Ykkrosh 8a0cbe009a Stop the AI wasting time chasing after any animals except chickens.
Make the AI behave better when it can't find any viable food sources.

This was SVN commit r9046.
2011-03-08 01:40:44 +00:00

313 lines
7.7 KiB

var EntityTemplate = Class({
_init: function(template)
this._template = template;
rank: function() {
if (!this._template.Identity)
return undefined;
return this._template.Identity.Rank;
classes: function() {
if (!this._template.Identity || !this._template.Identity.Classes)
return undefined;
return this._template.Identity.Classes._string.split(/\s+/);
hasClass: function(name) {
var classes = this.classes();
return (classes && classes.indexOf(name) != -1);
civ: function() {
if (!this._template.Identity)
return undefined;
return this._template.Identity.Civ;
cost: function() {
if (!this._template.Cost)
return undefined;
var ret = {};
for (var type in this._template.Cost.Resources)
ret[type] = +this._template.Cost.Resources[type];
return ret;
* Returns the radius of a circle surrounding this entity's
* obstruction shape, or undefined if no obstruction.
obstructionRadius: function() {
if (!this._template.Obstruction)
return undefined;
if (this._template.Obstruction.Static)
var w = +this._template.Obstruction.Static["@width"];
var h = +this._template.Obstruction.Static["@depth"];
return Math.sqrt(w*w + h*h) / 2;
if (this._template.Obstruction.Unit)
return +this._template.Obstruction.Unit["@radius"];
return 0; // this should never happen
maxHitpoints: function() { return this._template.Health.Max; },
isHealable: function() { return this._template.Health.Healable === "true"; },
isRepairable: function() { return this._template.Health.Repairable === "true"; },
// TODO: attack, armour
buildableEntities: function() {
if (!this._template.Builder)
return undefined;
var civ = this.civ();
var templates = this._template.Builder.Entities._string.replace(/\{civ\}/g, civ).split(/\s+/);
return templates; // TODO: map to Entity?
trainableEntities: function() {
if (!this._template.TrainingQueue)
return undefined;
var civ = this.civ();
var templates = this._template.TrainingQueue.Entities._string.replace(/\{civ\}/g, civ).split(/\s+/);
return templates;
resourceSupplyType: function() {
if (!this._template.ResourceSupply)
return undefined;
var [type, subtype] = this._template.ResourceSupply.Type.split('.');
return { "generic": type, "specific": subtype };
resourceSupplyMax: function() {
if (!this._template.ResourceSupply)
return undefined;
return +this._template.ResourceSupply.Amount;
resourceGatherRates: function() {
if (!this._template.ResourceGatherer)
return undefined;
var ret = {};
for (var r in this._template.ResourceGatherer.Rates)
ret[r] = this._template.ResourceGatherer.Rates[r] * this._template.ResourceGatherer.BaseSpeed;
return ret;
resourceDropsiteTypes: function() {
if (!this._template.ResourceDropsite)
return undefined;
return this._template.ResourceDropsite.Types.split(/\s+/);
garrisonableClasses: function() {
if (!this._template.GarrisonHolder)
return undefined;
return this._template.GarrisonHolder.List._string.split(/\s+/);
* Returns whether this is an animal that is too difficult to hunt.
* (Currently this just includes skittish animals, which are probably
* too fast to chase.)
isUnhuntable: function() {
if (!this._template.UnitAI || !this._template.UnitAI.NaturalBehaviour)
return false;
// return (this._template.UnitAI.NaturalBehaviour == "skittish");
// Actually, since the AI is currently rubbish at hunting, skip all animals
// that aren't really weak:
return this._template.Health.Max >= 10;
var Entity = Class({
_super: EntityTemplate,
_init: function(baseAI, entity)
this._super.call(this, baseAI.GetTemplate(entity.template));
this._ai = baseAI;
this._templateName = entity.template;
this._entity = entity;
toString: function() {
return "[Entity " + this.id() + " " + this.templateName() + "]";
id: function() {
return this._entity.id;
templateName: function() {
return this._templateName;
* Returns extra data that the AI scripts have associated with this entity,
* for arbitrary local annotations.
* (This data is not shared with any other AI scripts.)
getMetadata: function(id) {
var metadata = this._ai._entityMetadata[this.id()];
if (!metadata || !(id in metadata))
return undefined;
return metadata[id];
* Sets extra data to be associated with this entity.
setMetadata: function(id, value) {
var metadata = this._ai._entityMetadata[this.id()];
if (!metadata)
metadata = this._ai._entityMetadata[this.id()] = {};
metadata[id] = value;
position: function() { return this._entity.position; },
isIdle: function() {
if (typeof this._entity.idle === "undefined")
return undefined;
return this._entity.idle;
hitpoints: function() { return this._entity.hitpoints; },
isHurt: function() { return this.hitpoints < this.maxHitpoints; },
needsHeal: function() { return this.isHurt && this.isHealable; },
needsRepair: function() { return this.isHurt && this.isRepairable; },
* Returns the current training queue state, of the form
* [ { "id": 0, "template": "...", "count": 1, "progress": 0.5, "metadata": ... }, ... ]
trainingQueue: function() {
var queue = this._entity.trainingQueue;
return queue;
trainingQueueTime: function() {
var queue = this._entity.trainingQueue;
if (!queue)
return undefined;
// TODO: compute total time for units in training queue
return queue.length;
foundationProgress: function() {
if (typeof this._entity.foundationProgress === "undefined")
return undefined;
return this._entity.foundationProgress;
owner: function() {
return this._entity.owner;
isOwn: function() {
if (typeof this._entity.owner === "undefined")
return false;
return this._entity.owner === this._ai._player;
isFriendly: function() {
return this.isOwn(); // TODO: diplomacy
isEnemy: function() {
return !this.isOwn(); // TODO: diplomacy
resourceSupplyAmount: function() { return this._entity.resourceSupplyAmount; },
resourceCarrying: function() { return this._entity.resourceCarrying; },
garrisoned: function() { return new EntityCollection(this._ai, this._entity.garrisoned); },
// TODO: visibility
move: function(x, z) {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "walk", "entities": [this.id()], "x": x, "z": z, "queued": false});
return this;
gather: function(target) {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "gather", "entities": [this.id()], "target": target.id(), "queued": false});
return this;
repair: function(target) {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "repair", "entities": [this.id()], "target": target.id(), "queued": false});
return this;
destroy: function() {
Engine.PostCommand({"type": "delete-entities", "entities": [this.id()]});
return this;
train: function(type, count, metadata)
var trainable = this.trainableEntities();
if (!trainable)
error("Called train("+type+", "+count+") on non-training entity "+this);
return this;
if (trainable.indexOf(type) === -1)
error("Called train("+type+", "+count+") on entity "+this+" which can't train that");
return this;
"type": "train",
"entity": this.id(),
"template": type,
"count": count,
"metadata": metadata
return this;
construct: function(template, x, z, angle) {
// TODO: verify this unit can construct this, just for internal
// sanity-checking and error reporting
"type": "construct",
"entities": [this.id()],
"template": template,
"x": x,
"z": z,
"angle": angle,
"autorepair": false,
"autocontinue": false,
"queued": false
return this;