Ykkrosh dfb10c8209 # Various networking code cleanups.
Don't flush network queue after every message.
Desingletonify CGameAttributes to allow testing.
Make network server/client basically testable.
Add very basic tests for network server/client.
Fix FsmActionCtx memory leak.
Split CNetHost into a separate file.
Convert CNetHost, CNetSession to a more conventional coding style.
Delete CNetLogger, since it's a lot of complexity and is barely used and
is redundant with CLogger.
Other minor simplifications.

This was SVN commit r7623.
2010-06-07 22:19:05 +00:00

483 lines
12 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2009 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ScriptableObject.h
// A quick way to add (mostly) sensibly-behaving JavaScript interfaces to native classes.
#include "scripting/ScriptingHost.h"
#include "JSConversions.h"
#include "lib/sysdep/stl.h"
class IJSObject;
class IJSProperty
virtual ~IJSProperty() {};
virtual jsval Get( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* obj ) = 0;
virtual void Set( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* obj, jsval value ) = 0;
class IJSObject
typedef STL_HASH_MAP<CStrW, IJSProperty*, CStrW_hash_compare> PropertyTable;
// Property getters and setters
typedef jsval (IJSObject::*GetFn)( JSContext* cx );
typedef void (IJSObject::*SetFn)( JSContext* cx, jsval value );
// Return a pointer to a property, if it exists
virtual IJSProperty* HasProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName ) = 0;
// Retrieve the value of a property (returning false if that property is not defined)
virtual bool GetProperty( JSContext* cx, const CStrW& PropertyName, jsval* vp ) = 0;
// Add a property (with immediate value)
virtual void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, jsval Value ) = 0;
virtual void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, const CStrW& Value ) = 0;
inline IJSObject() {}
virtual ~IJSObject() {}
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly = false> class CJSObject;
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> class CJSProperty : public IJSProperty
T IJSObject::*m_Data;
CJSProperty( T IJSObject::*Data )
m_Data = Data;
jsval Get( JSContext* UNUSED(cx), IJSObject* owner )
return( ToJSVal( owner->*m_Data ) );
void Set( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* owner, jsval Value )
if( !ReadOnly )
ToPrimitive( cx, Value, owner->*m_Data );
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> class CJSNonsharedProperty : public IJSProperty
T* m_Data;
CJSNonsharedProperty( T* Data )
m_Data = Data;
jsval Get( JSContext* UNUSED(cx), IJSObject* UNUSED(owner) )
return( ToJSVal( *m_Data ) );
void Set( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* UNUSED(owner), jsval Value )
if( !ReadOnly )
ToPrimitive( cx, Value, *m_Data );
class CJSFunctionProperty : public IJSProperty
// Function on Owner to get the value
IJSObject::GetFn m_Getter;
// Function on Owner to set the value
IJSObject::SetFn m_Setter;
CJSFunctionProperty( IJSObject::GetFn Getter, IJSObject::SetFn Setter )
m_Getter = Getter;
m_Setter = Setter;
// Must at least be able to read
debug_assert( m_Getter );
jsval Get( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* obj )
return( (obj->*m_Getter)(cx) );
void Set( JSContext* cx, IJSObject* obj, jsval value )
if( m_Setter )
(obj->*m_Setter)( cx, value );
class CJSValProperty : public IJSProperty
template<typename Q, bool ReadOnly> friend class CJSObject;
jsval m_Data;
CJSValProperty( jsval Data )
m_Data = Data;
void Root()
if( JSVAL_IS_GCTHING( m_Data ) )
JS_AddNamedRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_Data, "ScriptableObjectProperty" );
void Uproot()
if( JSVAL_IS_GCTHING( m_Data ))
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_Data );
jsval Get( JSContext* UNUSED(cx), IJSObject* UNUSED(object))
return( m_Data );
void Set( JSContext* UNUSED(cx), IJSObject* UNUSED(owner), jsval value )
m_Data = value;
// Wrapper around native functions that are attached to CJSObjects
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly, typename RType, RType (T::*NativeFunction)( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )> class CNativeFunction
static JSBool JSFunction( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* rval )
T* Native = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Native )
return( JS_TRUE );
*rval = ToJSVal<RType>( (Native->*NativeFunction)( cx, argc, argv ) );
return( JS_TRUE );
// Special case for void functions
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly, void (T::*NativeFunction)( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )>
class CNativeFunction<T, ReadOnly, void, NativeFunction>
static JSBool JSFunction( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, uintN argc, jsval* argv, jsval* UNUSED(rval) )
T* Native = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Native )
return( JS_TRUE );
(Native->*NativeFunction)( cx, argc, argv );
return( JS_TRUE );
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> class CJSObject : public IJSObject
// This object
JSObject* m_JS;
// The properties defined by the engine
static PropertyTable m_NativeProperties;
PropertyTable m_NonsharedProperties;
// Properties added by script
PropertyTable m_ScriptProperties;
// Whether native code is responsible for managing this object.
// Script constructors should clear this *BEFORE* creating a JS
// mirror (otherwise it'll be rooted).
bool m_EngineOwned;
// Property getters and setters
typedef jsval (T::*TGetFn)( JSContext* );
typedef void (T::*TSetFn)( JSContext*, jsval value );
static JSClass JSI_class;
static void ScriptingInit( const char* ClassName, JSNative Constructor = NULL, uintN ConstructorMinArgs = 0 )
JSFunctionSpec* JSI_methods = new JSFunctionSpec[ m_Methods.size() + 1 ];
size_t MethodID;
for( MethodID = 0; MethodID < m_Methods.size(); MethodID++ )
JSI_methods[MethodID] = m_Methods[MethodID];
JSI_methods[MethodID].name = 0;
JSI_class.name = ClassName;
g_ScriptingHost.DefineCustomObjectType( &JSI_class, Constructor, ConstructorMinArgs, JSI_props, JSI_methods, NULL, NULL );
delete[]( JSI_methods );
atexit( ScriptingShutdown );
static void ScriptingShutdown()
PropertyTable::iterator it;
for( it = m_NativeProperties.begin(); it != m_NativeProperties.end(); it++ )
delete( it->second );
// JS Property access
bool GetProperty( JSContext* cx, const CStrW& PropertyName, jsval* vp )
IJSProperty* Property = HasProperty( PropertyName );
if( Property )
*vp = Property->Get( cx, this );
return( true );
void SetProperty( JSContext* cx, const CStrW& PropertyName, jsval* vp )
if( !ReadOnly )
IJSProperty* prop = HasProperty( PropertyName );
if( prop )
// Already exists
prop->Set( cx, this, *vp );
// Need to add it
AddProperty( PropertyName, *vp );
IJSProperty* HasProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName )
PropertyTable::iterator it;
// Engine-defined properties take precedence
it = m_NativeProperties.find( PropertyName );
if( it != m_NativeProperties.end() )
return( it->second );
// Next are the object-local engine-defined properties
// (if they're compiled in)
it = m_NonsharedProperties.find( PropertyName );
if( it != m_NonsharedProperties.end() )
return( it->second );
// Then check in script properties
it = m_ScriptProperties.find( PropertyName );
if( it != m_ScriptProperties.end() )
return( it->second );
// Otherwise not found
return( NULL );
void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, jsval Value )
debug_assert( !HasProperty( PropertyName ) );
CJSValProperty* newProp = new CJSValProperty( Value );
m_ScriptProperties[PropertyName] = newProp;
void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, const CStrW& Value )
AddProperty( PropertyName, JSParseString( Value ) );
static void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, TGetFn Getter, TSetFn Setter = NULL )
m_NativeProperties[PropertyName] = new CJSFunctionProperty( (GetFn)Getter, (SetFn)Setter );
template<typename ReturnType, ReturnType (T::*NativeFunction)( JSContext* cx, uintN argc, jsval* argv )>
static void AddMethod( const char* Name, uintN MinArgs )
JSFunctionSpec FnInfo = { Name, CNativeFunction<T, ReadOnly, ReturnType, NativeFunction>::JSFunction, (uint8)MinArgs, 0, 0 };
m_Methods.push_back( FnInfo );
template<typename PropType> static void AddProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, PropType T::*Native, bool PropReadOnly = ReadOnly )
IJSProperty* prop;
if( PropReadOnly )
prop = new CJSProperty<PropType, true>( (PropType IJSObject::*)Native );
prop = new CJSProperty<PropType, ReadOnly>( (PropType IJSObject::*)Native );
m_NativeProperties[PropertyName] = prop;
template<typename PropType> void AddLocalProperty( const CStrW& PropertyName, PropType* Native, bool PropReadOnly = ReadOnly )
IJSProperty* prop;
if( PropReadOnly )
prop = new CJSNonsharedProperty<PropType, true>( Native );
prop = new CJSNonsharedProperty<PropType, ReadOnly>( Native );
m_NonsharedProperties[PropertyName] = prop;
// Object operations
JSObject* GetScript()
if( !m_JS )
return( m_JS );
// Creating and releasing script objects is done automatically most of the time, but you
// can do it explicitly.
void CreateScriptObject()
if( !m_JS )
m_JS = JS_NewObject( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &JSI_class, NULL, NULL );
if( m_EngineOwned )
JS_AddNamedRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), (void*)&m_JS, JSI_class.name );
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_JS, (T*)this );
void ReleaseScriptObject()
if( m_JS )
JS_SetPrivate( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), m_JS, NULL );
if( m_EngineOwned )
JS_RemoveRoot( g_ScriptingHost.GetContext(), &m_JS );
m_JS = NULL;
// Functions and data that must be provided to JavaScript
static JSBool JSGetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance )
return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
if( !Instance->GetProperty( cx, PropName, vp ) )
return( JS_TRUE );
return( JS_TRUE );
static JSBool JSSetProperty( JSContext* cx, JSObject* obj, jsval id, jsval* vp )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance )
return( JS_TRUE );
CStrW PropName = g_ScriptingHost.ValueToUCString( id );
Instance->SetProperty( cx, PropName, vp );
return( JS_TRUE );
static void DefaultFinalize( JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj )
T* Instance = ToNative<T>( cx, obj );
if( !Instance || Instance->m_EngineOwned )
delete( Instance );
JS_SetPrivate( cx, obj, NULL );
static JSPropertySpec JSI_props[];
static std::vector<JSFunctionSpec> m_Methods;
// Standard constructors/destructors
m_JS = NULL;
m_EngineOwned = true;
virtual ~CJSObject()
void Shutdown()
PropertyTable::iterator it;
for( it = m_ScriptProperties.begin(); it != m_ScriptProperties.end(); it++ )
delete( it->second );
for( it = m_NonsharedProperties.begin(); it != m_NonsharedProperties.end(); it++ )
delete( it->second );
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> JSClass CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::JSI_class = {
JS_PropertyStub, JS_PropertyStub,
JSGetProperty, JSSetProperty,
JS_EnumerateStub, JS_ResolveStub,
JS_ConvertStub, DefaultFinalize,
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> JSPropertySpec CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::JSI_props[] = {
{ NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL },
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> std::vector<JSFunctionSpec> CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::m_Methods;
template<typename T, bool ReadOnly> typename CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::PropertyTable CJSObject<T, ReadOnly>::m_NativeProperties;