
1150 lines
31 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include <map>
#include "lib/allocators.h"
#include "lib/byte_order.h"
#include "lib/adts.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
// block cache: intended to cache raw compressed data, since files aren't aligned
// in the archive; alignment code would force a read of the whole block,
// which would be a slowdown unless we keep them in memory.
// keep out of async code (although extra work for sync: must not issue/wait
// if was cached) to simplify things. disadvantage: problems if same block
// is issued twice, before the first call completes (via wait_io).
// that won't happen though unless we have threaded file_ios =>
// rare enough not to worry about performance.
// since sync code allocates the (temp) buffer, it's guaranteed
// to remain valid.
class BlockMgr
static const size_t MAX_BLOCKS = 32;
enum BlockStatus
struct Block
BlockId id;
// initialized in BlockMgr ctor and remains valid
void* mem;
BlockStatus status;
int refs;
: id(block_cache_make_id(0, 0)), status(BS_INVALID), refs(0) {}
// access pattern is usually ring buffer, but in rare cases we
// need to skip over locked items, even though they are the oldest.
Block blocks[MAX_BLOCKS];
uint oldest_block;
// use Pool to allocate mem for all blocks because it guarantees
// page alignment (required for IO) and obviates manually aligning.
Pool pool;
: blocks(), oldest_block(0)
(void)pool_create(&pool, MAX_BLOCKS*FILE_BLOCK_SIZE, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
for(Block* b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
b->mem = pool_alloc(&pool, 0);
debug_assert(b->mem); // shouldn't ever fail
void shutdown()
void* alloc(BlockId id)
Block* b;
for(b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
if(block_eq(b->id, id))
debug_warn("allocating block that is already in list");
for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCKS; i++)
b = &blocks[oldest_block];
oldest_block = (oldest_block+1)%MAX_BLOCKS;
// normal case: oldest item can be reused
if(b->status != BS_PENDING && b->refs == 0)
goto have_block;
// wacky special case: oldest item is currently locked.
// skip it and reuse the next.
// to see when this can happen, consider IO depth = 4.
// let the Block at blocks[oldest_block] contain data that
// an IO wants. the 2nd and 3rd blocks are not in cache and
// happen to be taken from near the end of blocks[].
// attempting to issue block #4 fails because its buffer would
// want the first slot (which is locked since the its IO
// is still pending).
if(b->status == BS_COMPLETE && b->refs > 0)
debug_warn("status and/or refs have unexpected values");
debug_warn("all blocks are locked");
return 0;
b->id = id;
b->status = BS_PENDING;
return b->mem;
void mark_completed(BlockId id)
for(Block* b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
if(block_eq(b->id, id))
debug_assert(b->status == BS_PENDING);
b->status = BS_COMPLETE;
debug_warn("mark_completed: block not found, but ought still to be in cache");
void* find(BlockId id)
// linear search is ok, since we only keep a few blocks.
for(Block* b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
if(block_eq(b->id, id))
if(b->status == BS_COMPLETE)
debug_assert(b->refs >= 0);
return b->mem;
debug_warn("block referenced while still in progress");
return 0;
return 0; // not found
void release(BlockId id)
for(Block* b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
if(block_eq(b->id, id))
debug_assert(b->refs >= 0);
debug_warn("release: block not found, but ought still to be in cache");
void invalidate(const char* atom_fn)
for(Block* b = blocks; b < blocks+MAX_BLOCKS; b++)
if(b->id.atom_fn == atom_fn)
debug_warn("invalidating block that is currently in-use");
b->status = BS_INVALID;
static BlockMgr block_mgr;
bool block_eq(BlockId b1, BlockId b2)
return b1.atom_fn == b2.atom_fn && b1.block_num == b2.block_num;
// create an id for use with the cache that uniquely identifies
// the block from the file <atom_fn> starting at <ofs>.
BlockId block_cache_make_id(const char* atom_fn, const off_t ofs)
// <atom_fn> is guaranteed to be unique (see file_make_unique_fn_copy).
// block_num should always fit in 32 bits (assuming maximum file size
// = 2^32 * FILE_BLOCK_SIZE ~= 2^48 -- plenty). we don't bother
// checking this.
const u32 block_num = (u32)(ofs / FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
BlockId id = { atom_fn, block_num };
return id;
void* block_cache_alloc(BlockId id)
return block_mgr.alloc(id);
void block_cache_mark_completed(BlockId id)
void* block_cache_find(BlockId id)
void* ret = block_mgr.find(id);
stats_block_cache(ret? CR_HIT : CR_MISS);
return ret;
void block_cache_release(BlockId id)
return block_mgr.release(id);
// >= AIO_SECTOR_SIZE or else waio will have to realign.
// chosen as exactly 1 page: this allows write-protecting file buffers
// without worrying about their (non-page-aligned) borders.
// internal fragmentation is considerable but acceptable.
static const size_t BUF_ALIGN = 4*KiB;
the biggest worry of a file cache is fragmentation. there are 2
basic approaches to combat this:
1) 'defragment' periodically - move blocks around to increase
size of available 'holes'.
2) prevent fragmentation from occurring at all via
deliberate alloc/free policy.
file_io returns cache blocks directly to the user (zero-copy IO),
so only currently unreferenced blocks can be moved (while holding a
lock, to boot). it is believed that this would severely hamper
defragmentation; we therefore go with the latter approach.
basic insight is: fragmentation occurs when a block is freed whose
neighbors are not free (thus preventing coalescing). this can be
prevented by allocating objects of similar lifetimes together.
typical workloads (uniform access frequency) already show such behavior:
the Landlord cache manager evicts files in an LRU manner, which matches
the allocation policy.
"The Memory Fragmentation Problem - Solved?" (Johnstone and Wilson)
"Dynamic Storage Allocation - A Survey and Critical Review" (Johnstone and Wilson)
- allocation: use all available mem first, then look at freelist
- freelist: good fit, address-ordered, always split blocks
- free: immediately coalesce
- coalesce: boundary tags in freed memory with magic value
- freelist: 2**n segregated doubly-linked, address-ordered
static const size_t MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 96*MiB;
class CacheAllocator
: bitmap(0), freelists()
// (safe to call this from ctor as of 2006-02-02)
(void)pool_create(&pool, MAX_CACHE_SIZE, 0);
void shutdown()
void* alloc(size_t size)
// safely handle 0 byte allocations. according to C/C++ tradition,
// we allocate a unique address, which ends up wasting 1 page.
size = 1;
const size_t size_pa = round_up(size, BUF_ALIGN);
const uint size_class = size_class_of(size_pa);
void* p;
// try to reuse a freed entry
p = alloc_from_class(size_class, size_pa);
goto success;
// grab more space from pool
p = pool_alloc(&pool, size_pa);
goto success;
// last resort: split a larger element
p = alloc_from_larger_class(size_class, size_pa);
goto success;
// failed - can no longer expand and nothing big enough was
// found in freelists.
// file cache will decide which elements are least valuable,
// free() those and call us again.
return 0;
return p;
void make_read_only(u8* p, size_t size)
u8* p_pa = (u8*)round_down((uintptr_t)p, BUF_ALIGN);
const size_t size_pa = round_up(size, BUF_ALIGN);
(void)mprotect(p_pa, size_pa, PROT_READ);
// rationale: don't call this "free" because that would run afoul of the
// memory tracker's redirection macro and require #include "nommgr.h".
void dealloc(u8* p, size_t size)
const size_t size_pa = round_up(size, BUF_ALIGN);
// make sure entire (aligned!) range is within pool.
if(!pool_contains(&pool, p) || !pool_contains(&pool, p+size_pa-1))
debug_warn("invalid pointer");
// (re)allow writes
// note: unfortunately we cannot unmap this buffer's memory
// (to make sure it is not used) because we write a header/footer
// into it to support coalescing.
(void)mprotect(p, size_pa, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE);
coalesce_and_free(p, size_pa);
// free all allocations and reset state to how it was just after
// (the first and only) init() call.
void reset()
bitmap = 0;
memset(freelists, 0, sizeof(freelists));
Pool pool;
static uint size_class_of(size_t size_pa)
return log2((uint)size_pa);
// value of LSB 1-bit
static uint ls1(uint x)
return (x & -(int)x);
// boundary tags for coalescing
static const u32 HEADER_ID = FOURCC('C','M','A','H');
static const u32 FOOTER_ID = FOURCC('C','M','A','F');
static const u32 MAGIC = FOURCC('\xFF','\x55','\xAA','\x01');
struct Header
Header* prev;
Header* next;
size_t size_pa;
u32 id;
u32 magic;
// we could use struct Header for Footer as well, but keeping them
// separate and different can avoid coding errors (e.g. mustn't pass a
// Footer to freelist_remove!)
struct Footer
// note: deliberately reordered fields for safety
u32 magic;
u32 id;
size_t size_pa;
// must be enough room to stash Header+Footer within the freed allocation.
cassert(BUF_ALIGN >= sizeof(Header)+sizeof(Footer));
// expected_id identifies the tag type (either HEADER_ID or
// FOOTER_ID). returns whether the given id, magic and size_pa
// values are consistent with such a tag.
// note: these magic values are all that differentiates tags from
// user data. this isn't 100% reliable, but we can't insert extra
// boundary tags because the memory must remain aligned.
bool is_valid_tag(u32 expected_id, u32 id, u32 magic, size_t size_pa) const
if(id != expected_id || magic != MAGIC)
return false;
TEST(size_pa % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
TEST(size_pa <= MAX_CACHE_SIZE);
return true;
// add p to freelist; if its neighbor(s) are free, merges them all into
// one big region and frees that.
// notes:
// - correctly deals with p lying at start/end of pool.
// - p and size_pa are trusted: [p, p+size_pa) lies within the pool.
void coalesce_and_free(u8* p, size_t size_pa)
// CAVEAT: Header and Footer are wiped out by freelist_remove -
// must use them before that.
// expand (p, size_pa) to include previous allocation if it's free.
// (unless p is at start of pool region)
if(p != pool.da.base)
const Footer* footer = (const Footer*)(p-sizeof(Footer));
if(is_valid_tag(FOOTER_ID, footer->id, footer->magic, footer->size_pa))
p -= footer->size_pa;
size_pa += footer->size_pa;
Header* header = (Header*)p;
// expand size_pa to include following memory if it was allocated
// and is currently free.
// (unless it starts beyond end of currently committed region)
Header* header = (Header*)(p+size_pa);
if((u8*)header < pool.da.base+pool.da.cur_size)
if(is_valid_tag(HEADER_ID, header->id, header->magic, header->size_pa))
size_pa += header->size_pa;
freelist_add(p, size_pa);
// freelist
uintptr_t bitmap;
// note: we store Header nodes instead of just a pointer to head of
// list - this wastes a bit of mem but greatly simplifies list insertion.
Header freelists[sizeof(uintptr_t)*CHAR_BIT];
void freelist_add(u8* p, size_t size_pa)
TEST((uintptr_t)p % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
TEST(size_pa % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
const uint size_class = size_class_of(size_pa);
// write header and footer into the freed mem
// (its prev and next link fields will be set below)
Header* header = (Header*)p;
header->id = HEADER_ID;
header->magic = MAGIC;
header->size_pa = size_pa;
Footer* footer = (Footer*)(p+size_pa-sizeof(Footer));
footer->id = FOOTER_ID;
footer->magic = MAGIC;
footer->size_pa = size_pa;
Header* prev = &freelists[size_class];
// find node after which to insert (address ordered freelist)
while(prev->next && header <= prev->next)
prev = prev->next;
header->next = prev->next;
header->prev = prev;
prev->next->prev = header;
prev->next = header;
bitmap |= BIT(size_class);
void freelist_remove(Header* header)
TEST((uintptr_t)header % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
Footer* footer = (Footer*)((u8*)header+header->size_pa-sizeof(Footer));
TEST(is_valid_tag(HEADER_ID, header->id, header->magic, header->size_pa));
TEST(is_valid_tag(FOOTER_ID, footer->id, footer->magic, footer->size_pa));
TEST(header->size_pa == footer->size_pa);
const uint size_class = size_class_of(header->size_pa);
header->prev->next = header->next;
header->next->prev = header->prev;
// if freelist is now empty, clear bit in bitmap.
bitmap &= ~BIT(size_class);
// wipe out header and footer to prevent accidental reuse
memset(header, 0xEE, sizeof(Header));
memset(footer, 0xEE, sizeof(Footer));
void* alloc_from_class(uint size_class, size_t size_pa)
// return first suitable entry in (address-ordered) list
for(Header* cur = freelists[size_class].next; cur; cur = cur->next)
if(cur->size_pa >= size_pa)
u8* p = (u8*)cur;
const size_t remnant_pa = cur->size_pa - size_pa;
freelist_add(p+size_pa, remnant_pa);
return p;
return 0;
void* alloc_from_larger_class(uint start_size_class, size_t size_pa)
uint classes_left = bitmap;
// .. strip off all smaller classes
classes_left &= (~0 << start_size_class);
const uint class_size = ls1(classes_left);
classes_left &= ~class_size; // remove from classes_left
const uint size_class = size_class_of(class_size);
void* p = alloc_from_class(size_class, size_pa);
return p;
// apparently all classes above start_size_class are empty,
// or the above would have succeeded.
TEST(bitmap < BIT(start_size_class+1));
return 0;
// stats and validation
size_t allocated_size_total_pa, free_size_total_pa;
void stats_notify_alloc(size_t size_pa) { allocated_size_total_pa += size_pa; }
void stats_notify_free(size_t size_pa) { free_size_total_pa += size_pa; }
void stats_reset() { allocated_size_total_pa = free_size_total_pa = 0; }
void self_check() const
debug_assert(allocated_size_total_pa+free_size_total_pa == pool.da.cur_size);
// make sure freelists contain exactly free_size_total_pa bytes
size_t freelist_size_total_pa = 0;
uint classes_left = bitmap;
const uint class_size = ls1(classes_left);
classes_left &= ~class_size; // remove from classes_left
const uint size_class = size_class_of(class_size);
for(const Header* p = &freelists[size_class]; p; p = p->next)
freelist_size_total_pa += p->size_pa;
debug_assert(free_size_total_pa == freelist_size_total_pa);
}; // CacheAllocator
static CacheAllocator cache_allocator;
// list of FileIOBufs currently held by the application.
class ExtantBufMgr
struct ExtantBuf
FileIOBuf buf;
// this would also be available via TFile, but we want users
// to be able to allocate file buffers (and they don't know tf).
// therefore, we store this separately.
size_t size;
// which file was this buffer taken from?
// we search for given atom_fn as part of file_cache_retrieve
// (since we are responsible for already extant bufs).
// also useful for tracking down buf 'leaks' (i.e. someone
// forgetting to call file_buf_free).
const char* atom_fn;
uint refs;
// used to check if this buffer was freed immediately
// (before allocating the next). that is the desired behavior
// because it avoids fragmentation and leaks.
uint epoch;
ExtantBuf(FileIOBuf buf_, size_t size_, const char* atom_fn_, uint epoch_)
: buf(buf_), size(size_), atom_fn(atom_fn_), refs(1), epoch(epoch_) {}
std::vector<ExtantBuf> extant_bufs;
: extant_bufs(), epoch(1) {}
// return index of ExtantBuf that contains <buf>, or -1.
ssize_t find(FileIOBuf buf)
debug_assert(buf != 0);
for(size_t i = 0; i < extant_bufs.size(); i++)
ExtantBuf& eb = extant_bufs[i];
if(matches(eb, buf))
return (ssize_t)i;
return -1;
// issues a warning if <buf> is not on the extant list or if
// size doesn't match that stored in the list.
void warn_if_not_extant(FileIOBuf buf, size_t size)
ssize_t idx = find(buf);
if(idx == -1)
debug_warn("not in extant list");
debug_assert(extant_bufs[idx].size == size);
void add(FileIOBuf buf, size_t size, const char* atom_fn, bool long_lived)
// cache_allocator also does this; we need to follow suit so that
// matches() won't fail due to zero-length size.
size = 1;
// don't do was-immediately-freed check for long_lived buffers.
const uint this_epoch = long_lived? 0 : epoch++;
debug_assert(buf != 0);
// look for holes in array and reuse those
for(size_t i = 0; i < extant_bufs.size(); i++)
ExtantBuf& eb = extant_bufs[i];
if(eb.atom_fn == atom_fn)
debug_warn("already exists!");
// slot currently empty
debug_assert(eb.refs == 0);
eb.refs = 1;
eb.buf = buf;
eb.size = size;
eb.atom_fn = atom_fn;
eb.epoch = this_epoch;
// add another entry
extant_bufs.push_back(ExtantBuf(buf, size, atom_fn, this_epoch));
void add_ref(FileIOBuf buf, size_t size, const char* atom_fn, bool long_lived)
ssize_t idx = find(buf);
if(idx != -1)
add(buf, size, atom_fn, long_lived);
const char* get_owner_filename(FileIOBuf buf)
ssize_t idx = find(buf);
if(idx != -1)
return extant_bufs[idx].atom_fn;
return 0;
bool find_and_remove(FileIOBuf buf, FileIOBuf& exact_buf, size_t& size, const char*& atom_fn)
ssize_t idx = find(buf);
if(idx == -1)
debug_warn("buf is not on extant list! double free?");
return false;
ExtantBuf& eb = extant_bufs[idx];
exact_buf = eb.buf;
size = eb.size;
atom_fn = eb.atom_fn;
if(eb.epoch != 0 && eb.epoch != epoch-1)
debug_warn("buf not released immediately");
bool actually_removed = false;
// no more references
if(--eb.refs == 0)
// mark slot in extant_bufs[] as reusable
memset(&eb, 0, sizeof(eb));
actually_removed = true;
return actually_removed;
void clear()
void replace_owner(FileIOBuf buf, const char* atom_fn)
ssize_t idx = find(buf);
if(idx != -1)
extant_bufs[idx].atom_fn = atom_fn;
debug_warn("to-be-replaced buf not found");
void display_all_remaining()
debug_printf("Leaked FileIOBufs:\n");
for(size_t i = 0; i < extant_bufs.size(); i++)
ExtantBuf& eb = extant_bufs[i];
debug_printf(" %p (0x%08x) %s\n", eb.buf, eb.size, eb.atom_fn);
bool matches(ExtantBuf& eb, FileIOBuf buf)
return (eb.buf <= buf && buf < (u8*)eb.buf+eb.size);
uint epoch;
}; // ExtantBufMgr
static ExtantBufMgr extant_bufs;
// HACK: key type is really const char*, but the file_cache's STL (hash_)map
// stupidly assumes that is a "string". (comparison can be done via
// pointer compare, due to atom_fn mechanism) we define as void* to avoid
// this behavior - it breaks the (const char*)1 self-test hack and is
// inefficient.
static Cache<const void*, FileIOBuf> file_cache;
class ExactBufOracle
void add(FileIOBuf exact_buf, FileIOBuf padded_buf)
debug_assert((uintptr_t)exact_buf % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
debug_assert(exact_buf < padded_buf);
std::pair<Padded2Exact::iterator, bool> ret;
ret = padded2exact.insert(std::make_pair(padded_buf, exact_buf));
// make sure it wasn't already in the map
debug_assert(ret.second == true);
void remove(FileIOBuf padded_buf)
FileIOBuf get(FileIOBuf padded_buf, bool remove_afterwards = false)
Padded2Exact::iterator it = padded2exact.find(padded_buf);
FileIOBuf exact_buf;
if(it == padded2exact.end())
exact_buf = padded_buf;
exact_buf = it->second;
debug_assert((uintptr_t)exact_buf % BUF_ALIGN == 0);
return exact_buf;
typedef std::map<FileIOBuf, FileIOBuf> Padded2Exact;
Padded2Exact padded2exact;
static ExactBufOracle exact_buf_oracle;
static void free_padded_buf(FileIOBuf padded_buf, size_t size)
FileIOBuf exact_buf = exact_buf_oracle.get(padded_buf, true);
size_t exact_size = size + ((u8*)padded_buf-(u8*)exact_buf);
exact_size = round_up(exact_size, BUF_ALIGN);
cache_allocator.dealloc((u8*)exact_buf, exact_size);
FileIOBuf file_buf_alloc(size_t size, const char* atom_fn, bool long_lived)
FileIOBuf buf;
uint attempts = 0;
buf = (FileIOBuf)cache_allocator.alloc(size);
// remove least valuable entry from cache and free its buffer.
FileIOBuf discarded_buf; size_t size;
bool removed = file_cache.remove_least_valuable(&discarded_buf, &size);
// only false if cache is empty, which can't be the case because
// allocation failed.
free_padded_buf(discarded_buf, size);
// note: this may seem hefty, but 300 is known to be reached.
// (after building archive, file cache is full; attempting to
// allocate ~4MB while only freeing small blocks scattered over
// the entire cache can take a while)
if(attempts++ > 500)
debug_warn("possible infinite loop: failed to make room in cache");
extant_bufs.add(buf, size, atom_fn, long_lived);
stats_buf_alloc(size, round_up(size, BUF_ALIGN));
return buf;
LibError file_buf_get(FileIOBuf* pbuf, size_t size,
const char* atom_fn, uint flags, FileIOCB cb)
// decode *pbuf - exactly one of these is true
const bool temp = (pbuf == FILE_BUF_TEMP);
const bool alloc = !temp && (*pbuf == FILE_BUF_ALLOC);
const bool user = !temp && !alloc;
const bool is_write = (flags & FILE_WRITE) != 0;
const bool long_lived = (flags & FILE_LONG_LIVED) != 0;
// reading into temp buffers - ok.
if(!is_write && temp && cb != 0)
return ERR_OK;
// reading and want buffer allocated.
if(!is_write && alloc)
*pbuf = file_buf_alloc(size, atom_fn, long_lived);
if(!*pbuf) // very unlikely (size totally bogus or cache hosed)
return ERR_OK;
// writing from user-specified buffer - ok
if(is_write && user)
return ERR_OK;
void file_buf_add_padding(FileIOBuf buf, size_t padding)
debug_assert(padding != 0 && padding < FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
FileIOBuf padded_buf = (FileIOBuf)((u8*)buf + padding);
exact_buf_oracle.add(buf, padded_buf);
LibError file_buf_free(FileIOBuf buf)
return ERR_OK;
// note: don't use exact_buf_oracle here - just scanning through
// extant list and comparing range is faster + simpler.
FileIOBuf exact_buf; size_t exact_size; const char* atom_fn;
bool actually_removed = extant_bufs.find_and_remove(buf, exact_buf, exact_size, atom_fn);
FileIOBuf buf_in_cache;
if(file_cache.retrieve(atom_fn, buf_in_cache, 0, false))
// sanity checks: what's in cache must match what we have.
// note: don't compare actual_size with cached size - they are
// usually different.
debug_assert(buf_in_cache == buf);
// buf is not in cache - needs to be freed immediately.
cache_allocator.dealloc((u8*)exact_buf, exact_size);
trace_notify_free(atom_fn, exact_size);
return ERR_OK;
// mark <buf> as belonging to the file <atom_fn>. this is done after
// reading uncompressed data from archive: file_io.cpp must allocate the
// buffer, since only it knows how much padding is needed; however,
// archive.cpp knows the real filename (as opposed to that of the archive,
// which is what the file buffer is associated with). therefore,
// we fix up the filename afterwards.
LibError file_buf_set_real_fn(FileIOBuf buf, const char* atom_fn)
// note: removing and reinserting would be easiest, but would
// mess up the epoch field.
extant_bufs.replace_owner(buf, atom_fn);
return ERR_OK;
LibError file_cache_add(FileIOBuf buf, size_t size, const char* atom_fn)
// decide (based on flags) if buf is to be cached; set cost
uint cost = 1;
cache_allocator.make_read_only((u8*)buf, size);
file_cache.add(atom_fn, buf, size, cost);
return ERR_OK;
// called by trace simulator to retrieve buffer address, given atom_fn.
// must not change any cache state (e.g. notify stats or add ref).
FileIOBuf file_cache_find(const char* atom_fn, size_t* psize)
FileIOBuf buf;
if(!file_cache.retrieve(atom_fn, buf, psize, false))
return 0;
return buf;
FileIOBuf file_cache_retrieve(const char* atom_fn, size_t* psize, bool long_lived)
// note: do not query extant_bufs - reusing that doesn't make sense
// (why would someone issue a second IO for the entire file while
// still referencing the previous instance?)
FileIOBuf buf = file_cache_find(atom_fn, psize);
extant_bufs.add_ref(buf, *psize, atom_fn, long_lived);
CacheRet cr = buf? CR_HIT : CR_MISS;
stats_cache(cr, *psize, atom_fn);
return buf;
a) FileIOBuf is opaque type with getter
FileIOBuf buf; <--------------------- how to initialize??
file_io(.., &buf);
data = file_buf_contents(&buf);
would obviate lookup struct but at expense of additional getter and
trouble with init - need to set FileIOBuf to wrap user's buffer, or
only allow us to return buffer address (which is ok)
b) FileIOBuf is pointer to the buf, and secondary map associates that with BufInfo
FileIOBuf buf;
file_io(.., &buf);
secondary map covers all currently open IO buffers. it is accessed upon
file_buf_free and there are only a few active at a time ( < 10)
// remove all blocks loaded from the file <fn>. used when reloading the file.
LibError file_cache_invalidate(const char* P_fn)
const char* atom_fn = file_make_unique_fn_copy(P_fn);
// mark all blocks from the file as invalid
// file was cached: remove it and free that memory
FileIOBuf cached_buf; size_t size;
if(file_cache.retrieve(atom_fn, cached_buf, &size))
cache_allocator.dealloc((u8*)cached_buf, size);
return ERR_OK;
void file_cache_reset()
// wipe out extant list and cache. no need to free the bufs -
// cache allocator is completely reset below.
FileIOBuf discarded_buf; size_t size;
while(file_cache.remove_least_valuable(&discarded_buf, &size)) {}
void file_cache_init()
void file_cache_shutdown()
// built-in self test
namespace test {
static void test_cache_allocator()
// allocated address -> its size
typedef std::map<void*, size_t> AllocMap;
AllocMap allocations;
// put allocator through its paces by allocating several times
// its capacity (this ensures memory is reused)
size_t total_size_used = 0;
while(total_size_used < 4*MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
size_t size = rand(1, 10*MiB);
total_size_used += size;
void* p;
// until successful alloc:
p = cache_allocator.alloc(size);
// out of room - remove a previous allocation
// .. choose one at random
size_t chosen_idx = (size_t)rand(0, (uint)allocations.size());
AllocMap::iterator it = allocations.begin();
for(; chosen_idx != 0; chosen_idx--)
cache_allocator.dealloc((u8*)it->first, it->second);
// must not already have been allocated
TEST(allocations.find(p) == allocations.end());
allocations[p] = size;
// reset to virginal state
static void test_file_cache()
// we need a unique address for file_cache_add, but don't want to
// actually put it in the atom_fn storage (permanently clutters it).
// just increment this pointer (evil but works since it's not used).
// const char* atom_fn = (const char*)1;
// give to file_cache
// file_cache_add((FileIOBuf)p, size, atom_fn++);
// (even though everything has now been freed,
// the freelists may be a bit scattered already).
static void self_test()
} // namespace test
#endif // #if SELF_TEST_ENABLED