2003-11-25 02:24:24 +00:00

284 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable File

// miscellany
// Copyright (c) 2003 Jan Wassenberg
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Contact info:
// Jan.Wassenberg@stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
// http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~urkt/
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include "time.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include <map>
// FNV1-A
u32 fnv_hash(const char* str, size_t len)
u32 h = 0;
h ^= *(const u8*)str++;
h *= 0x01000193;
return h;
u16 bswap16(u16 x)
return (u16)(((x & 0xff) << 8) | (x >> 8));
u32 bswap32(u32 x)
#ifdef _M_IX86
mov eax, [x]
bswap eax
mov [x], eax
u32 t = x;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
x <<= 8;
x |= t & 0xff;
return x;
void bswap32(const u8* data, int cnt)
#ifdef _M_IX86
mov edx, [data]
mov ecx, [cnt]
$loop: mov eax, [edx]
bswap eax
mov [edx], eax
add edx, 4
dec ecx
jnz $loop
u32* p = (u32*)data;
for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++, p++)
*p = bswap32(*p);
bool is_pow2(const int n)
return (n > 0) && !(n & (n-1));
// return -1 if not an integral power of 2,
// otherwise the base2 logarithm
int ilog2(const int n)
#ifdef _M_IX86
mov ecx, [n]
or eax, -1 // return value
lea edx, [ecx-1]
test ecx, edx // power of 2?
jnz $ret
bsf eax, ecx
mov [n], eax
return n;
if(n || n & (n-1))
return -1;
int i = 1, j = 0;
for(; i != n; i += i, j++)
return j;
static int ilog2(const float x)
u32 i = (u32&)x;
u32 exp = (i >> 23) & 0xff;
return (int)exp - 127;
uintptr_t round_up(uintptr_t val, uintptr_t multiple)
val += multiple-1;
val -= val % multiple;
return val;
u16 addusw(u16 x, u16 y)
u32 t = x;
return min(t+y, 0xffff);
u16 subusw(u16 x, u16 y)
long t = x;
return max(t-y, 0);
// provide fminf for non-C99 compilers
#ifndef HAVE_C99
float fminf(float a, float b)
return (a < b)? a : b;
// replaces pathetic MS libc implementation
#if defined(_M_IX86) && defined(_WIN32)
double _ceil(double f)
double r;
const float _49 = 0.499999f;
fld [f]
fadd [_49]
fstp [r]
return r;
// big endian!
void base32(const int len, const u8* in, u8* out)
int bits = 0;
u32 pool = 0;
static u8 tbl[33] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567";
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(bits < 5)
pool <<= 8;
pool |= *in++;
bits += 8;
bits -= 5;
int c = (pool >> bits) & 31;
*out++ = tbl[c];
#ifndef _WIN32
char *_itoa(int val, char *buffer, int radix)
return _ltoa(val, buffer, radix);
static const char digits[]="0123456789abcdef";
char *_ultoa(unsigned long int value, char *out, int radix)
char buf[21];
char *p=buf+21;
while (value)
*(--p)=digits[value % radix];
value /= radix;
memcpy(out, p, (buf+21)-p);
return out;
char *_ltoa(long val, char *out, int radix)
char buf[21];
char *p=buf+21;
bool sign=val < 0;
if (sign) val=-val;
while (val)
*(--p)=digits[val % radix];
val /= radix;
if (sign) *(--p) = '-';
memcpy(out, p, (buf+21)-p);
return out;