2015-04-23 18:58:39 +00:00

293 lines
8.1 KiB

var g_DrawLimits = {}; // GUI limits. Populated by predraw()
* Draw the structree
* (Actually resizes and changes visibility of elements, and populates text)
function draw()
// Set basic state (positioning of elements mainly), but only once
if (!Object.keys(g_DrawLimits).length)
var defWidth = 96;
var defMargin = 4;
var phaseList = g_ParsedData.phaseList;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civEmblem").sprite = "stretched:"+g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].Emblem;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civName").caption = g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].Name;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("civHistory").caption = g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].History;
let i = 0;
for (let pha of phaseList)
let s = 0;
let y = 0;
for (let stru of g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].buildList[pha])
let thisEle = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]");
if (thisEle === undefined)
error("\""+g_SelectedCiv+"\" has more structures in phase "+pha+" than can be supported by the current GUI layout");
let c = 0;
let rowCounts = [];
stru = g_ParsedData.structures[stru];
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_icon").sprite = "stretched:session/portraits/"+stru.icon;
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_icon").tooltip = assembleTooltip(stru);
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_name").caption = translate(stru.name.specific);
thisEle.hidden = false;
for (let r in g_DrawLimits[pha].prodQuant)
let p = 0;
r = +r; // force int
let prod_pha = phaseList[phaseList.indexOf(pha) + r];
if (stru.production.units[prod_pha])
for (let prod of stru.production.units[prod_pha])
prod = g_ParsedData.units[prod];
if (!drawProdIcon(i, s, r, p, prod))
if (stru.wallset && prod_pha == pha)
for (let prod of [stru.wallset.gate, stru.wallset.tower])
if (!drawProdIcon(i, s, r, p, prod))
if (stru.production.technology[prod_pha])
for (let prod of stru.production.technology[prod_pha])
prod = (prod.slice(0,5) == "phase") ? g_ParsedData.phases[prod] : g_ParsedData.techs[prod];
if (!drawProdIcon(i, s, r, p, prod))
rowCounts[r] = p;
if (p>c)
c = p;
hideRemaining("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]_prod[", p, "]");
let size = thisEle.size;
size.left = y;
size.right = size.left + ((c*24 < defWidth)?defWidth:c*24)+4;
y = size.right + defMargin;
thisEle.size = size;
let eleWidth = size.right - size.left;
let r;
for (r in rowCounts)
let wid = rowCounts[r] * 24 - 4;
let phaEle = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]");
size = phaEle.size;
size.left = (eleWidth - wid)/2;
phaEle.size = size;
hideRemaining("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row[", r, "]");
hideRemaining("phase["+i+"]_struct[", s, "]");
function drawProdIcon(pha, s, r, p, prod)
var prodEle = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+pha+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]_prod["+p+"]");
if (prodEle === undefined)
error("The structures of \""+g_SelectedCiv+"\" have more production icons in phase "+pha+" than can be supported by the current GUI layout");
return false;
prodEle.sprite = "stretched:session/portraits/"+prod.icon;
prodEle.tooltip = assembleTooltip(prod);
prodEle.hidden = false;
return true;
* Calculate row position offset (accounting for different number of prod rows per phase).
function getPositionOffset(idx)
var phases = g_ParsedData.phaseList.length;
var size = 92*idx; // text, image and offset
size += 24 * (phases*idx - (idx-1)*idx/2); // phase rows (phase-currphase+1 per row)
return size;
function hideRemaining(prefix, idx, suffix)
let obj = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(prefix+idx+suffix);
while (obj)
obj.hidden = true;
obj = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName(prefix+idx+suffix);
* Positions certain elements that only need to be positioned once
* (as <repeat> does not reposition automatically).
* Also detects limits on what the GUI can display by iterating through the set
* elements of the GUI. These limits are then used by draw().
function predraw()
var phaseList = g_ParsedData.phaseList;
var initIconSize = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase[0]_struct[0]_row[0]_prod[0]").size;
let phaseCount = phaseList.length;
let i = 0;
for (let pha of phaseList)
let offset = getPositionOffset(i);
// Align the phase row
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]").size = "8 16+"+offset+" 100% 100%";
// Set phase icon
let phaseIcon = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_phase");
phaseIcon.sprite = "stretched:session/portraits/"+g_ParsedData.phases[pha].icon;
phaseIcon.size = "16 32+"+offset+" 48+16 48+32+"+offset;
// Position prod bars
let j = 1;
for (; j < phaseCount - i; ++j)
let prodBar = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_bar["+(j-1)+"]");
prodBar.size = "40 1+"+(24*j)+"+98+"+offset+" 100%-8 1+"+(24*j)+"+98+"+offset+"+22";
// Set phase icon
let prodBarIcon = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_bar["+(j-1)+"]_icon");
prodBarIcon.sprite = "stretched:session/portraits/"+g_ParsedData.phases[phaseList[i+j]].icon;
// Hide remaining prod bars
hideRemaining("phase["+i+"]_bar[", j-1, "]");
let s = 0;
let ele = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]");
g_DrawLimits[pha] = {
structQuant: 0,
prodQuant: []
// Position production icons
for (let r in phaseList.slice(phaseList.indexOf(pha)))
let p=1;
let prodEle = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]_prod["+p+"]");
let prodsize = prodEle.size;
prodsize.left = (initIconSize.right+4) * p;
prodsize.right = (initIconSize.right+4) * (p+1) - 4;
prodEle.size = prodsize;
prodEle = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]_prod["+p+"]");
} while (prodEle !== undefined);
// Set quantity of productions in this row
g_DrawLimits[pha].prodQuant[r] = p;
// Position the prod row
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+r+"]").size = "4 100%-"+24*(phaseCount - i - r)+" 100%-4 100%";
// Hide unused struct rows
for (let j = phaseCount - i; j < phaseCount; ++j)
Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]_row["+j+"]").hidden = true;
let size = ele.size;
size.bottom += Object.keys(g_DrawLimits[pha].prodQuant).length*24;
ele.size = size;
ele = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("phase["+i+"]_struct["+s+"]");
} while (ele !== undefined);
// Set quantity of structures in each phase
g_DrawLimits[pha].structQuant = s;
hideRemaining("phase[", i, "]");
hideRemaining("phase[", i, "]_bar");
* Assemble a tooltip text
* @param template Information about a Unit, a Structure or a Technology
* @return The tooltip text, formatted.
function assembleTooltip(template)
var txt = getEntityNamesFormatted(template);
txt += '\n' + getEntityCostTooltip(template, 1);
if (template.tooltip)
txt += '\n' + txtFormats.body[0] + translate(template.tooltip) + txtFormats.body[1];
if (template.auras)
txt += getAurasTooltip(template);
if (template.health)
txt += '\n' + sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Health:") + txtFormats.header[1],
details: template.health
if (template.healer)
txt += '\n' + getHealerTooltip(template);
if (template.attack)
txt += '\n' + getAttackTooltip(template);
if (template.armour)
txt += '\n' + getArmorTooltip(template.armour);
txt += '\n' + getSpeedTooltip(template);
if (template.gather)
var rates = [];
for (let type in template.gather)
rates.push(sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(rate)s"), {
resourceIcon: getCostComponentDisplayName(type),
rate: template.gather[type]
txt += '\n' + sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Gather Rates:") + txtFormats.header[1],
details: rates.join(" ")
return txt;