Angen b4fbbed379 There have been quite a bit of number of questions how to change scale of the gui, because this option is hidden from the user.
Use dropdown with values. Implement confirmation box with countdown to
revert scale change because buttons can get unable to click.

Differential revision: D3037
Comments by: @vladislavbelov, @Stan, @wraitii, @pieq, @sera
Tested by: @Langbart
This was SVN commit r25966.
2021-10-17 10:58:51 +00:00

474 lines
14 KiB

/* Copyright (C) 2021 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "CGUIText.h"
#include "graphics/Canvas2D.h"
#include "graphics/FontMetrics.h"
#include "graphics/TextRenderer.h"
#include "gui/CGUI.h"
#include "gui/ObjectBases/IGUIObject.h"
#include "gui/SettingTypes/CGUIString.h"
#include "ps/CStrInternStatic.h"
#include "ps/VideoMode.h"
#include "renderer/Renderer.h"
#include <math.h>
extern int g_xres, g_yres;
// TODO Gee: CRect => CPoint ?
void SGenerateTextImage::SetupSpriteCall(
const bool Left, CGUIText::SSpriteCall& SpriteCall, const float width, const float y,
const CSize2D& Size, const CStr& TextureName, const float BufferZone)
// TODO Gee: Temp hardcoded values
SpriteCall.m_Area.top = y + BufferZone;
SpriteCall.m_Area.bottom = y + BufferZone + Size.Height;
if (Left)
SpriteCall.m_Area.left = BufferZone;
SpriteCall.m_Area.right = Size.Width + BufferZone;
SpriteCall.m_Area.left = width-BufferZone - Size.Width;
SpriteCall.m_Area.right = width-BufferZone;
SpriteCall.m_Sprite = TextureName;
m_YFrom = SpriteCall.m_Area.top - BufferZone;
m_YTo = SpriteCall.m_Area.bottom + BufferZone;
m_Indentation = Size.Width + BufferZone * 2;
CGUIText::CGUIText(const CGUI& pGUI, const CGUIString& string, const CStrW& FontW, const float Width, const float BufferZone, const EAlign align, const IGUIObject* pObject)
if (string.m_Words.empty())
CStrIntern Font(FontW.ToUTF8());
float x = BufferZone, y = BufferZone; // drawing pointer
int from = 0;
bool FirstLine = true; // Necessary because text in the first line is shorter
// (it doesn't count the line spacing)
// Images on the left or the right side.
SGenerateTextImages Images;
int pos_last_img = -1; // Position in the string where last img (either left or right) were encountered.
// in order to avoid duplicate processing.
// Go through string word by word
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(string.m_Words.size()) - 1; ++i)
// Pre-process each line one time, so we know which floating images
// will be added for that line.
// Generated stuff is stored in Feedback.
CGUIString::SFeedback Feedback;
// Preliminary line height, used for word-wrapping with floating images.
float prelim_line_height = 0.f;
// Width and height of all text calls generated.
string.GenerateTextCall(pGUI, Feedback, Font, string.m_Words[i], string.m_Words[i+1], FirstLine);
SetupSpriteCalls(pGUI, Feedback.m_Images, y, Width, BufferZone, i, pos_last_img, Images);
pos_last_img = std::max(pos_last_img, i);
x += Feedback.m_Size.Width;
prelim_line_height = std::max(prelim_line_height, Feedback.m_Size.Height);
// If Width is 0, then there's no word-wrapping, disable NewLine.
if (((Width != 0 && (x > Width - BufferZone || Feedback.m_NewLine)) || i == static_cast<int>(string.m_Words.size()) - 2) &&
ProcessLine(pGUI, string, Font, pObject, Images, align, prelim_line_height, Width, BufferZone, FirstLine, x, y, i, from))
// Loop through our images queues, to see if images have been added.
void CGUIText::SetupSpriteCalls(
const CGUI& pGUI,
const std::array<std::vector<CStr>, 2>& FeedbackImages,
const float y,
const float Width,
const float BufferZone,
const int i,
const int pos_last_img,
SGenerateTextImages& Images)
// Check if this has already been processed.
// Also, floating images are only applicable if Word-Wrapping is on
if (Width == 0 || i <= pos_last_img)
// Loop left/right
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (const CStr& imgname : FeedbackImages[j])
SSpriteCall SpriteCall;
SGenerateTextImage Image;
// Y is if no other floating images is above, y. Else it is placed
// after the last image, like a stack downwards.
float _y;
if (!Images[j].empty())
_y = std::max(y, Images[j].back().m_YTo);
_y = y;
const SGUIIcon& icon = pGUI.GetIcon(imgname);
Image.SetupSpriteCall(j == CGUIString::SFeedback::Left, SpriteCall, Width, _y, icon.m_Size, icon.m_SpriteName, BufferZone);
// Check if image is the lowest thing.
m_Size.Height = std::max(m_Size.Height, Image.m_YTo);
// Now we'll do another loop to figure out the height and width of
// the line (the height of the largest character and the width is
// the sum of all of the individual widths). This
// couldn't be determined in the first loop (main loop)
// because it didn't regard images, so we don't know
// if all characters processed, will actually be involved
// in that line.
void CGUIText::ComputeLineSize(
const CGUI& pGUI,
const CGUIString& string,
const CStrIntern& Font,
const bool FirstLine,
const float Width,
const float width_range_to,
const int i,
const int temp_from,
float& x,
CSize2D& line_size) const
for (int j = temp_from; j <= i; ++j)
// We don't want to use Feedback now, so we'll have to use another one.
CGUIString::SFeedback Feedback2;
// Don't attach object, it'll suppress the errors
// we want them to be reported in the final GenerateTextCall()
// so that we don't get duplicates.
string.GenerateTextCall(pGUI, Feedback2, Font, string.m_Words[j], string.m_Words[j+1], FirstLine);
// Append X value.
x += Feedback2.m_Size.Width;
if (Width != 0 && x > width_range_to && j != temp_from && !Feedback2.m_NewLine)
// The calculated width of each word includes the space between the current
// word and the next. When we're wrapping, we need subtract the width of the
// space after the last word on the line before the wrap.
CFontMetrics currentFont(Font);
line_size.Width -= currentFont.GetCharacterWidth(*L" ");
// Let line_size.cy be the maximum m_Height we encounter.
line_size.Height = std::max(line_size.Height, Feedback2.m_Size.Height);
// If the current word is an explicit new line ("\n"),
// break now before adding the width of this character.
// ("\n" doesn't have a glyph, thus is given the same width as
// the "missing glyph" character by CFont::GetCharacterWidth().)
if (Width != 0 && Feedback2.m_NewLine)
line_size.Width += Feedback2.m_Size.Width;
bool CGUIText::ProcessLine(
const CGUI& pGUI,
const CGUIString& string,
const CStrIntern& Font,
const IGUIObject* pObject,
const SGenerateTextImages& Images,
const EAlign align,
const float prelim_line_height,
const float Width,
const float BufferZone,
bool& FirstLine,
float& x,
float& y,
int& i,
int& from)
// Change 'from' to 'i', but first keep a copy of its value.
int temp_from = from;
from = i;
float width_range_from = BufferZone;
float width_range_to = Width - BufferZone;
ComputeLineRange(Images, y, Width, prelim_line_height, width_range_from, width_range_to);
// Reset X for the next loop
x = width_range_from;
CSize2D line_size;
ComputeLineSize(pGUI, string, Font, FirstLine, Width, width_range_to, i, temp_from, x, line_size);
// Reset x once more
x = width_range_from;
// Move down, because font drawing starts from the baseline
y += line_size.Height;
const float dx = GetLineOffset(align, width_range_from, width_range_to, line_size);
// Do the real processing now
const bool done = AssembleCalls(pGUI, string, Font, pObject, FirstLine, Width, width_range_to, dx, y, temp_from, i, x, from);
// Reset X
x = BufferZone;
// Update dimensions
m_Size.Width = std::max(m_Size.Width, line_size.Width + BufferZone * 2);
m_Size.Height = std::max(m_Size.Height, y + BufferZone);
FirstLine = false;
// Now if we entered as from = i, then we want
// i being one minus that, so that it will become
// the same i in the next loop. The difference is that
// we're on a new line now.
i = from - 1;
return done;
// Decide width of the line. We need to iterate our floating images.
// this won't be exact because we're assuming the line_size.cy
// will be as our preliminary calculation said. But that may change,
// although we'd have to add a couple of more loops to try straightening
// this problem out, and it is very unlikely to happen noticeably if one
// structures his text in a stylistically pure fashion. Even if not, it
// is still quite unlikely it will happen.
// Loop through left and right side, from and to.
void CGUIText::ComputeLineRange(
const SGenerateTextImages& Images,
const float y,
const float Width,
const float prelim_line_height,
float& width_range_from,
float& width_range_to) const
// Floating images are only applicable if word-wrapping is enabled.
if (Width == 0)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
for (const SGenerateTextImage& img : Images[j])
// We're working with two intervals here, the image's and the line height's.
// let's find the union of these two.
float union_from, union_to;
union_from = std::max(y, img.m_YFrom);
union_to = std::min(y + prelim_line_height, img.m_YTo);
// The union is not empty
if (union_to > union_from)
if (j == 0)
width_range_from = std::max(width_range_from, img.m_Indentation);
width_range_to = std::min(width_range_to, Width - img.m_Indentation);
// compute offset based on what kind of alignment
float CGUIText::GetLineOffset(
const EAlign align,
const float width_range_from,
const float width_range_to,
const CSize2D& line_size) const
switch (align)
case EAlign::LEFT:
// don't add an offset
return 0.f;
case EAlign::CENTER:
return ((width_range_to - width_range_from) - line_size.Width) / 2;
case EAlign::RIGHT:
return width_range_to - line_size.Width;
debug_warn(L"Broken EAlign in CGUIText()");
return 0.f;
bool CGUIText::AssembleCalls(
const CGUI& pGUI,
const CGUIString& string,
const CStrIntern& Font,
const IGUIObject* pObject,
const bool FirstLine,
const float Width,
const float width_range_to,
const float dx,
const float y,
const int temp_from,
const int i,
float& x,
int& from)
bool done = false;
for (int j = temp_from; j <= i; ++j)
// We don't want to use Feedback now, so we'll have to use another one.
CGUIString::SFeedback Feedback2;
// Defaults
string.GenerateTextCall(pGUI, Feedback2, Font, string.m_Words[j], string.m_Words[j+1], FirstLine, pObject);
// Iterate all and set X/Y values
// Since X values are not set, we need to make an internal
// iteration with an increment that will append the internal
// x, that is what x_pointer is for.
float x_pointer = 0.f;
for (STextCall& tc : Feedback2.m_TextCalls)
tc.m_Pos = CVector2D(dx + x + x_pointer, y);
x_pointer += tc.m_Size.Width;
if (tc.m_pSpriteCall)
tc.m_pSpriteCall->m_Area += tc.m_Pos - CSize2D(0, tc.m_pSpriteCall->m_Area.GetHeight());
// Append X value.
x += Feedback2.m_Size.Width;
// The first word overrides the width limit, what we
// do, in those cases, are just drawing that word even
// though it'll extend the object.
if (Width != 0) // only if word-wrapping is applicable
if (Feedback2.m_NewLine)
from = j + 1;
// Sprite call can exist within only a newline segment,
// therefore we need this.
if (!Feedback2.m_SpriteCalls.empty())
auto newEnd = std::remove_if(Feedback2.m_TextCalls.begin(), Feedback2.m_TextCalls.end(), [](const STextCall& call) { return !call.m_pSpriteCall; });
else if (x > width_range_to && j == temp_from)
from = j+1;
// do not break, since we want it to be added to m_TextCalls
else if (x > width_range_to)
from = j;
// Add the whole Feedback2.m_TextCalls to our m_TextCalls.
if (j == static_cast<int>(string.m_Words.size()) - 2)
done = true;
return done;
void CGUIText::Draw(CGUI& pGUI, CCanvas2D& canvas, const CGUIColor& DefaultColor, const CVector2D& pos, CRect clipping) const
bool isClipped = clipping != CRect();
if (isClipped)
// Make clipping rect as small as possible to prevent rounding errors
clipping.top = std::ceil(clipping.top);
clipping.bottom = std::floor(clipping.bottom);
clipping.left = std::ceil(clipping.left);
clipping.right = std::floor(clipping.right);
float scale = g_VideoMode.GetScale();
std::ceil(clipping.left * scale),
std::ceil(g_yres - clipping.bottom * scale),
std::floor(clipping.GetWidth() * scale),
std::floor(clipping.GetHeight() * scale));
CTextRenderer textRenderer;
textRenderer.Translate(0.0f, 0.0f);
for (const STextCall& tc : m_TextCalls)
// If this is just a placeholder for a sprite call, continue
if (tc.m_pSpriteCall)
textRenderer.SetCurrentColor(tc.m_UseCustomColor ? tc.m_Color : DefaultColor);
textRenderer.Put(floorf(pos.X + tc.m_Pos.X), floorf(pos.Y + tc.m_Pos.Y), &tc.m_String);
for (const SSpriteCall& sc : m_SpriteCalls)
pGUI.DrawSprite(sc.m_Sprite, canvas, sc.m_Area + pos);
if (isClipped)