2005-10-03 19:37:45 +00:00

596 lines
16 KiB
Executable File

// 2d texture format codecs
// Copyright (c) 2004 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lib.h"
#include "../res.h"
#include "tex.h"
#include "tex_codec.h"
// be careful not to use other tex_* APIs here because they call us.
int tex_validate(const uint line, const Tex* t)
const char* msg = 0;
int err = -1;
// texture data
size_t tex_file_size;
void* tex_file = mem_get_ptr(t->hm, &tex_file_size);
// .. only check validity if the image is still in memory.
// (e.g. ogl_tex frees the data after uploading to GL)
// possible causes: texture file header is invalid,
// or file wasn't loaded completely.
if(tex_file_size < t->ofs + t->w*t->h*t->bpp/8)
msg = "file size smaller than header+texels";
// bits per pixel
// (we don't bother checking all values; a sanity check is enough)
if(t->bpp % 4 || t->bpp > 32)
msg = "invalid bpp? should be one of {4,8,16,24,32}";
// flags
// .. DXT
const uint dxt = t->flags & TEX_DXT;
if(dxt != 0 && dxt != 1 && dxt != DXT1A && dxt != 3 && dxt != 5)
msg = "invalid DXT in flags";
// .. orientation
const uint orientation = t->flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
if(orientation == (TEX_BOTTOM_UP|TEX_TOP_DOWN))
msg = "invalid orientation in flags";
debug_printf("tex_validate at line %d failed: %s (error code %d)\n", line, msg, err);
debug_warn("tex_validate failed");
return err;
return 0;
#define CHECK_TEX(t) CHECK_ERR(tex_validate(__LINE__, t))
// check if the given texture format is acceptable: 8bpp grey,
// 24bpp color or 32bpp color+alpha (BGR / upside down are permitted).
// basically, this is the "plain" format understood by all codecs and
// tex_codec_plain_transform.
// return 0 if ok or a negative error code.
static int validate_format(uint bpp, uint flags)
const bool alpha = (flags & TEX_ALPHA ) != 0;
const bool grey = (flags & TEX_GREY ) != 0;
const bool dxt = (flags & TEX_DXT ) != 0;
const bool mipmaps = (flags & TEX_MIPMAPS) != 0;
if(dxt || mipmaps)
// grey must be 8bpp without alpha, or it's invalid.
if(bpp == 8 && !alpha)
return 0;
if(bpp == 24 && !alpha)
return 0;
if(bpp == 32 && alpha)
return 0;
// handles BGR and row flipping in "plain" format (see below).
// called by codecs after they get their format-specific transforms out of
// the way. note that this approach requires several passes over the image,
// but is much easier to maintain than providing all<->all conversion paths.
// somewhat optimized (loops are hoisted, cache associativity accounted for)
static int plain_transform(Tex* t, uint transforms)
// extract texture info
const uint w = t->w, h = t->h, bpp = t->bpp, flags = t->flags;
u8* const img = tex_get_data(t);
// sanity checks (not errors, we just can't handle these cases)
// .. unknown transform
if(transforms & ~(TEX_BGR|TEX_ORIENTATION))
// .. img is not in "plain" format
if(validate_format(bpp, flags) != 0)
// .. nothing to do
return 0;
// setup row source/destination pointers (simplifies outer loop)
u8* dst = img;
const u8* src = img;
const size_t pitch = w * bpp/8;
ssize_t row_ofs = (ssize_t)pitch;
// avoid y*pitch multiply in row loop; instead, add row_ofs.
void* clone_img = 0;
// flipping rows (0,1,2 -> 2,1,0)
if(transforms & TEX_ORIENTATION)
// L1 cache is typically A2 => swapping in-place with a line buffer
// leads to thrashing. we'll assume the whole texture*2 fits in cache,
// allocate a copy, and transfer directly from there.
// note: we don't want to return a new buffer: the user assumes
// buffer address will remain unchanged.
const size_t size = h*pitch;
clone_img = mem_alloc(size, 32*KiB);
return ERR_NO_MEM;
memcpy(clone_img, img, size);
src = (const u8*)clone_img+size-pitch; // last row
row_ofs = -(ssize_t)pitch;
// no BGR convert necessary
if(!(transforms & TEX_BGR))
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++)
memcpy(dst, src, pitch);
dst += pitch;
src += row_ofs;
// RGB <-> BGR
else if(bpp == 24)
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++)
// need temporaries in case src == dst (i.e. not flipping)
const u8 b = src[0], g = src[1], r = src[2];
dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b;
dst += 3;
src += 3;
src += row_ofs - pitch; // flip? previous row : stay
// RGBA <-> BGRA
else if(bpp == 32)
for(uint y = 0; y < h; y++)
for(uint x = 0; x < w; x++)
// need temporaries in case src == dst (i.e. not flipping)
const u8 b = src[0], g = src[1], r = src[2], a = src[3];
dst[0] = r; dst[1] = g; dst[2] = b; dst[3] = a;
dst += 4;
src += 4;
src += row_ofs - pitch; // flip? previous row : stay
return 0;
// image orientation
// rationale for default: see tex_set_global_orientation
static int global_orientation = TEX_TOP_DOWN;
// switch between top-down and bottom-up orientation.
// the default top-down is to match the Photoshop DDS plugin's output.
// DDS is the optimized format, so we don't want to have to flip that.
// notes:
// - there's no way to tell which orientation a DDS file has;
// we have to go with what the DDS encoder uses.
// - flipping DDS is possible without re-encoding; we'd have to shuffle
// around the pixel values inside the 4x4 blocks.
// the app can change orientation, e.g. to speed up loading
// "upside-down" formats, or to match OpenGL's bottom-up convention.
void tex_set_global_orientation(int o)
debug_assert(o == TEX_TOP_DOWN || o == TEX_BOTTOM_UP);
global_orientation = o;
static void flip_to_global_orientation(Tex* t)
uint orientation = t->flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
// only if it knows which way around it is (DDS doesn't)
uint transforms = orientation ^ global_orientation;
WARN_ERR(plain_transform(t, transforms));
t->flags = (t->flags & ~TEX_ORIENTATION) | global_orientation;
// indicate if the orientation specified by <src_flags> matches
// dst_orientation (if the latter is 0, then the global_orientation).
// (we ask for src_flags instead of src_orientation so callers don't
// have to mask off TEX_ORIENTATION)
static bool orientations_match(uint src_flags, uint dst_orientation)
const uint src_orientation = src_flags & TEX_ORIENTATION;
if(dst_orientation == 0)
dst_orientation = global_orientation;
return (src_orientation == dst_orientation);
// support routines for codecs
// should be a tight bound because we iterate this many times (for convenience)
static const uint MAX_CODECS = 8;
static const TexCodecVTbl* codecs[MAX_CODECS];
// add this vtbl to the codec list. called at NLSO init time by the
// TEX_CODEC_REGISTER in each codec file. note that call order and therefore
// order in the list is undefined, but since each codec only steps up if it
// can handle the given format, this is not a problem.
int tex_codec_register(const TexCodecVTbl* c)
debug_assert(c != 0 && "tex_codec_register(0) - why?");
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++)
// slot available
if(codecs[i] == 0)
codecs[i] = c;
return 0; // success
// didn't find a free slot.
debug_warn("tex_codec_register: increase MAX_CODECS");
return 0; // failure, but caller ignores return value
// find codec that recognizes the desired output file extension
int tex_codec_for_filename(const char* fn, const TexCodecVTbl** c)
const char* ext = strrchr(fn, '.');
ext++; // skip '.'
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++)
*c = codecs[i];
// skip if 0 (e.g. if MAX_CODECS != num codecs)
// we found it
return 0;
// find codec that recognizes the header's magic field
int tex_codec_for_header(const u8* file, size_t file_size, const TexCodecVTbl** c)
// we guarantee at least 4 bytes for is_hdr to look at
if(file_size < 4)
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++)
*c = codecs[i];
// skip if 0 (e.g. if MAX_CODECS != num codecs)
// we found it
return 0;
// allocate an array of row pointers that point into the given texture data.
// <file_orientation> indicates whether the file format is top-down or
// bottom-up; the row array is inverted if necessary to match global
// orienatation. (this is more efficient than "transforming" later)
// used by PNG and JPG codecs; caller must free() rows when done.
// note: we don't allocate the data param ourselves because this function is
// needed for encoding, too (where data is already present).
int tex_codec_alloc_rows(const u8* data, size_t h, size_t pitch,
uint src_flags, uint dst_orientation, RowArray& rows)
const bool flip = !orientations_match(src_flags, dst_orientation);
rows = (RowArray)malloc(h * sizeof(RowPtr));
return ERR_NO_MEM;
// determine start position and direction
RowPtr pos = flip? data+pitch*(h-1) : data;
const ssize_t add = flip? -(ssize_t)pitch : (ssize_t)pitch;
const RowPtr end = flip? data-pitch : data+pitch*h;
for(size_t i = 0; i < h; i++)
rows[i] = pos;
pos += add;
debug_assert(pos == end);
return 0;
int tex_codec_write(Tex* t, uint transforms, const void* hdr, size_t hdr_size, DynArray* da)
RETURN_ERR(tex_transform(t, transforms));
void* img_data = tex_get_data(t); const size_t img_size = tex_img_size(t);
RETURN_ERR(da_append(da, hdr, hdr_size));
RETURN_ERR(da_append(da, img_data, img_size));
return 0;
// API
static int tex_load_impl(void* file_, size_t file_size, Tex* t)
u8* file = (u8*)file_;
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
RETURN_ERR(tex_codec_for_header(file, file_size, &c));
// get header make sure enough of the file has been read
const size_t min_hdr_size = c->hdr_size(0);
if(file_size < min_hdr_size)
const size_t hdr_size = c->hdr_size(file);
if(file_size < hdr_size)
t->ofs = hdr_size;
DynArray da;
RETURN_ERR(da_wrap_fixed(&da, file, file_size));
RETURN_ERR(c->decode(&da, t));
// sanity checks
if(!t->w || !t->h || t->bpp > 32)
// TODO: need to compare against the new t->hm (file may be compressed, cannot use file_size)
//if(mem_size < t->ofs + tex_img_size(t))
return 0;
int tex_load(const char* fn, Tex* t)
// load file
void* file; size_t file_size;
Handle hm = vfs_load(fn, file, file_size);
RETURN_ERR(hm); // (need handle below; can't test return value directly)
t->hm = hm;
int ret = tex_load_impl(file, file_size, t);
// do not free hm! it either still holds the image data (i.e. texture
// wasn't compressed) or was replaced by a new buffer for the image data.
if(ret < 0)
// note: don't use tex_free - we don't want its CHECK_TEX to
// complain that t wasn't successfully loaded (duh).
memset(t, 0, sizeof(Tex));
debug_printf("tex_load(%s): %d", fn, ret);
debug_warn("tex_load failed");
return ret;
int tex_wrap(uint w, uint h, uint bpp, uint flags, void* img, Tex* t)
t->w = w;
t->h = h;
t->bpp = bpp;
t->flags = flags;
// note: we can't use tex_img_size because that requires all
// Tex fields to be valid, but this calculation must be done first.
const size_t img_size = w*h*bpp/8;
t->hm = mem_wrap(img, img_size, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// the exact value of img is lost, since the handle references the
// allocation and disregards the offset within it given by <img>.
// fix that up by setting t->ofs.
void* reported_ptr = mem_get_ptr(t->hm);
t->ofs = (u8*)img - (u8*)reported_ptr;
// TODO: remove when mem_wrap / mem_get_ptr add a reference correctly
return 0;
int tex_free(Tex* t)
// do not zero out the fields! that could lead to trouble since
// ogl_tex_upload followed by ogl_tex_free is legit, but would
// cause OglTex_validate to fail (since its Tex.w is == 0).
return 0;
u8* tex_get_data(const Tex* t)
if(tex_validate(__LINE__, t) < 0)
return 0;
u8* p = (u8*)mem_get_ptr(t->hm);
return 0;
return p + t->ofs;
size_t tex_img_size(const Tex* t)
if(tex_validate(__LINE__, t) < 0)
return 0;
return t->w * t->h * t->bpp/8;
int tex_transform(Tex* t, uint transforms)
// find codec that understands the data, and transform
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CODECS; i++)
// MAX_CODECS isn't a tight bound and we have hit a 0 entry
int err = codecs[i]->transform(t, transforms);
if(err == 0)
return 0;
debug_printf("tex_transform (%s): failed, error %d", codecs[i]->name, err);
// last chance
return plain_transform(t, transforms);
int tex_transform_to(Tex* t, uint new_flags)
const uint transforms = t->flags ^ new_flags;
return tex_transform(t, transforms);
size_t tex_hdr_size(const char* fn)
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
CHECK_ERR(tex_codec_for_filename(fn, &c));
return c->hdr_size(0);
int tex_write(Tex* t, const char* fn)
CHECK_ERR(validate_format(t->bpp, t->flags));
// we could be clever here and avoid the extra alloc if our current
// memory block ensued from the same kind of texture file. this is
// most likely the case if in_img == <hm's user pointer> + c->hdr_size(0).
// this would make for zero-copy IO.
DynArray da;
const size_t max_out_size = tex_img_size(t)*4 + 256*KiB;
RETURN_ERR(da_alloc(&da, max_out_size));
const TexCodecVTbl* c;
CHECK_ERR(tex_codec_for_filename(fn, &c));
// encode into <da>
int err;
size_t rounded_size;
ssize_t bytes_written;
err = c->encode(t, &da);
if(err < 0)
debug_printf("tex_write (%s): %d", c->name, err);
goto fail;
// write to disk
rounded_size = round_up(da.cur_size, FILE_BLOCK_SIZE);
(void)da_set_size(&da, rounded_size);
bytes_written = vfs_store(fn, da.base, da.pos);
debug_assert(bytes_written == (ssize_t)da.pos);
return err;