
136 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#ifndef H_CinemaTracks_H
#define H_CinemaTracks_H
#define EM_IN 0
#define EM_OUT 1
#define EM_INOUT 2
#define EM_OUTIN 3
#define ES_DEFAULT 0
#define ES_QUAD 1
#define ES_EXPO 2
#define ES_CIRCLE 3
#define ES_SINE 4
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Camera.h"
#include "CStr.h"
#include "Vector3D.h"
Andrew (aka pyrolink)
Contact: ajdecker1022@msn.com
desc: contains various functions used for cinematic camera tracks
Note: There are some differences between the common 'things' of this and the Atlas
The Play functions for both are essentially the same, but Atlas does not support queued tracks.
The difference between the Track Manager and Cinema Manager is the track manager
is for adding and deleting tracks to the list, in the editor. The Cinema Manager is
for taking care of the queued up Tracks, i.e. when they are to be destroyed/added.
//For loading data
class CCinemaData
CCinemaData() {}
~CCinemaData() {}
float m_TotalDuration;
//X=x rotation in degrees...etc
CVector3D m_TotalRotation;
CVector3D m_StartRotation;
//Distortion variables
float m_GrowthCount;
float m_Growth;
float m_Switch;
int m_mode;
int m_style;
class CCinemaPath : public CCinemaData
CCinemaPath(CCinemaData data);
CCinemaPath() { DistStylePtr = NULL; DistModePtr = NULL; }
~CCinemaPath() { DistStylePtr = NULL; DistModePtr = NULL; }
float m_TimeElapsed;
void UpdateSplineEq();
//Resets Rotation-Must call before MoveToPointAt()!!!
void ResetRotation(float t);
//sets camera position to calculated point on spline
void MoveToPointAt(float t);
//Distortion mode functions-change how ratio is passed to distortion style functions
float EaseIn(float t);
float EaseOut(float t);
float EaseInOut(float t);
float EaseOutIn(float t);
//Distortion style functions
float EaseDefault(float t);
float EaseQuad(float t);
float EaseExpo(float t);
float EaseCircle(float t);
float EaseSine(float t);
float (CCinemaPath::*DistStylePtr)(float ratio);
float (CCinemaPath::*DistModePtr)(float ratio);
//returns point on spline
CVector3D RetrievePointAt(float t);
CVector3D getPoint(int point){ return m_Points[point]; }
void SetPoint(int point, CVector3D value) { m_Points[point]=value; }
CVector3D m_Points[4];
//coefficents used in equation
float Ax, Bx, Cx, Ay, By, Cy, Az, Bz, Cz;
class CCinemaTrack
CCinemaTrack() {}
~CCinemaTrack() {}
std::vector<CCinemaPath> m_Paths;
std::vector<CCinemaPath>::iterator m_CPA; //current path selected (in listbox?)
void AddPath(CCinemaData path, CVector3D points[4]);
bool Validate();
//DOES NOT set CPA to Paths.begin(). Returns-false indicates it's finished,
//true means it's still playing.
bool Play(float DeltaTime);
//Class for in game playing of cinematics
class CCinemaManager
CCinemaManager() {}
~CCinemaManager() {}
std::list<CCinemaTrack> m_TrackQueue;
std::map<CStr, CCinemaTrack> m_Tracks;
int LoadTracks(); //Loads tracks from file
//Adds track to list of being played. (Called by triggers?)
void AddTrack(bool queue, CStr Track);
bool Update(float DeltaTime);