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by Caecus
Contains CStr class which is a versatile class for making string use easy.
Basic functionality implemented via STL string, so performance is limited
based on the STL implementation we use.
CStr MyString = _T("Hello, World.");
_int MyNum = 126;
MyString += _T(" I'm the number ") += CStr(MyNumber);
// Prints "Hello, World. I'm the number 126"
_tcout << (LPCTSTR)MyString << endl;
MyString = _("2341");
MyNum = MyString.ToInt();
// Prints "2341"
_tcout << MyNum << endl;
More Info:
#ifndef CSTR_H
#define CSTR_H
#include "Prometheus.h"
#include <string> // Used for basic string functionality
#include <iostream>
#include "..\lib\posix.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
#define FLOAT_CONVERSION _T("%.6f")
#ifdef _UNICODE
typedef wstring tstring;
#define _tcout wcout
#define _tstod wcstod
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
2003-11-07 02:31:32 +01:00
#define _ttoi _wtoi
#define _ttol _wtol
#define _itot _itow
#define _ultot _itow
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
#define _T(t) L ## t
2003-11-07 02:31:32 +01:00
#define _totlower towlower
#define _istspace iswspace
#define _tsprintf wsprintf
#define _ltot _ltow
2003-11-07 02:31:32 +01:00
typedef string tstring;
#define _tcout cout
#define _tstod strtod
2003-11-07 02:31:32 +01:00
#define _ttoi atoi
#define _ttol atol
#define _itot _itoa
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
typedef char TCHAR;
#define _T(t) t
2003-11-07 02:31:32 +01:00
#define _istspace isspace
#define _tsprintf sprintf
#define _totlower tolower
#define _ultot _ultoa
#define _ltot _ltoa
// CStr class, the mother of all strings
class CStr
CStr(); // Default constructor
CStr(const CStr &Str); // Copy Constructor
CStr(tstring String); // Creates CStr from C++ string
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
CStr(const TCHAR* String); // Creates CStr from C-Style TCHAR string
CStr(TCHAR Char); // Creates CStr from a TCHAR
CStr(_int Number); // Creates CStr from a int
CStr(_uint Number); // Creates CStr from a uint
CStr(_long Number); // Creates CStr from a long
CStr(_ulong Number); // Creates CStr from a ulong
CStr(_float Number); // Creates CStr from a float
CStr(_double Number); // Creates CStr from a double
~CStr(); // Destructor
// Conversions
_int ToInt() const;
_uint ToUInt() const;
_long ToLong() const;
_ulong ToULong() const;
_float ToFloat() const;
_double ToDouble() const;
_long Length(){return m_String.length();}
// Retrieves the substring within the string
CStr GetSubstring(_long start, _long len);
//Search the string for another string
_long Find(const CStr &Str);
//You can also do a "ReverseFind"- i.e. search starting from the end
_long ReverseFind(const CStr &Str);
// Lowercase and uppercase
CStr LowerCase();
CStr UpperCase();
// Lazy funcs
CStr LCase();
CStr UCase();
// Retreive the substring of the first n characters
CStr Left(_long len);
// Retreive the substring of the last n characters
CStr Right(_long len);
//Remove all occurences of some character or substring
void Remove(const CStr &Str);
//Replace all occurences of some substring by another
void Replace(const CStr &StrToReplace, const CStr &ReplaceWith);
// Returns a trimed string, removes whitespace from the left/right/both
CStr Trim(PS_TRIM_MODE Mode);
// Overload operations
CStr &operator=(const CStr &Str);
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
CStr &operator=(const TCHAR* String);
CStr &operator=(TCHAR Char);
CStr &operator=(_int Number);
CStr &operator=(_long Number);
CStr &operator=(_uint Number);
CStr &operator=(_ulong Number);
CStr &operator=(_float Number);
CStr &operator=(_double Number);
_bool operator==(const CStr &Str) const;
_bool operator!=(const CStr &Str) const;
_bool operator<(const CStr &Str) const;
_bool operator<=(const CStr &Str) const;
_bool operator>(const CStr &Str) const;
_bool operator>=(const CStr &Str) const;
CStr &operator+=(CStr &Str);
CStr operator+(CStr &Str);
2003-11-07 01:59:13 +01:00
operator const TCHAR*();
TCHAR &operator[](_int n);
TCHAR &operator[](_uint n);
TCHAR &operator[](_long n);
TCHAR &operator[](_ulong n);
tstring m_String;
// overloaded operator for ostreams
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, CStr &Str);