Ykkrosh b1b96a89d6 Fix culling for shadows and reflections.
Previously we had a single culling frustum based on the main camera, and
any object outside the frustum would never get rendered, even if it
should actually contribute to shadows or reflections/refractions. This
caused ugly pop-in effects in the shadows and reflections while

Extend the renderer to support multiple cull groups, each with a
separate frustum and with separate lists of submitted objects, so that
shadows and reflections will render the correctly culled sets of

Update the shadow map generation to compute the (hopefully) correct
bounds and matrices for this new scheme.

Include terrain patches in the shadow bounds, so hills can cast shadows

Remove the code that tried to render objects slightly outside the camera
frustum in order to reduce the pop-in effect, since that was a
workaround for the lack of a proper fix.

Remove the model/patch filtering code, which was used to cull objects
that were in the normal camera frustum but should be excluded from
reflections/refractions, since that's redundant now too.

Inline DistanceToPlane to save a few hundred usecs per frame inside

Fixes #504, #579.

This was SVN commit r15445.
2014-06-25 01:11:10 +00:00

491 lines
16 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Implementation of CBrush, a class representing a convex object
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "Brush.h"
#include "BoundingBoxAligned.h"
#include "graphics/Frustum.h"
// Convert the given bounds into a brush
CBrush::CBrush(const CBoundingBoxAligned& bounds)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
m_Vertices[i][0] = bounds[(i & 1) ? 1 : 0][0]; // X
m_Vertices[i][1] = bounds[(i & 2) ? 1 : 0][1]; // Y
m_Vertices[i][2] = bounds[(i & 4) ? 1 : 0][2]; // Z
// construct cube face indices, 5 vertex indices per face (start vertex included twice)
m_Faces[0] = 0; m_Faces[1] = 1; m_Faces[2] = 3; m_Faces[3] = 2; m_Faces[4] = 0; // Z = min
m_Faces[5] = 4; m_Faces[6] = 5; m_Faces[7] = 7; m_Faces[8] = 6; m_Faces[9] = 4; // Z = max
m_Faces[10] = 0; m_Faces[11] = 2; m_Faces[12] = 6; m_Faces[13] = 4; m_Faces[14] = 0; // X = min
m_Faces[15] = 1; m_Faces[16] = 3; m_Faces[17] = 7; m_Faces[18] = 5; m_Faces[19] = 1; // X = max
m_Faces[20] = 0; m_Faces[21] = 1; m_Faces[22] = 5; m_Faces[23] = 4; m_Faces[24] = 0; // Y = min
m_Faces[25] = 2; m_Faces[26] = 3; m_Faces[27] = 7; m_Faces[28] = 6; m_Faces[29] = 2; // Y = max
// Calculate bounds of this brush
void CBrush::Bounds(CBoundingBoxAligned& result) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); ++i)
result += m_Vertices[i];
// Cut the brush according to a given plane
/// Holds information about what happens to a single vertex in a brush during a slicing operation.
struct SliceOpVertexInfo
float planeDist; ///< Signed distance from this vertex to the slicing plane.
size_t resIdx; ///< Index of this vertex in the resulting brush (or NO_VERTEX if cut away)
/// Holds information about a newly introduced vertex on an edge in a brush as the result of a slicing operation.
struct SliceOpNewVertexInfo
/// Indices of adjacent edge vertices in original brush
size_t edgeIdx1, edgeIdx2;
/// Index of newly introduced vertex in resulting brush
size_t resIdx;
* Index into SliceOpInfo.nvInfo; hold the indices of this new vertex's direct neighbours in the slicing plane face,
* with no consistent winding direction around the face for either field (e.g., the neighb1 of X can point back to
* X with either its neighb1 or neighb2).
size_t neighbIdx1, neighbIdx2;
/// Holds support information during a CBrush/CPlane slicing operation.
struct SliceOpInfo
CBrush* result;
const CBrush* original;
* Holds information about what happens to each vertex in the original brush after the slice operation.
* Same size as m_Vertices of the brush getting sliced.
std::vector<SliceOpVertexInfo> ovInfo;
/// Holds information about newly inserted vertices during a slice operation.
std::vector<SliceOpNewVertexInfo> nvInfo;
* Indices into nvInfo; during the execution of the slicing algorithm, holds the previously inserted new vertex on
* one of the edges of the face that's currently being evaluated for slice points, or NO_VERTEX if no such vertex
* exists.
size_t thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
struct CBrush::Helper
* Creates a new vertex between the given two vertices (indexed into the original brush).
* Returns the index of the new vertex in the resulting brush.
static size_t SliceNewVertex(SliceOpInfo& sliceInfo, size_t v1, size_t v2);
size_t CBrush::Helper::SliceNewVertex(SliceOpInfo& sliceOp, size_t edgeIdx1, size_t edgeIdx2)
// check if a new vertex has already been inserted on this edge
size_t idx;
for(idx = 0; idx < sliceOp.nvInfo.size(); ++idx)
if ((sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx1 && sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx2 == edgeIdx2) ||
(sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx2 && sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx2 == edgeIdx1))
if (idx >= sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
// no previously inserted new vertex found on this edge; insert a new one
SliceOpNewVertexInfo nvi;
CVector3D newPos;
// interpolate between the two vertices based on their distance from the plane
float inv = 1.0 / (sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx1].planeDist - sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx2].planeDist);
newPos = sliceOp.original->m_Vertices[edgeIdx2] * ( sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx1].planeDist * inv) +
sliceOp.original->m_Vertices[edgeIdx1] * (-sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx2].planeDist * inv);
nvi.edgeIdx1 = edgeIdx1;
nvi.edgeIdx2 = edgeIdx2;
nvi.resIdx = sliceOp.result->m_Vertices.size();
nvi.neighbIdx1 = NO_VERTEX;
nvi.neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// at this point, 'idx' is the index into nvInfo of the vertex inserted onto the edge
if (sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// a vertex has been previously inserted onto another edge of this face; link them together as neighbours
// (using whichever one of the neighbIdx1 or -2 links is still available)
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx1 == NO_VERTEX)
sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx1 = idx;
sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx2 = idx;
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 == NO_VERTEX)
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 = sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
// a plane should slice a face only in two locations, so reset for the next face
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = NO_VERTEX;
// store the index of the inserted vertex on this edge, so that we can retrieve it when the plane slices
// this face again in another edge
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = idx;
return sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].resIdx;
void CBrush::Slice(const CPlane& plane, CBrush& result) const
ENSURE(&result != this);
SliceOpInfo sliceOp;
sliceOp.original = this;
sliceOp.result = &result;
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = NO_VERTEX;
sliceOp.nvInfo.reserve(m_Vertices.size() / 2);
result.m_Vertices.resize(0); // clear any left-overs
result.m_Vertices.reserve(m_Vertices.size() + 2);
result.m_Faces.reserve(m_Faces.size() + 5);
// Copy vertices that weren't sliced away by the plane to the resulting brush.
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); ++i)
const CVector3D& vtx = m_Vertices[i]; // current vertex
SliceOpVertexInfo& vtxInfo = sliceOp.ovInfo[i]; // slicing operation info about current vertex
vtxInfo.planeDist = plane.DistanceToPlane(vtx);
if (vtxInfo.planeDist >= 0.0)
// positive side of the plane; not sliced away
vtxInfo.resIdx = result.m_Vertices.size();
// other side of the plane; sliced away
vtxInfo.resIdx = NO_VERTEX;
// Transfer faces. (Recall how faces are specified; see CBrush::m_Faces). The idea is to examine each face separately,
// and see where its edges cross the slicing plane (meaning that exactly one of the vertices of that edge was cut away).
// On those edges, new vertices are introduced where the edge intersects the plane, and the resulting brush's m_Faces
// array is updated to refer to the newly inserted vertices instead of the original one that got cut away.
size_t currentFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // index of the first vertex of the current face in the original brush
size_t resultFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // index of the first vertex of the current face in the resulting brush
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Faces.size(); ++i)
if (currentFaceStartIdx == NO_VERTEX)
// starting a new face
ENSURE(sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx == NO_VERTEX);
currentFaceStartIdx = m_Faces[i];
resultFaceStartIdx = result.m_Faces.size();
size_t prevIdx = m_Faces[i-1]; // index of previous vertex in this face list
size_t curIdx = m_Faces[i]; // index of current vertex in this face list
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[prevIdx].resIdx == NO_VERTEX)
// previous face vertex got sliced away by the plane; see if the edge (prev,current) crosses the slicing plane
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[curIdx].resIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// re-entering the front side of the plane; insert vertex on intersection of plane and (prev,current) edge
result.m_Faces.push_back(Helper::SliceNewVertex(sliceOp, prevIdx, curIdx));
// previous face vertex didn't get sliced away; see if the edge (prev,current) crosses the slicing plane
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[curIdx].resIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// perfectly normal edge; doesn't cross the plane
// leaving the front side of the plane; insert vertex on intersection of plane and edge (prev, current)
result.m_Faces.push_back(Helper::SliceNewVertex(sliceOp, prevIdx, curIdx));
// if we're back at the first vertex of the current face, then we've completed the face
if (curIdx == currentFaceStartIdx)
// close the index loop
if (result.m_Faces.size() > resultFaceStartIdx)
currentFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // start a new face
ENSURE(currentFaceStartIdx == NO_VERTEX);
// Create the face that lies in the slicing plane. Remember, all the intersections of the slicing plane with face
// edges of the brush have been stored in sliceOp.nvInfo by the SliceNewVertex function, and refer to their direct
// neighbours in the slicing plane face using the neighbIdx1 and neighbIdx2 fields (in no consistent winding order).
if (sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
// push the starting vertex
// At this point, there is no consistent winding order in the neighbX fields, so at each vertex we need to figure
// out whether neighb1 or neighb2 points 'onwards' along the face, according to an initially chosen winding direction.
// (or, equivalently, which one points back to the one we were just at). At each vertex, we then set neighb1 to be the
// one to point onwards, deleting any pointers which we no longer need to complete the trace.
size_t idx;
size_t prev = 0;
idx = sliceOp.nvInfo[0].neighbIdx2; // pick arbitrary starting direction
sliceOp.nvInfo[0].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
while(idx != 0)
ENSURE(idx < sliceOp.nvInfo.size());
if (idx >= sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 == prev)
// neighb1 is pointing the wrong way; we want to normalize it to point onwards in the direction
// we initially chose, so swap it with neighb2 and delete neighb2 (no longer needed)
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 = sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2;
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// neighb1 isn't pointing to the previous vertex, so neighb2 must be (otherwise a pair of vertices failed to
// get paired properly during face/plane slicing).
ENSURE(sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 == prev);
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// move to next vertex; neighb1 has been normalized to point onward
prev = idx;
idx = sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1;
sliceOp.nvInfo[prev].neighbIdx1 = NO_VERTEX; // no longer needed, we've moved on
// push starting vertex again to close the shape
// Intersect with frustum by repeated slicing
void CBrush::Intersect(const CFrustum& frustum, CBrush& result) const
ENSURE(&result != this);
if (!frustum.GetNumPlanes())
result = *this;
CBrush buf;
const CBrush* prev = this;
CBrush* next;
// Repeatedly slice this brush with each plane of the frustum, alternating between 'result' and 'buf' to
// save intermediate results. Set up the starting brush so that the final version always ends up in 'result'.
if (frustum.GetNumPlanes() & 1)
next = &result;
next = &buf;
for(size_t i = 0; i < frustum.GetNumPlanes(); ++i)
prev->Slice(frustum[i], *next);
prev = next;
if (prev == &buf)
next = &result;
next = &buf;
ENSURE(prev == &result);
std::vector<CVector3D> CBrush::GetVertices() const
return m_Vertices;
void CBrush::GetFaces(std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& out) const
// split the back-to-back faces into separate face vectors, so that they're in a
// user-friendlier format than the back-to-back vertex index array
// i.e. split 'x--xy------yz----z' into 'x--x', 'y-------y', 'z---z'
size_t faceStartIdx = 0;
while (faceStartIdx < m_Faces.size())
// start new face
std::vector<size_t> singleFace;
// step over all the values in the face until we hit the starting value again (which closes the face)
size_t j = faceStartIdx + 1;
while (j < m_Faces.size() && m_Faces[j] != m_Faces[faceStartIdx])
// each face must be closed by the same value that started it
ENSURE(m_Faces[faceStartIdx] == m_Faces[j]);
faceStartIdx = j + 1;
void CBrush::Render(CShaderProgramPtr& shader) const
std::vector<float> data;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > faces;
#define ADD_VERT(a) \
data.push_back(u); \
data.push_back(v); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].X); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Y); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Z); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i)
// Triangulate into (0,1,2), (0,2,3), ...
for (size_t j = 1; j < faces[i].size() - 2; ++j)
float u = 0;
float v = 0;
#undef ADD_VERT
shader->TexCoordPointer(GL_TEXTURE0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[2]);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, data.size() / 5);
void CBrush::RenderOutline(CShaderProgramPtr& shader) const
std::vector<float> data;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > faces;
#define ADD_VERT(a) \
data.push_back(u); \
data.push_back(v); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].X); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Y); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Z); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < faces[i].size() - 1; ++j)
float u = 0;
float v = 0;
#undef ADD_VERT
shader->TexCoordPointer(GL_TEXTURE0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[2]);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, data.size() / 5);