janwas 0fd85b76db automatic archive builder now functional and enabled.
- allocators.cpp: fix: make sure all pool fields are reset in
pool_free_all; correct matrix self-test
- lib: fix self-test
- lib_error: give "informational" return codes values > 100 (allows
multiplexing with percent indicator)
- archive: add clarification to afile_enum; use vfs_load when building
archive (fixes caching problem); add support for progressive archive
- file: allow pp_set_dir's path to end in slash (simplifies other code);
add file_exists
- file_cache: add stats+sanity checks to allocator; improve ExtantBufMgr
find(); add ExactBufOracle to translate padded address returned by Cache
to what was actually allocated; relax infinite-loop check; fix
- file_io: refactor callback logic so it can be used by vfs (needed for
- vfs: vfs_load now supports calling back (required for archive builder)
- vfs_mount: optimize path caching in afile_cb: due to atom_fn system,
string compare can be done via pointer compare
- vfs_optimizer: support auto-build of archive (progressive); improve
should-build-archive check (WIP)
- vfs_path: add util functions (also used in screenshot code)
- vfs_tree: simplify pathname storage
- wposix: mmap bugfix
- main: call progressive archive builder; skip reload when doing so
- JSInterface_VFS+scriptglue: add archiveBuilderCancel
- ps/Util: use new vfs_path helper function for cleverer screenshot
naming (correctly handles some being deleted)

This was SVN commit r3578.
2006-03-01 22:31:11 +00:00

263 lines
6.9 KiB

#include "precompiled.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "lib.h"
#include "file_internal.h"
// path types:
// p_*: posix (e.g. mount object name or for open())
// v_*: vfs (e.g. mount point)
// fn : filename only (e.g. from readdir)
// dir_name: directory only, no path (e.g. subdir name)
// all paths must be relative (no leading '/'); components are separated
// by '/'; no ':', '\\', "." or ".." allowed; root dir is "".
// grammar:
// path ::= dir*file?
// dir ::= name/
// file ::= name
// name ::= [^/]
// if path is invalid (see source for criteria), print a diagnostic message
// (indicating line number of the call that failed) and
// return a negative error code. used by CHECK_PATH.
LibError path_validate(const uint line, const char* path)
size_t path_len = 0; // counted as we go; checked against max.
const char* msg = 0; // error occurred <==> != 0
int c = 0, last_c; // used for ./ detection
// disallow "/", because it would create a second 'root' (with name = "").
// root dir is "".
if(path[0] == '/')
msg = "starts with '/'";
goto fail;
// scan each char in path string; count length.
last_c = c;
c = path[path_len++];
// whole path is too long
if(path_len >= VFS_MAX_PATH)
msg = "path too long";
goto fail;
// disallow:
// - ".." (prevent going above the VFS root dir)
// - "./" (security hole when mounting and not supported on Windows).
// allow "/.", because CVS backup files include it.
if(last_c == '.' && (c == '.' || c == '/'))
msg = "contains '..' or './'";
goto fail;
// disallow OS-specific dir separators
if(c == '\\' || c == ':')
msg = "contains OS-specific dir separator (e.g. '\\', ':')";
goto fail;
// end of string, all is well.
if(c == '\0')
goto ok;
debug_printf("%s called from line %u failed: %s\n", __func__, line, msg);
return ERR_FAIL;
return ERR_OK;
bool path_component_valid(const char* name)
// disallow empty strings
if(*name == '\0')
return false;
int c = 0;
int last_c = c;
c = *name++;
// disallow '..' (would allow escaping the VFS root dir sandbox)
if(c == '.' && last_c == '.')
return false;
// disallow dir separators
if(c == '\\' || c == ':' || c == '/')
return false;
if(c == '\0')
return true;
// convenience function
void vfs_path_copy(char* dst, const char* src)
strcpy_s(dst, VFS_MAX_PATH, src);
// combine <path1> and <path2> into one path, and write to <dst>.
// if necessary, a directory separator is added between the paths.
// each may be empty, filenames, or full paths.
// total path length (including '\0') must not exceed VFS_MAX_PATH.
LibError vfs_path_append(char* dst, const char* path1, const char* path2)
const size_t len1 = strlen(path1);
const size_t len2 = strlen(path2);
size_t total_len = len1 + len2 + 1; // includes '\0'
// check if we need to add '/' between path1 and path2
// note: the second can't start with '/' (not allowed by path_validate)
bool need_separator = false;
if(len1 != 0 && path1[len1-1] != '/')
total_len++; // for '/'
need_separator = true;
if(total_len+1 > VFS_MAX_PATH)
strcpy(dst, path1); // safe
dst += len1;
*dst++ = '/';
strcpy(dst, path2); // safe
return ERR_OK;
// strip <remove> from the start of <src>, prepend <replace>,
// and write to <dst>.
// used when converting VFS <--> real paths.
LibError path_replace(char* dst, const char* src, const char* remove, const char* replace)
// remove doesn't match start of <src>
const size_t remove_len = strlen(remove);
if(strncmp(src, remove, remove_len) != 0)
return ERR_FAIL;
// get rid of trailing / in src (must not be included in remove)
const char* start = src+remove_len;
if(*start == '/' || *start == DIR_SEP)
// prepend replace.
CHECK_ERR(vfs_path_append(dst, replace, start));
return ERR_OK;
// fill V_dir_only with the path portion of V_src_fn
// ("" if root dir, otherwise ending with /)
void path_dir_only(const char* V_src_fn, char* V_dir_only)
vfs_path_copy(V_dir_only, V_src_fn);
char* slash = strrchr(V_dir_only, '/');
// was filename only; directory = "" (empty string)
V_dir_only[0] = '\0';
// normal directory+filename: cut off after last slash
*(slash+1) = '\0';
// return pointer to the name component within V_src_fn
const char* path_name_only(const char* V_src_fn)
const char* slash = strrchr(V_src_fn, '/');
return slash? slash+1 : V_src_fn;
// fill V_next_fn (which must be big enough for VFS_MAX_PATH chars) with
// the next numbered filename according to the pattern defined by V_fn_fmt.
// <nfi> must be initially zeroed (e.g. by defining as static) and passed
// each time.
// if <use_vfs> (default), the paths are treated as VFS paths; otherwise,
// file.cpp's functions are used. this is necessary because one of
// our callers needs a filename for VFS archive files.
// this function is useful when creating new files which are not to
// overwrite the previous ones, e.g. screenshots.
// example for V_fn_fmt: "screenshots/screenshot%04d.png".
void next_numbered_filename(const char* fn_fmt,
NextNumberedFilenameInfo* nfi, char* next_fn, bool use_vfs)
// (first call only:) scan directory and set next_num according to
// highest matching filename found. this avoids filling "holes" in
// the number series due to deleted files, which could be confusing.
// example: add 1st and 2nd; [exit] delete 1st; [restart]
// add 3rd -> without this measure it would get number 1, not 3.
if(nfi->next_num == 0)
char dir[VFS_MAX_PATH];
path_dir_only(fn_fmt, dir);
const char* name_fmt = path_name_only(fn_fmt);
int max_num = -1; int num;
DirEnt ent;
Handle hd = vfs_dir_open(dir);
if(hd > 0)
while(vfs_dir_next_ent(hd, &ent, 0) == ERR_OK)
if(!DIRENT_IS_DIR(&ent) && sscanf(ent.name, name_fmt, &num) == 1)
max_num = MAX(num, max_num);
DirIterator it;
if(dir_open(dir, &it) == ERR_OK)
while(dir_next_ent(&it, &ent) == ERR_OK)
if(!DIRENT_IS_DIR(&ent) && sscanf(ent.name, name_fmt, &num) == 1)
max_num = MAX(num, max_num);
nfi->next_num = max_num+1;
bool (*exists)(const char* fn) = use_vfs? vfs_exists : file_exists;
// now increment number until that file doesn't yet exist.
// this is fairly slow, but typically only happens once due
// to scan loop above. (we still need to provide for looping since
// someone may have added files in the meantime)
// binary search isn't expected to improve things.
snprintf(next_fn, VFS_MAX_PATH, fn_fmt, nfi->next_num++);