janwas 8435fb880c vfs_mount: bugfix: wasn't populating VFS from archive (cause of massive VFS slowdown recently). also fixed another overzealous validate check
ogl_tex: bind() implementation much simplified; also fix bug that set
TMU correctly when disabling texturing
wsdl: fix stdout.txt redirect; now works regardless of current
directory. also no longer disable file buffering except when in full
debug mode (because it's so slow). also add minimize button to caption
bar in windowed mode.

This was SVN commit r2919.
2005-10-12 23:48:44 +00:00

895 lines
27 KiB
Executable File

// OpenGL texture API
// Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "sysdep/gfx.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "../res.h"
#include "ogl.h"
#include "tex.h"
#include "ogl_tex.h"
// OpenGL helper routines
static bool filter_valid(GLint filter)
return true;
return false;
static bool wrap_valid(GLint wrap)
case GL_CLAMP:
return true;
return false;
static bool filter_uses_mipmaps(GLint filter)
return true;
return false;
static bool fmt_is_s3tc(GLenum fmt)
return true;
return false;
// determine OpenGL texture format, given <bpp> and Tex <flags>.
static GLint choose_fmt(uint bpp, uint flags)
const bool alpha = (flags & TEX_ALPHA) != 0;
const bool bgr = (flags & TEX_BGR ) != 0;
const bool grey = (flags & TEX_GREY ) != 0;
const uint dxt = flags & TEX_DXT;
// S3TC
if(dxt != 0)
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
debug_warn("choose_fmt: invalid DXT value");
return 0;
// uncompressed
case 8:
case 16:
case 24:
return bgr? GL_BGR : GL_RGB;
case 32:
return bgr? GL_BGRA : GL_RGBA;
debug_warn("choose_fmt: invalid bpp");
return 0;
// quality mechanism
static GLint default_filter = GL_LINEAR; // one of the GL *minify* filters
static uint default_q_flags = OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; // OglTexQualityFlags
static bool q_flags_valid(uint q_flags)
// unrecognized bits are set - invalid
if((q_flags & ~bits) != 0)
return false;
// "full quality" but other reduction bits are set - invalid
if(q_flags & OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY && q_flags & ~OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY)
return false;
return true;
// change default settings - these affect performance vs. quality.
// may be overridden for individual textures via parameter to
// ogl_tex_upload or ogl_tex_set_filter, respectively.
// pass 0 to keep the current setting; defaults and legal values are:
// - q_flags: OGL_TEX_FULL_QUALITY; combination of OglTexQualityFlags
// - filter: GL_LINEAR; any valid OpenGL minification filter
void ogl_tex_set_defaults(uint q_flags, GLint filter)
default_q_flags = q_flags;
default_filter = filter;
// choose an internal format for <fmt> based on the given q_flags.
static GLint choose_int_fmt(GLenum fmt, uint q_flags)
// true => 4 bits per component; otherwise, 8
const bool half_bpp = (q_flags & OGL_TEX_HALF_BPP) != 0;
// early-out for S3TC textures: they don't need an internal format
// (because upload is via glCompressedTexImage2DARB), but we must avoid
// triggering the default case below. we might as well return a
// meaningful value (i.e. int_fmt = fmt).
return fmt;
// 8bpp
return half_bpp? GL_LUMINANCE4 : GL_LUMINANCE8;
return half_bpp? GL_INTENSITY4 : GL_INTENSITY8;
case GL_ALPHA:
return half_bpp? GL_ALPHA4 : GL_ALPHA8;
// 16bpp
// 24bpp
case GL_RGB:
case GL_BGR: // note: BGR can't be used as internal format
return half_bpp? GL_RGB4 : GL_RGB8;
// 32bpp
case GL_RGBA:
case GL_BGRA: // note: BGRA can't be used as internal format
return half_bpp? GL_RGBA4 : GL_RGBA8;
debug_warn("choose_int_fmt doesn't cover the given fmt! please add it.");
// fall back to a reasonable default
return half_bpp? GL_RGB4 : GL_RGB8;
// texture state to allow seamless reload
// see "Texture Parameters" in docs.
// all GL state tied to the texture that must be reapplied after reload.
// (this mustn't get too big, as it's stored in the already sizeable OglTex)
struct OglTexState
// glTexParameter
// note: there are more options, but they do not look to
// be important and will not be applied after a reload!
// in particular, LOD_BIAS isn't needed because that is set for
// the entire texturing unit via glTexEnv.
// .. texture filter
// note: this is the minification filter value; magnification filter
// is GL_NEAREST if it's GL_NEAREST, otherwise GL_LINEAR.
// we don't store mag_filter explicitly because it
// doesn't appear useful - either apps can tolerate LINEAR, or
// mipmaps aren't called for and filter could be NEAREST anyway).
GLint filter;
// .. wrap mode
// note: to simplify things, we assume that apps will never want to
// set S/T modes independently. it that becomes necessary,
// it's easy to add.
GLint wrap;
// fill the given state object with default values.
static void state_set_to_defaults(OglTexState* ots)
ots->filter = default_filter;
ots->wrap = GL_REPEAT;
// send all state to OpenGL (actually the currently bound texture).
// called from ogl_tex_upload.
static void state_latch(OglTexState* ots)
// filter
const GLint filter = ots->filter;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter);
const GLint mag_filter = (filter == GL_NEAREST)? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, mag_filter);
// wrap
const GLint wrap = ots->wrap;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap);
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap);
// .. only CLAMP and REPEAT are guaranteed to be available.
// if we're using one of the others, we squelch the error that
// may have resulted if this GL implementation is old.
if(wrap != GL_CLAMP && wrap != GL_REPEAT)
// texture resource object
// ideally we would split OglTex into data and state objects as in
// snd.cpp's SndData / VSrc. this gives us the benefits of caching while
// still leaving each "instance" (state object, which owns a data reference)
// free to change its state. however, unlike in OpenAL, there is no state
// independent of the data object - all parameters are directly tied to the
// GL texture object. therefore, splitting them up is impossible.
// (we shouldn't even keep the texel data in memory since that's already
// covered by the FS cache).
// given that multiple "instances" share the state stored here, we conclude:
// - a refcount is necessary to prevent ogl_tex_upload from freeing
// <t> as long as other instances are active.
// - concurrent use risks cross-talk (if the 2nd "instance" changes state and
// the first is reloaded, its state may change to that of the 2nd)
// as bad as it sounds, the latter issue isn't a problem: we do not expect
// multiple instances of the same texture where someone changes its filter.
// even if it is reloaded, the differing state is not critical.
// the alternative is even worse: disabling *all* caching/reuse would
// really hurt performance and h_mgr doesn't support only disallowing
// reuse of active objects (this would break the index lookup code, since
// multiple instances may then exist).
struct OglTex
Tex t;
// allocated by OglTex_reload; indicates the texture is currently uploaded.
GLuint id;
// ogl_tex_upload calls choose_fmt to determine these from <t>.
// however, its caller may override those values via parameters.
// note: these are stored here to allow retrieving via ogl_tex_get_format;
// they are only used within ogl_tex_upload.
GLenum fmt;
GLint int_fmt;
OglTexState state;
// OglTexQualityFlags
uint q_flags : 8;
// to which Texture Mapping Unit was this bound?
uint tmu : 8;
// flags influencing reload() behavior
// .. reload() should be a no-op, because we either have the texture in
// memory or it's been uploaded to OpenGL. reset in dtor.
uint is_loaded : 1;
// .. reload() should automatically re-upload the texture, because
// it had been uploaded before the reload.
uint need_auto_upload : 1;
// .. reload() doesn't need to load from disk, because <t> already
// contains the texture data. note: in this case, actual reloads are
// disallowed by ogl_tex_wrap, but we still need this flag to
// correctly handle the reload() triggered by h_alloc.
uint was_wrapped : 1;
// indicates if this texture is currently uploaded.
// used by state setters; reset in dtor.
uint is_currently_uploaded : 1;
uint tex_valid : 1;
static void OglTex_init(OglTex* ot, va_list args)
Tex* wrapped_tex = va_arg(args, Tex*);
// note: this only happens once; ogl_tex_wrap makes sure
// this OglTex cannot be reloaded, so it's safe.
ot->t = *wrapped_tex;
ot->was_wrapped = 1;
ot->q_flags = default_q_flags;
static void OglTex_dtor(OglTex* ot)
glDeleteTextures(1, &ot->id);
ot->id = 0;
ot->is_currently_uploaded = 0;
// need to clear this so actual reloads (triggered by h_reload)
// actually reload.
ot->is_loaded = 0;
static int OglTex_reload(OglTex* ot, const char* fn, Handle h)
// make sure the texture has been loaded
// .. already done (<h> had been freed but not yet unloaded)
return 0;
// .. load from file - but only if we weren't wrapping an existing
// Tex object (i.e. copy its values and be done).
RETURN_ERR(tex_load(fn, &ot->t));
ot->tex_valid = 1;
ot->is_loaded = 1;
glGenTextures(1, &ot->id);
// if it had already been uploaded before this reload,
// re-upload it (this also does state_latch).
return 0;
static int OglTex_validate(const OglTex* ot)
// width, height
// (note: this is done here because tex.cpp doesn't impose any
// restrictions on dimensions, while OpenGL does).
GLsizei w = (GLsizei)ot->t.w;
GLsizei h = (GLsizei)ot->t.h;
// .. == 0; texture file probably not loaded successfully.
if(w == 0 || h == 0)
return -100;
// .. greater than max supported tex dimension.
// no-op if oglInit not yet called
if(w > (GLsizei)ogl_max_tex_size || h > (GLsizei)ogl_max_tex_size)
return -101;
// .. not power-of-2.
// note: we can't work around this because both NV_texture_rectangle
// and subtexture require work for the client (changing tex coords).
// TODO: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
if(!is_pow2(w) || !is_pow2(h))
return -102;
// texture state
return -103;
return -104;
// misc
return -105;
if(ot->tmu >= 128) // unexpected that there will ever be this many
return -106;
// .. note: don't check ot->fmt and ot->int_fmt - they aren't set
// until during ogl_tex_upload.
return 0;
// load and return a handle to the texture given in <fn>.
// for a list of supported formats, see tex.h's tex_load.
Handle ogl_tex_load(const char* fn, uint flags)
Tex* wrapped_tex = 0; // we're loading from file
return h_alloc(H_OglTex, fn, flags, wrapped_tex);
// make the given Tex object ready for use as an OpenGL texture
// and return a handle to it. this will be as if its contents
// had been loaded by ogl_tex_load.
// we need only add bookkeeping information and "wrap" it in
// a resource object (accessed via Handle), hence the name.
// <fn> isn't strictly needed but should describe the texture so that
// h_filename will return a meaningful comment for debug purposes.
// note: because we cannot guarantee that callers will pass distinct
// "filenames", caching is disabled for the created object. this avoids
// mistakenly reusing previous objects that share the same comment.
Handle ogl_tex_wrap(Tex* t, const char* fn, uint flags)
// this object may not be backed by a file ("may", because
// someone could do tex_load and then ogl_tex_wrap).
// if h_mgr asks for a reload, the dtor will be called but
// we won't be able to reconstruct it. therefore, disallow reloads.
// (they are improbable anyway since caller is supposed to pass a
// 'descriptive comment' instead of filename, but don't rely on that)
// also disable caching as explained above.
return h_alloc(H_OglTex, fn, flags, t);
// free all resources associated with the texture and make further
// use of it impossible. (subject to refcount)
int ogl_tex_free(Handle& ht)
return h_free(ht, H_OglTex);
// state setters (see "Texture Parameters" in docs)
// we require the below functions be called before uploading; this avoids
// potentially redundant glTexParameter calls (we'd otherwise need to always
// set defaults because we don't know if an override is forthcoming).
// raise a debug warning if the texture has already been uploaded
// (except in the few cases where this is allowed; see below).
// this is so that you will notice incorrect usage - only one instance of a
// texture should be active at a time, because otherwise they vie for
// control of one shared OglTexState.
static void warn_if_uploaded(Handle ht, const OglTex* ot)
#ifndef NDEBUG
// we do not require users of this module to remember if they've
// already uploaded a texture (inconvenient). since they also can't
// tell if the texture was newly loaded (due to h_alloc interface),
// we have to squelch this warning in 2 cases:
// - it's ogl_tex_loaded several times (i.e. refcount > 1) and the
// caller (typically a higher-level LoadTexture) is setting filter etc.
// - caller is using our Handle as a caching mechanism, and calls
// ogl_tex_set_* before every use of the texture. note: this
// need not fall under the above check, e.g. if freed but cached.
// workaround is that ogl_tex_set_* won't call us if the
// same state values are being set (harmless anyway).
int refs = h_get_refcnt(ht);
if(refs > 1)
return; // don't complain
debug_warn("ogl_tex_set_*: texture already uploaded and shouldn't be changed");
// (prevent warnings; the alternative of wrapping all call sites in
// #ifndef is worse)
// override default filter (as set above) for this texture.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
// filter is as defined by OpenGL; it is applied for both minification and
// magnification (for rationale and details, see OglTexState)
int ogl_tex_set_filter(Handle ht, GLint filter)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
if(ot->state.filter != filter)
warn_if_uploaded(ht, ot);
ot->state.filter = filter;
return 0;
// override default wrap mode (GL_REPEAT) for this texture.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
// wrap is as defined by OpenGL and applies to both S and T coordinates
// (rationale: see OglTexState).
int ogl_tex_set_wrap(Handle ht, GLint wrap)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
if(ot->state.wrap != wrap)
warn_if_uploaded(ht, ot);
ot->state.wrap = wrap;
return 0;
// upload
static int get_mipmaps(Tex* t, GLint filter, uint q_flags, int* plevels_to_skip)
// decisions:
// .. does this OpenGL implementation support auto mipmap generation?
static const bool have_auto_mipmap_gen = oglHaveVersion("1.4") || oglHaveExtension("GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap");
// .. does filter call for uploading mipmaps?
const bool need_mipmaps = filter_uses_mipmaps(filter);
// .. does the image data include mipmaps? (stored as separate
// images after the regular texels)
const bool includes_mipmaps = (t->flags & TEX_MIPMAPS) != 0;
// .. is this texture in S3TC format? (more generally, "compressed")
const bool is_s3tc = (t->flags & TEX_DXT) != 0;
*plevels_to_skip = TEX_BASE_LEVEL_ONLY;
return 0;
// image already contains pregenerated mipmaps; we need do nothing.
// this is the nicest case, because they are fastest to load
// (no extra processing needed) and typically filtered better than
// if automatically generated.
*plevels_to_skip = 0; // t contains mipmaps
// OpenGL supports automatic generation; we need only
// activate that and upload the base image.
else if(have_auto_mipmap_gen)
// have the same values - it's heavily implied by the spec
// governing 'promoted' ARB extensions and just plain makes sense.
// image is S3TC-compressed and the previous 2 alternatives weren't
// available; we're going to cheat and just disable mipmapping.
// rationale: having tex_transform add mipmaps would be slow (since
// all<->all transforms aren't implemented, it'd have to decompress
// from S3TC first), and DDS images ought to include mipmaps!
else if(is_s3tc)
return -1;
// image is uncompressed and we're on an old OpenGL implementation;
// we will generate mipmaps in software.
RETURN_ERR(tex_transform_to(t, t->flags|TEX_MIPMAPS));
*plevels_to_skip = 0; // t contains mipmaps
// t contains mipmaps; we can apply our resolution reduction trick:
if(*plevels_to_skip == 0)
// this saves texture memory by skipping some of the lower
// (high-resolution) mip levels.
// note: we don't just use GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL because it would
// require uploading unused levels, which is wasteful.
// .. can be expanded to reduce to 1/4, 1/8 by encoding factor in q_flags.
const uint reduce = (q_flags & OGL_TEX_HALF_RES)? 2 : 1;
*plevels_to_skip = log2(reduce);
return 0;
struct UploadParams
GLenum fmt;
GLint int_fmt;
static void upload_level(uint level, uint level_w, uint level_h,
const u8* restrict level_data, size_t UNUSED(level_data_size), void* restrict ctx)
const UploadParams* up = (const UploadParams*)ctx;
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, up->int_fmt, level_w, level_h, 0,
up->fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, level_data);
static void upload_compressed_level(uint level, uint level_w, uint level_h,
const u8* restrict level_data, size_t level_data_size, void* restrict ctx)
const UploadParams* up = (const UploadParams*)ctx;
glCompressedTexImage2DARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, up->fmt,
(GLsizei)level_w, (GLsizei)level_h, 0, (GLsizei)level_data_size, level_data);
// upload the texture in the specified (internal) format.
// split out of ogl_tex_upload because it was too big.
// pre: <t> is valid for OpenGL use; texture is bound.
static void upload_impl(Tex* t, GLenum fmt, GLint int_fmt, int levels_to_skip)
const GLsizei w = (GLsizei)t->w;
const GLsizei h = (GLsizei)t->h;
const uint bpp = t->bpp;
const u8* data = (const u8*)tex_get_data(t);
const UploadParams up = { fmt, int_fmt };
if(t->flags & TEX_DXT)
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(w, h, bpp, data, levels_to_skip, 4, upload_compressed_level, (void*)&up);
tex_util_foreach_mipmap(w, h, bpp, data, levels_to_skip, 1, upload_level, (void*)&up);
static bool detect_s3tc()
// 1. require extensions to be advertised.
// note: we don't bother checking for GL_S3_s3tc - it is incompatible
// and irrelevant (was never widespread).
bool have_s3tc = oglHaveExtensions(0, "GL_ARB_texture_compression", "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc", 0) == 0;
// 2. exclude any card/driver combos on which it is known to break.
if(gfx_card[0] == '\0')
debug_warn("ogl_tex requires get_gfx_info be called before ogl_tex_upload");
if(!strcmp(gfx_card, "S3 SuperSavage/IXC 1014"))
if(strstr(gfx_drv_ver, "ssicdnt.dll (2.60.115)"))
have_s3tc = false;
return have_s3tc;
// upload the texture to OpenGL.
// if not 0, parameters override the following:
// fmt_ovr : OpenGL format (e.g. GL_RGB) decided from bpp / Tex flags;
// q_flags_ovr : global default "quality vs. performance" flags;
// int_fmt_ovr : internal format (e.g. GL_RGB8) decided from fmt / q_flags.
// side effects:
// - enables texturing on TMU 0 and binds the texture to it;
// - frees the texel data! see ogl_tex_get_data.
int ogl_tex_upload(const Handle ht, GLenum fmt_ovr, uint q_flags_ovr, GLint int_fmt_ovr)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
Tex* t = &ot->t;
const char* fn = h_filename(ht);
fn = "(could not determine filename)";
// we don't bother verifying *fmt_ovr - there are too many values
// upload already happened; no work to do.
// (this also happens if a cached texture is "loaded")
return 0;
// decompress S3TC if that's not supported by OpenGL.
static const bool have_s3tc = detect_s3tc();
if((t->flags & TEX_DXT) && !have_s3tc)
ONCE(DISPLAY_ERROR(L"Performance warning: your graphics card does not support compressed textures. The game will try to continue anyway, but may be slower than expected. Please try updating your graphics drivers; if that doesn't help, please try upgrading your hardware."));
(void)tex_transform_to(t, t->flags & ~TEX_DXT);
// determine fmt and int_fmt, allowing for user override.
ot->fmt = choose_fmt(t->bpp, t->flags);
if(fmt_ovr) ot->fmt = fmt_ovr;
if(q_flags_ovr) ot->q_flags = q_flags_ovr;
ot->int_fmt = choose_int_fmt(ot->fmt, ot->q_flags);
if(int_fmt_ovr) ot->int_fmt = int_fmt_ovr;
// now actually send to OpenGL:
// (note: we know ht is valid due to H_DEREF, but ogl_tex_bind can
// fail in debug builds if OglTex.id isn't a valid texture name)
RETURN_ERR(ogl_tex_bind(ht, ot->tmu));
int levels_to_skip;
if(get_mipmaps(t, ot->state.filter, ot->q_flags, &levels_to_skip) < 0)
// error => disable mipmapping
ot->state.filter = GL_LINEAR;
// (note: if first time, applies our defaults/previous overrides;
// otherwise, replays all state changes)
upload_impl(t, ot->fmt, ot->int_fmt, levels_to_skip);
ot->need_auto_upload = 1;
ot->is_currently_uploaded = 1;
// see rationale for <refs> at declaration of OglTex.
// note: tex_free is safe even if this OglTex was wrapped -
// the Tex contains a mem handle.
int refs = h_get_refcnt(ht);
if(refs == 1)
ot->tex_valid = 0;
return 0;
// getters
// retrieve texture dimensions and bits per pixel.
// all params are optional and filled if non-NULL.
int ogl_tex_get_size(Handle ht, uint* w, uint* h, uint* bpp)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*w = ot->t.w;
*h = ot->t.h;
*bpp = ot->t.bpp;
return 0;
// retrieve Tex.flags and the corresponding OpenGL format.
// the latter is determined during ogl_tex_upload and is 0 before that.
// all params are optional and filled if non-NULL.
int ogl_tex_get_format(Handle ht, uint* flags, GLenum* fmt)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*flags = ot->t.flags;
debug_warn("ogl_tex_get_format: hasn't been defined yet!");
*fmt = ot->fmt;
return 0;
// retrieve pointer to texel data.
// note: this memory is freed after a successful ogl_tex_upload for
// this texture. after that, the pointer we retrieve is NULL but
// the function doesn't fail (negative return value) by design.
// if you still need to get at the data, add a reference before
// uploading it or read directly from OpenGL (discouraged).
int ogl_tex_get_data(Handle ht, void** p)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
*p = tex_get_data(&ot->t);
return 0;
// misc API
// bind the texture to the specified unit [number] in preparation for
// using it in rendering. if <ht> is 0, texturing is disabled instead.
// side effects:
// - changes the active texture unit;
// - (if return value is 0:) texturing was enabled/disabled on that unit.
// notes:
// - assumes multitexturing is available.
// - not necessary before calling ogl_tex_upload!
// - on error, the unit's texture state is unchanged; see implementation.
int ogl_tex_bind(Handle ht, uint unit)
// note: there are many call sites of glActiveTextureARB, so caching
// those and ignoring redundant sets isn't feasible.
// special case: disable texturing
if(ht == 0)
return 0;
// if this fails, the texture unit's state remains unchanged.
// we don't bother catching that and disabling texturing because a
// debug warning is raised anyway, and it's quite unlikely.
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
ot->tmu = unit;
// if 0, there's a problem in the OglTex reload/dtor logic.
// binding it results in whiteness, which can have many causes;
// we therefore complain so this one can be ruled out.
debug_assert(ot->id != 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, ot->id);
return 0;
// apply the specified transforms (as in tex_transform) to the image.
// must be called before uploading (raises a warning if called afterwards).
int ogl_tex_transform(Handle ht, uint transforms)
H_DEREF(ht, OglTex, ot);
int ret = tex_transform(&ot->t, transforms);
return ret;