
563 lines
23 KiB
Executable File

// directly imported from Marilyn, with slight modifications to work with qBot.
function Defence(){
this.defenceRatio = 1.8; // How many defenders we want per attacker. Need to balance fewer losses vs. lost economy
// note: the choice should be a no-brainer most of the time: better deflect the attack.
this.totalAttackNb = 0; // used for attack IDs
this.attacks = [];
this.toKill = [];
// keeps a list of targeted enemy at instant T
this.attackerCache = {};
this.listOfEnemies = {};
this.listedEnemyCollection = null; // entity collection of this.listOfEnemies
// boolean 0/1 that's for optimization
this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator = 0;
// this is a list of units to kill. They should be gaia animals, or lonely units. Works the same as listOfEnemies, ie an entityColelction which I'll have to cleanup
this.listOfWantedUnits = {};
this.WantedUnitsAttacker = {}; // same as attackerCache.
this.defenders = null;
this.idleDefs = null;
// DO NOTE: the Defence manager, when it calls for Defence, makes the military manager go into "Defence mode"... This makes it not update any plan that's started or not.
// This allows the Defence manager to take units from the plans for Defence.
// Defcon levels
// 5: no danger whatsoever detected
// 4: a few enemy units are being dealt with, but nothing too dangerous.
// 3: A reasonnably sized enemy army is being dealt with, but it should not be a problem.
// 2: A big enemy army is in the base, but we are not outnumbered
// 1: Huge army in the base, outnumbering us.
Defence.prototype.update = function(gameState, events, militaryManager){
Engine.ProfileStart("Defence Manager");
// a litlle cache-ing
if (!this.idleDefs) {
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byMetadata("role", "defence"), Filters.isIdle());
this.idleDefs = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
if (!this.defenders) {
var filter = Filters.byMetadata("role", "defence");
this.defenders = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
if (!this.listedEnemyCollection) {
var filter = Filters.byMetadata("listed-enemy", true);
this.listedEnemyCollection = gameState.getEnemyEntities().filter(filter);
this.myBuildings = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("Structure")).toEntityArray();
this.myUnits = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(Filters.byClass("Unit"));
this.territoryMap = Map.createTerritoryMap(gameState); // used by many func
// First step: we deal with enemy armies, those are the highest priority.
this.defendFromEnemyArmies(gameState, events, militaryManager);
// second step: we loop through messages, and sort things as needed (dangerous buildings, attack by animals, ships, lone units, whatever).
// putting unneeded units at rest
this.idleDefs.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("formerrole"))
ent.setMetadata("role", ent.getMetadata("formerrole") );
ent.setMetadata("role", "worker");
ent.setMetadata("subrole", undefined);
// returns armies that are still seen as dangerous (in the LOS of any of my buildings for now)
Defence.prototype.reevaluateDangerousArmies = function(gameState, armies) {
var stillDangerousArmies = {};
for (i in armies) {
var pos = armies[i].getCentrePosition();
if (armies[i].getCentrePosition() && +this.territoryMap.point(armies[i].getCentrePosition()) - 64 === +gameState.player) {
stillDangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
for (o in this.myBuildings) {
// if the armies out of my buildings LOS (with a little more, because we're cheating right now and big armies could go undetected)
if (inRange(pos, this.myBuildings[o].position(),this.myBuildings[o].visionRange()*this.myBuildings[o].visionRange() + 2500)) {
stillDangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
return stillDangerousArmies;
// returns armies we now see as dangerous, ie in my territory
Defence.prototype.evaluateArmies = function(gameState, armies) {
var DangerousArmies = {};
for (i in armies) {
if (armies[i].getCentrePosition() && +this.territoryMap.point(armies[i].getCentrePosition()) - 64 === +gameState.player) {
DangerousArmies[i] = armies[i];
return DangerousArmies;
// This deals with incoming enemy armies, setting the defcon if needed. It will take new soldiers, and assign them to attack
// it's still a fair share of dumb, so TODO improve
Defence.prototype.defendFromEnemyArmies = function(gameState, events, militaryManager) {
// The enemy Watchers keep a list of armies. This class here tells them if an army is dangerous, and they manage the merging/splitting/disbanding.
// With this system, we can get any dangerous armies. Thus, we can know where the danger is, and react.
// So Defence deals with attacks from animals too (which aren't watched).
// The attackrs here are dealt with on a per unit basis.
// We keep a list of idle defenders. For any new attacker, we'll check if we have any idle defender available, and if not, we assign available units.
// At the end of each turn, if we still have idle defenders, we either assign them to neighboring units, or we release them.
var dangerArmies = {};
this.enemyUnits = {};
// for now armies are never seen as "no longer dangerous"... TODO
for (enemyID in militaryManager.enemyWatchers) {
this.enemyUnits[enemyID] = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getAllEnemySoldiers();
var dangerousArmies = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getDangerousArmies();
// we check if all the dangerous armies are still dangerous.
var newDangerArmies = this.reevaluateDangerousArmies(gameState,dangerousArmies);
var safeArmies = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[enemyID].getSafeArmies();
// we check not dangerous armies, to see if they suddenly became dangerous
var unsafeArmies = this.evaluateArmies(gameState,safeArmies);
for (i in unsafeArmies)
newDangerArmies[i] = unsafeArmies[i];
// and any dangerous armies we push in "dangerArmies"
for (o in newDangerArmies)
for (i in newDangerArmies)
dangerArmies[i] = newDangerArmies[i];
var self = this;
var nbOfAttackers = 0;
var newEnemies = [];
// clean up before adding new units (slight speeding up, since new units can't already be dead)
for (i in this.listOfEnemies) {
if (this.listOfEnemies[i].length === 0) {
// if we had defined the attackerCache, ie if we had tried to attack this unit.
if (this.attackerCache[i] !== undefined) {
this.attackerCache[i].forEach(function(ent) { ent.stopMoving(); });
delete this.attackerCache[i];
delete this.listOfEnemies[i];
} else {
var unit = this.listOfEnemies[i].toEntityArray()[0];
var enemyWatcher = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[unit.owner()];
if (enemyWatcher.isPartOfDangerousArmy(unit.id())) {
if (this.attackerCache[unit.id()].length == 0) {
} else {
// if we had defined the attackerCache, ie if we had tried to attack this unit.
if (this.attackerCache[unit.id()] != undefined) {
this.attackerCache[unit.id()].forEach(function(ent) { ent.stopMoving(); });
delete this.attackerCache[unit.id()];
delete this.listOfEnemies[unit.id()];
// okay so now, for every dangerous armies, we loop.
for (armyID in dangerArmies) {
// looping through army units
dangerArmies[armyID].forEach(function(ent) {
// do we have already registered an entityCollection for it?
if (self.listOfEnemies[ent.id()] === undefined) {
// no, we register a new entity collection in listOfEnemies, listing exactly one unit as long as it remains alive and owned by my enemy.
// can't be bothered to recode everything
var owner = ent.owner();
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(owner),Filters.byID(ent.id()));
self.listOfEnemies[ent.id()] = self.enemyUnits[owner].filter(filter);
// let's also register an entity collection for units attacking this unit (so we can new if it's attacked)
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(ent.id()));
self.attackerCache[ent.id()] = self.myUnits.filter(filter);
// Reordering attack because the pathfinder is for now not dynamically updated
for (o in this.attackerCache) {
if ((this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator + o) % 2 === 0) {
this.attackerCache[o].forEach(function (ent) {
this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator = this.attackerCacheLoopIndicator % 2;
if (nbOfAttackers === 0) {
// If I'm here, I have a list of enemy units, and a list of my units attacking it (in absolute terms, I could use a list of any unit attacking it).
// now I'll list my idle defenders, then my idle soldiers that could defend.
// and then I'll assign my units.
// and then rock on.
if (nbOfAttackers < 10){
gameState.setDefcon(4); // few local units
} else if (nbOfAttackers >= 10){
// we're having too many.
if (this.myUnits.filter(Filters.byMetadata("role","defence")).length > nbOfAttackers*this.defenceRatio*1.3) {
this.myUnits.filter(Filters.byMetadata("role","defence")).forEach(function (defender) { //}){
if (defender.unitAIOrderData() && defender.unitAIOrderData()["target"]) {
if (self.attackerCache[defender.unitAIOrderData()["target"]].length > 3) {
// okay release me.
if (defender.getMetadata("formerrole"))
defender.setMetadata("role", defender.getMetadata("formerrole") );
defender.setMetadata("role", "worker");
defender.setMetadata("subrole", undefined);
var nonDefenders = this.myUnits.filter(Filters.or(Filters.not(Filters.byMetadata("role","defence")),Filters.isIdle()));
nonDefenders = nonDefenders.filter(Filters.not(Filters.byClass("Female")));
nonDefenders = nonDefenders.filter(Filters.not(Filters.byMetadata("subrole","attacking")));
var defenceRatio = this.defenceRatio;
if (newEnemies.length * defenceRatio > nonDefenders.length) {
defenceRatio = 1;
// For each enemy, we'll pick two units.
for each (enemy in newEnemies) {
if (nonDefenders.length === 0)
// garrisoned.
if (enemy.position() === undefined)
var assigned = self.attackerCache[enemy.id()].length;
if (assigned >= defenceRatio)
// let's check for a counter.
//debug ("Enemy is a " + uneval(enemy._template.Identity.Classes._string) );
var potCounters = gameState.ai.templateManager.getCountersToClasses(gameState,enemy.classes(),enemy.templateName());
//debug ("Counters are" +uneval(potCounters));
var counters = [];
for (o in potCounters) {
var counter = nonDefenders.filter(Filters.and(Filters.byType(potCounters[o][0]), Filters.byStaticDistance(enemy.position(), 150) )).toEntityArray();
if (counter.length !== 0)
for (unit in counter)
//debug ("I have " +counters.length +"countering units");
for (var i = 0; i < defenceRatio && i < counters.length; i++) {
if (counters[i].getMetadata("plan") !== undefined)
if (counters[i].getMetadata("role") == "worker" || counters[i].getMetadata("role") == "attack")
counters[i].setMetadata("formerrole", counters[i].getMetadata("role"));
//debug ("Sending a " +counters[i].templateName() +" to counter a " + enemy.templateName());
if (assigned !== defenceRatio) {
// take closest units
nonDefenders.filter(Filters.byClass("CitizenSoldier")).filterNearest(enemy.position(),defenceRatio-assigned).forEach(function (defender) { //}){
if (defender.getMetadata("plan") !== undefined)
if (defender.getMetadata("role") == "worker" || defender.getMetadata("role") == "attack")
defender.setMetadata("formerrole", defender.getMetadata("role"));
// yes. We'll pick new units (pretty randomly for now, todo)
// first from attack plans, then from workers.
var newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntities().filter(function (ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("plan") != undefined && ent.getMetadata("role") != "defence")
return true;
return false;
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (ent.getMetadata("subrole","attacking")) // gone with the wind to avenge their brothers.
if (nbOfAttackers <= 0)
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", ent.getMetadata("role"));
if (nbOfAttackers > 0) {
newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
if (nbOfAttackers <= 0)
// If we're not female, we attack
// and if we're not already assigned from above (might happen, not sure, rather be cautious)
if (ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier") && ent.getMetadata("subrole") != "newdefender") {
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", "worker");
// okay
newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("subrole","newdefender");
// we're okay, but there's a big amount of units
// todo: check against total number of soldiers
if (nbOfAttackers <= 0 && newSoldiers.length > 35)
else if (nbOfAttackers > 0) {
// we are actually lacking units
// TODO. For now, each unit will pick the closest unit that is attacked by only one/zero guy, or any if there is none.
// ought to regroup them first for optimization.
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) { //}) {
var enemies = self.listedEnemyCollection.filterNearest(ent.position()).toEntityArray();
var target = -1;
var secondaryTarget = enemies[0]; // second best pick
for (o in enemies) {
var enemy = enemies[o];
if (self.attackerCache[enemy.id()].length < 2) {
target = +enemy.id();
// this processes the attackmessages
// So that a unit that gets attacked will not be completely dumb.
// warning: huge levels of indentation coming.
Defence.prototype.MessageProcess = function(gameState,events, militaryManager) {
for (var key in events){
var e = events[key];
if (e.type === "Attacked" && e.msg){
if (gameState.isEntityOwn(gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.target))) {
var attacker = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.attacker);
var ourUnit = gameState.getEntityById(e.msg.target);
// the attacker must not be already dead, and it must not be me (think catapults that miss).
if (attacker !== undefined && attacker.owner() !== gameState.player && attacker.position() !== undefined) {
// note: our unit can already by dead by now... We'll then have to rely on the enemy to react.
// if we're not on enemy territory
var territory = +this.territoryMap.point(attacker.position()) - 64;
// we do not consider units that are defenders, and we do not consider units that are part of an attacking attack plan
// (attacking attacking plans are dealing with threats on their own).
if (ourUnit !== undefined && (ourUnit.getMetadata("role") == "defence" || ourUnit.getMetadata("subrole") == "attacking"))
// let's check for animals
if (attacker.owner() == 0) {
// if our unit is still alive, we make it react
// in this case we attack.
if (ourUnit !== undefined) {
if (ourUnit.hasClass("Unit") && !ourUnit.hasClass("Support"))
else {
// anyway we'll register the animal as dangerous, and attack it.
var filter = Filters.byID(attacker.id());
this.listOfWantedUnits[attacker.id()] = gameState.getEntities().filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(attacker.id()));
this.WantedUnitsAttacker[attacker.id()] = this.myUnits.filter(filter);
} else if (territory != attacker.owner()) { // preliminary check: attacks in enemy territory are not counted as attacks
// Also TODO: this does not differentiate with buildings...
// These ought to be treated differently.
// units in attack plans will react independently, but we still list the attacks here.
if (attacker.hasClass("Structure")) {
// todo: we ultimately have to check wether it's a danger point or an isolated area, and if it's a danger point, mark it as so.
} else {
// TODO: right now a soldier always retaliate... Perhaps it should be set in "Defence" mode.
if (!attacker.hasClass("Female") && !attacker.hasClass("Ship")) {
// This unit is dangerous. We'll ask the enemy manager if it's part of a big army, in which case we'll list it as dangerous (so it'll be treated next turn by the other manager)
// If it's not part of a big army, depending on our priority we may want to kill it (using the same things as animals for that)
// TODO (perhaps not any more, but let's mark it anyway)
var army = militaryManager.enemyWatchers[attacker.owner()].getArmyFromMember(attacker.id());
if (army !== undefined && army[1].length > 5) {
} else if (army !== undefined && !militaryManager.enemyWatchers[attacker.owner()].isDangerous(army[0])) {
// we register this unit as wanted, TODO register the whole army
// another function will deal with it.
var filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(attacker.owner()),Filters.byID(attacker.id()));
this.listOfWantedUnits[attacker.id()] = this.enemyUnits[attacker.owner()].filter(filter);
filter = Filters.and(Filters.byOwner(gameState.player),Filters.byTargetedEntity(attacker.id()));
this.WantedUnitsAttacker[attacker.id()] = this.myUnits.filter(filter);
if (ourUnit && ourUnit.hasClass("Unit")) {
if (ourUnit.hasClass("Support")) {
// TODO: it's a villager. Garrison it.
// TODO: make other neighboring villagers garrison
// Right now we'll flee from the attacker.
} else {
// It's a soldier. Right now we'll retaliate
// TODO: check for stronger units against this type, check for fleeing options, etc.
// At most, this will put defcon to 4
Defence.prototype.DealWithWantedUnits = function(gameState, events, militaryManager) {
//if (gameState.defcon() < 3)
// return;
var self = this;
var nbOfAttackers = 0;
var nbOfDealtWith = 0;
// clean up before adding new units (slight speeding up, since new units can't already be dead)
for (i in this.listOfWantedUnits) {
if (this.listOfWantedUnits[i].length === 0 || this.listOfEnemies[i] !== undefined) { // unit died/was converted/is already dealt with as part of an army
delete this.WantedUnitsAttacker[i];
delete this.listOfWantedUnits[i];
} else {
if (this.WantedUnitsAttacker[i].length > 0)
// note: we can deal with units the way we want because anyway, the Army Defender has already done its task.
// If there are still idle defenders here, it's because they aren't needed.
// I can also call other units: they're not needed.
// Note however that if the defcon level is too high, this won't do anything because it's low priority.
// this also won't take units from attack managers
if (nbOfAttackers === 0)
// at most, we'll deal with 3 enemies at once.
if (nbOfDealtWith >= 3)
// dynamic properties are not updated nearly fast enough here so a little caching
var addedto = {};
// we send 3 units to each target just to be sure. TODO refine.
// we do not use plan units
this.idleDefs.forEach(function(ent) {
if (nbOfDealtWith < 3 && nbOfAttackers > 0 && ent.getMetadata("plan") == undefined)
for (o in self.listOfWantedUnits) {
if ( (addedto[o] == undefined && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length < 3) || (addedto[o] && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length + addedto[o] < 3)) {
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length === 0)
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", ent.getMetadata("role"));
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "defending");
if (addedto[o])
addedto[o] = 1;
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length == 3)
nbOfAttackers--; // we hav eenough units, mark this one as being OKAY
// still some undealt with attackers, recruit citizen soldiers
if (nbOfAttackers > 0 && nbOfDealtWith < 2) {
var newSoldiers = gameState.getOwnEntitiesByRole("worker");
newSoldiers.forEach(function(ent) {
// If we're not female, we attack
if (ent.hasClass("CitizenSoldier"))
if (nbOfDealtWith < 3 && nbOfAttackers > 0)
for (o in self.listOfWantedUnits) {
if ( (addedto[o] == undefined && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length < 3) || (addedto[o] && self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length + addedto[o] < 3)) {
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length === 0)
ent.setMetadata("formerrole", ent.getMetadata("role"));
ent.setMetadata("subrole", "defending");
if (addedto[o])
addedto[o] = 1;
if (self.WantedUnitsAttacker[o].length == 3)
nbOfAttackers--; // we hav eenough units, mark this one as being OKAY