Mythos_Ruler 57a8fcc724 -Mauryan population cap bonus (+10%)
-Persian population cap bonus (+10%)

-"Immortals" technology for Persians. Reduces training time for Anusiya
by half. This is their "special" for now, since they are otherwise
unchanged from the default Champion Spearman.

-"Persian Architecture" technology for Persians (removes the inherent
health bonus and makes it a "special tech" instead).

-Added the Spartan City Phase civ bonus. Spartan citizen-soldiers now
promote directly from Basic to Elite after one kill. Pop cap is reduced
by -10% at the City Phase to balance.

-Updated civ JSON files (and their civ profiles on Trac).

-Adds map preview image for Acropolis 7.

This was SVN commit r12748.
2012-10-13 20:38:40 +00:00

52 lines
1.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Entity parent="template_structure_special">
<Square width="32.0" depth="32.0"/>
<GenericName>Persian Palace</GenericName>
<History>The term Apadana designates a large hypostyle palace found in Persia. The best known example, and by far the largest, was the great Apadana at Persepolis. Functioning as the empire's central audience hall, the palace is famous for the reliefs of the tribute-bearers and of the army, including the Immortals. The annual tribute that the Persians received from their satrapies and vassal states, as regularised by Darius the Great, accounted for incredible annual revenue.</History>
<Tooltip>"Satrapy Tribute": Gain a trickle of food, wood, stone, and metal resources (not implemented yet). Train Persian heroes and their "Immortals" bodyguards. Build Limit: 1.</Tooltip>
<Static width="30.0" depth="30.0"/>
<Entities datatype="tokens">
<Technologies datatype="tokens">