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/* Copyright (C) 2022 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "simulation2/system/Interface.h"
#include "maths/FixedVector2D.h"
#include "simulation2/helpers/Position.h"
#include <vector>
class IObstructionTestFilter;
template<typename T>
class Grid;
struct GridUpdateInformation;
using NavcellData = u16;
class PathfinderPassability;
* Obstruction manager: provides efficient spatial queries over objects in the world.
* The class deals with two types of shape:
* "static" shapes, typically representing buildings, which are rectangles with a given
* width and height and angle;
* and "unit" shapes, representing units that can move around the world, which have a
* radius and no rotation. (Units sometimes act as axis-aligned squares, sometimes
* as approximately circles, due to the algorithm used by the short pathfinder.)
* Other classes (particularly ICmpObstruction) register shapes with this interface
* and keep them updated.
* The @c Test functions provide exact collision tests.
* The edge of a shape counts as 'inside' the shape, for the purpose of collisions.
* The functions accept an IObstructionTestFilter argument, which can restrict the
* set of shapes that are counted as collisions.
* Units can be marked as either moving or stationary, which simply determines whether
* certain filters include or exclude them.
* The @c Rasterize function approximates the current set of shapes onto a 2D grid,
* for use with tile-based pathfinding.
class ICmpObstructionManager : public IComponent
* Standard representation for all types of shapes, for use with geometry processing code.
struct ObstructionSquare
entity_pos_t x, z; // position of center
CFixedVector2D u, v; // 'horizontal' and 'vertical' orthogonal unit vectors, representing orientation
entity_pos_t hw, hh; // half width, half height of square
* External identifiers for shapes.
* (This is a struct rather than a raw u32 for type-safety.)
struct tag_t
tag_t() : n(0) {}
explicit tag_t(u32 n) : n(n) {}
bool valid() const { return n != 0; }
u32 n;
* Boolean flags affecting the obstruction behaviour of a shape.
enum EFlags
FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT = (1 << 0), // prevents units moving through this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_FOUNDATION = (1 << 1), // prevents foundations being placed on this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_CONSTRUCTION = (1 << 2), // prevents buildings being constructed on this shape
FLAG_BLOCK_PATHFINDING = (1 << 3), // prevents the tile pathfinder choosing paths through this shape
FLAG_MOVING = (1 << 4), // reserved for unitMotion - see usage there.
FLAG_DELETE_UPON_CONSTRUCTION = (1 << 5) // this entity is deleted when construction of a building placed on top of this entity starts
* Bitmask of EFlag values.
typedef u8 flags_t;
* Set the bounds of the world.
* Any point outside the bounds is considered obstructed.
* @param x0,z0,x1,z1 Coordinates of the corners of the world
virtual void SetBounds(entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1) = 0;
* Register a static shape.
* @param ent entity ID associated with this shape (or INVALID_ENTITY if none)
* @param x,z coordinates of center, in world space
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction)
* @param w width (size along X axis)
* @param h height (size along Z axis)
* @param flags a set of EFlags values
* @param group primary control group of the shape. Must be a valid control group ID.
* @param group2 Optional; secondary control group of the shape. Defaults to INVALID_ENTITY.
* @return a valid tag for manipulating the shape
* @see StaticShape
virtual tag_t AddStaticShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a,
entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2 = INVALID_ENTITY) = 0;
* Register a unit shape.
* @param ent entity ID associated with this shape (or INVALID_ENTITY if none)
* @param x,z coordinates of center, in world space
* @param clearance pathfinding clearance of the unit (works as a radius)
* @param flags a set of EFlags values
* @param group control group (typically the owner entity, or a formation controller entity
* - units ignore collisions with others in the same group)
* @return a valid tag for manipulating the shape
* @see UnitShape
virtual tag_t AddUnitShape(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance,
flags_t flags, entity_id_t group) = 0;
* Adjust the position and angle of an existing shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
* @param x X coordinate of center, in world space
* @param z Z coordinate of center, in world space
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction); ignored for unit shapes
virtual void MoveShape(tag_t tag, entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a) = 0;
* Set whether a unit shape is moving or stationary.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid and a unit shape)
* @param moving whether the unit is currently moving through the world or is stationary
virtual void SetUnitMovingFlag(tag_t tag, bool moving) = 0;
* Set the control group of a unit shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid and a unit shape)
* @param group control group entity ID
virtual void SetUnitControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group) = 0;
* Sets the control group of a static shape.
* @param tag Tag of the shape to set the control group for. Must be a valid and static shape tag.
* @param group Control group entity ID.
virtual void SetStaticControlGroup(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) = 0;
* Remove an existing shape. The tag will be made invalid and must not be used after this.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
virtual void RemoveShape(tag_t tag) = 0;
* Returns the distance from the obstruction to the point (px, pz), or -1 if the entity is out of the world.
virtual fixed DistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the entity and the point.
virtual fixed MaxDistanceToPoint(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz) const = 0;
* Calculate the shortest distance between the entity and the target.
virtual fixed DistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the entity and the target.
virtual fixed MaxDistanceToTarget(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target) const = 0;
* Calculate the shortest straight line distance between the source and the target
virtual fixed DistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target) const = 0;
* Calculate the largest straight line distance between the source and the target
virtual fixed MaxDistanceBetweenShapes(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target) const = 0;
* Check if the given entity is in range of the other point given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - Can be a nonnegative decimal, ALWAYS_IN_RANGE or NEVER_IN_RANGE.
virtual bool IsInPointRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Check if the given entity is in range of the target given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - Can be a nonnegative decimal, ALWAYS_IN_RANGE or NEVER_IN_RANGE.
virtual bool IsInTargetRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Check if the given entity is in parabolic range of the target given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - Can be a nonnegative decimal, ALWAYS_IN_RANGE or NEVER_IN_RANGE.
virtual bool IsInTargetParabolicRange(entity_id_t ent, entity_id_t target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, entity_pos_t yOrigin, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Check if the given point is in range of the other point given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - Can be a nonnegative decimal, ALWAYS_IN_RANGE or NEVER_IN_RANGE.
virtual bool IsPointInPointRange(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t px, entity_pos_t pz, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange) const = 0;
* Check if the given shape is in range of the target shape given those parameters.
* @param maxRange - Can be a nonnegative decimal, ALWAYS_IN_RANGE or NEVER_IN_RANGE.
virtual bool AreShapesInRange(const ObstructionSquare& source, const ObstructionSquare& target, entity_pos_t minRange, entity_pos_t maxRange, bool opposite) const = 0;
* Collision test a flat-ended thick line against the current set of shapes.
* The line caps extend by @p r beyond the end points.
* Only intersections going from outside to inside a shape are counted.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are counted
* @param x0 X coordinate of line's first point
* @param z0 Z coordinate of line's first point
* @param x1 X coordinate of line's second point
* @param z1 Z coordinate of line's second point
* @param r radius (half width) of line
* @param relaxClearanceForUnits whether unit-unit collisions should be more permissive.
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestLine(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, entity_pos_t r, bool relaxClearanceForUnits) const = 0;
* Collision test a static square shape against the current set of shapes.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are being tested against
* @param x X coordinate of center
* @param z Z coordinate of center
* @param a angle of rotation (clockwise from +Z direction)
* @param w width (size along X axis)
* @param h height (size along Z axis)
* @param out if non-NULL, all colliding shapes' entities will be added to this list
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestStaticShape(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h,
std::vector<entity_id_t>* out) const = 0;
* Collision test a unit shape against the current set of registered shapes, and optionally writes a list of the colliding
* shapes' entities to an output list.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are being tested against
* @param x X coordinate of shape's center
* @param z Z coordinate of shape's center
* @param clearance clearance of the shape's unit
* @param out if non-NULL, all colliding shapes' entities will be added to this list
* @return true if there is a collision
virtual bool TestUnitShape(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter,
entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance,
std::vector<entity_id_t>* out) const = 0;
* Convert the current set of shapes onto a navcell grid, for all passability classes contained in @p passClasses.
* If @p fullUpdate is false, the function will only go through dirty shapes.
* Shapes are expanded by the @p passClasses clearances, by ORing their masks onto the @p grid.
virtual void Rasterize(Grid<NavcellData>& grid, const std::vector<PathfinderPassability>& passClasses, bool fullUpdate) = 0;
* Gets dirtiness information and resets it afterwards. Then it's the role of CCmpPathfinder
* to pass the information to other components if needed. (AIs, etc.)
* The return value is false if an update is unnecessary.
virtual void UpdateInformations(GridUpdateInformation& informations) = 0;
* Find all the obstructions that are inside (or partially inside) the given range.
* @param filter filter to restrict the shapes that are counted
* @param x0 X coordinate of left edge of range
* @param z0 Z coordinate of bottom edge of range
* @param x1 X coordinate of right edge of range
* @param z1 Z coordinate of top edge of range
* @param squares output list of obstructions
virtual void GetObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetStaticObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetUnitObstructionsInRange(const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, entity_pos_t x0, entity_pos_t z0, entity_pos_t x1, entity_pos_t z1, std::vector<ObstructionSquare>& squares) const = 0;
virtual void GetStaticObstructionsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare& square, std::vector<entity_id_t>& out, const IObstructionTestFilter& filter) const = 0;
* Returns the entity IDs of all unit shapes that intersect the given
* obstruction square, filtering out using the given filter.
* @param square the Obstruction squre we want to compare with.
* @param out output list of obstructions
* @param filter filter for the obstructing units
* @param strict whether to be strict in the check or more permissive (ie rasterize more or less). Default false.
virtual void GetUnitsOnObstruction(const ObstructionSquare& square, std::vector<entity_id_t>& out, const IObstructionTestFilter& filter, bool strict = false) const = 0;
* Get the obstruction square representing the given shape.
* @param tag tag of shape (must be valid)
virtual ObstructionSquare GetObstruction(tag_t tag) const = 0;
virtual ObstructionSquare GetUnitShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_pos_t clearance) const = 0;
virtual ObstructionSquare GetStaticShapeObstruction(entity_pos_t x, entity_pos_t z, entity_angle_t a, entity_pos_t w, entity_pos_t h) const = 0;
* Set the passability to be restricted to a circular map.
virtual void SetPassabilityCircular(bool enabled) = 0;
virtual bool GetPassabilityCircular() const = 0;
* Toggle the rendering of debug info.
virtual void SetDebugOverlay(bool enabled) = 0;
* Interface for ICmpObstructionManager @c Test functions to filter out unwanted shapes.
class IObstructionTestFilter
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::tag_t tag_t;
typedef ICmpObstructionManager::flags_t flags_t;
virtual ~IObstructionTestFilter() {}
* Return true if the shape with the specified parameters should be tested for collisions.
* This is called for all shapes that would collide, and also for some that wouldn't.
* @param tag tag of shape being tested
* @param flags set of EFlags for the shape
* @param group the control group of the shape (typically the shape's unit, or the unit's formation controller, or 0)
* @param group2 an optional secondary control group of the shape, or INVALID_ENTITY if none specified. Currently
* exists only for static shapes.
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const = 0;
* Obstruction test filter that will test against all shapes.
class NullObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t UNUSED(flags), entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return true;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against stationary (i.e. non-moving) shapes.
class StationaryOnlyObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return !(flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING);
* Obstruction test filter that reject shapes in a given control group,
* and rejects shapes that don't block unit movement, and optionally rejects moving shapes.
class ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
bool m_AvoidMoving;
entity_id_t m_Group;
ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter(bool avoidMoving, entity_id_t group) :
m_AvoidMoving(avoidMoving), m_Group(group)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
if (group == m_Group || (group2 != INVALID_ENTITY && group2 == m_Group))
return false;
if (!(flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT))
return false;
if ((flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING) && !m_AvoidMoving)
return false;
return true;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - are part of neither one of the specified control groups
* - AND, depending on the value of the 'exclude' argument:
* - have at least one of the specified flags set.
* - OR have none of the specified flags set.
* The first (primary) control group to reject shapes from must be specified and valid. The secondary
* control group to reject entities from may be set to INVALID_ENTITY to not use it.
* This filter is useful to e.g. allow foundations within the same control group to be placed and
* constructed arbitrarily close together (e.g. for wall pieces that need to link up tightly).
class SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
bool m_Exclude;
entity_id_t m_Group;
entity_id_t m_Group2;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter(bool exclude, entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Exclude(exclude), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
SkipControlGroupsRequireFlagObstructionFilter(entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Exclude(false), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t UNUSED(tag), flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
// Don't test shapes that share one or more of our control groups.
if (group == m_Group || group == m_Group2 || (group2 != INVALID_ENTITY &&
(group2 == m_Group || group2 == m_Group2)))
return false;
// If m_Exclude is true, don't test against shapes that have any of the
// obstruction flags specified in m_Mask.
if (m_Exclude)
return (flags & m_Mask) == 0;
// Otherwise, only include shapes that match at least one flag in m_Mask.
return (flags & m_Mask) != 0;
void Init()
// the primary control group to filter out must be valid
// for simplicity, if m_Group2 is INVALID_ENTITY (i.e. not used), then set it equal to m_Group
// so that we have fewer special cases to consider in TestShape().
if (m_Group2 == INVALID_ENTITY)
m_Group2 = m_Group;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - are part of both of the specified control groups
* - AND have at least one of the specified flags set.
* The first (primary) control group to include shapes from must be specified and valid.
* This filter is useful for preventing entities with identical control groups
* from colliding e.g. building a new wall segment on top of an existing wall)
* @todo This filter needs test cases.
class SkipTagRequireControlGroupsAndFlagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
entity_id_t m_Group;
entity_id_t m_Group2;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipTagRequireControlGroupsAndFlagObstructionFilter(tag_t tag, entity_id_t group1, entity_id_t group2, flags_t mask) :
m_Tag(tag), m_Group(group1), m_Group2(group2), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
// To be included in testing, a shape must not have the specified tag, and must
// match at least one of the flags in m_Mask, as well as both control groups.
return (tag.n != m_Tag.n && (flags & m_Mask) != 0 && ((group == m_Group
&& group2 == m_Group2) || (group2 == m_Group && group == m_Group2)));
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that do not have the specified tag set.
class SkipTagObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
SkipTagObstructionFilter(tag_t tag) : m_Tag(tag)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t UNUSED(flags), entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return tag.n != m_Tag.n;
* Similar to ControlGroupMovementObstructionFilter, but also ignoring a specific tag. See D3482 for why this exists.
class SkipTagAndControlGroupObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
entity_id_t m_Group;
tag_t m_Tag;
bool m_AvoidMoving;
SkipTagAndControlGroupObstructionFilter(tag_t tag, bool avoidMoving, entity_id_t group) :
m_Tag(tag), m_Group(group), m_AvoidMoving(avoidMoving)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t group, entity_id_t group2) const
if (tag.n == m_Tag.n)
return false;
if (group == m_Group || (group2 != INVALID_ENTITY && group2 == m_Group))
return false;
if ((flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_MOVING) && !m_AvoidMoving)
return false;
if (!(flags & ICmpObstructionManager::FLAG_BLOCK_MOVEMENT))
return false;
return true;
* Obstruction test filter that will test only against shapes that:
* - do not have the specified tag
* - AND have at least one of the specified flags set.
class SkipTagRequireFlagsObstructionFilter : public IObstructionTestFilter
tag_t m_Tag;
flags_t m_Mask;
SkipTagRequireFlagsObstructionFilter(tag_t tag, flags_t mask) : m_Tag(tag), m_Mask(mask)
virtual bool TestShape(tag_t tag, flags_t flags, entity_id_t UNUSED(group), entity_id_t UNUSED(group2)) const
return (tag.n != m_Tag.n && (flags & m_Mask) != 0);