wraitii c1e86161b5 AIs now properly receive aura and technology updates. Fixes #2377, Refs #1520 . Consequently reimplement repairing for AIs.
Fix a few style issues and a bug with the gatherer count.
Still need to fix the entity.js file to handle properly some things as
this uses raw templates values.
Cache the AIinterface in AIProxy.js, please report if this works

This was SVN commit r14588.
2014-01-16 20:32:44 +00:00

461 lines
15 KiB

function TechnologyManager() {}
TechnologyManager.prototype.Schema =
"<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
TechnologyManager.prototype.Serialize = function()
// The modifications cache will be affected by property reads from the GUI and other places so we shouldn't
// serialize it.
var ret = {};
for (var i in this)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(i))
ret[i] = this[i];
ret.modificationCache = {};
return ret;
TechnologyManager.prototype.Init = function ()
var cmpTechTempMan = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TechnologyTemplateManager);
this.allTechs = cmpTechTempMan.GetAllTechs();
this.researchedTechs = {}; // technologies which have been researched
this.researchQueued = {}; // technologies which are queued for research
this.researchStarted = {}; // technologies which are being researched currently (non-queued)
// This stores the modifications to unit stats from researched technologies
// Example data: {"ResourceGatherer/Rates/food.grain": [
// {"multiply": 1.15, "affects": ["Female", "Infantry Swordsman"]},
// {"add": 2}
// ]}
this.modifications = {};
this.modificationCache = {}; // Caches the values after technologies have been applied
// e.g. { "Attack/Melee/Hack" : {5: {"origValue": 8, "newValue": 10}, 7: {"origValue": 9, "newValue": 12}, ...}, ...}
// where 5 and 7 are entity id's
this.typeCounts = {}; // stores the number of entities of each type
this.classCounts = {}; // stores the number of entities of each Class
this.typeCountsByClass = {}; // stores the number of entities of each type for each class i.e.
// {"someClass": {"unit/spearman": 2, "unit/cav": 5} "someOtherClass":...}
// Some technologies are automatically researched when their conditions are met. They have no cost and are
// researched instantly. This allows civ bonuses and more complicated technologies.
this.autoResearchTech = {};
for (var key in this.allTechs)
if (this.allTechs[key].autoResearch || this.allTechs[key].top)
this.autoResearchTech[key] = this.allTechs[key];
TechnologyManager.prototype.OnUpdate = function ()
// This function checks if the requirements of any autoresearch techs are met and if they are it researches them
TechnologyManager.prototype.UpdateAutoResearch = function ()
for (var key in this.autoResearchTech)
if ((this.allTechs[key].autoResearch && this.CanResearch(key))
|| (this.allTechs[key].top && (this.IsTechnologyResearched(this.allTechs[key].top) || this.IsTechnologyResearched(this.allTechs[key].bottom))))
delete this.autoResearchTech[key];
return; // We will have recursively handled any knock-on effects so can just return
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechnologyTemplate = function (tech)
return this.allTechs[tech];
// Checks an entity template to see if its technology requirements have been met
TechnologyManager.prototype.CanProduce = function (templateName)
var cmpTempManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTempManager.GetTemplate(templateName);
if (template.Identity && template.Identity.RequiredTechnology)
return this.IsTechnologyResearched(template.Identity.RequiredTechnology);
return true; // If there is no required technology then this entity can be produced
TechnologyManager.prototype.IsTechnologyResearched = function (tech)
return (this.researchedTechs[tech] !== undefined);
// Checks the requirements for a technology to see if it can be researched at the current time
TechnologyManager.prototype.CanResearch = function (tech)
var template = this.GetTechnologyTemplate(tech);
if (!template)
warn("Technology \"" + tech + "\" does not exist");
return false;
// The technology which this technology supersedes is required
if (template.supersedes && !this.IsTechnologyResearched(template.supersedes))
return false;
if (template.top && this.IsInProgress(template.top) ||
template.bottom && this.IsInProgress(template.bottom))
return false;
if (template.pair && !this.CanResearch(template.pair))
return false;
if (this.IsInProgress(tech))
return false;
return this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(template.requirements);
// Private function for checking a set of requirements is met
TechnologyManager.prototype.CheckTechnologyRequirements = function (reqs)
// If there are no requirements then all requirements are met
if (!reqs)
return true;
if (reqs.tech)
return this.IsTechnologyResearched(reqs.tech);
else if (reqs.all)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.all.length; i++)
if (!this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(reqs.all[i]))
return false;
return true;
else if (reqs.any)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.any.length; i++)
if (this.CheckTechnologyRequirements(reqs.any[i]))
return true;
return false;
else if (reqs.class)
if (reqs.numberOfTypes)
if (this.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class])
return (reqs.numberOfTypes <= Object.keys(this.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class]).length);
return false;
else if (reqs.number)
if (this.classCounts[reqs.class])
return (reqs.number <= this.classCounts[reqs.class]);
return false;
else if (reqs.civ)
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
if (cmpPlayer && cmpPlayer.GetCiv() == reqs.civ)
return true;
return false;
// The technologies requirements are not a recognised format
error("Bad requirements " + uneval(reqs));
return false;
TechnologyManager.prototype.OnGlobalOwnershipChanged = function (msg)
// This automatically updates typeCounts, classCounts and typeCountsByClass
var playerID = (Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player)).GetPlayerID();
if (msg.to == playerID)
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
this.typeCounts[template] = this.typeCounts[template] || 0;
this.typeCounts[template] += 1;
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity);
if (!cmpIdentity)
var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
// don't use foundations for the class counts but check if techs apply (e.g. health increase)
if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
for (var i in classes)
this.classCounts[classes[i]] = this.classCounts[classes[i]] || 0;
this.classCounts[classes[i]] += 1;
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]] = this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]] || {};
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] = this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] || 0;
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] += 1;
// Newly created entity, check if any researched techs might apply
// (only do this for new entities because even if an entity is converted or captured,
// we want it to maintain whatever technologies previously applied)
if (msg.from == -1)
var modifiedComponents = {};
for (var name in this.modifications)
// We only need to find one one tech per component for a match
var modifications = this.modifications[name];
var component = name.split("/")[0];
for (var i in modifications)
if (DoesModificationApply(modifications[i], classes))
if (!modifiedComponents[component])
modifiedComponents[component] = [];
// Send mesage(s) to the entity so it knows about researched techs
for (var component in modifiedComponents)
Engine.PostMessage(msg.entity, MT_ValueModification, { "entities": [msg.entity], "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component] });
if (msg.from == playerID)
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var template = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(msg.entity);
this.typeCounts[template] -= 1;
if (this.typeCounts[template] <= 0)
delete this.typeCounts[template];
// don't use foundations for the class counts
if (!Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Foundation))
var cmpIdentity = Engine.QueryInterface(msg.entity, IID_Identity);
if (cmpIdentity)
var classes = cmpIdentity.GetClassesList();
for (var i in classes)
this.classCounts[classes[i]] -= 1;
if (this.classCounts[classes[i]] <= 0)
delete this.classCounts[classes[i]];
this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] -= 1;
if (this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template] <= 0)
delete this.typeCountsByClass[classes[i]][template];
// Marks a technology as researched. Note that this does not verify that the requirements are met.
TechnologyManager.prototype.ResearchTechnology = function (tech)
this.StoppedResearch(tech); // The tech is no longer being currently researched
var template = this.GetTechnologyTemplate(tech);
if (!template)
error("Tried to research invalid techonology: " + uneval(tech));
var modifiedComponents = {};
this.researchedTechs[tech] = template;
// store the modifications in an easy to access structure
if (template.modifications)
var affects = [];
if (template.affects && template.affects.length > 0)
for (var i in template.affects)
// Put the list of classes into an array for convenient access
// We add an item to this.modifications for every modification in the template.modifications array
for (var i in template.modifications)
var modification = template.modifications[i];
if (!this.modifications[modification.value])
this.modifications[modification.value] = [];
var modAffects = [];
if (modification.affects)
for (var j in modification.affects)
var mod = {"affects": affects.concat(modAffects)};
// copy the modification data into our new data structure
for (var j in modification)
if (j !== "value" && j !== "affects")
mod[j] = modification[j];
var component = modification.value.split("/")[0];
if (!modifiedComponents[component])
modifiedComponents[component] = [];
this.modificationCache[modification.value] = {};
var cmpPlayer = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Player);
if (!cmpPlayer || ! cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID())
var playerID = cmpPlayer.GetPlayerID();
var cmpRangeManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_RangeManager);
var ents = cmpRangeManager.GetEntitiesByPlayer(playerID);
// TODO: Handle technology broadcasting for autoresearch properly (some components might not be initialized currently)
for (var component in modifiedComponents)
Engine.PostMessage(SYSTEM_ENTITY, MT_TemplateModification, { "player": playerID, "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component]});
Engine.BroadcastMessage(MT_ValueModification, { "entities": ents, "component": component, "valueNames": modifiedComponents[component]});
// Clears the cached data for an entity from the modifications cache
TechnologyManager.prototype.clearModificationCache = function(ent)
for (var valueName in this.modificationCache)
delete this.modificationCache[valueName][ent];
// Caching layer in front of ApplyModificationsWorker
// Note: be careful with the type of curValue, if it should be a numerical
// value and is derived from template data, you must convert the string
// from the template to a number using the + operator, before calling
// this function!
TechnologyManager.prototype.ApplyModifications = function(valueName, curValue, ent)
if (!this.modificationCache[valueName])
this.modificationCache[valueName] = {};
if (!this.modificationCache[valueName][ent] || this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].origValue != curValue)
this.modificationCache[valueName][ent] = {"origValue": curValue};
var cmpTemplateManager = Engine.QueryInterface(SYSTEM_ENTITY, IID_TemplateManager);
var templateName = cmpTemplateManager.GetCurrentTemplateName(ent);
// Ensure that preview entites have the same properties as the final building
if (templateName.indexOf("preview|") != -1)
templateName = templateName.slice(8);
this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].newValue = GetTechModifiedProperty(this.modifications, cmpTemplateManager.GetTemplate(templateName), valueName, curValue);
return this.modificationCache[valueName][ent].newValue;
// Alternative version of ApplyModifications, applies to templates instead of entities
TechnologyManager.prototype.ApplyModificationsTemplate = function(valueName, curValue, template)
return GetTechModifiedProperty(this.modifications, template, valueName, curValue);
// Marks a technology as being queued for research
TechnologyManager.prototype.QueuedResearch = function (tech, researcher)
this.researchQueued[tech] = researcher;
// Marks a technology as actively being researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.StartedResearch = function (tech)
this.researchStarted[tech] = true;
// Marks a technology as not being currently researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.StoppedResearch = function (tech)
delete this.researchQueued[tech];
delete this.researchStarted[tech];
// Checks whether a technology is set to be researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.IsInProgress = function(tech)
if (this.researchQueued[tech])
return true;
return false;
// Get all techs that are currently being researched
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechsStarted = function()
return this.researchStarted;
// Gets the entity currently researching a technology
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearcher = function(tech)
if (this.researchQueued[tech])
return this.researchQueued[tech];
return undefined;
// Get helper data for tech modifications
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTechModifications = function()
return this.modifications;
// called by GUIInterface for PlayerData. AI use.
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetQueuedResearch = function()
return this.researchQueued;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetStartedResearch = function()
return this.researchStarted;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetResearchedTechs = function()
return this.researchedTechs;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetClassCounts = function()
return this.classCounts;
TechnologyManager.prototype.GetTypeCountsByClass = function()
return this.typeCountsByClass;
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_TechnologyManager, "TechnologyManager", TechnologyManager);