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/* Copyright (C) 2012 Wildfire Games.
* This file is part of 0 A.D.
* 0 A.D. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* 0 A.D. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with 0 A.D. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Implementation of CBrush, a class representing a convex object
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "lib/ogl.h"
#include <float.h>
#include "Brush.h"
#include "BoundingBoxAligned.h"
#include "graphics/Frustum.h"
#include "graphics/ShaderProgram.h"
// Convert the given bounds into a brush
CBrush::CBrush(const CBoundingBoxAligned& bounds)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
m_Vertices[i][0] = bounds[(i & 1) ? 1 : 0][0]; // X
m_Vertices[i][1] = bounds[(i & 2) ? 1 : 0][1]; // Y
m_Vertices[i][2] = bounds[(i & 4) ? 1 : 0][2]; // Z
// construct cube face indices, 5 vertex indices per face (start vertex included twice)
m_Faces[0] = 0; m_Faces[1] = 1; m_Faces[2] = 3; m_Faces[3] = 2; m_Faces[4] = 0; // Z = min
m_Faces[5] = 4; m_Faces[6] = 5; m_Faces[7] = 7; m_Faces[8] = 6; m_Faces[9] = 4; // Z = max
m_Faces[10] = 0; m_Faces[11] = 2; m_Faces[12] = 6; m_Faces[13] = 4; m_Faces[14] = 0; // X = min
m_Faces[15] = 1; m_Faces[16] = 3; m_Faces[17] = 7; m_Faces[18] = 5; m_Faces[19] = 1; // X = max
m_Faces[20] = 0; m_Faces[21] = 1; m_Faces[22] = 5; m_Faces[23] = 4; m_Faces[24] = 0; // Y = min
m_Faces[25] = 2; m_Faces[26] = 3; m_Faces[27] = 7; m_Faces[28] = 6; m_Faces[29] = 2; // Y = max
// Calculate bounds of this brush
void CBrush::Bounds(CBoundingBoxAligned& result) const
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); ++i)
result += m_Vertices[i];
// Cut the brush according to a given plane
/// Holds information about what happens to a single vertex in a brush during a slicing operation.
struct SliceOpVertexInfo
float planeDist; ///< Signed distance from this vertex to the slicing plane.
size_t resIdx; ///< Index of this vertex in the resulting brush (or NO_VERTEX if cut away)
/// Holds information about a newly introduced vertex on an edge in a brush as the result of a slicing operation.
struct SliceOpNewVertexInfo
/// Indices of adjacent edge vertices in original brush
size_t edgeIdx1, edgeIdx2;
/// Index of newly introduced vertex in resulting brush
size_t resIdx;
* Index into SliceOpInfo.nvInfo; hold the indices of this new vertex's direct neighbours in the slicing plane face,
* with no consistent winding direction around the face for either field (e.g., the neighb1 of X can point back to
* X with either its neighb1 or neighb2).
size_t neighbIdx1, neighbIdx2;
/// Holds support information during a CBrush/CPlane slicing operation.
struct SliceOpInfo
CBrush* result;
const CBrush* original;
* Holds information about what happens to each vertex in the original brush after the slice operation.
* Same size as m_Vertices of the brush getting sliced.
std::vector<SliceOpVertexInfo> ovInfo;
/// Holds information about newly inserted vertices during a slice operation.
std::vector<SliceOpNewVertexInfo> nvInfo;
* Indices into nvInfo; during the execution of the slicing algorithm, holds the previously inserted new vertex on
* one of the edges of the face that's currently being evaluated for slice points, or NO_VERTEX if no such vertex
* exists.
size_t thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
struct CBrush::Helper
* Creates a new vertex between the given two vertices (indexed into the original brush).
* Returns the index of the new vertex in the resulting brush.
static size_t SliceNewVertex(SliceOpInfo& sliceInfo, size_t v1, size_t v2);
size_t CBrush::Helper::SliceNewVertex(SliceOpInfo& sliceOp, size_t edgeIdx1, size_t edgeIdx2)
// check if a new vertex has already been inserted on this edge
size_t idx;
for(idx = 0; idx < sliceOp.nvInfo.size(); ++idx)
if ((sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx1 && sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx2 == edgeIdx2) ||
(sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx1 == edgeIdx2 && sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].edgeIdx2 == edgeIdx1))
if (idx >= sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
// no previously inserted new vertex found on this edge; insert a new one
SliceOpNewVertexInfo nvi;
CVector3D newPos;
// interpolate between the two vertices based on their distance from the plane
float inv = 1.0 / (sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx1].planeDist - sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx2].planeDist);
newPos = sliceOp.original->m_Vertices[edgeIdx2] * ( sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx1].planeDist * inv) +
sliceOp.original->m_Vertices[edgeIdx1] * (-sliceOp.ovInfo[edgeIdx2].planeDist * inv);
nvi.edgeIdx1 = edgeIdx1;
nvi.edgeIdx2 = edgeIdx2;
nvi.resIdx = sliceOp.result->m_Vertices.size();
nvi.neighbIdx1 = NO_VERTEX;
nvi.neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// at this point, 'idx' is the index into nvInfo of the vertex inserted onto the edge
if (sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// a vertex has been previously inserted onto another edge of this face; link them together as neighbours
// (using whichever one of the neighbIdx1 or -2 links is still available)
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx1 == NO_VERTEX)
sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx1 = idx;
sliceOp.nvInfo[sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx].neighbIdx2 = idx;
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 == NO_VERTEX)
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 = sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx;
// a plane should slice a face only in two locations, so reset for the next face
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = NO_VERTEX;
// store the index of the inserted vertex on this edge, so that we can retrieve it when the plane slices
// this face again in another edge
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = idx;
return sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].resIdx;
void CBrush::Slice(const CPlane& plane, CBrush& result) const
ENSURE(&result != this);
SliceOpInfo sliceOp;
sliceOp.original = this;
sliceOp.result = &result;
sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx = NO_VERTEX;
sliceOp.nvInfo.reserve(m_Vertices.size() / 2);
result.m_Vertices.resize(0); // clear any left-overs
result.m_Vertices.reserve(m_Vertices.size() + 2);
result.m_Faces.reserve(m_Faces.size() + 5);
// Copy vertices that weren't sliced away by the plane to the resulting brush.
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Vertices.size(); ++i)
const CVector3D& vtx = m_Vertices[i]; // current vertex
SliceOpVertexInfo& vtxInfo = sliceOp.ovInfo[i]; // slicing operation info about current vertex
vtxInfo.planeDist = plane.DistanceToPlane(vtx);
if (vtxInfo.planeDist >= 0.0)
// positive side of the plane; not sliced away
vtxInfo.resIdx = result.m_Vertices.size();
// other side of the plane; sliced away
vtxInfo.resIdx = NO_VERTEX;
// Transfer faces. (Recall how faces are specified; see CBrush::m_Faces). The idea is to examine each face separately,
// and see where its edges cross the slicing plane (meaning that exactly one of the vertices of that edge was cut away).
// On those edges, new vertices are introduced where the edge intersects the plane, and the resulting brush's m_Faces
// array is updated to refer to the newly inserted vertices instead of the original one that got cut away.
size_t currentFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // index of the first vertex of the current face in the original brush
size_t resultFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // index of the first vertex of the current face in the resulting brush
for(size_t i = 0; i < m_Faces.size(); ++i)
if (currentFaceStartIdx == NO_VERTEX)
// starting a new face
ENSURE(sliceOp.thisFaceNewVertexIdx == NO_VERTEX);
currentFaceStartIdx = m_Faces[i];
resultFaceStartIdx = result.m_Faces.size();
size_t prevIdx = m_Faces[i-1]; // index of previous vertex in this face list
size_t curIdx = m_Faces[i]; // index of current vertex in this face list
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[prevIdx].resIdx == NO_VERTEX)
// previous face vertex got sliced away by the plane; see if the edge (prev,current) crosses the slicing plane
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[curIdx].resIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// re-entering the front side of the plane; insert vertex on intersection of plane and (prev,current) edge
result.m_Faces.push_back(Helper::SliceNewVertex(sliceOp, prevIdx, curIdx));
// previous face vertex didn't get sliced away; see if the edge (prev,current) crosses the slicing plane
if (sliceOp.ovInfo[curIdx].resIdx != NO_VERTEX)
// perfectly normal edge; doesn't cross the plane
// leaving the front side of the plane; insert vertex on intersection of plane and edge (prev, current)
result.m_Faces.push_back(Helper::SliceNewVertex(sliceOp, prevIdx, curIdx));
// if we're back at the first vertex of the current face, then we've completed the face
if (curIdx == currentFaceStartIdx)
// close the index loop
if (result.m_Faces.size() > resultFaceStartIdx)
currentFaceStartIdx = NO_VERTEX; // start a new face
ENSURE(currentFaceStartIdx == NO_VERTEX);
// Create the face that lies in the slicing plane. Remember, all the intersections of the slicing plane with face
// edges of the brush have been stored in sliceOp.nvInfo by the SliceNewVertex function, and refer to their direct
// neighbours in the slicing plane face using the neighbIdx1 and neighbIdx2 fields (in no consistent winding order).
if (sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
// push the starting vertex
// At this point, there is no consistent winding order in the neighbX fields, so at each vertex we need to figure
// out whether neighb1 or neighb2 points 'onwards' along the face, according to an initially chosen winding direction.
// (or, equivalently, which one points back to the one we were just at). At each vertex, we then set neighb1 to be the
// one to point onwards, deleting any pointers which we no longer need to complete the trace.
size_t idx;
size_t prev = 0;
idx = sliceOp.nvInfo[0].neighbIdx2; // pick arbitrary starting direction
sliceOp.nvInfo[0].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
while(idx != 0)
ENSURE(idx < sliceOp.nvInfo.size());
if (idx >= sliceOp.nvInfo.size())
if (sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 == prev)
// neighb1 is pointing the wrong way; we want to normalize it to point onwards in the direction
// we initially chose, so swap it with neighb2 and delete neighb2 (no longer needed)
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1 = sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2;
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// neighb1 isn't pointing to the previous vertex, so neighb2 must be (otherwise a pair of vertices failed to
// get paired properly during face/plane slicing).
ENSURE(sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 == prev);
sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx2 = NO_VERTEX;
// move to next vertex; neighb1 has been normalized to point onward
prev = idx;
idx = sliceOp.nvInfo[idx].neighbIdx1;
sliceOp.nvInfo[prev].neighbIdx1 = NO_VERTEX; // no longer needed, we've moved on
// push starting vertex again to close the shape
// Intersect with frustum by repeated slicing
void CBrush::Intersect(const CFrustum& frustum, CBrush& result) const
ENSURE(&result != this);
if (!frustum.GetNumPlanes())
result = *this;
CBrush buf;
const CBrush* prev = this;
CBrush* next;
// Repeatedly slice this brush with each plane of the frustum, alternating between 'result' and 'buf' to
// save intermediate results. Set up the starting brush so that the final version always ends up in 'result'.
if (frustum.GetNumPlanes() & 1)
next = &result;
next = &buf;
for(size_t i = 0; i < frustum.GetNumPlanes(); ++i)
prev->Slice(frustum[i], *next);
prev = next;
if (prev == &buf)
next = &result;
next = &buf;
ENSURE(prev == &result);
std::vector<CVector3D> CBrush::GetVertices() const
return m_Vertices;
void CBrush::GetFaces(std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& out) const
// split the back-to-back faces into separate face vectors, so that they're in a
// user-friendlier format than the back-to-back vertex index array
// i.e. split 'x--xy------yz----z' into 'x--x', 'y-------y', 'z---z'
size_t faceStartIdx = 0;
while (faceStartIdx < m_Faces.size())
// start new face
std::vector<size_t> singleFace;
// step over all the values in the face until we hit the starting value again (which closes the face)
size_t j = faceStartIdx + 1;
while (j < m_Faces.size() && m_Faces[j] != m_Faces[faceStartIdx])
// each face must be closed by the same value that started it
ENSURE(m_Faces[faceStartIdx] == m_Faces[j]);
faceStartIdx = j + 1;
void CBrush::Render(CShaderProgramPtr& shader) const
std::vector<float> data;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > faces;
#define ADD_VERT(a) \
data.push_back(u); \
data.push_back(v); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].X); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Y); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Z); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i)
// Triangulate into (0,1,2), (0,2,3), ...
for (size_t j = 1; j < faces[i].size() - 2; ++j)
float u = 0;
float v = 0;
#undef ADD_VERT
shader->TexCoordPointer(GL_TEXTURE0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[2]);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, data.size() / 5);
void CBrush::RenderOutline(CShaderProgramPtr& shader) const
std::vector<float> data;
std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > faces;
#define ADD_VERT(a) \
data.push_back(u); \
data.push_back(v); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].X); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Y); \
data.push_back(m_Vertices[faces[i][a]].Z); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < faces[i].size() - 1; ++j)
float u = 0;
float v = 0;
#undef ADD_VERT
shader->TexCoordPointer(GL_TEXTURE0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[0]);
shader->VertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5*sizeof(float), &data[2]);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, data.size() / 5);