
425 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

// $Id: packer.cpp,v 1.4 2004/08/24 14:54:10 philip Exp $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "packer.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
PackedFont::PackedFont(FontRenderer* font, std::set<wchar_t> chars)
TextureData = NULL;
TextureWidth = TextureHeight = 0;
Font = font;
Chars = chars;
delete[] TextureData;
class GlyphInfo {
GlyphInfo() { c = 0; w = h = size = -1; }
GlyphInfo(wchar_t _c, int _w, int _h) { c=_c; w=_w; h=_h; size=(w*w)+(h*h); }
wchar_t c;
int w, h;
int x, y; // of top-left corner
bool operator<(GlyphInfo& b) { return size > b.size; } // sort biggest first
int size; // used for sorting
typedef std::vector<GlyphInfo> GlyphsInfo;
struct GlyphCharSort : public std::binary_function<GlyphInfo&, GlyphInfo&, bool> {
bool operator()(GlyphInfo& x, GlyphInfo& y) { return x.c < y.c; }
int next_power_of_two(int x)
// See something like http://bob.allegronetwork.com/prog/tricks.html for an explanation
x |= (x >> 1);
x |= (x >> 2);
x |= (x >> 4);
x |= (x >> 8);
x |= (x >> 16);
return x+1;
// To avoid a few ugly gotos. Returns true on collision.
inline bool TryFittingInternal(const int &x, const int &y, GlyphsInfo& glyphs, const GlyphsInfo::iterator& ThisGlyph)
for (GlyphsInfo::iterator OtherGlyph = glyphs.begin(); OtherGlyph != ThisGlyph; ++OtherGlyph)
// Test for collisions - effectively trying to find a line that
// can fit between the two rectangles
if (x < OtherGlyph->x+OtherGlyph->w
&& x+ThisGlyph->w > OtherGlyph->x
&& y < OtherGlyph->y+OtherGlyph->h
&& y+ThisGlyph->h > OtherGlyph->y) return true;
return false;
bool TryFitting(const int packing_precision, const int texture_width, const int texture_height, const bool randomness, GlyphsInfo& glyphs, bool ProgressCallback(float, wxString, void*), void* CallbackData)
// A roughly O(n^3) algorithm, but with lots of attempted
// optimisations that do occasionally work.
int count = 0;
int ProgressCurrent = 0;
int ProgressMax = (int)glyphs.size();
GlyphInfo* LastGlyph = NULL;
for (GlyphsInfo::iterator ThisGlyph = glyphs.begin(); ThisGlyph != glyphs.end(); ++ThisGlyph, ++count)
if (ProgressCallback != NULL)
// Squaring makes the bar increase at a more constant rate
float Progress = powf((float)ProgressCurrent++ / (float)ProgressMax, 2.0f);
if (ProgressCallback(Progress, wxT("Fitting"), CallbackData))
throw "Aborted";
// After the first few easy ones, try sticking things in randomly
// and see if it turns out adequately.
if (randomness && count > 32)
// except this is quite rubbish, so don't bother
bool fitted = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) // try several times
int x = 1 + rand() % (texture_width-ThisGlyph->w-1);
int y = 1 + rand() % (texture_height-ThisGlyph->h-1);
for (GlyphsInfo::iterator OtherGlyph = glyphs.begin(); OtherGlyph != ThisGlyph; ++OtherGlyph)
if (box_collide(x, y, x+ThisGlyphRef.w, y+ThisGlyphRef.h, OtherGlyph->x, OtherGlyph->y, OtherGlyph->x+OtherGlyph->w, OtherGlyph->y+OtherGlyph->h))
goto randomly_collided;
ThisGlyph->x = x;
ThisGlyph->y = y;
goto fitted;
randomly_collided: ;
bool fitted = false;
int starty, stepy;
// Check whether this glyph is no smaller than the previous one
if (LastGlyph && LastGlyph->w <= ThisGlyph->w && LastGlyph->h <= ThisGlyph->h)
// If so, carry on the fitting from where the last glyph left off,
// because we've already discovered that there's no more
// space above.
if (count & 1)
stepy = -packing_precision;
stepy = packing_precision;
starty = LastGlyph->y;
// Alternate between fitting glyphs at the top and bottom
// to make things go a bit faster by minimising collisions
if (count & 1)
starty = texture_height-ThisGlyph->h, stepy = -packing_precision;
starty = 0, stepy = packing_precision;
for (int y = starty; y >= 0 && y <= texture_height-ThisGlyph->h; y += stepy)
// and alternate between left and right
int startx, stepx;
if (count & 2)
startx = 0, stepx = packing_precision;
startx = texture_width-ThisGlyph->w, stepx = -packing_precision;
int x;
/* If you have a multiple-processor machine and the Intel C++ compiler,
// this parallel version might be a little faster. (It's only a few
// tens of percents slower on a hyperthreaded computer)
// [Assuming it works at all, which it probably doesn't because I haven't
// tried compiling it recently]
if (startx == 1)
int max = texture_width-ThisGlyph->w;
#pragma omp parallel shared(startx, texture_width, ThisGlyph, stepx, glyphs)
#pragma omp for schedule(static) nowait
for (x = startx; x < max; x += stepx)
if (! TryFittingInternal(x, y, glyphs, ThisGlyph))
ThisGlyph->x = x;
stepx = 1e9; // Ugly hack so the threads finish at the same time
#pragma omp parallel shared(startx, texture_width, ThisGlyph, stepx, glyphs)
#pragma omp for schedule(static) nowait
for (x = startx; x > 0; x += stepx)
if (! TryFittingInternal(x, y, glyphs, ThisGlyph))
ThisGlyph->x = x;
stepx = -1e9;
if (stepx == 1e9 || stepx == -1e9)
ThisGlyph->y = y;
goto fitted;
if (startx == 0)
for (x = startx; x <= texture_width-ThisGlyph->w; x += stepx)
if (! TryFittingInternal(x, y, glyphs, ThisGlyph))
ThisGlyph->x = x;
fitted = true;
for (x = startx; x >= 0; x += stepx)
if (! TryFittingInternal(x, y, glyphs, ThisGlyph))
ThisGlyph->x = x;
fitted = true;
if (fitted)
ThisGlyph->y = y;
if (!fitted)
// Couldn't fit glyph anywhere - give up
return false;
//fitted: ; // for lazy people who just want to goto
LastGlyph = &*ThisGlyph;
return true;
bool TryFittingLots(int& texture_width, int& texture_height, GlyphsInfo& glyphs, bool ProgressCallback(float, wxString, void*), void* CallbackData)
// Try the fairly fast method
if (TryFitting(16, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// Go a bit more carefully
if (TryFitting(8, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// Maybe it just needs a little more precision?
if (TryFitting(2, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// This takes a long time and doesn't usually achieve much, but try it anyway
if (TryFitting(1, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// Try swapping the dimensions if it's currently rectangular
if (texture_width != texture_height)
std::swap(texture_width, texture_height);
if (TryFitting(1, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// Didn't work, swap back again
std::swap(texture_width, texture_height);
// Double the size and try again
if (texture_height == texture_width)
texture_width *= 2;
texture_height *= 2;
if (TryFitting(32, texture_width, texture_height, true, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// How much space can it need?!
if (TryFitting(4, texture_width, texture_height, false, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
return true;
// Give up
return false;
void PackedFont::Generate(bool ProgressCallback(float, wxString, void*) = NULL, void* CallbackData = NULL)
GlyphsInfo glyphs;
int total_area = 0;
std::vector<wchar_t> MissingGlyphs;
int ProgressCurrent = 0;
int ProgressMax = (int)Chars.size();
std::list<GlyphInfo> SortableGlyphs;
bool MissingMissingGlyph = false;
for (std::set<wchar_t>::iterator c = Chars.begin(); c != Chars.end(); ++c)
if (ProgressCallback != NULL)
if (ProgressCallback((float)ProgressCurrent++ / (float)ProgressMax, wxT("Measuring"), CallbackData))
throw "Aborted";
int w, h;
if (Font->Missing)
// Was the missing glyph missing?
if (*c == 0xFFFD)
// Just use a question mark. (Surely *every* font has a question mark...)
if (Font->Missing)
throw "Can't find either a missing glyph symbol or a question mark!";
Font->GetBoundingBox(w, h);
SortableGlyphs.push_back( GlyphInfo(0xFFFD, w, h) );
total_area += w*h;
MissingMissingGlyph = true;
Font->GetBoundingBox(w, h);
SortableGlyphs.push_back( GlyphInfo(*c, w, h) );
total_area += w*h;
// Convert into a vector for a little more speed
for (std::list<GlyphInfo>::iterator i = SortableGlyphs.begin(); i != SortableGlyphs.end(); ++i)
// Calculate minimum size square to hold all glyphs
int texture_width, texture_height;
texture_width = texture_height = next_power_of_two(int( sqrt((double)total_area) ));
// See if a smaller rectangle ought to still fit
if (texture_width*texture_height > total_area*2)
texture_height /= 2;
if (! TryFittingLots(texture_width, texture_height, glyphs, ProgressCallback, CallbackData))
throw "Failed to fit all the glyphs, too many times.";
TextureData = new unsigned char[texture_width*texture_height*3];
memset(TextureData, 0, texture_width*texture_height*3);
TextureWidth = texture_width;
TextureHeight = texture_height;
FontDefinition = wxEmptyString;
FontDefinition += wxT("100\n"); // version number
FontDefinition << TextureWidth << wxT(" ") << TextureHeight << wxT("\n"); // size of texture
FontDefinition << (int)glyphs.size() << wxT("\n"); // number of glyphs
FontDefinition << Font->GetLineSpacing() << wxT("\n");
for (GlyphsInfo::iterator i = glyphs.begin(); i != glyphs.end(); ++i)
ProgressCurrent = 0;
ProgressMax = (int)glyphs.size();
for (std::list<GlyphInfo>::iterator ThisGlyph = SortableGlyphs.begin(); ThisGlyph != SortableGlyphs.end(); ++ThisGlyph)
if (ProgressCallback != NULL)
if (ProgressCallback((float)ProgressCurrent++ / (float)ProgressMax, wxT("Rendering"), CallbackData))
throw "Aborted";
if (MissingMissingGlyph && ThisGlyph->c == 0xFFFD)
Font->RenderGlyph(TextureData, ThisGlyph->x, ThisGlyph->y, texture_width, texture_height, texture_width*3, true);
int offset_x, offset_y, advance;
Font->GetMetrics(offset_x, offset_y, advance);
FontDefinition << (int)ThisGlyph->c
<< wxT(" ") << ThisGlyph->x
<< wxT(" ") << (TextureHeight - ThisGlyph->y) // because it's stored upside-down
<< wxT(" ") << ThisGlyph->w
<< wxT(" ") << ThisGlyph->h
<< wxT(" ") << offset_x
<< wxT(" ") << offset_y
<< wxT(" ") << advance
<< wxT("\n");
if (MissingGlyphs.size())
wxString Error = wxString::Format(wxT("WARNING: %d glyphs were missing: "), MissingGlyphs.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < MissingGlyphs.size(); ++i)
if (i) Error += wxT(", ");
if (i == 20)
Error += wxT("...");
Error += wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), MissingGlyphs[i]);