WhiteTreePaladin fa1dc05de2 New GUI layout
Delete confirmation dialog
Resource bar replaces resource quantity/icon
Selected units are grouped by type regardless of rank
Ranked units use the same icon
"Basic" units are now considered to have the rank of "Basic" for
grouping purposes

This was SVN commit r8180.
2010-09-25 15:22:41 +00:00

171 lines
5.7 KiB

const RESOURCE_ICON_CELL_IDS = {food : 0, wood : 1, stone : 2, metal : 3};
function layoutSelectionMultiple()
// getGUIObjectByName("specific").hidden = true;
// getGUIObjectByName("iconBorder").hidden = true;
// getGUIObjectByName("statsArea").hidden = true;
// getGUIObjectByName("health").hidden = true;
// getGUIObjectByName("stamina").hidden = true;
function layoutSelectionSingle(entState)
getGUIObjectByName("specific").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("iconBorder").hidden = false;
// getGUIObjectByName("sdStatsArea").hidden = false;
if (entState.hitpoints != undefined)
getGUIObjectByName("health").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("health").hidden = true;
var player = Engine.GetPlayerID();
if (entState.player == player || g_DevSettings.controlAll)
if (entState.stamina != undefined)
getGUIObjectByName("stamina").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("stamina").hidden = true;
// Fills out information that most entities have
function displayGeneralInfo(entState, template)
// Get general unit and player data
var specificName = "[font=\"serif-bold-18\"]" + template.name.specific + "[/font]";
var genericName = template.name.generic != template.name.specific? template.name.generic : "";
var civName = getFormalCivName(toTitleCase(g_Players[entState.player].civ));
var playerName = g_Players[entState.player].name;
var playerColor = g_Players[entState.player].color.r + " " + g_Players[entState.player].color.g + " " +
g_Players[entState.player].color.b+ " " + g_Players[entState.player].color.a;
// Rank
getGUIObjectByName("rankIcon").cell_id = getRankIconCellId(entState);
// Hitpoints
var hitpoints = "";
if (entState.hitpoints)
var unitHealthBar = getGUIObjectByName("healthBar");
var healthSize = unitHealthBar.size;
healthSize.rtop = 100-100*Math.max(0, Math.min(1, entState.hitpoints / entState.maxHitpoints));
unitHealthBar.size = healthSize;
hitpoints = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Hitpoints [/font]" + entState.hitpoints + "/" + entState.maxHitpoints;
getGUIObjectByName("health").tooltip = hitpoints;
// Resource stats
var resources = "";
var resourceType = "";
if (entState.resourceSupply)
resources = Math.ceil(+entState.resourceSupply.amount) + "/" + entState.resourceSupply.max;
resourceType = entState.resourceSupply.type["generic"];
var unitResourceBar = getGUIObjectByName("resourceBar");
var resourceSize = unitResourceBar.size;
resourceSize.rtop = 100-100*Math.max(0, Math.min(1, +entState.resourceSupply.amount / entState.resourceSupply.max));
unitResourceBar.size = resourceSize;
var unitResources = getGUIObjectByName("resources");
unitResources.tooltip = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]Resources: [/font]" + resources + " " + resourceType;
if (!entState.hitpoints)
unitResources.size = getGUIObjectByName("health").size;
unitResources.size = getGUIObjectByName("stamina").size;
getGUIObjectByName("resources").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("resources").hidden = true;
// Set Captions
getGUIObjectByName("specific").caption = specificName;
getGUIObjectByName("player").caption = playerName;
getGUIObjectByName("player").textcolor = playerColor;
// Icon image
if (template.icon_sheet && typeof template.icon_cell)
getGUIObjectByName("icon").sprite = template.icon_sheet;
getGUIObjectByName("icon").cell_id = template.icon_cell;
// TODO: we should require all entities to have icons, so this case never occurs
getGUIObjectByName("icon").sprite = "bkFillBlack";
// Tooltips
// getGUIObjectByName("sdSpecific").tooltip = genericName;
getGUIObjectByName("attackIcon").tooltip = damageTypesToText(entState.attack);
getGUIObjectByName("armourIcon").tooltip = damageTypesToText(entState.armour);
getGUIObjectByName("player").tooltip = civName != GAIA? civName : ""; // Don't need civ tooltip for Gaia Player - redundant
getGUIObjectByName("health").tooltip = hitpoints;
// Icon Tooltip
var iconTooltip = "";
if (genericName)
iconTooltip = "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + genericName + "[/font]";
if (template.tooltip)
iconTooltip += "\n[font=\"serif-13\"]" + template.tooltip + "[/font]";
getGUIObjectByName("iconBorder").tooltip = iconTooltip;
// Updates middle entity Selection Details Panel
function updateSelectionDetails()
var detailsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetails");
var commandsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("unitCommands");
var selection = g_Selection.toList();
if (selection.length == 0)
detailsPanel.hidden = true;
commandsPanel.hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("unitSelectionPanel").hidden = true;
/* If the unit has no data (e.g. it was killed), don't try displaying any
data for it. (TODO: it should probably be removed from the selection too;
also need to handle multi-unit selections) */
var entState = GetEntityState(selection[0]);
if (!entState)
// Choose the highest ranked version of the primary selection
// Different selection details are shown based on whether multiple units or a single unit is selected
if (selection.length > 1)
var template = GetTemplateData(entState.template);
// Fill out general info and display it
displayGeneralInfo(entState, template); // must come after layout functions
// Show Panels
detailsPanel.hidden = false;
// Fill out commands panel for specific unit selected (or first unit of primary group)
updateUnitCommands(entState, commandsPanel, selection);