forked from 0ad/0ad
Ykkrosh 7dca91f26b # Various changes to the text rendering system.
Rewrite font builder tool to be much simpler and to support more text
Change GUI to use new set of fonts.
Switch font textures from TGA to PNG so they're easier for the font
builder to create.
Support RGBA font textures (for e.g. stroked text).
Greatly improve text rendering performance by using vertex arrays.
Fix rendering code leaving vertex buffers bound.
Add 'clip' property to GUI text objects, to disable clipping when
Delete part of unused console function registration system.

This was SVN commit r7595.
2010-05-30 13:42:56 +00:00

316 lines
9.3 KiB

// Cache dev-mode settings that are frequently or widely used
var g_DevSettings = {
controlAll: false
function init(initData, hotloadData)
if (hotloadData)
g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection;
// Starting for the first time:
function leaveGame()
// Return some data that we'll use when hotloading this file after changes
function getHotloadData()
return { selection: g_Selection.selected };
function onTick()
g_DevSettings.controlAll = getGUIObjectByName("devControlAll").checked;
// TODO: at some point this controlAll needs to disable the simulation code's
// player checks (once it has some player checks)
// If the selection changed, we need to regenerate the sim display
if (g_Selection.dirty)
function onSimulationUpdate()
g_Selection.dirty = false;
var simState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetSimulationState");
// If we're called during init when the game is first loading, there will be
// no simulation yet, so do nothing
if (!simState)
function updateDebug(simState)
var debug = getGUIObjectByName("debug");
if (getGUIObjectByName("devDisplayState").checked)
debug.hidden = false;
debug.hidden = true;
var text = uneval(simState);
var selection = g_Selection.toList();
if (selection.length)
var entState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selection[0]);
if (entState)
var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", entState.template);
text += "\n\n" + uneval(entState) + "\n\n" + uneval(template);
debug.caption = text;
function updatePlayerDisplay(simState)
var playerState = simState.players[Engine.GetPlayerID()];
getGUIObjectByName("resourceFood").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.food;
getGUIObjectByName("resourceWood").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.wood;
getGUIObjectByName("resourceStone").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.stone;
getGUIObjectByName("resourceMetal").caption = playerState.resourceCounts.metal;
getGUIObjectByName("resourcePop").caption = playerState.popCount + "/" + playerState.popLimit;
function damageTypesToText(dmg)
if (!dmg)
return "(None)";
return dmg.hack + " Hack\n" + dmg.pierce + " Pierce\n" + dmg.crush + " Crush";
// The number of currently visible buttons (used to optimise showing/hiding)
var g_unitPanelButtons = { "Construction": 0, "Training": 0, "Queue": 0 };
// The unitSomethingPanel objects, which are displayed in a stack at the bottom of the screen,
// ordered with *lowest* first
var g_unitPanels = ["Stance", "Formation", "Construction", "Research", "Training", "Queue"];
// Helper function for updateUnitDisplay
function setupUnitPanel(guiName, usedPanels, unitEntState, items, callback)
usedPanels[guiName] = 1;
var i = 0;
for each (var item in items)
var entType;
if (guiName == "Queue")
entType = item.template;
entType = item;
var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]");
var icon = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Icon["+i+"]");
var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", entType);
if (!template)
continue; // ignore attempts to use invalid templates (an error should have been reported already)
var name;
if (template.name.specific && template.name.generic)
name = template.name.specific + " (" + template.name.generic + ")";
name = template.name.specific || template.name.generic || "???";
var tooltip;
if (guiName == "Queue")
var progress = Math.round(item.progress*100) + "%";
tooltip = name + " - " + progress;
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Count["+i+"]").caption = (item.count > 1 ? item.count : "");
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Progress["+i+"]").caption = (item.progress ? progress : "");
tooltip = "[font=\"serif-bold-16\"]" + name + "[/font]";
if (template.cost)
var font1 = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]";
var costs = [];
if (template.cost.food) costs.push(font1 + "Food:[/font] " + template.cost.food);
if (template.cost.wood) costs.push(font1 + "Wood:[/font] " + template.cost.wood);
if (template.cost.metal) costs.push(font1 + "Metal:[/font] " + template.cost.metal);
if (template.cost.stone) costs.push(font1 + "Stone:[/font] " + template.cost.stone);
if (costs.length)
tooltip += "\n" + costs.join(", ");
if (guiName == "Training")
var font1 = "[font=\"serif-13\"]";
var font2 = "[font=\"serif-bold-13\"]";
var [batchSize, batchIncrement] = getTrainingQueueBatchStatus(unitEntState.id, entType);
tooltip += "\n" + font1;
if (batchSize) tooltip += "Training " + font2 + batchSize + font1 + " units; ";
tooltip += "Shift-click to train " + font2 + (batchSize+batchIncrement) + font1 + " units[/font]";
button.hidden = false;
button.tooltip = tooltip;
button.onpress = (function(e) { return function() { callback(e) } })(item);
// (need nested functions to get the closure right)
icon.sprite = "snPortraitSheetHele"; // TODO
if (typeof template.icon_cell == "undefined")
icon.cell_id = 0;
icon.cell_id = template.icon_cell;
var numButtons = i;
// Position the visible buttons
// (TODO: if there's lots, maybe they should be squeezed together to fit)
for (i = 0; i < numButtons; ++i)
var button = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]");
var size = button.size;
size.left = 40*i;
size.right = 40*i + size.bottom;
button.size = size;
// Hide any buttons we're no longer using
for (i = numButtons; i < g_unitPanelButtons[guiName]; ++i)
getGUIObjectByName("unit"+guiName+"Button["+i+"]").hidden = true;
g_unitPanelButtons[guiName] = numButtons;
function updateUnitDisplay()
var detailsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetails");
var commandsPanel = getGUIObjectByName("unitCommands");
var selection = g_Selection.toList();
if (selection.length == 0)
detailsPanel.hidden = true;
commandsPanel.hidden = true;
var entState = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetEntityState", selection[0]);
// If the unit has no data (e.g. it was killed), don't try displaying any
// data for it. (TODO: it should probably be removed from the selection too;
// also need to handle multi-unit selections)
if (!entState)
detailsPanel.hidden = true;
commandsPanel.hidden = true;
var template = Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("GetTemplateData", entState.template);
detailsPanel.hidden = false;
commandsPanel.hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsIcon").sprite = "snPortraitSheetHele";
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsIcon").cell_id = template.icon_cell;
var healthSize = getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsHealthBar").size;
healthSize.rright = 100*Math.max(0, Math.min(1, entState.hitpoints / entState.maxHitpoints));
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsHealthBar").size = healthSize;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsHealth").tooltip = "Hitpoints " + entState.hitpoints + " / " + entState.maxHitpoints;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsSpecific").caption = template.name.specific;
if (template.name.generic == template.name.specific)
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsGeneric").hidden = true;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsGeneric").hidden = false;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsGeneric").caption = template.name.generic;
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsPlayer").caption = "Player " + entState.player; // TODO: get player name
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsAttack").caption = damageTypesToText(entState.attack);
getGUIObjectByName("selectionDetailsArmour").caption = damageTypesToText(entState.armour);
var usedPanels = {};
// If the selection is friendly units, add the command panels
var player = Engine.GetPlayerID();
if (entState.player == player || g_DevSettings.controlAll)
if (entState.attack) // TODO - this should be based on some AI properties
//usedPanels["Stance"] = 1;
//usedPanels["Formation"] = 1;
// (These are disabled since they're not implemented yet)
else // TODO - this should be based on various other things
//usedPanels["Research"] = 1;
if (entState.buildEntities && entState.buildEntities.length)
setupUnitPanel("Construction", usedPanels, entState, entState.buildEntities, startBuildingPlacement);
if (entState.training && entState.training.entities.length)
setupUnitPanel("Training", usedPanels, entState, entState.training.entities,
function (trainEntType) { addToTrainingQueue(entState.id, trainEntType); } );
if (entState.training && entState.training.queue.length)
setupUnitPanel("Queue", usedPanels, entState, entState.training.queue,
function (item) { removeFromTrainingQueue(entState.id, item.id); } );
// Lay out all the used panels in a stack at the bottom of the screen
var offset = 0;
for each (var panelName in g_unitPanels)
var panel = getGUIObjectByName("unit"+panelName+"Panel");
if (usedPanels[panelName])
var size = panel.size;
var h = size.bottom - size.top;
size.bottom = offset;
size.top = offset - h;
panel.size = size;
panel.hidden = false;
offset -= (h + 12);
panel.hidden = true;