
162 lines
5.6 KiB

"Code": "cart",
"Culture": "cart",
"Name": "Carthaginians",
"Emblem": "session/portraits/emblems/emblem_carthaginians.png",
"History": "Carthage, a city-state in modern-day Tunisia, was a formidable force in the western Mediterranean, eventually taking over much of North Africa and modern-day Spain in the third century B.C. The sailors of Carthage were among the fiercest contenders on the high seas, and masters of naval trade. They deployed towered War Elephants on the battlefield to fearsome effect, and had defensive walls so strong, they were never breached.",
{"File":"Mediterranean_Waves.ogg", "Type":"peace"},
{"File":"Peaks_of_Atlas.ogg", "Type":"peace"}
"Name": "",
"Description": "",
"Name": "Exploration",
"History": "Nobody knew better than the Carthaginians where in the ancient world they were going and going to go; their merchant traders had missions to everywhere.",
"Description": "All Traders and Ships +25% vision range."
"Name": "Colonization",
"History": "Carthaginians established many trading centres as colonies and ultimately held dominion over 300 cities and towns in North Africa alone.",
"Description": "Civilization Centers, Temples, and Houses -25% build time."
"Name": "Hannibal Barca",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Carthage's most famous son. Hannibal Barca was the eldest son of Hamilcar Barca and proved an even greater commander than his father. Lived 247-182 B.C. While he ultimately lost the Second Punic War his victories at Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae, and the feat of crossing the Alps have secured his position as among the best tacticians and strategists in history."
"Name": "Hamilcar Barca",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Father of Hannibal and virtual military dictator. Hamilcar Barca was a soldier and politician who excelled along his entire career. Lived 275-228 B.C. While overshadowed by his sons, Hamilcar was great general in his own right, earning the nickname Baraq or Barca for the lightning speed of his advance."
"Name": "Maharbal",
"Class": "",
"Armament": "",
"Emblem": "",
"History": "Maharbal was Hannibal Barca's 'brash young cavalry commander' during the 2nd Punic War. He is credited with turning the wing of the legions at Cannae resulting in defeat in which 30,000 of 50,000 Romans were lost, as well as significant contributions to the winning of many other battles during the 2nd Punic War. He is known for having said, after the battle of Cannae, 'Hannibal, you know how to win the victory; just not what to do with it.'"
"Name": "Triple Walls",
"History": "Carthaginians built triple city walls.",
"Description": "Carthaginian walls, gates, and towers have 3x hitpoints of a standard wall."
"Name": "Roundup",
"History": "Not unlike the Iberian Peninsula, North Africa was known as horse country, capable of producing up to 100,000 new mounts each year. It was also the home of the North African Forest Elephant.",
"Description": "The resource cost of training elephant-mounted (war elephant) or horse-mounted units (cavalry) is reduced by 5% per animal corralled (as appropriate)."
"Name": "Trademasters",
"History": "The Phoenicians and Carthaginians were broadly known as the greatest trading civilization of the ancient and classical world.",
"Description": "+33% trade profit international routes."
"Name":"Naval Shipyard",
"History":"The structure is based upon the centre island of the inner harbour constructed to house the war fleet of the Carthaginian navy at Carthage.",
"Special":"Construct warships for the Carthaginian navy."
"Name":"Celtic Embassy",
"History":"The Celts supplied fierce warrior mercenaries for Carthaginian armies.",
"Special":"Hire Celtic mercenaries."
"Name":"Italiote Embassy",
"History":"When Hannibal invaded Italy and defeated the Romans in a series of battles, many of the Italian peoples subject to Rome, including the Italian Greeks and powerful Samnites, revolted and joined the Carthaginian cause.",
"Special":"Hire Italian mercenaries."
"Name":"Iberian Embassy",
"History":"The Iberians were known as fierce mercenaries, loyal to their paymasters.",
"Special":"Hire Iberian mercenaries."
"Template": "structures/cart_civil_centre"
"Template": "units/cart_support_female_citizen",
"Count": 4
"Template": "units/cart_infantry_spearman_b",
"Count": 2
"Template": "units/cart_infantry_archer_b",
"Count": 2
"Template": "units/cart_cavalry_javelinist_b"
"Column Closed",
"Line Closed",
"Column Open",
"Line Open",
"Battle Line"
"Hannibal Barca",
"Hamilcar Barca",
"Mago Barca",
"Hasdrubal the Fair",
"Hanno the Great",
"Hannibal Gisco",