Wind speed computation rework.

This reworks wind-speed computation to not use a blurred-heightmap
approach but rather a slightly more wind simulation approach. It fixes
issues near the edges of some maps.

Differential Revision:
This was SVN commit r22668.
This commit is contained in:
wraitii 2019-08-15 11:56:00 +00:00
parent 99f770f911
commit 2a485c5e3b

View File

@ -1026,86 +1026,117 @@ void WaterManager::RecomputeWaterData()
// Calculate the strength of the wind at a given point on the map.
// This is too slow and should support limited recomputation.
void WaterManager::RecomputeWindStrength()
if (m_WindStrength == NULL)
if (m_MapSize <= 0)
if (m_WindStrength == nullptr)
m_WindStrength = new float[m_MapSize*m_MapSize];
CTerrain* terrain = g_Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();
if (!terrain || !terrain->GetHeightMap())
float waterLevel = m_WaterHeight;
CVector2D windDir = CVector2D(cos(m_WindAngle),sin(m_WindAngle));
CVector2D perp = CVector2D(-windDir.Y, windDir.X);
// Our kernel will sample 5 points going towards the wind (generally).
int kernel[5][2] = { {(int)windDir.X*2,(int)windDir.Y*2}, {(int)windDir.X*5,(int)windDir.Y*5}, {(int)windDir.X*9,(int)windDir.Y*9}, {(int)windDir.X*16,(int)windDir.Y*16}, {(int)windDir.X*25,(int)windDir.Y*25} };
ssize_t windX = round(1.f / windDir.X);
ssize_t windY = round(1.f / windDir.Y);
float* Temp = new float[m_MapSize*m_MapSize];
std::fill(Temp, Temp + m_MapSize*m_MapSize, 1.0f);
struct SWindPoint {
SWindPoint(size_t x, size_t y, float strength) : X(x), Y(y), windStrength(strength) {}
size_t X;
size_t Y;
float windStrength;
for (size_t j = 0; j < m_MapSize; ++j)
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_MapSize; ++i)
std::vector<SWindPoint> startingPoints;
std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> movement; // Every increment, move each starting point by all of these.
// Compute starting points (one or two edges of the map) and how much to move each computation increment.
if (fabs(windDir.X) < 0.01f)
movement.emplace_back(0, windY);
size_t start = windY > 0 ? 0 : m_MapSize - 1;
for (size_t x = 0; x < m_MapSize; ++x)
startingPoints.emplace_back(x, start, 0.f);
else if (fabs(windDir.Y) < 0.01f)
movement.emplace_back(windX, 0);
size_t start = windX > 0 ? 0 : m_MapSize - 1;
for (size_t z = 0; z < m_MapSize; ++z)
startingPoints.emplace_back(start, z, 0.f);
startingPoints.reserve(m_MapSize * 2);
// Points along X.
size_t start = windY > 0 ? 0 : m_MapSize - 1;
for (size_t x = 0; x < m_MapSize; ++x)
startingPoints.emplace_back(x, start, 0.f);
// Points along Z, avoid repeating the corner point.
start = windX > 0 ? 0 : m_MapSize - 1;
if (windY > 0)
for (size_t z = 1; z < m_MapSize; ++z)
startingPoints.emplace_back(start, z, 0.f);
for (size_t z = 0; z < m_MapSize-1; ++z)
startingPoints.emplace_back(start, z, 0.f);
// Compute movement array.
while (windX != 0 || windY != 0)
float curHeight = terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i,j);
if (curHeight >= waterLevel)
std::pair<ssize_t, ssize_t> move = {
windX == 0 ? 0 : windX > 0 ? +1 : -1,
windY == 0 ? 0 : windY > 0 ? +1 : -1
windX -= move.first;
windY -= move.second;
// We have all starting points ready, move them all until the map is covered.
for (SWindPoint& point : startingPoints)
// Starting velocity is 1.0 unless in shallow water.
m_WindStrength[point.Y * m_MapSize + point.X] = 1.f;
float depth = m_WaterHeight - terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(point.X, point.Y);
if (depth > 0.f && depth < 2.f)
m_WindStrength[point.Y * m_MapSize + point.X] = depth / 2.f;
point.windStrength = m_WindStrength[point.Y * m_MapSize + point.X];
bool onMap = true;
while (onMap)
for (size_t step = 0; step < movement.size(); ++step)
Temp[j*m_MapSize + i] = 0.3f; // blurs too strong otherwise
if (terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i + ceil(windDir.X),j + ceil(windDir.Y)) < waterLevel)
// Move wind speed towards the mean.
point.windStrength = 0.15f + point.windStrength * 0.85f;
// Calculate how dampened our waves should be.
float oldHeight = std::max(waterLevel,terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i+kernel[4][0],j+kernel[4][1]));
float currentHeight = std::max(waterLevel,terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i+kernel[3][0],j+kernel[3][1]));
float avgheight = oldHeight + currentHeight;
float tendency = currentHeight - oldHeight;
oldHeight = currentHeight;
currentHeight = std::max(waterLevel,terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i+kernel[2][0],j+kernel[2][1]));
avgheight += currentHeight;
tendency += currentHeight - oldHeight;
oldHeight = currentHeight;
currentHeight = std::max(waterLevel,terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i+kernel[1][0],j+kernel[1][1]));
avgheight += currentHeight;
tendency += currentHeight - oldHeight;
oldHeight = currentHeight;
currentHeight = std::max(waterLevel,terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(i+kernel[0][0],j+kernel[0][1]));
avgheight += currentHeight;
tendency += currentHeight - oldHeight;
// Adjust speed based on height difference, a positive height difference slowly increases speed (simulate venturi effect)
// and a lower height reduces speed (wind protection from hills/...)
float heightDiff = std::max(m_WaterHeight, terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(point.X + movement[step].first, point.Y + movement[step].second)) -
std::max(m_WaterHeight, terrain->GetVertexGroundLevel(point.X, point.Y));
if (heightDiff > 0.f)
point.windStrength = std::min(2.f, point.windStrength + std::min(4.f, heightDiff) / 40.f);
point.windStrength = std::max(0.f, point.windStrength + std::max(-4.f, heightDiff) / 5.f);
float baseLevel = std::max(0.0f,1.0f - (avgheight/5.0f-waterLevel)/20.0f);
baseLevel *= baseLevel;
tendency /= 15.0f;
baseLevel -= tendency; // if the terrain was sloping downwards, increase baselevel. Otherwise reduce.
baseLevel = clamp(baseLevel,0.0f,1.0f);
point.X += movement[step].first;
point.Y += movement[step].second;
// Draw on map. This is pretty slow.
float length = 35.0f * (1.0f-baseLevel/1.8f);
for (float y = 0; y < length; y += 0.6f)
if (point.X < 0 || point.X >= m_MapSize || point.Y < 0 || point.Y >= m_MapSize)
int xx = clamp(i - y * windDir.X,0.0f,(float)(m_MapSize-1));
int yy = clamp(j - y * windDir.Y,0.0f,(float)(m_MapSize-1));
Temp[yy*m_MapSize + xx] = Temp[yy*m_MapSize + xx] < (0.0f+baseLevel/1.5f) * (1.0f-y/length) + y/length * 1.0f ?
Temp[yy*m_MapSize + xx] : (0.0f+baseLevel/1.5f) * (1.0f-y/length) + y/length * 1.0f;
onMap = false;
int blurKernel[4][2] = { {(int)ceil(windDir.X),(int)ceil(windDir.Y)}, {(int)windDir.X*3,(int)windDir.Y*3}, {(int)ceil(perp.X),(int)ceil(perp.Y)}, {(int)-ceil(perp.X),(int)-ceil(perp.Y)} };
float blurValue;
for (size_t j = 2; j < m_MapSize-2; ++j)
for (size_t i = 2; i < m_MapSize-2; ++i)
blurValue = Temp[(j+blurKernel[0][1])*m_MapSize + i+blurKernel[0][0]];
blurValue += Temp[(j+blurKernel[0][1])*m_MapSize + i+blurKernel[0][0]];
blurValue += Temp[(j+blurKernel[0][1])*m_MapSize + i+blurKernel[0][0]];
blurValue += Temp[(j+blurKernel[0][1])*m_MapSize + i+blurKernel[0][0]];
m_WindStrength[j*m_MapSize + i] = blurValue * 0.25f;
delete[] Temp;
m_WindStrength[point.Y * m_MapSize + point.X] = point.windStrength;
// TODO: should perhaps blur a little, or change the above code to incorporate neighboring tiles a bit.