* player, CStrW ignoreClass )
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( bounds->m_pos.x, bounds->m_pos.y, COLLISION_RANGE, entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds == bounds ) continue;
/* If the unit is marked to ignore ally collisions, and the player parameter
is passed in and the same player as the unit, then ignore the (potential) collision */
if( player && (*it)->m_passThroughAllies && (*it)->m_player == player ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_classes.IsMember( ignoreClass ) ) continue;
if( bounds->intersects( (*it)->m_bounds ) )
CBoundingObject* obj = (*it)->m_bounds;
return( obj );
return( NULL );
CEntity* getCollisionEntity( CBoundingObject* bounds, CPlayer* player, CStrW ignoreClass )
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( bounds->m_pos.x, bounds->m_pos.y, COLLISION_RANGE, entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds == bounds ) continue;
/* If the unit is marked to ignore ally collisions, and the player parameter
is passed in and the same player as the unit, then ignore the (potential) collision */
if( player && (*it)->m_passThroughAllies && (*it)->m_player == player ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_classes.IsMember( ignoreClass ) ) continue;
if( bounds->intersects( (*it)->m_bounds ) )
return (*it);
return( NULL );
HEntity getCollisionObject( CEntity* entity )
#ifndef NDEBUG
debug_assert( entity->m_bounds );
if( !entity->m_bounds ) return HEntity();
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetInRange( entity->m_position.X, entity->m_position.Z, COLLISION_RANGE, entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds == entity->m_bounds ) continue;
if( entity->m_bounds->intersects( (*it)->m_bounds ) )
HEntity collisionObject = HEntity((*it)->me);
return( collisionObject );
return HEntity();
HEntity getCollisionObject( CEntity* entity, float x, float y )
float _x = entity->m_bounds->m_pos.x;
float _y = entity->m_bounds->m_pos.y;
entity->m_bounds->setPosition( x, y );
HEntity _e = getCollisionObject( entity );
entity->m_bounds->setPosition( _x, _y );
return( _e );
bool getRayIntersection( const CVector2D& source, const CVector2D& forward, const CVector2D& right, float length, float maxDistance, CBoundingObject* destinationCollisionObject, rayIntersectionResults* results )
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetExtant( entities );
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
float closestApproach, dist;
CVector2D delta;
results->distance = length + maxDistance;
results->boundingObject = NULL;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
if( !(*it)->m_bounds ) continue;
if( (*it)->m_bounds == destinationCollisionObject ) continue;
// TODO MT: Replace this with something based on whether the unit is actually moving.
if( (*it)->m_orderQueue.size() ) continue;
CBoundingObject* obj = (*it)->m_bounds;
delta = obj->m_pos - source;
closestApproach = delta.dot( right );
dist = delta.dot( forward );
float collisionRadius = maxDistance + obj->m_radius;
if( ( fabs( closestApproach ) < collisionRadius ) && ( dist > collisionRadius * 0.0f ) && ( dist < length - collisionRadius * 0.0f ) )
if( dist < results->distance )
results->boundingObject = obj;
results->closestApproach = closestApproach;
results->distance = dist;
results->Entity = (*it);
results->position = obj->m_pos;
if( results->boundingObject ) return( true );
return( false );
void GetProjectileIntersection( const CVector2D& position, const CVector2D& axis, float length, RayIntersects& results )
std::vector<CEntity*> entities;
g_EntityManager.GetExtant( entities );
float dist, closestApproach, l;
CVector2D delta;
std::vector<CEntity*>::iterator it;
for( it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); it++ )
CBoundingObject* obj = (*it)->m_bounds;
if( !obj ) continue;
delta = obj->m_pos - position;
closestApproach = delta.betadot( axis );
if( fabs( closestApproach ) > obj->m_radius )
continue; // Safe, doesn't get close enough.
dist = delta.dot( axis );
// I just want to see if this will work before I simplify the maths
l = sqrt( obj->m_radius * obj->m_radius - closestApproach * closestApproach );
if( dist > 0 )
// Forward...
if( ( dist - length ) > l )
continue; // OK, won't reach it.
// Backward...
if( -dist > l )
continue; // OK, started far enough away
if( obj->m_type == CBoundingObject::BOUND_OABB )
// Run a more accurate test against the box
CBoundingBox* box = (CBoundingBox*)obj;
const float EPSILON = 0.0001f;
float first = FLT_MAX, last = -FLT_MAX;
CVector2D delta2;
// Test against those sides of the box parallel with it's u vector.
float t = box->m_u.y * axis.x - axis.y * box->m_u.x;
float abs_t = fabs( t );
if( abs_t >= EPSILON )
// If not parallel,
delta2 = delta - box->m_v * box->m_w;
if( fabs( axis.y * delta2.x - axis.x * delta2.y ) < box->m_d * abs_t )
// Possible intersection with one side
float pos = ( box->m_u.y * delta2.x - box->m_u.x * delta2.y ) / t;
if( pos < first ) first = pos;
if( pos > last ) last = pos;
delta2 = delta + box->m_v * box->m_w;
if( fabs( axis.y * delta2.x - axis.x * delta2.y ) < box->m_d * abs_t )
// Possible intersection with one side
float pos = ( box->m_u.y * delta2.x - box->m_u.x * delta2.y ) / t;
if( pos < first ) first = pos;
if( pos > last ) last = pos;
// Next test against those sides of the box parallel with it's v vector.
t = box->m_v.y * axis.x - axis.y * box->m_v.x;
abs_t = fabs( t );
if( abs_t >= EPSILON )
// If not parallel,
delta2 = delta - box->m_u * box->m_d;
if( fabs( axis.y * delta2.x - axis.x * delta2.y ) < box->m_w * abs_t )
// Possible intersection with one side
float pos = ( box->m_v.y * delta2.x - box->m_v.x * delta2.y ) / t;
if( pos < first ) first = pos;
if( pos > last ) last = pos;
delta2 = delta + box->m_u * box->m_d;
if( fabs( axis.y * delta2.x - axis.x * delta2.y ) < box->m_w * abs_t )
// Possible intersection with one side
float pos = ( box->m_v.y * delta2.x - box->m_v.x * delta2.y ) / t;
if( pos < first ) first = pos;
if( pos > last ) last = pos;
// Then work out if we actually hit it within the given range.
if( last < 0.0f )
continue; // No, we started far enough 'after' there.
if( first > length )
continue; // No, we haven't yet moved far enough to hit it.
results.push_back( *it );
static RayIntersects SharedResults;
RayIntersects& GetProjectileIntersection( const CVector2D& position, const CVector2D& axis, float length )
GetProjectileIntersection( position, axis, length, SharedResults );
return( SharedResults );