2014-01-22 20:26:45 +00:00

657 lines
19 KiB

var API3 = function(m)
* Provides an API for the rest of the AI scripts to query the world state at a
* higher level than the raw data.
m.GameState = function() {
this.ai = null; // must be updated by the AIs.
this.cellSize = 4.0; // Size of each map tile
this.buildingsBuilt = 0;
this.turnCache = {};
m.GameState.prototype.init = function(SharedScript, state, player) {
this.sharedScript = SharedScript;
this.EntCollecNames = SharedScript._entityCollectionsName;
this.EntCollec = SharedScript._entityCollections;
this.timeElapsed = SharedScript.timeElapsed;
this.templates = SharedScript._templates;
this.techTemplates = SharedScript._techTemplates;
this.entities = SharedScript.entities;
this.player = player;
this.playerData = this.sharedScript.playersData[this.player];
this.techModifications = SharedScript._techModifications[this.player];
this.barterPrices = SharedScript.barterPrices;
m.GameState.prototype.update = function(SharedScript, state) {
this.sharedScript = SharedScript;
this.EntCollecNames = SharedScript._entityCollectionsName;
this.EntCollec = SharedScript._entityCollections;
this.timeElapsed = SharedScript.timeElapsed;
this.templates = SharedScript._templates;
this.techTemplates = SharedScript._techTemplates;
this._entities = SharedScript._entities;
this.entities = SharedScript.entities;
this.playerData = SharedScript.playersData[this.player];
this.techModifications = SharedScript._techModifications[this.player];
this.barterPrices = SharedScript.barterPrices;
this.buildingsBuilt = 0;
this.turnCache = {};
m.GameState.prototype.updatingCollection = function(id, filter, collection, allowQuick){
// automatically add the player ID in front.
id = this.player + "-" + id;
if (!this.EntCollecNames[id]) {
if (collection !== undefined)
this.EntCollecNames[id] = collection.filter(filter);
else {
this.EntCollecNames[id] = this.entities.filter(filter);
if (allowQuick)
// warn ("New Collection named " +id);
return this.EntCollecNames[id];
m.GameState.prototype.destroyCollection = function(id){
// automatically add the player ID
id = this.player + "-" + id;
if (this.EntCollecNames[id] !== undefined){
delete this.EntCollecNames[id];
m.GameState.prototype.getEC = function(id){
// automatically add the player ID
id = this.player + "-" + id;
if (this.EntCollecNames[id] !== undefined)
return this.EntCollecNames[id];
return undefined;
m.GameState.prototype.updatingGlobalCollection = function(id, filter, collection, allowQuick) {
if (!this.EntCollecNames[id]){
if (collection !== undefined)
this.EntCollecNames[id] = collection.filter(filter);
this.EntCollecNames[id] = this.entities.filter(filter);
if (allowQuick)
//warn ("New Global Collection named " +id);
return this.EntCollecNames[id];
m.GameState.prototype.destroyGlobalCollection = function(id)
if (this.EntCollecNames[id] !== undefined){
delete this.EntCollecNames[id];
m.GameState.prototype.getGEC = function(id)
if (this.EntCollecNames[id] !== undefined)
return this.EntCollecNames[id];
return undefined;
m.GameState.prototype.getTimeElapsed = function()
return this.timeElapsed;
m.GameState.prototype.getBarterPrices = function()
return this.barterPrices;
m.GameState.prototype.getTemplate = function(type)
if (this.techTemplates[type] !== undefined)
return new m.Technology(this.techTemplates, type);
if (!this.templates[type])
return null;
return new m.Template(this.templates[type], this.techModifications);
m.GameState.prototype.applyCiv = function(str) {
return str.replace(/\{civ\}/g, this.playerData.civ);
m.GameState.prototype.civ = function() {
return this.playerData.civ;
m.GameState.prototype.currentPhase = function()
if (this.isResearched("phase_city"))
return 3;
if (this.isResearched("phase_town"))
return 2;
if (this.isResearched("phase_village"))
return 1;
return 0;
m.GameState.prototype.townPhase = function()
if (this.playerData.civ == "athen")
return "phase_town_athen";
return "phase_town_generic";
m.GameState.prototype.cityPhase = function()
if (this.playerData.civ == "athen")
return "phase_city_athen";
return "phase_city_generic";
m.GameState.prototype.isResearched = function(template)
return this.playerData.researchedTechs[template] !== undefined;
// true if started or queued
m.GameState.prototype.isResearching = function(template)
return (this.playerData.researchStarted[template] !== undefined || this.playerData.researchQueued[template] !== undefined);
// this is an "in-absolute" check that doesn't check if we have a building to research from.
m.GameState.prototype.canResearch = function(techTemplateName, noRequirementCheck)
var template = this.getTemplate(techTemplateName);
if (!template)
return false;
// researching or already researched: NOO.
if (this.playerData.researchQueued[techTemplateName] || this.playerData.researchStarted[techTemplateName] || this.playerData.researchedTechs[techTemplateName])
return false;
if (noRequirementCheck === true)
return true;
// not already researched, check if we can.
// basically a copy of the function in technologyManager since we can't use it.
// Checks the requirements for a technology to see if it can be researched at the current time
// The technology which this technology supersedes is required
if (template.supersedes() && !this.playerData.researchedTechs[template.supersedes()])
return false;
// if this is a pair, we must check that the paire tech is not being researched
if (template.pair())
var other = template.pairedWith();
if (this.playerData.researchQueued[other] || this.playerData.researchStarted[other] || this.playerData.researchedTechs[other])
return false;
return this.checkTechRequirements(template.requirements());
// Private function for checking a set of requirements is met
// basically copies TechnologyManager's
m.GameState.prototype.checkTechRequirements = function (reqs)
// If there are no requirements then all requirements are met
if (!reqs)
return true;
if (reqs.tech)
return (this.playerData.researchedTechs[reqs.tech] !== undefined && this.playerData.researchedTechs[reqs.tech]);
else if (reqs.all)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.all.length; i++)
if (!this.checkTechRequirements(reqs.all[i]))
return false;
return true;
else if (reqs.any)
for (var i = 0; i < reqs.any.length; i++)
if (this.checkTechRequirements(reqs.any[i]))
return true;
return false;
else if (reqs.class)
if (reqs.numberOfTypes)
if (this.playerData.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class])
return (reqs.numberOfTypes <= Object.keys(this.playerData.typeCountsByClass[reqs.class]).length);
return false;
else if (reqs.number)
if (this.playerData.classCounts[reqs.class])
return (reqs.number <= this.playerData.classCounts[reqs.class]);
return false;
else if (reqs.civ)
if (this.playerData.civ == reqs.civ)
return true;
return false;
// The technologies requirements are not a recognised format
error("Bad requirements " + uneval(reqs));
return false;
m.GameState.prototype.getMap = function() {
return this.sharedScript.passabilityMap;
m.GameState.prototype.getPassabilityClassMask = function(name) {
if (!(name in this.sharedScript.passabilityClasses)){
error("Tried to use invalid passability class name '" + name + "'");
return this.sharedScript.passabilityClasses[name];
m.GameState.prototype.getResources = function() {
return new m.Resources(this.playerData.resourceCounts);
m.GameState.prototype.getPopulation = function() {
return this.playerData.popCount;
m.GameState.prototype.getPopulationLimit = function() {
return this.playerData.popLimit;
m.GameState.prototype.getPopulationMax = function() {
return this.playerData.popMax;
m.GameState.prototype.getPlayerID = function() {
return this.player;
m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerAlly = function(id) {
return this.playerData.isAlly[id];
m.GameState.prototype.isPlayerEnemy = function(id) {
return this.playerData.isEnemy[id];
m.GameState.prototype.getEnemies = function(){
var ret = [];
for (var i in this.playerData.isEnemy){
if (this.playerData.isEnemy[i]){
return ret;
m.GameState.prototype.isEntityAlly = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner()];
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return this.playerData.isAlly[ent.owner];
return false;
m.GameState.prototype.isEntityEnemy = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return this.playerData.isEnemy[ent.owner()];
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return this.playerData.isEnemy[ent.owner];
return false;
m.GameState.prototype.isEntityOwn = function(ent) {
if (ent && ent.owner && (typeof ent.owner) === "function"){
return ent.owner() == this.player;
} else if (ent && ent.owner){
return ent.owner == this.player;
return false;
m.GameState.prototype.getEntityById = function(id){
if (this.entities._entities[id])
return this.entities._entities[id];
return undefined;
m.GameState.prototype.getEntities = function() {
return this.entities;
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntities = function() {
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-entities", m.Filters.byOwner(this.player));
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnStructures = function() {
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getOwnEntities());
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnUnits = function() {
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-units", m.Filters.byClass("Unit"), this.getOwnEntities());
// Try to use a parameter for those three, it'll be a lot faster.
m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyEntities = function(enemyID) {
if (enemyID === undefined)
return this.entities.filter(m.Filters.byOwners(this.getEnemies()));
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + enemyID + "-entities", m.Filters.byOwner(enemyID));
m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyStructures = function(enemyID) {
if (enemyID === undefined)
return this.getEnemyEntities().filter(m.Filters.byClass("Structure"));
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + enemyID + "-structures", m.Filters.byClass("Structure"), this.getEnemyEntities(enemyID));
m.GameState.prototype.getEnemyUnits = function(enemyID) {
if (enemyID === undefined)
return this.getEnemyEntities().filter(m.Filters.byClass("Unit"));
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + enemyID + "-units", m.Filters.byClass("Unit"), this.getEnemyEntities(enemyID));
// if maintain is true, this will be stored. Otherwise it's one-shot.
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata = function(key, value, maintain){
if (maintain === true)
return this.updatingCollection(key + "-" + value, m.Filters.byMetadata(this.player, key, value),this.getOwnEntities());
return this.getOwnEntities().filter(m.Filters.byMetadata(this.player, key, value));
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role, maintain){
return this.getOwnEntitiesByMetadata("role", role, maintain);
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnEntitiesByType = function(type, maintain){
var filter = m.Filters.byType(type);
if (maintain === true)
return this.updatingCollection("type-" + type, filter, this.getOwnEntities());
return this.getOwnEntities().filter(filter);
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnTrainingFacilities = function(){
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-training-facilities", m.Filters.byTrainingQueue(), this.getOwnEntities(), true);
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnResearchFacilities = function(){
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-research-facilities", m.Filters.byResearchAvailable(), this.getOwnEntities(), true);
m.GameState.prototype.countEntitiesByType = function(type, maintain) {
return this.getOwnEntitiesByType(type, maintain).length;
m.GameState.prototype.countEntitiesAndQueuedByType = function(type, maintain) {
var count = this.countEntitiesByType(type, maintain);
// Count building foundations
if (this.getTemplate(type).hasClass("Structure") === true)
count += this.countFoundationsByType(type, true);
else if (this.getTemplate(type).resourceSupplyType() !== undefined) // animal resources
count += this.countEntitiesByType("resource|" + type, true);
// Count entities in building production queues
// TODO: maybe this fails for corrals.
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.unitTemplate == type){
count += item.count;
return count;
m.GameState.prototype.countFoundationsByType = function(type, maintain) {
var foundationType = "foundation|" + type;
if (maintain === true)
return this.updatingCollection("foundation-type-" + type, m.Filters.byType(foundationType), this.getOwnFoundations()).length;
var count = 0;
this.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) {
var t = ent.templateName();
if (t == foundationType)
return count;
m.GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesByRole = function(role) {
return this.getOwnEntitiesByRole(role).length;
m.GameState.prototype.countOwnEntitiesAndQueuedWithRole = function(role) {
var count = this.countOwnEntitiesByRole(role);
// Count entities in building production queues
this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) {
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.metadata && item.metadata.role == role)
count += item.count;
return count;
m.GameState.prototype.countOwnQueuedEntitiesWithMetadata = function(data, value) {
// Count entities in building production queues
var count = 0;
this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().forEach(function(ent) {
ent.trainingQueue().forEach(function(item) {
if (item.metadata && item.metadata[data] && item.metadata[data] == value)
count += item.count;
return count;
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnFoundations = function() {
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("" + this.player + "-foundations", m.Filters.isFoundation(), this.getOwnStructures());
m.GameState.prototype.getOwnDropsites = function(resource){
if (resource !== undefined)
return this.updatingCollection("dropsite-" + resource, m.Filters.isDropsite(resource), this.getOwnEntities(), true);
return this.updatingCollection("dropsite-all", m.Filters.isDropsite(), this.getOwnEntities(), true);
m.GameState.prototype.getResourceSupplies = function(resource){
return this.updatingGlobalCollection("resource-" + resource, m.Filters.byResource(resource), this.getEntities(), true);
// This returns only units from buildings.
m.GameState.prototype.findTrainableUnits = function(classes){
var allTrainable = [];
this.getOwnStructures().forEach(function(ent) {
var trainable = ent.trainableEntities();
for (var i in trainable){
if (allTrainable.indexOf(trainable[i]) === -1) {
var ret = [];
for (var i in allTrainable) {
var template = this.getTemplate(allTrainable[i]);
if (template.hasClass("Hero")) // disabling heroes for now
if (!template.available(this))
var okay = true;
for (var o in classes)
if (!template.hasClass(classes[o]))
okay = false;
if (okay)
ret.push( [allTrainable[i], template] );
return ret;
// Return all techs which can currently be researched
// Does not factor cost.
// If there are pairs, both techs are returned.
m.GameState.prototype.findAvailableTech = function() {
var allResearchable = [];
this.getOwnEntities().forEach(function(ent) {
var searchable = ent.researchableTechs();
for (var i in searchable) {
if (allResearchable.indexOf(searchable[i]) === -1) {
var ret = [];
for (var i in allResearchable) {
var template = this.getTemplate(allResearchable[i]);
if (template.pairDef())
var techs = template.getPairedTechs();
if (this.canResearch(techs[0]._templateName))
ret.push([techs[0]._templateName, techs[0]] );
if (this.canResearch(techs[1]._templateName))
ret.push([techs[1]._templateName, techs[1]] );
} else {
if (this.canResearch(allResearchable[i]) && template._templateName != this.townPhase() && template._templateName != this.cityPhase())
ret.push( [allResearchable[i], template] );
return ret;
* Find buildings that are capable of training said template.
* Getting the best is up to the AI.
m.GameState.prototype.findTrainers = function(template) {
return this.getOwnTrainingFacilities().filter(function(ent) {
var trainable = ent.trainableEntities();
if (!trainable || trainable.indexOf(template) == -1)
return false;
return true;
* Find units that are capable of constructing the given building type.
m.GameState.prototype.findBuilders = function(template) {
return this.getOwnUnits().filter(function(ent) {
var buildable = ent.buildableEntities();
if (!buildable || buildable.indexOf(template) == -1)
return false;
return true;
// Find buildings that are capable of researching the given tech
m.GameState.prototype.findResearchers = function(templateName, noRequirementCheck) {
// let's check we can research the tech.
if (!this.canResearch(templateName, noRequirementCheck))
return [];
var template = this.getTemplate(templateName);
var self = this;
return this.getOwnResearchFacilities().filter(function(ent) {
var techs = ent.researchableTechs();
for (var i in techs)
var thisTemp = self.getTemplate(techs[i]);
if (thisTemp.pairDef())
var pairedTechs = thisTemp.getPairedTechs();
if (pairedTechs[0]._templateName == templateName || pairedTechs[1]._templateName == templateName)
return true;
} else {
if (techs[i] == templateName)
return true;
return false;
m.GameState.prototype.getEntityLimits = function() {
return this.playerData.entityLimits;
m.GameState.prototype.getEntityCounts = function() {
return this.playerData.entityCounts;
// Checks whether the maximum number of buildings have been cnstructed for a certain catergory
m.GameState.prototype.isEntityLimitReached = function(category) {
if(this.playerData.entityLimits[category] === undefined || this.playerData.entityCounts[category] === undefined)
return false;
return (this.playerData.entityCounts[category] >= this.playerData.entityLimits[category]);
// defcon utilities
m.GameState.prototype.timeSinceDefconChange = function() {
return this.getTimeElapsed()-this.ai.defconChangeTime;
m.GameState.prototype.setDefcon = function(level,force) {
if (this.ai.defcon >= level || force) {
this.ai.defcon = level;
this.ai.defconChangeTime = this.getTimeElapsed();
m.GameState.prototype.defcon = function() {
return this.ai.defcon;
return m;