
149 lines
4.4 KiB

function ResourceSupply() {}
ResourceSupply.prototype.Schema =
"<a:help>Provides a supply of one particular type of resource.</a:help>" +
"<a:example>" +
"<Amount>1000</Amount>" +
"<Type>food.meat</Type>" +
"</a:example>" +
"<element name='KillBeforeGather' a:help='Whether this entity must be killed (health reduced to 0) before its resources can be gathered'>" +
"<data type='boolean'/>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Amount' a:help='Amount of resources available from this entity'>" +
"<choice><data type='nonNegativeInteger'/><value>Infinity</value></choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='Type' a:help='Type of resources'>" +
"<choice>" +
"<value>wood.tree</value>" +
"<value>wood.ruins</value>" +
"<value>stone.rock</value>" +
"<value>stone.ruins</value>" +
"<value>metal.ore</value>" +
"<value>food.fish</value>" +
"<value>food.fruit</value>" +
"<value>food.grain</value>" +
"<value>food.meat</value>" +
"<value>food.milk</value>" +
"<value>treasure.wood</value>" +
"<value>treasure.stone</value>" +
"<value>treasure.metal</value>" +
"<value>treasure.food</value>" +
"</choice>" +
"</element>" +
"<element name='MaxGatherers' a:help='Amount of gatherers who can gather resources from this entity at the same time'>" +
"<data type='nonNegativeInteger'/>" +
"</element>" +
"<optional>" +
"<element name='DiminishingReturns' a:help='The rate at which adding more gatherers decreases overall efficiency. Lower numbers = faster dropoff. Leave the element out for no diminishing returns.'>" +
"<ref name='positiveDecimal'/>" +
"</element>" +
ResourceSupply.prototype.Init = function()
// Current resource amount (non-negative)
this.amount = this.GetMaxAmount();
this.gatherers = []; // list of IDs
this.infinite = !isFinite(+this.template.Amount);
ResourceSupply.prototype.IsInfinite = function()
return this.infinite;
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetKillBeforeGather = function()
return (this.template.KillBeforeGather == "true");
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetMaxAmount = function()
return +this.template.Amount;
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetCurrentAmount = function()
return this.amount;
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetMaxGatherers = function()
return +this.template.MaxGatherers;
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetGatherers = function()
return this.gatherers;
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetDiminishingReturns = function()
if ("DiminishingReturns" in this.template)
return ApplyValueModificationsToEntity("ResourceSupply/DiminishingReturns", +this.template.DiminishingReturns, this.entity);
return null;
ResourceSupply.prototype.TakeResources = function(rate)
if (this.infinite)
return { "amount": rate, "exhausted": false };
// 'rate' should be a non-negative integer
var old = this.amount;
this.amount = Math.max(0, old - rate);
var change = old - this.amount;
// Remove entities that have been exhausted
if (this.amount == 0)
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceSupplyChanged, { "from": old, "to": this.amount });
return { "amount": change, "exhausted": (this.amount == 0) };
ResourceSupply.prototype.GetType = function()
// All resources must have both type and subtype
var [type, subtype] = this.template.Type.split('.');
return { "generic": type, "specific": subtype };
ResourceSupply.prototype.IsAvailable = function(gathererID)
if (this.gatherers.length < this.GetMaxGatherers() || this.gatherers.indexOf(gathererID) !== -1)
return true;
return false;
ResourceSupply.prototype.AddGatherer = function(gathererID)
if (!this.IsAvailable(gathererID))
return false;
if (this.gatherers.indexOf(gathererID) === -1)
// broadcast message, mainly useful for the AIs.
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceSupplyGatherersChanged, { "to": this.gatherers });
return true;
// should this return false if the gatherer didn't gather from said resource?
ResourceSupply.prototype.RemoveGatherer = function(gathererID)
if (this.gatherers.indexOf(gathererID) !== -1)
// broadcast message, mainly useful for the AIs.
Engine.PostMessage(this.entity, MT_ResourceSupplyGatherersChanged, { "to": this.gatherers });
Engine.RegisterComponentType(IID_ResourceSupply, "ResourceSupply", ResourceSupply);