2010-10-13 20:16:03 +00:00

327 lines
7.8 KiB

const MAX_SELECTION_SIZE = 40; // Limits selection size and ensures that there will not be too many selection items in the GUI
function _setHighlight(ents, alpha)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetSelectionHighlight", { "entities":ents, "alpha":alpha });
function _setStatusBars(ents, enabled)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetStatusBars", { "entities":ents, "enabled":enabled });
function _setMotionOverlay(ents, enabled)
if (ents.length)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("SetMotionDebugOverlay", { "entities":ents, "enabled":enabled });
function _playSound(ent)
Engine.GuiInterfaceCall("PlaySound", { "name":"select", "entity":ent });
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// EntityGroups class for managing grouped entities
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
function EntityGroups()
this.EntityGroup = function(name, templateName, ent)
this.name = name;
this.templateName = templateName;
this.ents = {ent : ent}; // the second element is stored as number
this.count = 1;
this.EntityGroup.prototype.add = function(ent)
this.ents[ent] = ent;
this.EntityGroup.prototype.remove= function(ent)
delete this.ents[ent];
this.groups = {};
this.ents = {};
EntityGroups.prototype.reset = function()
this.groups = {};
this.ents = {};
EntityGroups.prototype.add = function(ents)
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.ents[ent])
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
var templateName = entState.template;
var template = GetTemplateData(templateName);
var name = template.name.specific || template.name.generic || "???";
if (this.groups[name])
this.groups[name] = new this.EntityGroup(name, templateName, ent);
this.ents[ent] = name;
EntityGroups.prototype.removeEnt = function(ent)
var name = this.ents[ent];
// Remove the entity
delete this.ents[ent];
// Remove the entire group
if (this.groups[name].count == 0)
delete this.groups[name];
EntityGroups.prototype.getCount = function(name)
return this.groups[name].count;
EntityGroups.prototype.getTemplateNames = function()
var templateNames = [];
for each (var group in this.groups)
return templateNames;
EntityGroups.prototype.getEntsByName = function(name)
var ents = [];
for each (var ent in this.groups[name].ents)
return ents;
// Gets all ents in every group except ones of the specified group
EntityGroups.prototype.getEntsByNameInverse = function(name)
var ents = [];
for each (var group in this.groups)
if (group.name != name)
for each (var ent in group.ents)
return ents;
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
// EntitySelection class for managing the entity selection list and the primary selection
//-------------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
function EntitySelection()
// Private properties:
this.selected = {}; // { id:id, id:id, ... } for each selected entity ID 'id'
// { id:id, ... } for mouseover-highlighted entity IDs in these, the key is a string and the value is an int;
// we want to use the int form wherever possible since it's more efficient to send to the simulation code)
this.highlighted = {};
this.motionDebugOverlay = false;
// Public properties:
this.dirty = false; // set whenever the selection has changed
this.groups = new EntityGroups();
// Deselect everything but entities of the chosen type if the modifier is true otherwise deselect just the chosen entity
EntitySelection.prototype.makePrimarySelection = function(primaryTemplateName, modifierKey)
var selection = this.toList();
var ent;
// Find an ent of a unit of the same type
for (var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
var entState = GetEntityState(selection[i]);
if (!entState)
if (entState.template == primaryTemplateName)
ent = selection[i];
var primaryEntState = GetEntityState(ent);
if (!primaryEntState)
var primaryTemplate = GetTemplateData(primaryTemplateName);
var primaryName = primaryTemplate.name.specific || primaryTemplate.name.generic || "???";
var ents = [];
if (modifierKey)
ents = this.groups.getEntsByNameInverse(primaryName);
ents = this.groups.getEntsByName(primaryName);
// Get a list of the template names
EntitySelection.prototype.getTemplateNames = function()
var templateNames = [];
var ents = this.toList();
for each (var ent in ents)
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
if (entState)
return templateNames;
// Update the selection to take care of changes (like units that have been killed)
EntitySelection.prototype.update = function()
for each (var ent in this.selected)
var entState = GetEntityState(ent);
// Remove deleted units
if (!entState)
delete this.selected[ent];
this.dirty = true;
// Remove non-visible units (e.g. moved back into fog-of-war)
if (entState.visibility == "hidden")
// Disable any highlighting of the disappeared unit
_setHighlight([ent], 0);
_setStatusBars([ent], false);
_setMotionOverlay([ent], false);
delete this.selected[ent];
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.toggle = function(ent)
if (this.selected[ent])
_setHighlight([ent], 0);
_setStatusBars([ent], false);
_setMotionOverlay([ent], false);
delete this.selected[ent];
_setHighlight([ent], 1);
_setStatusBars([ent], true);
_setMotionOverlay([ent], this.motionDebugOverlay);
this.selected[ent] = ent;
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.addList = function(ents)
var selectionSize = this.toList().length;
var i = 1;
var added = [];
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.selected[ent] && (selectionSize + i) <= MAX_SELECTION_SIZE)
this.selected[ent] = ent;
_setHighlight(added, 1);
_setStatusBars(added, true);
_setMotionOverlay(added, this.motionDebugOverlay);
if (added.length)
this.groups.add(this.toList()); // Create Selection Groups
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.reset = function()
_setHighlight(this.toList(), 0);
_setStatusBars(this.toList(), false);
_setMotionOverlay(this.toList(), false);
this.selected = {};
this.dirty = true;
EntitySelection.prototype.toList = function()
var ents = [];
for each (var ent in this.selected)
return ents;
EntitySelection.prototype.setHighlightList = function(ents)
var highlighted = {};
for each (var ent in ents)
highlighted[ent] = ent;
var removed = [];
var added = [];
// Remove highlighting for the old units that are no longer highlighted
// (excluding ones that are actively selected too)
for each (var ent in this.highlighted)
if (!highlighted[ent] && !this.selected[ent])
// Add new highlighting for units that aren't already highlighted
for each (var ent in ents)
if (!this.highlighted[ent] && !this.selected[ent])
_setHighlight(removed, 0);
_setStatusBars(removed, false);
_setHighlight(added, 0.5);
_setStatusBars(added, true);
// Store the new highlight list
this.highlighted = highlighted;
EntitySelection.prototype.SetMotionDebugOverlay = function(enabled)
this.motionDebugOverlay = enabled;
_setMotionOverlay(this.toList(), enabled);
var g_Selection = new EntitySelection();