forked from 0ad/0ad

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/* Copyright (C) 2010 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "simulation2/helpers/SimulationCommand.h"
#include <map>
class CNetServer;
class CNetClient;
class CSimulationMessage;
class CSimulation2;
class IReplayLogger;
* This file deals with the logic of the network turn system. The basic idea is as in
* http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3094/1500_archers_on_a_288_network_.php?print=1
* Each player performs the simulation for turn N.
* User input is translated into commands scheduled for execution in turn N+2 which are
* distributed to all other clients.
* After a while, a player wants to perform the simulation for turn N+1,
* which first requires that it has all the other clients' commands for turn N+1.
* In that case, it does the simulation and tells all the other clients (via the server)
* it has finished sending commands for turn N+2, and it starts sending commands for turn N+3.
* Commands are redistributed immediately by the server.
* To ensure a consistent execution of commands, they are each associated with a
* client session ID (which is globally unique and consistent), which is used to sort them.
* Common network turn system (used by clients and offline games).
class CNetTurnManager
* Construct for a given network session ID.
CNetTurnManager(CSimulation2& simulation, int clientId, IReplayLogger& replay);
virtual ~CNetTurnManager() { }
* Set the current user's player ID, which will be added into command messages.
void SetPlayerID(int playerId);
* Advance the simulation by a certain time. If this brings us past the current
* turn length, the next turn is processed and the function returns true.
* Otherwise, nothing happens and it returns false.
* @param frameLength length of the previous frame in seconds
bool Update(float frameLength);
* Advance the graphics by a certain time.
* @param frameLength length of the previous frame in seconds
void Interpolate(float frameLength);
* Called by networking code when a simulation message is received.
virtual void OnSimulationMessage(CSimulationMessage* msg) = 0;
* Called when there has been an out-of-sync error.
virtual void OnSyncError(u32 turn, const std::string& expectedHash);
* Called by simulation code, to add a new command to be distributed to all clients and executed soon.
virtual void PostCommand(CScriptValRooted data) = 0;
* Called when all commands for a given turn have been received.
* This allows Update to progress to that turn.
void FinishedAllCommands(u32 turn);
* Store a command to be executed at a given turn.
void AddCommand(int client, int player, CScriptValRooted data, u32 turn);
* Called when this client has finished sending all its commands scheduled for the given turn.
virtual void NotifyFinishedOwnCommands(u32 turn) = 0;
* Called when this client has finished a simulation update.
virtual void NotifyFinishedUpdate(u32 turn) = 0;
CSimulation2& m_Simulation2;
/// The turn that we have most recently executed
u32 m_CurrentTurn;
/// The latest turn for which we have received all commands from all clients
u32 m_ReadyTurn;
/// Commands queued at each turn (index 0 is for m_CurrentTurn+1)
std::deque<std::map<u32, std::vector<SimulationCommand> > > m_QueuedCommands;
int m_PlayerId;
uint m_ClientId;
/// Time remaining until we ought to execute the next turn
float m_DeltaTime;
bool m_HasSyncError;
IReplayLogger& m_Replay;
* Implementation of CNetTurnManager for network clients.
class CNetClientTurnManager : public CNetTurnManager
CNetClientTurnManager(CSimulation2& simulation, CNetClient& client, int clientId, IReplayLogger& replay) :
CNetTurnManager(simulation, clientId, replay), m_NetClient(client)
virtual void OnSimulationMessage(CSimulationMessage* msg);
virtual void PostCommand(CScriptValRooted data);
virtual void NotifyFinishedOwnCommands(u32 turn);
virtual void NotifyFinishedUpdate(u32 turn);
CNetClient& m_NetClient;
* Implementation of CNetTurnManager for offline games.
class CNetLocalTurnManager : public CNetTurnManager
CNetLocalTurnManager(CSimulation2& simulation, IReplayLogger& replay) :
CNetTurnManager(simulation, 0, replay)
virtual void OnSimulationMessage(CSimulationMessage* msg);
virtual void PostCommand(CScriptValRooted data);
virtual void NotifyFinishedOwnCommands(u32 turn);
virtual void NotifyFinishedUpdate(u32 turn);
* The server-side counterpart to CNetClientTurnManager.
* Records the turn state of each client, and sends turn advancement messages
* when all clients are ready.
class CNetServerTurnManager
CNetServerTurnManager(CNetServer& server);
void NotifyFinishedClientCommands(int client, u32 turn);
void NotifyFinishedClientUpdate(int client, u32 turn, const std::string& hash);
void InitialiseClient(int client);
/// The latest turn for which we have received all commands from all clients
u32 m_ReadyTurn;
// Client ID -> ready turn number (the latest turn for which all commands have been received from that client)
std::map<int, u32> m_ClientsReady;
// Client ID -> last known simulated turn number (for which we have the state hash)
// (the client has reached the start of this turn, not done the update for it yet)
std::map<int, u32> m_ClientsSimulated;
// Map of turn -> {Client ID -> state hash}; old indexes <= min(m_ClientsSimulated) are deleted
std::map<u32, std::map<int, std::string> > m_ClientStateHashes;
CNetServer& m_NetServer;