Mythos_Ruler 67d072108b Bloody dead camel.
New wall technologies (research at Wall Tower, since for now techs can't
be researched at wall segments).

Adjusted default BatchTrainModifier from 0.7 to 0.8 in all buildings
since the new training techs were making unit batches train insanely

Added 'Naval Architects' batch training tech to the Dock (and Carth
Super Dock).

Attempting to add "Apadana" build limit, with no success. Need help
here. I thought BuildRestrictions.js and EntityLimits.js were the files
I needed to change, but it's not working (there should be a build limit
of 1 for the Persian Apadana).

Tweaked the levy techs.

Fixed Hero elephant unit RequiredTechnology.

This was SVN commit r13409.
2013-05-19 08:19:16 +00:00

287 lines
9.4 KiB

function BuildRestrictions() {}
BuildRestrictions.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Specifies building placement restrictions as they relate to terrain, territories, and distance.</a:help>" +
"<a:example>" +
"<BuildRestrictions>" +
"<PlacementType>land</PlacementType>" +
"<Territory>own</Territory>" +
"<Category>Special</Category>" +
"<Distance>" +
"<FromCategory>CivilCentre</FromCategory>" +
"<MaxDistance>40</MaxDistance>" +
"</Distance>" +
"</BuildRestrictions>" +
"</a:example>" +
"<element name='PlacementType' a:help='Specifies the terrain type restriction for this building.'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>land</value>" +
"<value>shore</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Territory' a:help='Specifies territory type restrictions for this building.'>" +
"<list>" +
"<oneOrMore>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>own</value>" +
"<value>ally</value>" +
"<value>neutral</value>" +
"<value>enemy</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</oneOrMore>" +
"</list>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Category' a:help='Specifies the category of this building, for satisfying special constraints.'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>CivilCentre</value>" +
"<value>House</value>" +
"<value>DefenseTower</value>" +
"<value>Farmstead</value>" +
"<value>Market</value>" +
"<value>Barracks</value>" +
"<value>Dock</value>" +
"<value>Fortress</value>" +
"<value>Field</value>" +
"<value>Temple</value>" +
"<value>Wall</value>" +
"<value>Fence</value>" +
"<value>Mill</value>" +
"<value>Stoa</value>" +
"<value>Resource</value>" +
"<value>Special</value>" +
"<value>Wonder</value>" +
"<value>Apadana</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<optional>" +
"<element name='Distance' a:help='Specifies distance restrictions on this building, relative to buildings from the given category.'>" +
"<interleave>" +
"<element name='FromCategory'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>CivilCentre</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<optional><element name='MinDistance'><data type='positiveInteger'/></element></optional>" +
"<optional><element name='MaxDistance'><data type='positiveInteger'/></element></optional>" +
"</interleave>" +
"</element>" +
BuildRestrictions.prototype.Init = function()
this.territories = this.template.Territory.split(/\s+/);
* Checks whether building placement is valid
* 1. Visibility is not hidden (may be fogged or visible)
* 2. Check foundation
* a. Doesn't obstruct foundation-blocking entities
* b. On valid terrain, based on passability class
* 3. Territory type is allowed
* 4. Dock is on shoreline and facing into water
* 5. Distance constraints satisfied
* Returns result object:
* {
* "success": true iff the placement is valid, else false
* "message": message to display in UI for invalid placement, else empty string
* }
BuildRestrictions.prototype.CheckPlacement = function()
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Identity);
var name = cmpIdentity ? cmpIdentity.GetGenericName() : "Building";
var result = {
"success": false,
"message": name+" cannot be built due to unknown error",
// TODO: AI has no visibility info
var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
if (!cmpPlayer.IsAI())
// Check whether it's in a visible or fogged region
// tell GetLosVisibility to force RetainInFog because preview entities set this to false,
// which would show them as hidden instead of fogged
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var cmpOwnership = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Ownership);
if (!cmpRangeManager || !cmpOwnership)
return result; // Fail
var explored = (cmpRangeManager.GetLosVisibility(this.entity, cmpOwnership.GetOwner(), true) != "hidden");
if (!explored)
result.message = name+" cannot be built in unexplored area";
return result; // Fail
// Check obstructions and terrain passability
var passClassName = "";
switch (this.template.PlacementType)
case "shore":
passClassName = "building-shore";
case "land":
passClassName = "building-land";
var cmpObstruction = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Obstruction);
if (!cmpObstruction)
return result; // Fail
var ret = cmpObstruction.CheckFoundation(passClassName);
if (ret != "success")
switch (ret)
case "fail_error":
case "fail_no_obstruction":
error("CheckPlacement: Error returned from CheckFoundation");
case "fail_obstructs_foundation":
result.message = name+" cannot be built on another building or resource";
case "fail_terrain_class":
// TODO: be more specific and/or list valid terrain?
result.message = name+" cannot be built on invalid terrain";
return result; // Fail
// Check territory restrictions
var cmpTerritoryManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TerritoryManager);
var cmpPlayer = QueryOwnerInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
var cmpPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Position);
if (!(cmpTerritoryManager && cmpPlayer && cmpPosition && cmpPosition.IsInWorld()))
return result; // Fail
var pos = cmpPosition.GetPosition2D();
var tileOwner = cmpTerritoryManager.GetOwner(pos.x, pos.y);
var isOwn = (tileOwner == cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID());
var isNeutral = (tileOwner == 0);
var isAlly = !isOwn && cmpPlayer.IsAlly(tileOwner);
// We count neutral players as enemies, so you can't build in their territory.
var isEnemy = !isNeutral && (cmpPlayer.IsEnemy(tileOwner) || cmpPlayer.IsNeutral(tileOwner));
var territoryFail = true;
var territoryType = "";
if (isAlly && !this.HasTerritory("ally"))
territoryType = "ally";
else if (isOwn && !this.HasTerritory("own"))
territoryType = "own";
else if (isNeutral && !this.HasTerritory("neutral"))
territoryType = "neutral";
else if (isEnemy && !this.HasTerritory("enemy"))
territoryType = "enemy";
territoryFail = false
if (territoryFail)
result.message = name+" cannot be built in "+territoryType+" territory. Valid territories: " + this.GetTerritories().join(", ");
return result; // Fail
// Check special requirements
if (this.template.Category == "Dock")
// TODO: Probably should check unit passability classes here, to determine if:
// 1. ships can be spawned "nearby"
// 2. builders can pass the terrain where the dock is placed (don't worry about paths)
// so it's correct even if the criteria changes for these units
var cmpFootprint = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Footprint);
if (!cmpFootprint)
return result; // Fail
// Get building's footprint
var shape = cmpFootprint.GetShape();
var halfSize = 0;
if (shape.type == "square")
halfSize = shape.depth/2;
else if (shape.type == "circle")
halfSize = shape.radius;
var cmpTerrain = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Terrain);
var cmpWaterManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_WaterManager);
if (!cmpTerrain || !cmpWaterManager)
return result; // Fail
var ang = cmpPosition.GetRotation().y;
var sz = halfSize * Math.sin(ang);
var cz = halfSize * Math.cos(ang);
if ((cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(pos.x + sz, pos.y + cz) - cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(pos.x + sz, pos.y + cz)) < 1.0 // front
|| (cmpWaterManager.GetWaterLevel(pos.x - sz, pos.y - cz) - cmpTerrain.GetGroundLevel(pos.x - sz, pos.y - cz)) > 2.0) // back
result.message = name+" must be built on a valid shoreline";
return result; // Fail
// Check distance restriction
if (this.template.Distance)
var nearest = 65535;
var ents = Engine.GetEntitiesWithInterface(IID_BuildRestrictions);
for each (var ent in ents)
// Ignore ourself
if (ent == this.entity)
var cmpBuildRestrictions = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_BuildRestrictions);
if (cmpBuildRestrictions.GetCategory() == this.template.Distance.FromCategory && IsOwnedByPlayer(cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID(), ent))
{ // Find nearest building matching this category
var cmpEntPosition = Engine.QueryInterface(ent, IID_Position);
if (cmpEntPosition && cmpEntPosition.IsInWorld())
var entPos = cmpEntPosition.GetPosition2D();
var dist = Math.sqrt((pos.x-entPos.x)*(pos.x-entPos.x) + (pos.y-entPos.y)*(pos.y-entPos.y));
if (dist < nearest)
nearest = dist;
if (this.template.Distance.MinDistance && nearest < +this.template.Distance.MinDistance)
result.message = name+" too close to a "+this.GetCategory()+", must be at least "+ +this.template.Distance.MinDistance+" units away";
return result; // Fail
else if (this.template.Distance.MaxDistance && nearest > +this.template.Distance.MaxDistance)
result.message = name+" too far away from a "+this.GetCategory()+", must be within "+ +this.template.Distance.MaxDistance+" units";
return result; // Fail
// Success
result.success = true;
result.message = "";
return result;
BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetCategory = function()
return this.template.Category;
BuildRestrictions.prototype.GetTerritories = function()
return ApplyTechModificationsToEntity("BuildRestrictions/Territory", this.territories, this.entity);
BuildRestrictions.prototype.HasTerritory = function(territory)
return (this.GetTerritories().indexOf(territory) != -1);
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_BuildRestrictions, "BuildRestrictions", BuildRestrictions);