
224 lines
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/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "Paths.h"
#include "lib/file/file_system.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/sysdep.h" // sys_get_executable_name
#include "lib/sysdep/filesystem.h" // wrealpath
#if OS_WIN
# include "lib/sysdep/os/win/wutil.h" // wutil_*Path
# include "lib/sysdep/os/osx/osx_paths.h"
# include "lib/sysdep/os/osx/osx_bundle.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
Paths::Paths(const CmdLineArgs& args)
m_root = Root(args.GetArg0());
m_rdata = RootData(args.GetArg0());
const char* subdirectoryName = args.Has("writableRoot")? 0 : "0ad";
// Note: if writableRoot option is passed to the game, then
// all the data is a subdirectory of the root
m_gameData = m_rdata;
m_userData = m_gameData;
m_config = m_gameData / "config"/"";
m_cache = m_gameData / "cache"/"";
m_logs = m_root / "logs"/"";
else // OS-specific path handling
const OsPath appdata = OsPath("/sdcard/0ad/appdata");
// We don't make the game vs. user data distinction on Android
m_gameData = appdata/"data"/"";
m_userData = m_gameData;
m_config = appdata/"config"/"";
m_cache = appdata/"cache"/"";
m_logs = appdata/"logs"/"";
#elif OS_WIN
/* For reasoning behind our Windows paths, see the discussion here:
* http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14759
* Summary:
* 1. Local appdata: for bulky unfriendly data like the cache,
* which can be recreated if deleted; doesn't need backing up.
* 2. Roaming appdata: for slightly less unfriendly data like config
* files that might theoretically be shared between different
* machines on a domain.
* 3. Personal / My Documents: for data explicitly created by the user,
* and which should be visible and easily accessed. We use a non-
* localized My Games subfolder for improved organization.
// %localappdata%/0ad/
const OsPath localAppdata = wutil_LocalAppdataPath() / subdirectoryName/"";
// %appdata%/0ad/
const OsPath roamingAppData = wutil_RoamingAppdataPath() / subdirectoryName/"";
// My Documents/My Games/0ad/
const OsPath personalData = wutil_PersonalPath() / "My Games" / subdirectoryName/"";
m_cache = localAppdata / "cache"/"";
m_gameData = roamingAppData / "data"/"";
m_userData = personalData/"";
m_config = roamingAppData / "config"/"";
m_logs = localAppdata / "logs"/"";
/* For reasoning behind our OS X paths, see the discussion here:
* http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15511
* Summary:
* 1. Application Support: most data associated with the app
* should be stored here, with few exceptions (e.g. temporary
* data, cached data, and managed media files).
* 2. Caches: used for non-critial app data that can be easily
* regenerated if this directory is deleted. It is not
* included in backups by default.
* Note: the paths returned by osx_Get*Path are not guaranteed to exist,
* but that's OK since we always create them on demand.
// We probably want to use the same subdirectoryName regardless
// of whether running a bundle or from SVN. Apple recommends using
// company name, bundle name or bundle identifier.
OsPath appSupportPath; // ~/Library/Application Support/0ad
OsPath cachePath; // ~/Library/Caches/0ad
std::string path = osx_GetAppSupportPath();
appSupportPath = OsPath(path) / subdirectoryName;
std::string path = osx_GetCachesPath();
cachePath = OsPath(path) / subdirectoryName;
// We don't make the game vs. user data distinction on OS X
m_gameData = appSupportPath /"";
m_userData = m_gameData;
m_cache = cachePath/"";
m_config = appSupportPath / "config"/"";
m_logs = appSupportPath / "logs"/"";
#else // OS_UNIX
const char* envHome = getenv("HOME");
const OsPath home(envHome);
const OsPath xdgData = XDG_Path("XDG_DATA_HOME", home, home/".local/share/") / subdirectoryName;
const OsPath xdgConfig = XDG_Path("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", home, home/".config/" ) / subdirectoryName;
const OsPath xdgCache = XDG_Path("XDG_CACHE_HOME", home, home/".cache/" ) / subdirectoryName;
// We don't make the game vs. user data distinction on Unix
m_gameData = xdgData/"";
m_userData = m_gameData;
m_cache = xdgCache/"";
m_config = xdgConfig / "config"/"";
m_logs = xdgConfig / "logs"/"";
/*static*/ OsPath Paths::Root(const OsPath& argv0)
return OsPath("/sdcard/0ad"); // TODO: this is kind of bogus
// get full path to executable
OsPath pathname = sys_ExecutablePathname(); // safe, but requires OS-specific implementation
if(pathname.empty()) // failed, use argv[0] instead
errno = 0;
pathname = wrealpath(argv0);
// make sure it's valid
LOGERROR("Cannot find executable (expected at '%s')", pathname.string8());
for(size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) // remove "system/name.exe"
pathname = pathname.Parent();
return pathname;
/*static*/ OsPath Paths::RootData(const OsPath& argv0)
if (osx_IsAppBundleValid())
debug_printf("Valid app bundle detected\n");
std::string resourcesPath = osx_GetBundleResourcesPath();
// Ensure we have a valid resources path
return OsPath(resourcesPath)/"data"/"";
# endif // OS_MACOSX
return Root(argv0)/"data"/"";
/*static*/ OsPath Paths::XDG_Path(const char* envname, const OsPath& home, const OsPath& defaultPath)
const char* path = getenv(envname);
// Use if set and non-empty
if(path && path[0] != '\0')
if(path[0] != '/') // relative to $HOME
return home / path/"";
return OsPath(path)/"";
return defaultPath/"";