Acumen da2178db66 Basic progress bar UI at the start of the game requested by Jan, so player is aware of and can cancel archive building.
(Note that the Esc key is now used here, so you'll have to use another
key ... Ctrl+F4/Alt+F4/Ctrl+Break to quick-kill the game.)

Also set Matei's StartProduction to use entity's creation time.

This was SVN commit r3556.
2006-02-23 18:22:30 +00:00

232 lines
9.4 KiB

; (note exact spelling of the actual switches, e.g. -nopbuffer, not -NOPBUFFER)
; -m=MAP load the file <MAP> (string) instead of the default test01.pmp
; -g=F set the gamma correction to <F> (floating point; 0.0 < F <= 1.0)
; -e show entity graph
; -v enable VSync, i.e. lock FPS to monitor refresh rate
; -novbo disable Vertex Buffer Objects; may solve graphics-related problems on older/buggy graphics cards
; -nopbuffer disable Pixel Buffers; may solve graphics-related problems on older/buggy graphics cards
; -f enable fixed frame timing; ?
; -s enable shadows
; -xres=N set desired screen X resolution to <N> (integer)
; -yres=N set desired screen Y resolution to <N> (integer)
; -conf NAME=VAL set config variable <NAME> (string) to <VAL> (string)
; Command-line switches override anything in config or profile files.
; Profile settings
; profile = default
; System settings:
; Specify the render path. This can be one of:
; default Automatically select one of the below, depending on system capabilities
; fixed Only use OpenGL fixed function pipeline
; vertexshader Use vertex shaders for transform and lighting where possible
; Using 'fixed' instead of 'default' may work around some graphics-related problems,
; but will reduce performance when a modern graphics card is available.
; Adjusts how OpenGL calculates mipmap level of detail. 0.0f is the default (blurry) value.
; Lower values sharpen/extend, and higher values blur/decrease. Clamped at -3.0 to 3.0.
; -1.0 to -1.5 recommended for good results.
lodbias = -1.0
; Language selection: (currently "english" or "pseudogreek")
; Enable/disable windowed mode.
; You can specify these as well, but the default (keeping the current resolution) is
; probably best for most people.
;xres = 1024
;yres = 768
; Logging settings:
; All messages are logged into mainlog.html. These numbers control which go into
; interestinglog.html and are displayed in the console.
; Each component can have one of three 'interest' levels:
; 0 makes no messages interesting (i.e. none are sent to interestinglog / console)
; 1 (the default) makes errors/warnings interesting
; 2 makes all messages interesting
loginterest.main = 1
loginterest.config = 1
loginterest.file = 1
loginterest.world = 1
loginterest.xml = 1
loginterest.simulation = 1
loginterest.graphics = 1
loginterest.gui = 1
loginterest.audio = 1
loginterest.script = 1
loginterest.i18n = 0
; Font mappings:
font.console = console
font.default = palatino12
font.misc = verdana16
; Colour of the sky (in "r g b" format). (Will be removed once there's proper sky support).
;skycolor = "255 0 0"
; Maximum number of players in a session (default 6).
max_players = 8
sound.mastergain = 0.5
; selection.outline.quality = 9; ( higher => very slightly slower, better quality)
; view.scroll.speed = 60
; view.rotate.speed = 0.002
; view.rotate.abouttarget.speed = 0.01
; view.drag.speed = 0.5
; view.zoom.speed = 256.0
; view.zoom.wheel.speed = 16.0
; view.zoom.smoothness = 0.02 ; between 0 and 1
; view.snap.smoothness = 0.02 ; less is sharper, more is softer
; Each one of the specified keys will trigger the action on the left
; for multiple-key combinations, separate keys with '+' and enclose the entire thing
; in doublequotes.
; The keys you can use are in source/lib/KeyNames.cpp. I realise this isn't particularly
; useful for people without access to said file.
hotkey.exit = "Ctrl+F4", "Alt+F4", "Ctrl+Break" ; Exit to desktop.
hotkey.pause = Pause ; Pause/unpause game.
hotkey.screenshot = F2 ; Take PNG screenshot.
hotkey.bigscreenshot = "Ctrl+Alt+F2" ; Take large BMP screenshot.
hotkey.screenshot.watermark = "W" ; Toggle product/company watermark for official
hotkey.wireframe = "Alt+W" ; Toggle wireframe mode.
hotkey.archive.abort = "Escape" ; Prematurely terminate the archive builder process.
hotkey.camera.reset = "H" ; Reset camera rotation to default.
hotkey.camera.reset.origin = "Ctrl+H" ; Reset camera to origin.
hotkey.camera.zoom.in = Plus, Equals, NumPlus ; Zoom camera in.
hotkey.camera.zoom.out = Minus, NumMinus ; Zoom camera out.
hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.in = WheelUp ; Zoom camera in (wheel speed).
hotkey.camera.zoom.wheel.out = WheelDown ; Zoom camera out (wheel speed).
hotkey.camera.rotate = "Ctrl+MouseMiddle" ; Rotate view by moving mouse, maintaining the
; absolute position of the camera
hotkey.camera.rotate.keyboard = "Shift" ;
hotkey.camera.rotate.abouttarget = "MouseLeft+MouseRight" ; Rotate view by moving mouse, maintaining the
; world coordinates of the centre of the viewport
hotkey.camera.rotate.abouttarget.keyboard = "Ctrl" ;
hotkey.camera.pan = MouseMiddle, ForwardSlash ; Scroll by moving mouse.
hotkey.camera.pan.keyboard = "~Shift+~Ctrl" ; = holding neither Ctrl nor Shift
hotkey.camera.left = LeftArrow ; Scroll or rotate left.
hotkey.camera.right = RightArrow ; Scroll or rotate right.
hotkey.camera.up = UpArrow ; Scroll or rotate up/forwards.
hotkey.camera.down = DownArrow ; Scroll or rotate down/backwards.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.0 = F5 ; Saved bookmark 1.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.1 = F6 ; Saved bookmark 2.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.2 = F7 ; Saved bookmark 3.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.3 = F8 ; Saved bookmark 4.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.save = Ctrl ; +bookmark: Save screen as bookmark.
hotkey.camera.bookmark.snap = Alt ; +bookmark: "check up" on bookmark.
;camera.cinema.add = "L"
;camera.cinema.delete = "U"
;camera.cinema.delete.all = "R"
;camera.cinema.write = "O"
camera.cinema.queue = "I"
hotkey.console.toggle = BackQuote, F9 ; Open/close console.
hotkey.console.copy = "Ctrl+C" ; Copy from console to clipboard.
hotkey.console.paste = Insert, "Ctrl+V" ; Paste clipboard to console.
hotkey.selection.add = Shift ; Add units to selection.
hotkey.selection.remove = Ctrl ; Remove units from selection.
hotkey.selection.group.0 = 0
hotkey.selection.group.1 = 1
hotkey.selection.group.2 = 2
hotkey.selection.group.3 = 3
hotkey.selection.group.4 = 4
hotkey.selection.group.5 = 5
hotkey.selection.group.6 = 6
hotkey.selection.group.7 = 7
hotkey.selection.group.8 = 8
hotkey.selection.group.9 = 9
hotkey.selection.group.add = Shift ; +group: Add units to group.
hotkey.selection.group.save = Ctrl ; +group: Save units to group.
hotkey.selection.group.snap = Alt ; +group: Check up on group.
hotkey.selection.snap = Home ; Centre view on selection.
hotkey.highlightall = O ; Show selection circle for all units on screen.
hotkey.contextorder.next = LeftBracket ; Cycle right through orders (context cursors).
hotkey.contextorder.previous = RightBracket ; Cycle left through orders (context cursors).
hotkey.orbital.toggle = V ; Enable/disable ball arena.
hotkey.orbital.cheat = "LeftCtrl+Backslash" ; Freeze ball.
hotkey.dudemachine.random = "Ctrl+ForwardSlash" ; Create random Dude.
hotkey.water.toggle = "Q" ; Toggle water rendering
hotkey.water.raise = "A" ; Raise water plane
hotkey.water.lower = "Z" ; Lower water plane
hotkey.fps.toggle = "Shift+F" ; Toggle frame counter.
hotkey.session.statuspane.toggle = "Shift+S" ; Toggle Status Orb.
hotkey.session.minimap.toggle = "Shift+M" ; Toggle Map Orb.
hotkey.resourcepool.toggle = "Shift+R" ; Toggle Resource Pool.
hotkey.grouppane.toggle = "Shift+G" ; Toggle Group Pane.
hotkey.teamtray.toggle = "Shift+T" ; Toggle Team Tray.
hotkey.session.gui.flip = "Alt+G" ; Toggle GUI to top/bottom/left/right of screen.
hotkey.session.gui.toggle = "G" ; Toggle visibility of session GUI.
hotkey.alwayson.toggle = "Shift+X" ; Toggle always ons (Exit Button, End Game Button).
hotkey.menu.toggle = "F10" ; Toggle in-game menu.
hotkey.menu.resign = "Alt+X" ; End current game session and return to main menu.
hotkey.onlinehelp = "F1" ; Enable/disable online manual entry for current selection.
hotkey.jukebox = "Ctrl+M" ; Enable/disable tracklist viewer.
hotkey.next.song = "M" ; Start another music track.
hotkey.audio.toggle = "Ctrl+A" ; Enable/disable sound.
hotkey.profile.toggle = "F11" ; Enable/disable real-time profiler
hotkey.profile.save = "Shift+F11" ; Save current profiler data to "logs/profile.txt"
; LMB ; select unit
; RMB ; issue order to selected units
; LMB-drag ; bandbox units
; LMB-doubleclick ; select all units of this type on screen
; LMB-tripleclick ; select all units of this type on map
; shift+mouse select ; add to selection
; ctrl+mouse select ; remove from selection
; #=(1...0) ; select group #, pressing again centres view
; shift+# ; add group # to selection
; ctrl+# ; save selection as group #
; alt+# (hold down) ; snap view to group # (while alt is held down)
; mouse on map edge ; scroll in this direction