Ykkrosh 435177434b More autobuilder WIP
This was SVN commit r6789.
2009-03-27 00:40:18 +00:00

145 lines
4.2 KiB

# Build script - does the actual building of the project
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant EXIT_BUILDCOMPLETE => 0;
use constant EXIT_FAILED => 1;
my %config = (load_conf("c:\\0ad\\autobuild\\aws.conf"), load_conf("d:\\0ad\\autobuild\\run.conf"));
my $build_options = do "d:\\0ad\\autobuild\\options.pl";
my $svn_trunk = "e:\\svn";
my $temp_trunk = "d:\\0ad\\svn";
my $log_dir = "d:\\0ad\\buildlogs";
my $vcbuild = "$svn_trunk\\source\\tools\\autobuild2\\vcbuild_env.bat";
my $time_start = time();
eval { # catch deaths
# Clean the output directory, just in case it's got old junk left over somehow
`rmdir /q /s $temp_trunk 2>&1`; # (ignore failures, they don't matter)
`rmdir /q /s $log_dir 2>&1`; # (ignore failures, they don't matter)
mkdir $temp_trunk or die $!;
mkdir $log_dir or die $!;
# Capture all output
open STDOUT, '>', "$log_dir\\build_stdout.txt";
open STDERR, '>', "$log_dir\\build_stderr.txt";
open BUILDLOG, '>', "$log_dir\\buildlog.txt" or die $!;
add_to_buildlog("Starting build");
chdir $svn_trunk or die $!;
# Copy all the necessary files into the temporary working area
# For some directories, do a real copy
for (qw(build source libraries))
add_to_buildlog("xcopying $_");
`xcopy /e $svn_trunk\\$_ $temp_trunk\\$_\\ 2>&1`;
die "xcopy $_: $?" if $?;
# # For other directories (which we're only going to read), do a 'junction' (like a symbolic link) because it's faster
# #
# # Actually don't, because it's easier to not have to install the junction tool
# for (qw(source libraries))
# {
# `$junction $temp_trunk\\$_ $svn_trunk\\$_`;
# die "junction $_: $?" if $?;
# }
# Store the SVN revision identifier in a file, so it can be embedded into the .exe
my $rev = `svnversion -n $svn_trunk`;
die "svnversion: $?" if $?;
add_to_buildlog("SVN revision $rev");
open my $f, '>', "$temp_trunk\\build\\svn_revision\\svn_revision.txt" or die $!;
print $f qq{L"$rev"\n};
# Create the workspace files
my $updateworkspaces_args = '';
$updateworkspaces_args .= ' --atlas' if $build_options->{atlas};
$updateworkspaces_args .= ' --collada' if $build_options->{collada};
add_to_buildlog("Running update-workspaces$updateworkspaces_args");
chdir "$temp_trunk\\build\\workspaces" or die $!;
my $updateworkspaces_output = `update-workspaces.bat$updateworkspaces_args 2>&1`;
die $? if $?;
# Create target directories for built files
mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries" or die $!;
mkdir "$temp_trunk\\binaries\\system" or die $!;
# Do the Release build
add_to_buildlog("Running vcbuild");
my $build_output = `$vcbuild /time /M2 /logfile:$log_dir\\build_vcbuild.txt vc2008\\pyrogenesis.sln "Release|Win32" 2>&1`;
die $? if ($? and $? != 32768);
# Copy the output
add_to_buildlog("Copying generated binaries");
my @binaries = qw(pyrogenesis.exe pyrogenesis.pdb);
push @binaries, 'AtlasUI.dll' if $build_options->{atlas};
push @binaries, 'Collada.dll' if $build_options->{collada};
for (@binaries) {
`copy $temp_trunk\\binaries\\system\\$_ $svn_trunk\\binaries\\system\\`;
die "Failed to copy $_: $?" if $?;
# Commit to SVN
my $commit_binaries = join ' ', map "$svn_trunk\\binaries\\system\\$_", @binaries;
my $svn_output = `svn commit --username $config{svn_username} --password $config{svn_password} $commit_binaries --message "Automated build." 2>&1`;
die $? if $?;
}; # end of eval
if ($@)
warn $@;
# Exit, after copying the current log files over the previous ones
sub quit
my $time_end = time();
my $time_taken = $time_end - $time_start;
add_to_buildlog("Build completed with code $_[0] - took $time_taken seconds.");
sub add_to_buildlog
print BUILDLOG +(gmtime time)."\n$_[0]\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
sub load_conf {
my ($filename) = @_;
open my $f, '<', $filename or die "Failed to open $filename: $!";
my %c;
while (<$f>) {
if (/^(.+?): (.+)/) {
$c{$1} = $2;
return %c;