Ykkrosh ca42649c5b Fix MSVC warning
This was SVN commit r9820.
2011-07-13 19:28:31 +00:00

298 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Home to the ModelRenderer class, an abstract base class that manages
* a per-frame list of submitted models, as well as simple helper
* classes.
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "graphics/MeshManager.h"
#include "graphics/RenderableObject.h"
#include "graphics/SColor.h"
#include "renderer/VertexArray.h"
class RenderModifier;
typedef shared_ptr<RenderModifier> RenderModifierPtr;
class LitRenderModifier;
typedef shared_ptr<LitRenderModifier> LitRenderModifierPtr;
class ModelVertexRenderer;
typedef shared_ptr<ModelVertexRenderer> ModelVertexRendererPtr;
class CModel;
class CModelFilter
CModelFilter() {}
virtual ~CModelFilter() {}
virtual bool Filter(CModel* model) = 0;
* Class CModelRData: Render data that is maintained per CModel.
* ModelRenderer implementations may derive from this class to store
* per-CModel data.
* The main purpose of this class over CRenderData is to track which
* ModelRenderer the render data belongs to (via the key that is passed
* to the constructor). When a model changes the renderer it uses
* (e.g. via run-time modification of the renderpath configuration),
* the old ModelRenderer's render data is supposed to be replaced by
* the new data.
class CModelRData : public CRenderData
CModelRData(const void* key, CModel* model) : m_Key(key), m_Model(model) { }
* GetKey: Retrieve the key that can be used to identify the
* ModelRenderer that created this data.
* @return The opaque key that was passed to the constructor.
const void* GetKey() const { return m_Key; }
* GetModel: Retrieve the model that this render data object
* belongs to.
* @return The model pointer that was passed to the constructor.
CModel* GetModel() const { return m_Model; }
/// The key for model renderer identification
const void* m_Key;
/// The model this object was created for
CModel* m_Model;
* Class ModelRenderer: Abstract base class for all model renders.
* A ModelRenderer manages a per-frame list of models.
* It is supposed to be derived in order to create new ways in which
* the per-frame list of models can be managed (for batching, for
* transparent rendering, etc.) or potentially for rarely used special
* effects.
* A typical ModelRenderer will delegate vertex transformation/setup
* to a ModelVertexRenderer.
* It will delegate fragment stage setup to a RenderModifier.
* For most purposes, you should use a BatchModelRenderer with
* specialized ModelVertexRenderer and RenderModifier implementations.
* It is suggested that a derived class implement the provided generic
* Render function, however in some cases it may be necessary to supply
* a Render function with a different prototype.
* ModelRenderer also contains a number of static helper functions
* for building vertex arrays.
class ModelRenderer
ModelRenderer() { }
virtual ~ModelRenderer() { }
* Submit: Submit a model for rendering this frame.
* preconditions : The model must not have been submitted to any
* ModelRenderer in this frame. Submit may only be called
* after EndFrame and before PrepareModels.
* @param model The model that will be added to the list of models
* submitted this frame.
virtual void Submit(CModel* model) = 0;
* PrepareModels: Calculate renderer data for all previously
* submitted models.
* Must be called before any rendering calls and after all models
* for this frame have been submitted.
virtual void PrepareModels() = 0;
* EndFrame: Remove all models from the list of submitted
* models.
virtual void EndFrame() = 0;
* HaveSubmissions: Return whether any models have been submitted this frame.
* @return true if models have been submitted, false otherwise.
virtual bool HaveSubmissions() = 0;
* Render: Render submitted models, using the given RenderModifier to setup
* the fragment stage.
* @note It is suggested that derived model renderers implement and use
* this Render functions. However, a highly specialized model renderer
* may need to "disable" this function and provide its own Render function
* with a different prototype.
* preconditions : PrepareModels must be called after all models have been
* submitted and before calling Render.
* @param modifier The RenderModifier that specifies the fragment stage.
* @param flags If flags is 0, all submitted models are rendered.
* If flags is non-zero, only models that contain flags in their
* CModel::GetFlags() are rendered.
virtual void Render(const RenderModifierPtr& modifier, int flags) = 0;
* Filter: Filter submitted models, setting the passed flags on any models
* that pass the filter, and clearing them from models that fail.
* @param filter Filter to select a subset of models.
* @param passed Flags to be set/cleared.
* @param flags If non-zero, only models that contain @p flags
* have the filter test applied.
virtual void Filter(CModelFilter& filter, int passed, int flags = 0) = 0;
* CopyPositionAndNormals: Copy unanimated object-space vertices and
* normals into the given vertex array.
* @param mdef The underlying CModelDef that contains mesh data.
* @param Position Points to the array that will receive
* position vectors. The array behind the iterator
* must be large enough to hold model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices()
* vertices.
* @param Normal Points to the array that will receive normal vectors.
* The array behind the iterator must be as large as the Position array.
static void CopyPositionAndNormals(
const CModelDefPtr& mdef,
const VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D>& Position,
const VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D>& Normal);
* BuildPositionAndNormals: Build animated vertices and normals,
* transformed into world space.
* @param model The model that is to be transformed.
* @param Position Points to the array that will receive
* transformed position vectors. The array behind the iterator
* must be large enough to hold model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices()
* vertices.
* @param Normal Points to the array that will receive transformed
* normal vectors. The array behind the iterator must be as large as
* the Position array.
static void BuildPositionAndNormals(
CModel* model,
const VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D>& Position,
const VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D>& Normal);
* BuildColor4ub: Build lighting colors for the given model,
* based on previously calculated world space normals.
* @param model The model that is to be lit.
* @param Normal Array of the model's normal vectors, animated and
* transformed into world space.
* @param Color Points to the array that will receive the lit vertex color.
* The array behind the iterator must large enough to hold
* model->GetModelDef()->GetNumVertices() vertices.
static void BuildColor4ub(
CModel* model,
const VertexArrayIterator<CVector3D>& Normal,
const VertexArrayIterator<SColor4ub>& Color);
* BuildUV: Copy UV coordinates into the given vertex array.
* @param mdef The model def.
* @param UV Points to the array that will receive UV coordinates.
* The array behind the iterator must large enough to hold
* mdef->GetNumVertices() vertices.
static void BuildUV(
const CModelDefPtr& mdef,
const VertexArrayIterator<float[2]>& UV);
* BuildIndices: Create the indices array for the given CModelDef.
* @param mdef The model definition object.
* @param Indices The index array, must be able to hold
* mdef->GetNumFaces()*3 elements.
static void BuildIndices(
const CModelDefPtr& mdef,
const VertexArrayIterator<u16>& Indices);
struct BatchModelRendererInternals;
* Class BatchModelRenderer: Model renderer that sorts submitted models
* by CModelDef and texture for batching, and uses a ModelVertexRenderer
* (e.g. FixedFunctionModelRenderer) to manage model vertices.
* @note Deriving from this class is highly discouraged. Specialize
* using ModelVertexRendererPtr and RenderModifier instead.
class BatchModelRenderer : public ModelRenderer
friend struct BatchModelRendererInternals;
BatchModelRenderer(ModelVertexRendererPtr vertexrender);
virtual ~BatchModelRenderer();
// Batching implementations
virtual void Submit(CModel* model);
virtual void PrepareModels();
virtual void EndFrame();
virtual bool HaveSubmissions();
virtual void Render(const RenderModifierPtr& modifier, int flags);
virtual void Filter(CModelFilter& filter, int passed, int flags);
BatchModelRendererInternals* m;