leper e1b13dead9 Clean up tooltip code a bit more.
Remove useless tooltip from spart citizen, as the classes should be done
using visible classes.

This was SVN commit r16262.
2015-02-03 02:02:51 +00:00

473 lines
16 KiB

"food": '[icon="iconFood"]',
"wood": '[icon="iconWood"]',
"stone": '[icon="iconStone"]',
"metal": '[icon="iconMetal"]',
"population": '[icon="iconPopulation"]',
"time": '[icon="iconTime"]'
const txtFormats = {
"unit": ['[font="sans-10"][color="orange"]', '[/color][/font]'],
"header": ['[font="sans-bold-13"]', '[/font]'],
"body": ['[font="sans-13"]', '[/font]']
function damageValues(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return [0, 0, 0];
return [dmg.hack || 0, dmg.pierce || 0, dmg.crush || 0];
function damageTypeDetails(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]';
var dmgArray = [];
if (dmg.hack)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.hack.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + txtFormats.unit[1]
if (dmg.pierce)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.pierce.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + txtFormats.unit[1]
if (dmg.crush)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.crush.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + txtFormats.unit[1]
return dmgArray.join(translate(", "));
function attackRateDetails(entState, type)
var time = entState.attack[type].repeatTime / 1000;
var timeString = sprintf(translate("%(time)s %(second)s"), {
time: time,
second: txtFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("second", "seconds", time) + txtFormats.unit[1]
if (!entState.buildingAI)
return timeString;
var arrows = Math.max(entState.buildingAI.arrowCount, entState.buildingAI.defaultArrowCount);
var arrowString = sprintf(translate("%(arrowcount)s %(arrow)s"), {
arrowcount: arrows,
arrow: txtFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("arrow", "arrows", arrows) + txtFormats.unit[1]
return sprintf(translate("%(arrowString)s / %(timeString)s"), {
arrowString: arrowString,
timeString: timeString
// Converts an armor level into the actual reduction percentage
function armorLevelToPercentageString(level)
return (100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100)) + "%";
// return sprintf(translate("%(armorPercentage)s%"), { armorPercentage: (100 - Math.round(Math.pow(0.9, level) * 100)) }); // Not supported by our sprintf implementation.
function getArmorTooltip(dmg)
var label = txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Armor:") + txtFormats.header[1];
if (!dmg)
return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), {
"label": label,
"details": '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]'
var dmgArray = [];
if (dmg.hack)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), {
damage: dmg.hack,
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + txtFormats.unit[1],
armorPercentage: '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { armorPercentage: armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.hack) }) + '[/font]'
if (dmg.pierce)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), {
damage: dmg.pierce,
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + txtFormats.unit[1],
armorPercentage: '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { armorPercentage: armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.pierce) }) + '[/font]'
if (dmg.crush)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s %(armorPercentage)s"), {
damage: dmg.crush,
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + txtFormats.unit[1],
armorPercentage: '[font="sans-10"]' + sprintf(translate("(%(armorPercentage)s)"), { armorPercentage: armorLevelToPercentageString(dmg.crush) }) + '[/font]'
return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), {
"label": label,
"details": dmgArray.join('[font="sans-12"]' + translate(", ") + '[/font]')
function damageTypesToText(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return '[font="sans-12"]' + translate("(None)") + '[/font]';
var dmgArray = [];
if (dmg.hack)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.hack.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Hack") + txtFormats.unit[1]
if (dmg.pierce)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.pierce.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Pierce") + txtFormats.unit[1]
if (dmg.crush)
dmgArray.push(sprintf(translate("%(damage)s %(damageType)s"), {
damage: dmg.crush.toFixed(1),
damageType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Crush") + txtFormats.unit[1]
return dmgArray.join('[font="sans-12"]' + translate(", ") + '[/font]');
function getAttackTypeLabel(type)
if (type === "Charge") return translate("Charge Attack:");
if (type === "Melee") return translate("Melee Attack:");
if (type === "Ranged") return translate("Ranged Attack:");
warn(sprintf("Internationalization: Unexpected attack type found with code ‘%(attackType)s’. This attack type must be internationalized.", { attackType: type }));
return translate("Attack:");
function getAttackTooltip(template)
var attacks = [];
if (!template.attack)
return "";
if (template.buildingAI)
var rateLabel = txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Interval:") + txtFormats.header[1];
var rateLabel = txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Rate:") + txtFormats.header[1];
for (var type in template.attack)
if (type == "Slaughter")
continue; // Slaughter is not a real attack, so do not show it.
if (type == "Charge")
continue; // Charging isn't implemented yet and shouldn't be displayed.
var rate = sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(details)s"), {
label: rateLabel,
details: attackRateDetails(template, type)
var attackLabel = txtFormats.header[0] + getAttackTypeLabel(type) + txtFormats.header[1];
if (type != "Ranged")
attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(details)s, %(rate)s"), {
attackLabel: attackLabel,
details: damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]),
rate: rate
var realRange = template.attack[type].elevationAdaptedRange;
var range = Math.round(template.attack[type].maxRange);
var rangeLabel = txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Range:") + txtFormats.header[1];
var relativeRange = Math.round((realRange - range));
var meters = txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("meters") + txtFormats.unit[1];
if (relativeRange) // show if it is non-zero
attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(details)s, %(rangeLabel)s %(range)s %(meters)s (%(relative)s), %(rate)s"), {
attackLabel: attackLabel,
details: damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]),
rangeLabel: rangeLabel,
range: range,
meters: meters,
relative: relativeRange > 0 ? "+" + relativeRange : relativeRange,
rate: rate
attacks.push(sprintf(translate("%(attackLabel)s %(damageTypes)s, %(rangeLabel)s %(range)s %(meters)s, %(rate)s"), {
attackLabel: attackLabel,
damageTypes: damageTypesToText(template.attack[type]),
rangeLabel: rangeLabel,
range: range,
meters: meters,
rate: rate
return attacks.join(translate(", "));
* Translates a cost component identifier as they are used internally
* (e.g. "population", "food", etc.) to proper display names.
function getCostComponentDisplayName(costComponentName)
if (costComponentName in COST_DISPLAY_NAMES)
return COST_DISPLAY_NAMES[costComponentName];
warn(sprintf("The specified cost component, ‘%(component)s’, is not currently supported.", { component: costComponentName }));
return "";
* Multiplies the costs for a template by a given batch size.
function multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum)
var totalCosts = {};
for (var r in template.cost)
totalCosts[r] = Math.floor(template.cost[r] * trainNum);
return totalCosts;
* Helper function for getEntityCostTooltip.
function getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity)
if (!trainNum)
trainNum = 1;
var totalCosts = multiplyEntityCosts(template, trainNum);
totalCosts.time = Math.ceil(template.cost.time * (entity ? Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetBatchTime", {"entity": entity, "batchSize": trainNum}) : 1));
var costs = [];
if (totalCosts.food) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("food"), cost: totalCosts.food }));
if (totalCosts.wood) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("wood"), cost: totalCosts.wood }));
if (totalCosts.metal) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("metal"), cost: totalCosts.metal }));
if (totalCosts.stone) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("stone"), cost: totalCosts.stone }));
if (totalCosts.population) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("population"), cost: totalCosts.population }));
if (totalCosts.time) costs.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), { component: getCostComponentDisplayName("time"), cost: totalCosts.time }));
return costs;
* Returns an array of strings for a set of wall pieces. If the pieces share
* resource type requirements, output will be of the form '10 to 30 Stone',
* otherwise output will be, e.g. '10 Stone, 20 Stone, 30 Stone'.
function getWallPieceTooltip(wallTypes)
var out = [];
var resourceCount = {};
// Initialize the acceptable types for '$x to $y $resource' mode.
for (var resource in wallTypes[0].cost)
if (wallTypes[0].cost[resource])
resourceCount[resource] = [wallTypes[0].cost[resource]];
var sameTypes = true;
for (var i = 1; i < wallTypes.length; ++i)
for (var resource in wallTypes[i].cost)
// Break out of the same-type mode if this wall requires
// resource types that the first didn't.
if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource] && !resourceCount[resource])
sameTypes = false;
for (var resource in resourceCount)
if (wallTypes[i].cost[resource])
sameTypes = false;
if (sameTypes)
for (var resource in resourceCount)
var resourceMin = Math.min.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]);
var resourceMax = Math.max.apply(Math, resourceCount[resource]);
// Translation: This string is part of the resources cost string on
// the tooltip for wall structures.
out.push(sprintf(translate("%(resourceIcon)s %(minimum)s to %(resourceIcon)s %(maximum)s"), {
resourceIcon: getCostComponentDisplayName(resource),
minimum: resourceMin,
maximum: resourceMax
for (var i = 0; i < wallTypes.length; ++i)
out.push(getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(wallTypes[i]).join(", "));
return out;
* Returns the cost information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip.
function getEntityCostTooltip(template, trainNum, entity)
// Entities with a wallset component are proxies for initiating wall placement and as such do not have a cost of
// their own; the individual wall pieces within it do.
if (template.wallSet)
var templateLong = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.long);
var templateMedium = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.medium);
var templateShort = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.short);
var templateTower = GetTemplateData(template.wallSet.templates.tower);
var wallCosts = getWallPieceTooltip([templateShort, templateMedium, templateLong]);
var towerCosts = getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(templateTower);
return sprintf(translate("Walls: %(costs)s"), { costs: wallCosts.join(" ") }) + "\n"
+ sprintf(translate("Towers: %(costs)s"), { costs: towerCosts.join(" ") });
if (template.cost)
return getEntityCostComponentsTooltipString(template, trainNum, entity).join(" ");
return "";
* Returns the population bonus information to display in the specified entity's construction button tooltip.
function getPopulationBonusTooltip(template)
var popBonus = "";
if (template.cost && template.cost.populationBonus)
popBonus = "\n" + sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(populationBonus)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Population Bonus:") + txtFormats.header[1],
populationBonus: template.cost.populationBonus
return popBonus;
* Returns a message with the amount of each resource needed to create an entity.
function getNeededResourcesTooltip(resources)
var formatted = [];
for (var resource in resources)
formatted.push(sprintf(translate("%(component)s %(cost)s"), {
component: '[font="sans-12"]' + getCostComponentDisplayName(resource) + '[/font]',
cost: resources[resource]
return '\n\n[font="sans-bold-13"][color="red"]' + translate("Insufficient resources:") + '[/color][/font]\n' + formatted.join(" ");
function getSpeedTooltip(template)
if (!template.speed)
return "";
var label = txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Speed:") + txtFormats.header[1];
var speeds = [];
if (template.speed.walk)
speeds.push(sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { speed: template.speed.walk, movementType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Walk") + txtFormats.unit[1]}));
if (template.speed.run)
speeds.push(sprintf(translate("%(speed)s %(movementType)s"), { speed: template.speed.run, movementType: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("Run") + txtFormats.unit[1]}));
return sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(speeds)s"), { label: label, speeds: speeds.join(translate(", ")) });
function getHealerTooltip(template)
if (!template.healer)
return "";
var healer = [
sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Heal:") + txtFormats.header[1],
val: template.healer.HP,
// Translation: Short for Health Points (that are healed in one healing action)
unit: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("HP") + txtFormats.unit[1]
sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Range:") + txtFormats.header[1],
val: template.healer.Range,
unit: txtFormats.unit[0] + translate("meters") + txtFormats.unit[1]
sprintf(translate("%(label)s %(val)s %(unit)s"), {
label: txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Rate:") + txtFormats.header[1],
val: template.healer.Rate/1000,
unit: txtFormats.unit[0] + translatePlural("second", "seconds", template.healer.Rate/1000) + txtFormats.unit[1]
return healer.join(translate(", "));
function getEntityNames(template)
if (template.name.specific)
if (template.name.generic && template.name.specific != template.name.generic)
return sprintf(translate("%(specificName)s (%(genericName)s)"), {
specificName: template.name.specific,
genericName: template.name.generic
return template.name.specific;
if (template.name.generic)
return template.name.generic;
warn("Entity name requested on an entity without a name, specific or generic.");
return translate("???");
function getEntityNamesFormatted(template)
var names = "";
var generic = template.name.generic;
var specific = template.name.specific;
if (specific)
// drop caps for specific name
names += '[font="sans-bold-16"]' + specific[0] + '[/font]' +
'[font="sans-bold-12"]' + specific.slice(1).toUpperCase() + '[/font]';
if (generic)
names += '[font="sans-bold-16"] (' + generic + ')[/font]';
else if (generic)
names = '[font="sans-bold-16"]' + generic + "[/font]";
names = "???";
return names;
function getVisibleEntityClassesFormatted(template)
var r = ""
if (template.visibleIdentityClasses && template.visibleIdentityClasses.length)
r += '\n' + txtFormats.header[0] + translate("Classes:") + txtFormats.header[1];
var classes = [];
for (var c of template.visibleIdentityClasses)
r += ' ' + txtFormats.body[0] + classes.join(translate(", ")) + txtFormats.body[1];
return r;