
743 lines
26 KiB

* TerrainAnalysis, inheriting from the Map Component.
* This creates a suitable passability map for pathfinding units and provides the findClosestPassablePoint() function.
* This is part of the Shared Script, and thus should only be used for things that are non-player specific.
* This.map is a map of the world, where particular stuffs are pointed with a value
* For example, impassable land is 0, water is 200, areas near tree (ie forest grounds) are 41…
* This is intended for use with 8 bit maps for reduced memory usage.
* Upgraded from QuantumState's original TerrainAnalysis for qBot.
* You may notice a lot of the A* star codes differ only by a few things.
* It's wanted: each does a very slightly different things
* But truly separating optimizes.
function TerrainAnalysis() {
this.cellSize = 4;
copyPrototype(TerrainAnalysis, Map);
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.init = function(sharedScript,rawState) {
var self = this;
var passabilityMap = rawState.passabilityMap;
this.width = passabilityMap.width;
this.height = passabilityMap.height;
// the first two won't change, the third is a reference to a value updated by C++
this.obstructionMaskLand = rawState.passabilityClasses["default"];
this.obstructionMaskWater = rawState.passabilityClasses["ship"];
this.obstructionMask = rawState.passabilityClasses["pathfinderObstruction"];
var obstructionTiles = new Uint8Array(passabilityMap.data.length);
/* Generated map legend:
0 is impassable
200 is deep water (ie non-passable by land units)
201 is shallow water (passable by land units and water units)
255 is land (or extremely shallow water where ships can't go).
40 is "tree".
The following 41-49 range is "near a tree", with the second number showing how many trees this tile neighbors.
30 is "geological component", such as a mine
for (var i = 0; i < passabilityMap.data.length; ++i)
// If impassable for land units, set to 0, else to 255.
obstructionTiles[i] = (passabilityMap.data[i] & this.obstructionMaskLand) ? 0 : 255;
if (!(passabilityMap.data[i] & this.obstructionMaskWater) && obstructionTiles[i] === 0)
obstructionTiles[i] = 200; // if navigable and not walkable (ie basic water), set to 200.
else if (!(passabilityMap.data[i] & this.obstructionMaskWater) && obstructionTiles[i] === 255)
obstructionTiles[i] = 201; // navigable and walkable.
var square = [ [-1,-1], [-1,0], [-1, 1], [0,1], [1,1], [1,0], [1,-1], [0,-1], [0,0] ];
var xx = 0;
var yy = 0;
var value = 0;
var pos = [];
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var radius = 0;
for (var entI in sharedScript._entities)
var ent = sharedScript._entities[entI];
if (ent.hasClass("ForestPlant") === true) {
pos = this.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position());
x = pos[0];
y = pos[1];
// unless it's impassable already, mark it as 40.
if (obstructionTiles[x + y*this.width] !== 0)
obstructionTiles[x + y*this.width] = 40;
for (var i in square)
xx = square[i][0];
yy = square[i][1];
if (x+i[0] >= 0 && x+xx < this.width && y+yy >= 0 && y+yy < this.height) {
value = obstructionTiles[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*this.width];
if (value === 255)
obstructionTiles[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*this.width] = 41;
else if (value < 49 && value > 40)
obstructionTiles[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*this.width] = value + 1;
} else if (ent.hasClass("Geology") === true) {
radius = Math.floor(ent.obstructionRadius() / 4);
pos = this.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position());
x = pos[0];
y = pos[1];
// Unless it's impassable, mark as 30. This takes precedence over trees.
obstructionTiles[x + y*this.width] = obstructionTiles[x + y*this.width] === 0 ? 0 : 30;
for (var xx = -radius; xx <= radius;xx++)
for (var yy = -radius; yy <= radius;yy++)
if (x+xx >= 0 && x+xx < this.width && y+yy >= 0 && y+yy < this.height)
obstructionTiles[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*this.width] = obstructionTiles[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*this.width] === 0 ? 0 : 30;
// Okay now we have a pretty good knowledge of the map.
this.Map(rawState, obstructionTiles);
this.obstructionMaskLand = null;
this.obstructionMaskWater = null;
this.obstructionMask = null;
delete this.obstructionMaskLand;
delete this.obstructionMaskWater;
delete this.obstructionMask;
// Returns the (approximately) closest point which is passable by searching in a spiral pattern
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.findClosestPassablePoint = function(startPoint, onLand, limitDistance, quickscope){
var w = this.width;
var p = startPoint;
var direction = 1;
if (p[0] + w*p[1] < 0 || p[0] + w*p[1] >= this.length) {
return undefined;
// quickscope
if (this.map[p[0] + w*p[1]] === 255) {
if (this.countConnected(p[0] + w*p[1], onLand) >= 2) {
return p;
var count = 0;
// search in a spiral pattern. We require a value that is actually accessible in this case, ie 255, 201 or 41 if land, 200/201 if water.
for (var i = 1; i < w; i++){
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++){
for (var k = 0; k < i; k++){
p[j] += direction;
// if the value is not markedly inaccessible
var index = p[0] + w*p[1];
if (this.map[index] !== 0 && this.map[index] !== 90 && this.map[index] !== 120 && this.map[index] !== 30 && this.map[index] !== 40){
if (quickscope || this.countConnected(index, onLand) >= 2){
return p;
if (limitDistance !== undefined && count > limitDistance){
return undefined;
direction *= -1;
return undefined;
// Returns an estimate of a tile accessibility. It checks neighboring cells over two levels.
// returns a count. It's not integer. About 2 should be fairly accessible already.
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.countConnected = function(startIndex, byLand){
var count = 0.0;
var w = this.width;
var positions = [[0,1], [0,-1], [1,0], [-1,0], [1,1], [-1,-1], [1,-1], [-1,1],
[0,2], [0,-2], [2,0], [-2,0], [2,2], [-2,-2], [2,-2], [-2,2]/*,
[1,2], [1,-2], [2,1], [-2,1], [-1,2], [-1,-2], [2,-1], [-2,-1]*/];
for (var i in positions) {
var index = startIndex + positions[i][0] + positions[i][1]*w;
if (this.map[index] !== 0) {
if (byLand) {
if (this.map[index] === 201) count++;
else if (this.map[index] === 255) count++;
else if (this.map[index] === 41) count++;
else if (this.map[index] === 42) count += 0.5;
else if (this.map[index] === 43) count += 0.3;
else if (this.map[index] === 44) count += 0.13;
else if (this.map[index] === 45) count += 0.08;
else if (this.map[index] === 46) count += 0.05;
else if (this.map[index] === 47) count += 0.03;
} else {
if (this.map[index] === 201) count++;
if (this.map[index] === 200) count++;
return count;
// TODO: for now this resets to 255.
TerrainAnalysis.prototype.updateMapWithEvents = function(sharedAI) {
var self = this;
var events = sharedAI.events;
var passabilityMap = sharedAI.passabilityMap;
// looking for creation or destruction of entities, and updates the map accordingly.
for (var i in events) {
var e = events[i];
if (e.type === "Destroy") {
if (e.msg.entityObj){
var ent = e.msg.entityObj;
if (ent.hasClass("Geology")) {
var x = self.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position())[0];
var y = self.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position())[1];
// remove it. Don't really care about surrounding and possible overlappings.
var radius = Math.floor(ent.obstructionRadius() / self.cellSize);
for (var xx = -radius; xx <= radius;xx++)
for (var yy = -radius; yy <= radius;yy++)
if (x+xx >= 0 && x+xx < self.width && y+yy >= 0 && y+yy < self.height && this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] === 30)
this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] = 255;
} else if (ent.hasClass("ForestPlant")){
var x = self.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position())[0];
var y = self.gamePosToMapPos(ent.position())[1];
var nbOfNeigh = 0;
for (var xx = -1; xx <= 1;xx++)
for (var yy = -1; yy <= 1;yy++)
if (xx == 0 && yy == 0)
if (this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] === 40)
else if (this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] === 41)
this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] = 255;
else if (this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] > 41 && this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] < 50)
this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] = this.map[(x+xx) + (y+yy)*self.width] - 1;
if (nbOfNeigh > 0)
this.map[x + y*self.width] = this.map[x + y*self.width] = 40 + nbOfNeigh;
this.map[x + y*self.width] = this.map[x + y*self.width] = 255;
* Accessibility inherits from TerrainAnalysis
* This can easily and efficiently determine if any two points are connected.
* it can also determine if any point is "probably" reachable, assuming the unit can get close enough
* for optimizations it's called after the TerrainAnalyser has finished initializing his map
* so this can use the land regions already.
function Accessibility() {
copyPrototype(Accessibility, TerrainAnalysis);
Accessibility.prototype.init = function(rawState, terrainAnalyser){
var self = this;
this.Map(rawState, terrainAnalyser.map);
this.landPassMap = new Uint8Array(terrainAnalyser.length);
this.navalPassMap = new Uint8Array(terrainAnalyser.length);
this.regionSize = [];
this.regionType = []; // "inaccessible", "land" or "water";
// ID of the region associated with an array of region IDs.
this.regionLinks = [];
// initialized to 0, it's more optimized to start at 1 (I'm checking that if it's not 0, then it's already aprt of a region, don't touch);
// However I actually store all unpassable as region 1 (because if I don't, on some maps the toal nb of region is over 256, and it crashes as the mapis 8bit.)
// So start at 2.
this.regionID = 2;
for (var i = 0; i < this.landPassMap.length; ++i) {
if (this.map[i] !== 0) { // any non-painted, non-inacessible area.
if (this.landPassMap[i] === 0 && this.floodFill(i,this.regionID,false))
this.regionType[this.regionID++] = "land";
if (this.navalPassMap[i] === 0 && this.floodFill(i,this.regionID,true))
this.regionType[this.regionID++] = "water";
} else if (this.landPassMap[i] === 0) { // any non-painted, inacessible area.
// calculating region links. Regions only touching diagonaly are not linked.
// since we're checking all of them, we'll check from the top left to the bottom right
var w = this.width;
for (var x = 0; x < this.width-1; ++x)
for (var y = 0; y < this.height-1; ++y)
// checking right.
var thisLID = this.landPassMap[x+y*w];
var thisNID = this.navalPassMap[x+y*w];
var rightLID = this.landPassMap[x+1+y*w];
var rightNID = this.navalPassMap[x+1+y*w];
var bottomLID = this.landPassMap[x+y*w+w];
var bottomNID = this.navalPassMap[x+y*w+w];
if (thisLID > 1)
if (rightNID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisLID].indexOf(rightNID) === -1)
if (bottomNID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisLID].indexOf(bottomNID) === -1)
if (thisNID > 1)
if (rightLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(rightLID) === -1)
if (bottomLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(bottomLID) === -1)
if (thisLID > 1)
if (this.regionLinks[thisNID].indexOf(thisLID) === -1)
//Engine.DumpImage("LandPassMap.png", this.landPassMap, this.width, this.height, 255);
//Engine.DumpImage("NavalPassMap.png", this.navalPassMap, this.width, this.height, 255);
Accessibility.prototype.getAccessValue = function(position, onWater) {
var gamePos = this.gamePosToMapPos(position);
if (onWater === true)
return this.navalPassMap[gamePos[0] + this.width*gamePos[1]];
var ret = this.landPassMap[gamePos[0] + this.width*gamePos[1]];
if (ret === 1)
// quick spiral search.
var indx = [ [-1,-1],[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,-1]]
for (i in indx)
ret = this.landPassMap[gamePos[0]+indx[0] + this.width*(gamePos[1]+indx[0])]
if (ret !== undefined && ret !== 1)
return ret;
return ret;
// Returns true if a point is deemed currently accessible (is not blocked by surrounding trees...)
// NB: accessible means that you can reach it from one side, not necessariliy that you can go ON it.
Accessibility.prototype.isAccessible = function(gameState, position, onLand){
var gamePos = this.gamePosToMapPos(position);
// quick check
if (this.countConnected(gamePos[0] + this.width*gamePos[1], onLand) >= 2) {
return true;
return false;
// Return true if you can go from a point to a point without switching means of transport
// Hardcore means is also checks for isAccessible at the end (it checks for either water or land though, beware).
// This is a blind check and not a pathfinder: for all it knows there is a huge block of trees in the middle.
Accessibility.prototype.pathAvailable = function(gameState, start, end, onWater, hardcore){
var pstart = this.gamePosToMapPos(start);
var istart = pstart[0] + pstart[1]*this.width;
var pend = this.gamePosToMapPos(end);
var iend = pend[0] + pend[1]*this.width;
if (onWater)
if (this.navalPassMap[istart] === this.navalPassMap[iend]) {
if (hardcore && this.isAccessible(gameState, end,false))
return true;
else if (hardcore)
return false;
return true;
} else {
if (this.landPassMap[istart] === this.landPassMap[iend]) {
if (hardcore && this.isAccessible(gameState, end,true))
return true;
else if (hardcore)
return false;
return true;
return false;
Accessibility.prototype.getTrajectTo = function(start, end, noBound) {
var pstart = this.gamePosToMapPos(start);
var istart = pstart[0] + pstart[1]*this.width;
var pend = this.gamePosToMapPos(end);
var iend = pend[0] + pend[1]*this.width;
var onLand = true;
if (this.landPassMap[istart] <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[istart] > 1)
onLand = false;
if (this.landPassMap[istart] <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[istart] <= 1)
return false;
var endRegion = this.landPassMap[iend];
if (endRegion <= 1 && this.navalPassMap[iend] > 1)
endRegion = this.navalPassMap[iend];
else if (endRegion <= 1)
return false;
if (onLand)
var startRegion = this.landPassMap[istart];
var startRegion = this.navalPassMap[istart];
return this.getTrajectToIndex(startRegion, endRegion, noBound);
// Return a "path" of accessibility indexes from one point to another, including the start and the end indexes (unless specified otherwise)
// this can tell you what sea zone you need to have a dock on, for example.
// assumes a land unit unless start point is over deep water.
// if the path is more complicated than "land->sea->land" (or "sea->land->sea"), it will run A* to try and figure it out
// Thus it can handle arbitrarily complicated paths (theoretically).
Accessibility.prototype.getTrajectToIndex = function(istart, iend, noBound){
var startRegion = istart;
var currentRegion = istart;
var endRegion = iend;
// optimizations to avoid needless memory usage
// if it's the same, return the path
if (startRegion === endRegion)
return [startRegion];
else if (this.regionLinks[startRegion].indexOf(endRegion) !== -1)
return [startRegion, endRegion];
var rgs = this.regionLinks[startRegion];
for (p in rgs)
if (this.regionLinks[rgs[p]].indexOf(endRegion) !== -1)
return [startRegion, rgs[p], endRegion];
// it appears to be difficult.
// computing A* over a graph with all nodes equally good (might want to change this sometimes), currently it returns the shortest path switch-wise.
this.openList = [];
this.parentSquare = new Uint8Array(this.regionSize.length);
this.isOpened = new Boolean(this.regionSize.length);
this.gCostArray = new Uint8Array(this.regionSize.length);
this.isOpened[currentRegion] = true;
this.gCostArray[currentRegion] = 0;
this.parentSquare[currentRegion] = currentRegion;
var w = this.width;
var h = this.height;
//creation of variables used in the loop
var found = false;
// on to A*
while (found === false && this.openList.length !== 0) {
var currentDist = 300;
var ti = 0;
for (var i in this.openList)
var sum = this.gCostArray[this.openList[i]];
if (sum < currentDist)
ti = i;
currentRegion = this.openList[i];
currentDist = sum;
this.isOpened[currentRegion] = false;
// special case, might make it faster (usually oceans connect multiple land masses, sometimes all of them)
if (this.regionType[currentRegion] == "water" && endLand)
var idx = this.regionLinks[currentRegion].indexOf(endRegion);
if (idx !== -1)
this.parentSquare[endRegion] = currentRegion;
this.gCostArray[endRegion] = this.gCostArray[currentRegion] + 1;
found = true;
for (var i in this.regionLinks[currentRegion])
var region = this.regionLinks[currentRegion][i];
if(this.isOpened[region] === undefined)
this.parentSquare[region] = currentRegion;
this.gCostArray[region] = this.gCostArray[currentRegion] + 1;
this.isOpened[region] = true;
if (region === endRegion)
found = true;
} else {
if (this.gCostArray[region] > 1 + this.gCostArray[currentRegion])
this.parentSquare[region] = currentRegion;
this.gCostArray[region] = 1 + this.gCostArray[currentRegion];
var path = [];
if (found) {
currentRegion = endRegion;
if (!noBound)
while (this.parentSquare[currentRegion] !== startRegion)
currentRegion = this.parentSquare[currentRegion];
if (!noBound)
} else {
delete this.parentSquare;
delete this.isOpened;
delete this.gCostArray;
return false;
delete this.parentSquare;
delete this.isOpened;
delete this.gCostArray;
return path;
Accessibility.prototype.getRegionSize = function(position, onWater){
var pos = this.gamePosToMapPos(position);
var index = pos[0] + pos[1]*this.width;
var ID = (onWater === true) ? this.navalPassMap[index] : this.landPassMap[index];
if (this.regionSize[ID] === undefined)
return 0;
return this.regionSize[ID];
Accessibility.prototype.getRegionSizei = function(index, onWater) {
if (this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]] === undefined && (!onWater || this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]] === undefined))
return 0;
if (onWater && this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]] > this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]])
return this.regionSize[this.navalPassMap[index]];
return this.regionSize[this.landPassMap[index]];
// Implementation of a fast flood fill. Reasonably good performances for JS.
// TODO: take big zones of impassable trees into account?
Accessibility.prototype.floodFill = function(startIndex, value, onWater)
this.s = startIndex;
if ((!onWater && this.landPassMap[this.s] !== 0) || (onWater && this.navalPassMap[this.s] !== 0) ) {
return false; // already painted.
this.floodFor = "land";
if (this.map[this.s] === 0)
this.landPassMap[this.s] = 1;
this.navalPassMap[this.s] = 1;
return false;
if (onWater === true)
if (this.map[this.s] !== 200 && this.map[this.s] !== 201)
this.navalPassMap[this.s] = 1; // impassable for naval
return false; // do nothing
this.floodFor = "water";
} else if (this.map[this.s] === 200) {
this.landPassMap[this.s] = 1; // impassable for land
return false;
// here we'll be able to start.
for (var i = this.regionSize.length; i <= value; ++i)
var w = this.width;
var h = this.height;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
// Get x and y from index
var IndexArray = [this.s];
var newIndex = 0;
newIndex = IndexArray.pop();
y = 0;
var loop = false;
// vertical iteration
do {
loop = false;
var index = +newIndex + w*y;
if (index < 0)
if (this.floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index] === 0 && this.map[index] !== 0 && this.map[index] !== 200) {
loop = true;
} else if (this.floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index] === 0 && (this.map[index] === 200 || this.map[index] === 201)) {
loop = true;
} else {
} while (loop === true) // should actually break
var reachLeft = false;
var reachRight = false;
loop = true;
do {
var index = +newIndex + w*y;
if (this.floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index] === 0 && this.map[index] !== 0 && this.map[index] !== 200) {
this.landPassMap[index] = value;
} else if (this.floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index] === 0 && (this.map[index] === 200 || this.map[index] === 201)) {
this.navalPassMap[index] = value;
} else {
if (index%w > 0)
if (this.floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index -1] === 0 && this.map[index -1] !== 0 && this.map[index -1] !== 200) {
if(!reachLeft) {
IndexArray.push(index -1);
reachLeft = true;
} else if (this.floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index -1] === 0 && (this.map[index -1] === 200 || this.map[index -1] === 201)) {
if(!reachLeft) {
IndexArray.push(index -1);
reachLeft = true;
} else if(reachLeft) {
reachLeft = false;
if (index%w < w - 1)
if (this.floodFor === "land" && this.landPassMap[index +1] === 0 && this.map[index +1] !== 0 && this.map[index +1] !== 200) {
if(!reachRight) {
IndexArray.push(index +1);
reachRight = true;
} else if (this.floodFor === "water" && this.navalPassMap[index +1] === 0 && (this.map[index +1] === 200 || this.map[index +1] === 201)) {
if(!reachRight) {
IndexArray.push(index +1);
reachRight = true;
} else if(reachRight) {
reachRight = false;
} while (index/w < w-1) // should actually break
return true;
// TODO: make it regularly update stone+metal mines and their resource levels.
// creates and maintains a map of unused resource density
// this also takes dropsites into account.
// resources that are "part" of a dropsite are not counted.
SharedScript.prototype.updateResourceMaps = function(sharedScript, events) {
for (var resource in this.decreaseFactor){
// if there is no resourceMap create one with an influence for everything with that resource
if (! this.resourceMaps[resource]){
// We're creting them 8-bit. Things could go above 255 if there are really tons of resources
// But at that point the precision is not really important anyway. And it saves memory.
this.resourceMaps[resource] = new Map(sharedScript, new Uint8Array(sharedScript.passabilityMap.data.length));
this.CCResourceMaps[resource] = new Map(sharedScript, new Uint8Array(sharedScript.passabilityMap.data.length));
// Look for destroy events and subtract the entities original influence from the resourceMap
// TODO: perhaps do something when dropsites appear/disappear.
for (var key in events) {
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Destroy") {
if (e.msg.entityObj){
var ent = e.msg.entityObj;
if (ent && ent.position() && ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.resourceSupplyType().generic !== "treasure") {
var resource = ent.resourceSupplyType().generic;
var x = Math.floor(ent.position()[0] / 4);
var z = Math.floor(ent.position()[1] / 4);
var strength = Math.floor(ent.resourceSupplyMax()/this.decreaseFactor[resource]);
if (resource === "wood" || resource === "food")
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 2, 5,'constant');
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 9.0, -strength,'constant');
this.CCResourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 15, -strength/2.0,'constant');
else if (resource === "stone" || resource === "metal")
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 8, 50);
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 12.0, -strength/1.5);
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 12.0, -strength/2.0,'constant');
this.CCResourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 30, -strength,'constant');
} else if (e.type === "Create") {
if (e.msg.entity){
var ent = sharedScript._entities[e.msg.entity];
if (ent && ent.position() && ent.resourceSupplyType() && ent.resourceSupplyType().generic !== "treasure"){
var resource = ent.resourceSupplyType().generic;
var x = Math.floor(ent.position()[0] / 4);
var z = Math.floor(ent.position()[1] / 4);
var strength = Math.floor(ent.resourceSupplyMax()/this.decreaseFactor[resource]);
if (resource === "wood" || resource === "food")
this.CCResourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 15, strength/2.0,'constant');
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 9.0, strength,'constant');
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 2, -5,'constant');
else if (resource === "stone" || resource === "metal")
this.CCResourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 30, strength,'constant');
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 12.0, strength/1.5);
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 12.0, strength/2.0,'constant');
this.resourceMaps[resource].addInfluence(x, z, 8, -50);