
473 lines
15 KiB

function TechnologyManager() {}
TechnologyManager.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
TechnologyManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
// The modifications cache will be affected by property reads from the GUI and other places so we shouldn't
// serialize it.
var ret = {};
for (var i in this)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i))
ret[i] = this[i];
ret.modificationCache = {};
return ret;
TechnologyManager.prototype.Init = function()
this.researchedTechs = {}; // technologies which have been researched
this.researchQueued = {}; // technologies which are queued for research
this.researchStarted = {}; // technologies which are being researched currently (non-queued)
// This stores the modifications to unit stats from researched technologies
// Example data: {"ResourceGatherer/Rates/food.grain": [
// {"multiply": 1.15, "affects": ["Female", "Infantry Swordsman"]},
// {"add": 2}
// ]}
this.modifications = {};
this.modificationCache = {}; // Caches the values after technologies have been applied
// e.g. { "Attack/Melee/Hack" : {5: {"origValue": 8, "newValue": 10}, 7: {"origValue": 9, "newValue": 12}, ...}, ...}
// where 5 and 7 are entity id's
this.typeCounts = {}; // stores the number of entities of each type
this.classCounts = {}; // stores the number of entities of each Class
this.typeCountsByClass = {}; // stores the number of entities of each type for each class i.e.
// {"someClass": {"unit/spearman": 2, "unit/cav": 5} "someOtherClass":...}
// Some technologies are automatically researched when their conditions are met. They have no cost and are
// researched instantly. This allows civ bonuses and more complicated technologies.
this.autoResearchTech = {};
var allTechs = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TechnologyTemplateManager).GetAllTechs();
for (var key in allTechs)
if (allTechs[key].autoResearch || allTechs[key].top)
this.autoResearchTech[key] = allTechs[key];
TechnologyManager.prototype.OnUpdate = function()
// This function checks if the requirements of any autoresearch techs are met and if they are it researches them
TechnologyManager.prototype.UpdateAutoResearch = function()
var cmpTechTempMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TechnologyTemplateManager);
for (var key in this.autoResearchTech)
var tech = cmpTechTempMan.GetTemplate(key);
if ((tech.autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|| (tech.top && (this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.top) || this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech.bottom))))
delete this.autoResearchTech[key];
return; // We will have recursively handled any knock-on effects so can just return
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechnologyTemplate = function(tech)
return Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TechnologyTemplateManager).GetTemplate(tech);
// Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
if (template.Identity && template.Identity.RequiredTechnology)
return this.IsTechnologyResearched(template.Identity.RequiredTechnology);
return true; // If there is no required technology then this entity can be produced
TechnologyManager.prototype.IsTechnologyResearched = function(tech)
return (this.researchedTechs[tech] !== undefined);
// Checks the requirements for a technology to see if it can be researched at the current time
TechnologyManager.prototype.CanResearch = function(tech)
var template = this.GetTechnologyTemplate(tech);
if (!template)
warn("Technology \"" + tech + "\" does not exist");
return false;
// The technology which this technology supersedes is required
if (template.supersedes && !this.IsTechnologyResearched(template.supersedes))
return false;
if (template.top && this.IsInProgress(template.top) ||
template.bottom && this.IsInProgress(template.bottom))
return false;
if (template.pair && !this.CanResearch(template.pair))
return false;
if (this.IsInProgress(tech))
return false;
if (this.IsTechnologyResearched(tech))
return false;
return this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(template.requirements || null);
// Private function for checking a set of requirements is met
TechnologyManager.prototype.CheckTechnologyRequirements = function(reqs)
// If there are no requirements then all requirements are met
if (!reqs)
return true;
if (reqs.tech)
return this.IsTechnologyResearched(reqs.tech);
else if (reqs.all)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.all.length; i++)
if (!this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(reqs.all[i]))
return false;
return true;
else if (reqs.any)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.any.length; i++)
if (this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(reqs.any[i]))
return true;
return false;
else if (reqs.class)
if (reqs.numberOfTypes)
if (this.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class])
return (reqs.numberOfTypes <= Object.keys(this.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class]).length);
return false;
else if (reqs.number)
if (this.classCounts[reqs.class])
return (reqs.number <= this.classCounts[reqs.class]);
return false;
else if (reqs.civ)
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
if (cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.GetCiv() == reqs.civ)
return true;
return false;
// The technologies requirements are not a recognised format
error("Bad requirements " + uneval(reqs));
return false;
TechnologyManager.prototype.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged = function(msg)
// This automatically updates typeCounts, classCounts and typeCountsByClass
var playerID = (Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player)).GetPlayerID();
if (msg.to == playerID)
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
this.typeCounts[template] = this.typeCounts[template] || 0;
this.typeCounts[template] += 1;
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity);
if (!cmpIdentity)
var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
// don't use foundations for the class counts but check if techs apply (e.g. health increase)
if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
for (var i in classes)
this.classCounts[classes[i]] = this.classCounts[classes[i]] || 0;
this.classCounts[classes[i]] += 1;
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]] = this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]] || {};
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] = this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] || 0;
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] += 1;
// Newly created entity, check if any researched techs might apply
// (only do this for new entities because even if an entity is converted or captured,
// we want it to maintain whatever technologies previously applied)
if (msg.from == -1)
var modifiedComponents = {};
for (var name in this.modifications)
// We only need to find one one tech per component for a match
var modifications = this.modifications[name];
var component = name.split("/")[0];
for (var i in modifications)
if (DoesModificationApply(modifications[i], classes))
if (!modifiedComponents[component])
modifiedComponents[component] = [];
// Send mesage(s) to the entity so it knows about researched techs
for (var component in modifiedComponents)
Engine.PostMessage(msg.entity, MT_ValueModification, { "entities": [msg.entity], "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component] });
if (msg.from == playerID)
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
this.typeCounts[template] -= 1;
if (this.typeCounts[template] <= 0)
delete this.typeCounts[template];
// don't use foundations for the class counts
if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity);
if (cmpIdentity)
var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
for (var i in classes)
this.classCounts[classes[i]] -= 1;
if (this.classCounts[classes[i]] <= 0)
delete this.classCounts[classes[i]];
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] -= 1;
if (this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] <= 0)
delete this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template];
// Marks a technology as researched. Note that this does not verify that the requirements are met.
TechnologyManager.prototype.ResearchTechnology = function(tech)
this.StoppedResearch(tech); // The tech is no longer being currently researched
var template = this.GetTechnologyTemplate(tech);
if (!template)
error("Tried to research invalid technology: " + uneval(tech));
var modifiedComponents = {};
this.researchedTechs[tech] = template;
// store the modifications in an easy to access structure
if (template.modifications)
var affects = [];
if (template.affects && template.affects.length > 0)
for (var i in template.affects)
// Put the list of classes into an array for convenient access
// We add an item to this.modifications for every modification in the template.modifications array
for (var i in template.modifications)
var modification = template.modifications[i];
if (!this.modifications[modification.value])
this.modifications[modification.value] = [];
var modAffects = affects.slice();
if (modification.affects)
var extraAffects = modification.affects.split(/\s+/);
for (var a in modAffects)
modAffects[a] = modAffects[a].concat(extraAffects);
var mod = {"affects": modAffects};
// copy the modification data into our new data structure
for (var j in modification)
if (j !== "value" && j !== "affects")
mod[j] = modification[j];
var component = modification.value.split("/")[0];
if (!modifiedComponents[component])
modifiedComponents[component] = [];
this.modificationCache[modification.value] = {};
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
if (!cmpPlayer || cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID() === undefined)
var playerID = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID();
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var ents = cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(playerID);
// Change the EntityLimit if any
var cmpPlayerEntityLimits = QueryPlayerIDInterface(playerID, IID_EntityLimits);
if (cmpPlayerEntityLimits)
// Call the related trigger event
var cmpTrigger = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_Trigger);
cmpTrigger.CallEvent("ResearchFinished", {"player": playerID, "tech": tech});
for (var component in modifiedComponents)
Engine.PostMessage(SYSTEM_ENTITY, MT_TemplateModification, { "player": playerID, "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component]});
Engine.BroadcastMessage(MT_ValueModification, { "entities": ents, "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component]});
// Clears the cached data for an entity from the modifications cache
TechnologyManager.prototype.clearModificationCache = function(ent)
for (var valueName in this.modificationCache)
delete this.modificationCache[valueName][ent];
// Caching layer in front of ApplyModificationsWorker
// Note: be careful with the type of curValue, if it should be a numerical
// value and is derived from template data, you must convert the string
// from the template to a number using the + operator, before calling
// this function!
TechnologyManager.prototype.ApplyModifications = function(valueName, curValue, ent)
if (!this.modificationCache[valueName])
this.modificationCache[valueName] = {};
if (!this.modificationCache[valueName][ent] || this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].origValue != curValue)
this.modificationCache[valueName][ent] = {"origValue": curValue};
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var templateName = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(ent);
// Ensure that preview or construction entites have the same properties as the final building
if (templateName.indexOf("preview|") > -1 || templateName.indexOf("construction|") > -1 )
templateName = templateName.slice(templateName.indexOf("|") + 1);
this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].newValue = GetTechModifiedProperty(this.modifications, cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(templateName), valueName, curValue);
return this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].newValue;
// Alternative version of ApplyModifications, applies to templates instead of entities
TechnologyManager.prototype.ApplyModificationsTemplate = function(valueName, curValue, template)
return GetTechModifiedProperty(this.modifications, template, valueName, curValue);
// Marks a technology as being queued for research
TechnologyManager.prototype.QueuedResearch = function(tech, researcher)
this.researchQueued[tech] = researcher;
// Marks a technology as actively being researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.StartedResearch = function(tech)
this.researchStarted[tech] = true;
// Marks a technology as not being currently researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.StoppedResearch = function(tech)
delete this.researchQueued[tech];
delete this.researchStarted[tech];
// Checks whether a technology is set to be researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.IsInProgress = function(tech)
if (this.researchQueued[tech])
return true;
return false;
// Get all techs that are currently being researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechsStarted = function()
return this.researchStarted;
// Gets the entity currently researching a technology
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearcher = function(tech)
if (this.researchQueued[tech])
return this.researchQueued[tech];
return undefined;
// Get helper data for tech modifications
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechModifications = function()
return this.modifications;
// called by GUIInterface for PlayerData. AI use.
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetQueuedResearch = function()
return this.researchQueued;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetStartedResearch = function()
return this.researchStarted;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearchedTechs = function()
return this.researchedTechs;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetClassCounts = function()
return this.classCounts;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTypeCountsByClass = function()
return this.typeCountsByClass;
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_TechnologyManager, "TechnologyManager", TechnologyManager);