Ykkrosh 4e1b6d08f4 Fix lithobolos size and projectile.
Fix projectiles launching from actors with no ammo prop.
Fix default camera location on maps with no civ centers.
Avoid units getting stuck on the edges of buildings.

This was SVN commit r7950.
2010-08-14 22:11:32 +00:00

320 lines
9.4 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "simulation2/system/Component.h"
#include "ICmpProjectileManager.h"
#include "ICmpPosition.h"
#include "ICmpVisual.h"
#include "simulation2/MessageTypes.h"
#include "graphics/Frustum.h"
#include "graphics/Model.h"
#include "graphics/Unit.h"
#include "graphics/UnitManager.h"
#include "maths/Matrix3D.h"
#include "maths/Quaternion.h"
#include "maths/Vector3D.h"
#include "ps/CLogger.h"
#include "renderer/Scene.h"
// Time (in seconds) before projectiles that stuck in the ground are destroyed
const static float PROJECTILE_DECAY_TIME = 60.f;
class CCmpProjectileManager : public ICmpProjectileManager
static void ClassInit(CComponentManager& componentManager)
static std::string GetSchema()
return "<a:component type='system'/><empty/>";
virtual void Init(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context), const CParamNode& UNUSED(paramNode))
virtual void Deinit(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context))
virtual void Serialize(ISerializer& UNUSED(serialize))
// Because this is just graphical effects, and because it's all non-deterministic floating point,
// we don't do any serialization here.
// (That means projectiles will vanish if you save/load - is that okay?)
virtual void Deserialize(const CSimContext& context, const CParamNode& paramNode, IDeserializer& UNUSED(deserialize))
Init(context, paramNode);
virtual void HandleMessage(const CSimContext& context, const CMessage& msg, bool UNUSED(global))
switch (msg.GetType())
case MT_Interpolate:
const CMessageInterpolate& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageInterpolate&> (msg);
Interpolate(context, msgData.frameTime, msgData.offset);
case MT_RenderSubmit:
const CMessageRenderSubmit& msgData = static_cast<const CMessageRenderSubmit&> (msg);
RenderSubmit(context, msgData.collector, msgData.frustum, msgData.culling);
virtual void LaunchProjectileAtEntity(entity_id_t source, entity_id_t target, fixed speed, fixed gravity)
LaunchProjectile(source, CFixedVector3D(), target, speed, gravity);
virtual void LaunchProjectileAtPoint(entity_id_t source, CFixedVector3D target, fixed speed, fixed gravity)
LaunchProjectile(source, target, INVALID_ENTITY, speed, gravity);
struct Projectile
CUnit* unit;
CVector3D pos;
CVector3D target;
entity_id_t targetEnt; // INVALID_ENTITY if the target is just a point
float timeLeft;
float horizSpeed;
float gravity;
std::vector<Projectile> m_Projectiles;
void LaunchProjectile(entity_id_t source, CFixedVector3D targetPoint, entity_id_t targetEnt, fixed speed, fixed gravity);
void AdvanceProjectile(const CSimContext& context, Projectile& projectile, float dt, float frameOffset);
void Interpolate(const CSimContext& context, float frameTime, float frameOffset);
void RenderSubmit(const CSimContext& context, SceneCollector& collector, const CFrustum& frustum, bool culling);
void CCmpProjectileManager::LaunchProjectile(entity_id_t source, CFixedVector3D targetPoint, entity_id_t targetEnt, fixed speed, fixed gravity)
if (!GetSimContext().HasUnitManager())
return; // do nothing if graphics are disabled
CmpPtr<ICmpVisual> sourceVisual(GetSimContext(), source);
if (sourceVisual.null())
std::wstring name = sourceVisual->GetProjectileActor();
if (name.empty())
LOGERROR(L"Unit with actor '%ls' launched a projectile but has no actor on 'projectile' attachpoint", sourceVisual->GetActorShortName().c_str());
std::set<CStr> selections;
Projectile projectile;
projectile.unit = GetSimContext().GetUnitManager().CreateUnit(name, selections);
if (!projectile.unit)
// The error will have already been logged
CVector3D sourceVec(sourceVisual->GetProjectileLaunchPoint());
if (!sourceVec)
// If there's no explicit launch point, take a guess based on the entity position
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> sourcePos(GetSimContext(), source);
if (sourcePos.null())
sourceVec = sourcePos->GetPosition();
sourceVec.Y += 3.f;
CVector3D targetVec;
if (targetEnt == INVALID_ENTITY)
targetVec = CVector3D(targetPoint);
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> targetPos(GetSimContext(), targetEnt);
if (targetPos.null())
targetVec = CVector3D(targetPos->GetPosition());
projectile.pos = sourceVec;
projectile.target = targetVec;
projectile.targetEnt = targetEnt;
CVector3D offset = projectile.target - projectile.pos;
float horizDistance = hypot(offset.X, offset.Z);
projectile.horizSpeed = speed.ToFloat();
projectile.timeLeft = horizDistance / projectile.horizSpeed;
projectile.gravity = gravity.ToFloat();
void CCmpProjectileManager::AdvanceProjectile(const CSimContext& context, Projectile& projectile, float dt, float frameOffset)
// Do nothing if we've already reached the target
if (projectile.timeLeft <= 0)
// Clamp dt to the remaining travel time
if (dt > projectile.timeLeft)
dt = projectile.timeLeft;
// Track the target entity (if there is one, and it's still alive)
if (projectile.targetEnt != INVALID_ENTITY)
CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> targetPos(context, projectile.targetEnt);
if (!targetPos.null())
CMatrix3D t = targetPos->GetInterpolatedTransform(frameOffset, false);
projectile.target = t.GetTranslation();
projectile.target.Y += 2.f; // TODO: ought to aim towards a random point in the solid body of the target
// TODO: if the unit is moving, we should probably aim a bit in front of it
// so we don't have to curve so much just before reaching it
CVector3D offset = projectile.target - projectile.pos;
// Compute the vertical velocity that's needed so we travel in a ballistic curve and
// reach the target after timeLeft.
// (This is just a linear approximation to the curve, but it'll converge to hit the target)
float vh = (projectile.gravity / 2.f) * projectile.timeLeft + offset.Y / projectile.timeLeft;
// Move an appropriate fraction towards the target
CVector3D delta (offset.X * dt/projectile.timeLeft, vh * dt, offset.Z * dt/projectile.timeLeft);
projectile.pos += delta;
projectile.timeLeft -= dt;
// If we're really close to the target now, delete the remaining time so that we don't do a little
// tiny numerically-imprecise movement next frame
if (projectile.timeLeft < 0.01f)
projectile.timeLeft = 0;
// Move exactly to the target, so we hit it precisely even if
// the framerate is very low
projectile.pos = projectile.target;
// Construct a rotation matrix so that (0,1,0) is in the direction of 'delta'
CMatrix3D transform;
CVector3D up(0, 1, 0);
CVector3D axis = up.Cross(delta);
if (axis.LengthSquared() < 0.0001f)
axis = CVector3D(1, 0, 0); // if up & delta are almost collinear, rotate around some other arbitrary axis
float angle = acos(up.Dot(delta));
CQuaternion quat;
quat.FromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
// Then apply the translation
// Move the model
void CCmpProjectileManager::Interpolate(const CSimContext& context, float frameTime, float frameOffset)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Projectiles.size(); ++i)
AdvanceProjectile(context, m_Projectiles[i], frameTime, frameOffset);
// Remove the ones that have reached their target
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Projectiles.size(); )
// Projectiles hitting targets get removed immediately.
// Those hitting the ground stay for a while, because it looks pretty.
if (m_Projectiles[i].timeLeft <= 0.f)
if (m_Projectiles[i].targetEnt == INVALID_ENTITY && m_Projectiles[i].timeLeft > -PROJECTILE_DECAY_TIME)
// AdvanceProjectile doesn't update timeLeft if the projectile's
// already finished, so just update its timer here
m_Projectiles[i].timeLeft -= frameTime;
// Delete in-place by swapping with the last in the list
std::swap(m_Projectiles[i], m_Projectiles.back());
continue; // don't increment i
void CCmpProjectileManager::RenderSubmit(const CSimContext& UNUSED(context), SceneCollector& collector, const CFrustum& frustum, bool culling)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Projectiles.size(); ++i)
CModel& model = m_Projectiles[i].unit->GetModel();
if (culling && !frustum.IsBoxVisible(CVector3D(0, 0, 0), model.GetBounds()))
// TODO: do something about LOS (copy from CCmpVisualActor)