2014-12-25 05:12:39 +00:00

163 lines
6.9 KiB

"Code": "pers",
"Culture": "pers",
"Name": "Persians",
"Emblem": "session/portraits/emblems/emblem_persians.png",
"History": "The Persian Empire, when ruled by the Achaemenid dynasty, was one of the greatest empires of antiquity, stretching at its zenith from the Indus Valley in the east to Greece in the west. The Persians were the pioneers of empire-building of the ancient world, successfully imposing a centralized rule over various peoples with different customs, laws, religions and languages, and building a cosmopolitan army made up of contingents from each of these nations.",
{"File":"Eastern_Dreams.ogg", "Type":"peace"},
{"File":"Sands_of_Time.ogg", "Type":"peace"}
"Name": "",
"Description": "",
"Name": "Naval Craftsmanship",
"History": "Early Achaemenid rulers acted towards making Persia the first great Asian empire to rule the seas. The Great King behaved favourably towards the various sea peoples in order to secure their services, but also carried out various marine initiatives. During the reign of Darius the Great, for example, a canal was built in Egypt and a Persian navy was sent exploring the Indus river. According to Herodotus, some 300 ships in the Persian navy were retrofitted to carry horses and their riders.",
"Description": "Phoenician triremes gain the unique ability to train cavalry units."
"Name": "Persian Architecture",
"History": "The Persians built the wonderful 1677 mile-long Royal Highway from Sardis to Susa; Darius the Great and Xerxes also built the magnificent Persepolis; Cyrus the Great greatly improved Ecbatana and virtually 'rebuilt' the old Elamite capital of Susa.",
"Description": "Increases hitpoints of all structures, but build time increased appropriately."
"Name": "Immortals",
"History": ".",
"Description": "Reduces train time for Anusiya champion infantry by half."
"Name": "Nisean War Horses",
"History": "The beautiful and powerful breed of Nisean horses increases health for Persian cavalry.",
"Description": "+25% health for cavalry, but +10% train time."
"Name": "Kurush II",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Cyrus (559-530 B.C.) The son of a Median princess and the ruler of Anshan; justly called the 'Father of the Empire', Cyrus the Great conquered Media, Lydia, Babylonia and Bactria, thereby establishing the Persian Empire. He was also renown as a benevolent conqueror. (OP - Kurush). Technically the second ruler of the Persians by that name, and so appears as Kurush II on his documents and coins. Kurush I was his grandfather."
"Name": "Darayavahush I",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Darius (521-486 B.C.) The son of Vishtaspa (Hystaspes), the satrap of Parthia and Hyrcania; a great administrator as well as a decent general, Darius introduced the division of the empire into satrapies and conquered NW India, Thrace and Macedonia. He was called the 'Merchant of the Empire'."
"Name": "Xsayarsa I",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Xerxes (485-465 B.C.) The son of Darius the Great and Atoosa, a daughter of Cyrus the Great, Xerxes was an able administrator, who also extended Imperial rule into Chorasmia. Apart from his failed invasion of Greece, he was famous for his extensive building programme, especially at Persepolis."
"Name": "Corral Camels and Horses",
"History": "While the Persians employed camelry only in a few cases, its use was always accompanied by great success (most notably during the battle of Sardis in 546 B.C.) The satrapy of Bactria was a rich source of 'two-hump' camels, while Northern Arabia supplied 'one-hump' camels.",
"Description": "The resource cost of training camel-mounted (trader) or horse-mounted units (cavalry) is reduced by 5% per animal (as appropriate) corralled."
"Name": "Great King's Levy",
"History": "The Persians could and did levy a large number of infantry during wartime due to the sheer size of the Achaemenid Empire and the way in which it was set-up. In general the Persian infantry was well trained and fought with great tenacity. However while this was true the infantry were poor hand-to-hand, close combat fighters. Also, with the exception of the elite regiments, the Persian infantry was not a standing professional force.",
"Description": "Persians have a +10% population cap bonus (e.g. 330 pop cap instead of the usual 300)."
"Name": "Royal Road",
"History": "Coinage was invented by the Lydians in 7th Century B.C., but it was not very common until the Persian period. Darius the Great standardized coined money and his golden coins (known as 'darics') became commonplace not only throughout his empire, but as far to the west as Central Europe.",
"Description": "+25% trade profit land routes."
"Name": "Cavalry Stables",
"Class": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "The Persian Empire's best soldiers were Eastern horsemen.",
"Requirements": "",
"Phase": "Town",
"Special": "Train Cavalry citizen-soldiers."
"Name": "Apadana",
"Class": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "The term Apadana designates a large hypostyle palace found in Persia. The best known example, and by far the largest, was the great Apadana at Persepolis. Functioning as the empire's central audience hall, the palace is famous for the reliefs of the tribute-bearers and of the army, including the Immortals.",
"Requirements": "",
"Phase": "City",
"Special": "Train heroes and Persian Immortals. Gives a slow trickle of all resources as 'Satrapy Tribute.'"
"Template": "structures/pers_civil_centre"
"Template": "units/pers_support_female_citizen",
"Count": 4
"Template": "units/pers_infantry_spearman_b",
"Count": 2
"Template": "units/pers_infantry_archer_b",
"Count": 2
"Template": "units/pers_cavalry_javelinist_b"
"Kurush II the Great",
"Darayavahush I",
"Cambyses II",
"Xsayarsa I",
"Artaxshacha I",
"Darayavahush II",
"Darayavahush III",
"Artaxshacha II",
"Artaxshacha III",
"Xsayarsa II"
"skirmish/units/default_infantry_ranged_b": "units/pers_infantry_archer_b",
"skirmish/structures/default_house_10" : "structures/{civ}_house"
"SelectableInGameSetup": true